diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-05-08 23:46:02 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-05-08 23:47:50 -0700
commit1c2951dfd9ee72e5270cb974a06098adb9178f89 (patch)
parent41a457a649cb981c703375181964314523546d72 (diff)
EPUB writer: stylesheet changes. Closes #2040.
* Allow `--css` to be used to specify stylesheets. * Deprecated `--epub-stylesheet` and made it a synoynym of `--css`. * If a code block with class "css" is given as contents of the `stylesheet` metadata field, use its literal code as contents of the epub stylesheet. Otherwise, treat it as a filename and read the file. * Note: `--css` and `stylesheet` in metadata are not compatible. `stylesheet` takes precedence.
3 files changed, 32 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index fa93bf8e5..10097f4b7 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -646,6 +646,8 @@ Options affecting specific writers
is specified, pandoc will look for a file `epub.css` in the
user data directory (see `--data-dir`). If it is not
found there, sensible defaults will be used.
+ (*Deprecated:* use `--css` or the `stylesheet` metadata field
+ instead.)
diff --git a/pandoc.hs b/pandoc.hs
index 9023b2625..45e5de5f2 100644
--- a/pandoc.hs
+++ b/pandoc.hs
@@ -689,8 +689,10 @@ options =
, Option "" ["epub-stylesheet"]
(\arg opt -> do
- text <- UTF8.readFile arg
- return opt { optEpubStylesheet = Just text })
+ warn "--epub-stylesheet is deprecated. Use --css or stylesheet in metadata."
+ let newvars = optVariables opt ++ [("css",arg)]
+ return opt { optVariables = newvars,
+ optStandalone = True })
"" -- "Path of epub.css"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
index 37c285dc2..f35d2d245 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ data EPUBMetadata = EPUBMetadata{
, epubPageDirection :: Maybe ProgressionDirection
} deriving Show
-data Stylesheet = StylesheetPath FilePath
+data Stylesheet = StylesheetPaths [FilePath]
| StylesheetContents String
deriving Show
@@ -323,8 +323,14 @@ metadataFromMeta opts meta = EPUBMetadata{
coverImage = lookup "epub-cover-image" (writerVariables opts) `mplus`
(metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "cover-image" meta)
stylesheet = (StylesheetContents <$> writerEpubStylesheet opts) `mplus`
- ((StylesheetPath . metaValueToString) <$>
- lookupMeta "stylesheet" meta)
+ (case lookupMeta "stylesheet" meta of
+ Just (MetaBlocks [CodeBlock (_,["css"],_) code])
+ -> Just (StylesheetContents code)
+ Just x -> Just (StylesheetPaths [metaValueToString x])
+ Nothing -> Nothing) `mplus`
+ (case [x | ("css", x) <- writerVariables opts] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ xs -> Just (StylesheetPaths xs))
pageDirection = case map toLower . metaValueToString <$>
lookupMeta "page-progression-direction" meta of
Just "ltr" -> Just LTR
@@ -340,20 +346,21 @@ writeEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
let epub3 = version == EPUB3
epochtime <- floor `fmap` getPOSIXTime
let mkEntry path content = toEntry path epochtime content
- let vars = ("epub3", if epub3 then "true" else "false")
- : ("css", "stylesheet.css")
- : writerVariables opts
- let opts' = opts{ writerEmailObfuscation = NoObfuscation
- , writerStandalone = True
- , writerSectionDivs = True
- , writerHtml5 = epub3
- , writerVariables = vars
- , writerHTMLMathMethod =
- if epub3
- then MathML Nothing
- else writerHTMLMathMethod opts
- , writerWrapText = True }
- metadata <- getEPUBMetadata opts' meta
+ let vars = ("epub3", if epub3 then "true" else "false") :
+ writerVariables opts
+ let opts'' = opts{ writerEmailObfuscation = NoObfuscation
+ , writerStandalone = True
+ , writerSectionDivs = True
+ , writerHtml5 = epub3
+ , writerVariables = vars
+ , writerHTMLMathMethod =
+ if epub3
+ then MathML Nothing
+ else writerHTMLMathMethod opts
+ , writerWrapText = True }
+ metadata <- getEPUBMetadata opts'' meta
+ let opts' = opts''{ writerVariables = ("css", "stylesheet.css") :
+ filter (\(x,_) -> x /= "css") vars }
-- cover page
(cpgEntry, cpicEntry) <-
@@ -675,7 +682,8 @@ writeEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
-- stylesheet
stylesheet <- case epubStylesheet metadata of
- Just (StylesheetPath fp) -> UTF8.readFile fp
+ Just (StylesheetPaths fp) -> concat <$>
+ mapM UTF8.readFile fp
Just (StylesheetContents s) -> return s
Nothing -> UTF8.toString `fmap`
readDataFile (writerUserDataDir opts) "epub.css"