path: root/src/interp/setvart.boot.pamphlet
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/setvart.boot.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2396 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/setvart.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/setvart.boot.pamphlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 296488c2..00000000
--- a/src/interp/setvart.boot.pamphlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2396 +0,0 @@
-\title{\$SPAD/src/interp setvart.boot}
-\author{The Axiom Team}
-This file contains functions to initialize the {\bf )set} command
-in the interpreter. The current list is:
-Variable Description Current Value
-compiler Library compiler options ...
-breakmode execute break processing on error break
-expose control interpreter constructor exposure ...
-functions some interpreter function options ...
-fortran view and set options for FORTRAN output ...
-kernel library functions built into the kernel for
- efficiency ...
-hyperdoc options in using HyperDoc ...
-help view and set some help options ...
-history save workspace values in a history file on
-messages show messages for various system features ...
-naglink options for NAGLink ...
-output view and set some output options ...
-quit protected or unprotected quit unprotected
-streams set some options for working with streams ...
-system set some system development variables ...
-userlevel operation access level of system user development
-Variables with current values of ... have further sub-options.
-For example, issue )set system to see what the options are
-for system.
-For more information, issue )help set .
-\subsection{The list structure}
-The structure of each list item consists of 7 items. Consider this
- (userlevel
- "operation access level of system user"
- interpreter
- $UserLevel
- (interpreter compiler development)
- development)
-The list looks like (the names in bold are accessor names that can be
-found in {\bf property.lisp.pamphlet\cite{1}}. Look for "setName".):
-\item {\bf 1} {\sl Name} the keyword the user will see. In this example
-the user would say "{\bf )set output userlevel}".
-\item {\bf 2} {\sl Label} the message the user will see. In this example
-the user would see "operation access level of system user".
-\item {\bf 3} {\sl Level} the level where the command will be
-accepted. There are three levels: interpreter, compiler, development.
-These commands are restricted to keep the user from causing damage.
-\item {\bf 4} {\sl Type} a symbol, one of {\bf FUNCTION}, {\bf INTEGER},
-{\bf STRING}, {\bf LITERALS}, or {\bf TREE}. See the function
-{\bf initializeSetVariables} in the file
-{\bf setvars.boot.pamphlet\cite{2}}.
-\item {\bf 5} {\sl Var} variable which holds the current user setting.
-\item {\bf 6} {\sl Leaf} is a list of all of the user levels
-that expose this command.
-\item {\bf 7} {\sl Def} is the default value of this variable.
--------------------- The breakmode Option ---------------------
- Description: execute break processing on error
- The breakmode option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- nobreak
- -> break
- query
- resume
- fastlinks
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (breakmode
- "execute break processing on error"
- interpreter
- $BreakMode
- (nobreak break query resume fastlinks)
- nobreak) -- needed to avoid possible startup looping
- Current Values of compiler Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-output library in which to place compiled code
-input controls libraries from which to load compiled code
-args arguments for compiling AXIOM code
- -O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete
- -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
- (compiler
- "Library compiler options"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
----------------------- The output Option ----------------------
- Description: library in which to place compiled code
- (output
- "library in which to place compiled code"
- interpreter
- setOutputLibrary
- htSetOutputLibrary
- )
----------------------- The input Option -----------------------
- Description: controls libraries from which to load compiled code
- )set compiler input add library is used to tell AXIOM to add
- library to the front of the path which determines where
- compiled code is loaded from.
- )set compiler input drop library is used to tell AXIOM to remove
- library from this path.
- (input
- "controls libraries from which to load compiled code"
- interpreter
- setInputLibrary
- htSetInputLibrary)
------------------------ The args Option -----------------------
- Description: arguments for compiling AXIOM code
- )set compiler args is used to tell AXIOM how to invoke the
- library compiler when compiling code for AXIOM.
- The args option is followed by a string enclosed in double
- quotes.
- The current setting is
- "-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete
- -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra"
- (args
- "arguments for compiling AXIOM code"
- interpreter
- setAsharpArgs
- (("enter compiler options "
- $asharpCmdlineFlags
- chkDirectory
- "-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL__W__WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra"))
- NIL)
----------------------- The expose Option ----------------------
- Description: control interpreter constructor exposure
- The following groups are explicitly exposed in the current
- frame (called initial ):
- basic
- categories
- naglink
- anna
- The following constructors are explicitly exposed in the
- current frame:
- there are no explicitly exposed constructors
- The following constructors are explicitly hidden in the
- current frame:
- there are no explicitly hidden constructors
- When )set expose is followed by no arguments, the information
- you now see is displayed. When followed by the initialize
- argument, the exposure group data in the file INTERP.EXPOSED
- is read and is then available. The arguments add and drop are
- used to add or drop exposure groups or explicit constructors
- from the local frame exposure data. Issue
- )set expose add or )set expose drop
- for more information.
- (expose
- "control interpreter constructor exposure"
- interpreter
- setExpose
- htSetExpose)
- Current Values of functions Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-cache number of function results to cache 0
-compile compile, don't just define function bodies off
-recurrence specially compile recurrence relations on
- (functions
- "some interpreter function options"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
----------------------- The cache Option -----------------------
- Description: number of function results to cache
- )set functions cache is used to tell AXIOM how many values
- computed by interpreter functions should be saved. This can
- save quite a bit of time in recursive functions, though one
- must consider that the cached values will take up (perhaps
- valuable) room in the workspace.
- The value given after cache must either be the word all or
- a positive integer. This may be followed by any number of
- function names whose cache sizes you wish to so set. If no
- functions are given, the default cache size is set.
- Examples: )set fun cache all
- )set fun cache 10 f g Legendre
- In general, functions will cache no returned values.
- (cache
- "number of function results to cache"
- interpreter
- setFunctionsCache
- htSetCache)
-Per suggestion by Bill Page this has been defaulted to [[on]].
---------------------- The compile Option ----------------------
- Description: compile, don't just define function bodies
- The compile option may be followed by any one of the following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (compile
- "compile, don't just define function bodies"
- interpreter
- $compileDontDefineFunctions
- (on off)
- on)
--------------------- The recurrence Option --------------------
- Description: specially compile recurrence relations
- The recurrence option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (recurrence
- "specially compile recurrence relations"
- interpreter
- $compileRecurrence
- (on off)
- on)
- Current Values of fortran Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-ints2floats where sensible, coerce integers to reals on
-fortindent the number of characters indented 6
-fortlength the number of characters on a line 72
-typedecs print type and dimension lines on
-defaulttype default generic type for FORTRAN object REAL
-precision precision of generated FORTRAN objects double
-intrinsic whether to use INTRINSIC FORTRAN functions off
-explength character limit for FORTRAN expressions 1320
-segment split long FORTRAN expressions on
-optlevel FORTRAN optimisation level 0
-startindex starting index for FORTRAN arrays 1
-calling options for external FORTRAN calls ...
-Variables with current values of ... have further sub-options.
-For example, issue )set calling to see what the options are for
-For more information, issue )help set .
- (fortran
- "view and set options for FORTRAN output"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
-------------------- The ints2floats Option --------------------
- Description: where sensible, coerce integers to reals
- The ints2floats option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (ints2floats
- "where sensible, coerce integers to reals"
- interpreter
- $fortInts2Floats
- (on off)
- on)
--------------------- The fortindent Option --------------------
- Description: the number of characters indented
- The fortindent option may be followed by an integer in the range
- 0 to inclusive. The current setting is 6
- (fortindent
- "the number of characters indented"
- interpreter
- $fortIndent
- (0 NIL)
- 6)
--------------------- The fortlength Option --------------------
- Description: the number of characters on a line
- The fortlength option may be followed by an integer in the range
- 1 to inclusive. The current setting is 72
- (fortlength
- "the number of characters on a line"
- interpreter
- $fortLength
- (1 NIL)
- 72)
---------------------- The typedecs Option ---------------------
- Description: print type and dimension lines
- The typedecs option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (typedecs
- "print type and dimension lines"
- interpreter
- $printFortranDecs
- (on off)
- on)
-------------------- The defaulttype Option --------------------
- Description: default generic type for FORTRAN object
- The defaulttype option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- -> REAL
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (defaulttype
- "default generic type for FORTRAN object"
- interpreter
- $defaultFortranType
--------------------- The precision Option ---------------------
- Description: precision of generated FORTRAN objects
- The precision option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- single
- -> double
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (precision
- "precision of generated FORTRAN objects"
- interpreter
- $fortranPrecision
- (single double)
- double)
--------------------- The intrinsic Option ---------------------
- Description: whether to use INTRINSIC FORTRAN functions
- The intrinsic option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (intrinsic
- "whether to use INTRINSIC FORTRAN functions"
- interpreter
- $useIntrinsicFunctions
- (on off)
- off)
--------------------- The explength Option ---------------------
- Description: character limit for FORTRAN expressions
- The explength option may be followed by an integer in the range
- 0 to inclusive. The current setting is 1320
- (explength
- "character limit for FORTRAN expressions"
- interpreter
- $maximumFortranExpressionLength
- (0 NIL)
- 1320)
---------------------- The segment Option ----------------------
- Description: split long FORTRAN expressions
- The segment option may be followed by any one of the following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (segment
- "split long FORTRAN expressions"
- interpreter
- $fortranSegment
- (on off)
- on)
---------------------- The optlevel Option ---------------------
- Description: FORTRAN optimisation level
- The optlevel option may be followed by an integer in the range
- 0 to 2 inclusive. The current setting is 0
- (optlevel
- "FORTRAN optimisation level"
- interpreter
- $fortranOptimizationLevel
- (0 2)
- 0)
--------------------- The startindex Option --------------------
- Description: starting index for FORTRAN arrays
- The startindex option may be followed by an integer in the range
- 0 to 1 inclusive. The current setting is 1
- (startindex
- "starting index for FORTRAN arrays"
- interpreter
- $fortranArrayStartingIndex
- (0 1)
- 1)
- Current Values of calling Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-tempfile set location of temporary data files /tmp/
-directory set location of generated FORTRAN files ./
-linker linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search) -lxlf
- (calling
- "options for external FORTRAN calls"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- )
- )
---------------------- The tempfile Option ---------------------
- Description: set location of temporary data files
- )set fortran calling tempfile is used to tell AXIOM where
- to place intermediate FORTRAN data files . This must be the
- name of a valid existing directory to which you have permission
- to write (including the final slash).
- Syntax:
- )set fortran calling tempfile DIRECTORYNAME
- The current setting is /tmp/
- (tempfile
- "set location of temporary data files"
- interpreter
- setFortTmpDir
- (("enter directory name for which you have write-permission"
- $fortranTmpDir
- chkDirectory
- "/tmp/"))
- NIL)
--------------------- The directory Option ---------------------
- Description: set location of generated FORTRAN files
- )set fortran calling directory is used to tell AXIOM where
- to place generated FORTRAN files. This must be the name
- of a valid existing directory to which you have permission
- to write (including the final slash).
- Syntax:
- )set fortran calling directory DIRECTORYNAME
- The current setting is ./
- (directory
- "set location of generated FORTRAN files"
- interpreter
- setFortDir
- (("enter directory name for which you have write-permission"
- $fortranDirectory
- chkDirectory
- "./"))
- NIL)
----------------------- The linker Option ----------------------
- Description: linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search)
- )set fortran calling linkerargs is used to pass arguments to
- the linker when using mkFort to create functions which call
- Fortran code. For example, it might give a list of libraries
- to be searched, and their locations.
- The string is passed verbatim, so must be the correct syntax for
- the particular linker being used.
- Example: )set fortran calling linker "-lxlf"
- The current setting is -lxlf
- (linker
- "linker arguments (e.g. libraries to search)"
- interpreter
- setLinkerArgs
- (("enter linker arguments "
- $fortranLibraries
- chkDirectory
- "-lxlf"))
- )
- Current Values of kernel Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-warn warn when re-definition is attempted off
-protect prevent re-definition of kernel functions off
- (kernel
- "library functions built into the kernel for efficiency"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- )
- )
------------------------ The warn Option -----------------------
- Description: warn when re-definition is attempted
-Some AXIOM library functions are compiled into the kernel for
-efficiency reasons. To prevent them being re-defined when loaded
-from a library they are specially protected. If a user wishes to
-know when an attempt is made to re-define such a function, he or
-she should issue the command:
- )set kernel warn on
-To restore the default behaviour, he or she should issue the
- )set kernel warn off
- (warn
- "warn when re-definition is attempted"
- interpreter
- protectedSymbolsWarning
- htSetKernelWarn)
---------------------- The protect Option ----------------------
- Description: prevent re-definition of kernel functions
-Some AXIOM library functions are compiled into the kernel for
-efficiency reasons. To prevent them being re-defined when loaded
-from a library they are specially protected. If a user wishes
-to re-define these functions, he or she should issue the command:
- )set kernel protect off
-To restore the default behaviour, he or she should issue the
- )set kernel protect on
- (protect
- "prevent re-definition of kernel functions"
- interpreter
- protectSymbols
- htSetKernelProtect)
- Current Values of hyperdoc Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-fullscreen use full screen for this facility off
-mathwidth screen width for history output 120
- (hyperdoc
- "options in using HyperDoc"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
--------------------- The fullscreen Option --------------------
- Description: use full screen for this facility
- The fullscreen option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (fullscreen
- "use full screen for this facility"
- interpreter
- $fullScreenSysVars
- (on off)
- off)
--------------------- The mathwidth Option ---------------------
- Description: screen width for history output
- The mathwidth option may be followed by an integer in the range
- 0 to inclusive. The current setting is 120
- (mathwidth
- "screen width for history output"
- interpreter
- $historyDisplayWidth
- (0 NIL)
- 120)
- Current Values of help Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-fullscreen use fullscreen facility, if possible off
- (help
- "view and set some help options"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
--------------------- The fullscreen Option --------------------
- Description: use fullscreen facility, if possible
- The fullscreen option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (fullscreen
- "use fullscreen facility, if possible"
- interpreter
- $useFullScreenHelp
- (on off)
- off)
---------------------- The history Option ----------------------
- Description: save workspace values in a history file
- The history option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (history
- "save workspace values in a history file"
- interpreter
- $HiFiAccess
- (on off)
- on)
- Current Values of messages Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-autoload print file auto-load messages off
-bottomup display bottom up modemap selection off
-coercion display datatype coercion messages off
-dropmap display old map defn when replaced off
-expose warning for unexposed functions off
-file print msgs also to SPADMSG LISTING off
-frame display messages about frames off
-highlighting use highlighting in system messages off
-instant present instantiation summary off
-insteach present instantiation info off
-interponly say when function code is interpreted on
-number display message number with message off
-prompt set type of input prompt to display step
-selection display function selection msgs off
-set show )set setting after assignment off
-startup display messages on start-up off
-summary print statistics after computation off
-testing print system testing header off
-time print timings after computation off
-type print type after computation on
-void print Void value when it occurs off
-any print the internal type of objects of domain Any on
-naglink show NAGLink messages on
- (messages
- "show messages for various system features"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
------------------------ The any Option ------------------------
- Description: print the internal type of objects of domain Any
- The any option may be followed by any one of the following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (any
- "print the internal type of objects of domain Any"
- interpreter
- $printAnyIfTrue
- (on off)
- on)
---------------------- The autoload Option ---------------------
- Description: print file auto-load messages
- (autoload
- "print file auto-load messages"
- interpreter
- printLoadMessages
- (on off)
- on)
---------------------- The bottomup Option ---------------------
- Description: display bottom up modemap selection
- The bottomup option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (bottomup
- "display bottom up modemap selection"
- development
- $reportBottomUpFlag
- (on off)
- off)
---------------------- The coercion Option ---------------------
- Description: display datatype coercion messages
- The coercion option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (coercion
- "display datatype coercion messages"
- development
- $reportCoerceIfTrue
- (on off)
- off)
---------------------- The dropmap Option ----------------------
- Description: display old map defn when replaced
- The dropmap option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (dropmap
- "display old map defn when replaced"
- interpreter
- $displayDroppedMap
- (on off)
- off)
----------------------- The expose Option ----------------------
- Description: warning for unexposed functions
- The expose option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (expose
- "warning for unexposed functions"
- interpreter
- $giveExposureWarning
- (on off)
- off)
------------------------ The file Option -----------------------
- Description: print msgs also to SPADMSG LISTING
- The file option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (file
- "print msgs also to SPADMSG LISTING"
- development
- $printMsgsToFile
- (on off)
- off)
----------------------- The frame Option -----------------------
- Description: display messages about frames
- The frame option may be followed by any one of the following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (frame
- "display messages about frames"
- interpreter
- $frameMessages
- (on off)
- off)
-------------------- The highlighting Option -------------------
- Description: use highlighting in system messages
- The highlighting option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (highlighting
- "use highlighting in system messages"
- interpreter
- $highlightAllowed
- (on off)
- off)
---------------------- The instant Option ----------------------
- Description: present instantiation summary
- The instant option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (instant
- "present instantiation summary"
- development
- $reportInstantiations
- (on off)
- off)
---------------------- The insteach Option ---------------------
- Description: present instantiation info
- The insteach option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (insteach
- "present instantiation info"
- development
- $reportEachInstantiation
- (on off)
- off)
--------------------- The interponly Option --------------------
- Description: say when function code is interpreted
- The interponly option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (interponly
- "say when function code is interpreted"
- interpreter
- $reportInterpOnly
- (on off)
- on)
---------------------- The naglink Option ----------------------
- Description: show NAGLink messages
- The naglink option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (naglink
- "show NAGLink messages"
- interpreter
- $nagMessages
- (on off)
- on)
----------------------- The number Option ----------------------
- Description: display message number with message
- The number option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (number
- "display message number with message"
- interpreter
- $displayMsgNumber
- (on off)
- off)
----------------------- The prompt Option ----------------------
- Description: set type of input prompt to display
- The prompt option may be followed by any one of the following:
- none
- frame
- plain
- -> step
- verbose
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (prompt
- "set type of input prompt to display"
- interpreter
- $inputPromptType
- (none frame plain step verbose)
- step)
--------------------- The selection Option ---------------------
- Description: display function selection msgs
- The selection option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (selection
- "display function selection msgs"
- interpreter
- $reportBottomUpFlag
- (on off)
- off)
------------------------ The set Option ------------------------
- Description: show )set setting after assignment
- The set option may be followed by any one of the following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (set
- "show )set setting after assignment"
- interpreter
- $displaySetValue
- (on off)
- off)
---------------------- The startup Option ----------------------
- Description: display messages on start-up
- The startup option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (startup
- "display messages on start-up"
- interpreter
- $displayStartMsgs
- (on off)
- on)
---------------------- The summary Option ----------------------
- Description: print statistics after computation
- The summary option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (summary
- "print statistics after computation"
- interpreter
- $printStatisticsSummaryIfTrue
- (on off)
- off)
---------------------- The testing Option ----------------------
- Description: print system testing header
- The testing option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (testing
- "print system testing header"
- development
- $testingSystem
- (on off)
- off)
------------------------ The time Option -----------------------
- Description: print timings after computation
- The time option may be followed by any one of the following:
- on
- -> off
- long
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (time
- "print timings after computation"
- interpreter
- $printTimeIfTrue
- (on off long)
- off)
------------------------ The type Option -----------------------
- Description: print type after computation
- The type option may be followed by any one of the following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (type
- "print type after computation"
- interpreter
- $printTypeIfTrue
- (on off)
- on)
------------------------ The void Option -----------------------
- Description: print Void value when it occurs
- The void option may be followed by any one of the following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (void
- "print Void value when it occurs"
- interpreter
- $printVoidIfTrue
- (on off)
- off)
- Current Values of naglink Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-host internet address of host for NAGLink localhost
-persistence number of (fortran) functions to remember 1
-messages show NAGLink messages on
-double enforce DOUBLE PRECISION ASPs on
- (naglink
- "options for NAGLink"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
------------------------ The host Option -----------------------
- Description: internet address of host for NAGLink
- )set naglink host is used to tell AXIOM which host to contact
- for a NAGLink request. An Internet address should be supplied.
- The host specified must be running the NAGLink daemon.
- The current setting is localhost
- (host
- "internet address of host for NAGLink"
- interpreter
- setNagHost
- (("enter host name"
- $nagHost
- chkDirectory
- "localhost"))
- NIL)
-------------------- The persistence Option --------------------
- Description: number of (fortran) functions to remember
- )set naglink persistence is used to tell the nagd daemon how
- many ASP source and object files to keep around in case you
- reuse them. This helps to avoid needless recompilations. The
- number specified should be a non-negative integer.
- The current setting is 1
- (persistence
- "number of (fortran) functions to remember"
- interpreter
- setFortPers
- (("Requested remote storage (for asps):"
- $fortPersistence
- (0 NIL)
- 10))
- NIL)
---------------------- The messages Option ---------------------
- Description: show NAGLink messages
- The messages option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (messages
- "show NAGLink messages"
- interpreter
- $nagMessages
- (on off)
- on)
----------------------- The double Option ----------------------
- Description: enforce DOUBLE PRECISION ASPs
- The double option may be followed by any one of the following:
- -> on
- off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (double
- interpreter
- $nagEnforceDouble
- (on off)
- on)
-The result of the {\bf )set output} command is:
-Variable Description Current Value
-abbreviate abbreviate type names off
-algebra display output in algebraic form On:CONSOLE
-characters choose special output character set plain
-script display output in SCRIPT formula format Off:CONSOLE
-fortran create output in FORTRAN format Off:CONSOLE
-fraction how fractions are formatted vertical
-length line length of output displays 77
-scripts show subscripts,... linearly off
-showeditor view output of )show in editor off
-tex create output in TeX style Off:CONSOLE
-Since the output option has a bunch of sub-options each suboption
-is defined within the output structure.
- (output
- "view and set some output options"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
--------------------- The abbreviate Option --------------------
- Description: abbreviate type names
- The abbreviate option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (abbreviate
- "abbreviate type names"
- interpreter
- $abbreviateTypes
- (on off)
- off)
---------------------- The algebra Option ----------------------
- Description: display output in algebraic form
- )set output algebra is used to tell AXIOM to turn algebra-style
- output printing on and off, and where to place the output. By
- default, the destination for the output is the screen but
- printing is turned off.
-Syntax: )set output algebra <arg>
- where arg can be one of
- on turn algebra printing on (default state)
- off turn algebra printing off
- console send algebra output to screen (default state)
- fp<.fe> send algebra output to file with file prefix fp
- and file extension .fe. If not given,
- .fe defaults to .spout.
-If you wish to send the output to a file, you may need to issue
-this command twice: once with on and once with the file name.
-For example, to send algebra output to the file polymer.spout,
-issue the two commands
- )set output algebra on
- )set output algebra polymer
-The output is placed in the directory from which you invoked
-AXIOM or the one you set with the )cd system command.
-The current setting is: On:CONSOLE
- (algebra
- "display output in algebraic form"
- interpreter
- setOutputAlgebra
- (("display output in algebraic form"
- $algebraFormat
- (off on)
- on)
- (break $algebraFormat)
- ("where algebra printing goes (enter {\em console} or a pathname)?"
- $algebraOutputFile
- chkOutputFileName
- "console"))
- NIL)
--------------------- The characters Option --------------------
- Description: choose special output character set
- The characters option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- default
- -> plain
- The current setting is indicated within the list. This
- option determines the special characters used for algebraic
- output. This is what the current choice of special characters
- looks like:
- ulc is shown as + urc is shown as +
- llc is shown as + lrc is shown as +
- vbar is shown as | hbar is shown as -
- quad is shown as ? lbrk is shown as [
- rbrk is shown as ] lbrc is shown as {
- rbrc is shown as } ttee is shown as +
- btee is shown as + rtee is shown as +
- ltee is shown as + ctee is shown as +
- bslash is shown as \
- (characters
- "choose special output character set"
- interpreter
- setOutputCharacters
- htSetOutputCharacters)
---------------------- The fortran Option ----------------------
- Description: create output in FORTRAN format
- )set output fortran is used to tell AXIOM to turn FORTRAN-style
- output printing on and off, and where to place the output. By
- default, the destination for the output is the screen but
- printing is turned off.
-Also See: )set fortran
-Syntax: )set output fortran <arg>
- where arg can be one of
- on turn FORTRAN printing on
- off turn FORTRAN printing off (default state)
- console send FORTRAN output to screen (default state)
- fp<.fe> send FORTRAN output to file with file prefix
- fp and file extension .fe. If not given,
- .fe defaults to .sfort.
-If you wish to send the output to a file, you must issue
-this command twice: once with on and once with the file name.
-For example, to send FORTRAN output to the file polymer.sfort,
- issue the two commands
- )set output fortran on
- )set output fortran polymer
-The output is placed in the directory from which you invoked
-AXIOM or the one you set with the )cd system command.
-The current setting is: Off:CONSOLE
- (fortran
- "create output in FORTRAN format"
- interpreter
- setOutputFortran
- (("create output in FORTRAN format"
- $fortranFormat
- (off on)
- off)
- (break $fortranFormat)
- ("where FORTRAN output goes (enter {\em console} or a a pathname)"
- $fortranOutputFile
- chkOutputFileName
- "console"))
- NIL)
---------------------- The fraction Option ---------------------
- Description: how fractions are formatted
- The fraction option may be followed by any one of the following:
- -> vertical
- horizontal
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (fraction
- "how fractions are formatted"
- interpreter
- $fractionDisplayType
- (vertical horizontal)
- vertical)
----------------------- The length Option ----------------------
- Description: line length of output displays
- The length option may be followed by an integer in the range
- 10 to 245 inclusive. The current setting is 77
- (length
- "line length of output displays"
- interpreter
- (10 245)
- 77)
------------------------ The openmath Option ------------------------
- Description: create output in OpenMath style
- )set output tex is used to tell AXIOM to turn OpenMath output
-printing on and off, and where to place the output. By default,
-the destination for the output is the screen but printing is
-turned off.
-Syntax: )set output tex <arg>
- where arg can be one of
- on turn OpenMath printing on
- off turn OpenMath printing off (default state)
- console send OpenMath output to screen (default state)
- fp<.fe> send OpenMath output to file with file prefix fp
- and file extension .fe. If not given,
- .fe defaults to .sopen.
-If you wish to send the output to a file, you must issue
-this command twice: once with on and once with the file name.
-For example, to send OpenMath output to the file polymer.sopen,
-issue the two commands
- )set output openmath on
- )set output openmath polymer
-The output is placed in the directory from which you invoked
-AXIOM or the one you set with the )cd system command.
-The current setting is: Off:CONSOLE
- (openmath
- "create output in OpenMath style"
- interpreter
- setOutputOpenMath
- (("create output in OpenMath format"
- $openMathFormat
- (off on)
- off)
- (break $openMathFormat)
- ("where TeX output goes (enter {\em console} or a pathname)"
- $openMathOutputFile
- chkOutputFileName
- "console"))
- NIL)
----------------------- The script Option ----------------------
- Description: display output in SCRIPT formula format
- )set output script is used to tell AXIOM to turn IBM Script
- formula-style output printing on and off, and where to place
- the output. By default, the destination for the output is the
- screen but printing is turned off.
-Syntax: )set output script <arg>
- where arg can be one of
- on turn IBM Script formula printing on
- off turn IBM Script formula printing off
- (default state)
- console send IBM Script formula output to screen
- (default state)
- fp<.fe> send IBM Script formula output to file with file
- prefix fp and file extension .fe. If not given,
- .fe defaults to .sform.
-If you wish to send the output to a file, you must issue
-this command twice: once with on and once with the file
-name. For example, to send IBM Script formula output to
-the file polymer.sform, issue the two commands
- )set output script on
- )set output script polymer
-The output is placed in the directory from which you
-invoked AXIOM or the one you set with the )cd system command.
-The current setting is: Off:CONSOLE
- (script
- "display output in SCRIPT formula format"
- interpreter
- setOutputFormula
- (("display output in SCRIPT format"
- $formulaFormat
- (off on)
- off)
- (break $formulaFormat)
- ("where script output goes (enter {\em console} or a a pathname)"
- $formulaOutputFile
- chkOutputFileName
- "console"))
- NIL)
---------------------- The scripts Option ----------------------
- Description: show subscripts,... linearly
- The scripts option may be followed by any one of the following:
- yes
- no
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (scripts
- "show subscripts,... linearly"
- interpreter
- $linearFormatScripts
- (yes no)
- no)
--------------------- The showeditor Option --------------------
- Description: view output of )show in editor
- The showeditor option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (showeditor
- "view output of )show in editor"
- interpreter
- $useEditorForShowOutput
- (on off)
- off)
------------------------ The tex Option ------------------------
- Description: create output in TeX style
- )set output tex is used to tell AXIOM to turn TeX-style output
-printing on and off, and where to place the output. By default,
-the destination for the output is the screen but printing is
-turned off.
-Syntax: )set output tex <arg>
- where arg can be one of
- on turn TeX printing on
- off turn TeX printing off (default state)
- console send TeX output to screen (default state)
- fp<.fe> send TeX output to file with file prefix fp
- and file extension .fe. If not given,
- .fe defaults to .stex.
-If you wish to send the output to a file, you must issue
-this command twice: once with on and once with the file name.
-For example, to send TeX output to the file polymer.stex,
-issue the two commands
- )set output tex on
- )set output tex polymer
-The output is placed in the directory from which you invoked
-AXIOM or the one you set with the )cd system command.
-The current setting is: Off:CONSOLE
- (tex
- "create output in TeX style"
- interpreter
- setOutputTex
- (("create output in TeX format"
- $texFormat
- (off on)
- off)
- (break $texFormat)
- ("where TeX output goes (enter {\em console} or a pathname)"
- $texOutputFile
- chkOutputFileName
- "console"))
- NIL)
------------------------ The quit Option -----------------------
- Description: protected or unprotected quit
- The quit option may be followed by any one of the following:
- protected
- -> unprotected
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (quit
- "protected or unprotected quit"
- interpreter
- $quitCommandType
- (protected unprotected)
- unprotected)
- Current Values of streams Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-calculate specify number of elements to calculate 10
-showall display all stream elements computed off
- (streams
- "set some options for working with streams"
- interpreter
- novar
- (
- ))
--------------------- The calculate Option ---------------------
- Description: specify number of elements to calculate
- )set streams calculate is used to tell AXIOM how many elements
- of a stream to calculate when a computation uses the stream.
- The value given after calculate must either be the word all
- or a positive integer.
- The current setting is 10 .
- (calculate
- "specify number of elements to calculate"
- interpreter
- setStreamsCalculate
- (("number of initial stream elements you want calculated"
- $streamCount
- (0 NIL)
- 10))
- NIL)
---------------------- The showall Option ----------------------
- Description: display all stream elements computed
- The showall option may be followed by any one of the following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (showall
- "display all stream elements computed"
- interpreter
- $streamsShowAll
- (on off)
- off)
- Current Values of system Variables
-Variable Description Current Value
-functioncode show gen. LISP for functions when compiled off
-optimization show optimized LISP code off
-prettyprint prettyprint BOOT func's as they compile off
- (system
- "set some system development variables"
- development
- novar
- (
- ))
-------------------- The functioncode Option -------------------
- Description: show gen. LISP for functions when compiled
- The functioncode option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (functioncode
- "show gen. LISP for functions when compiled"
- development
- $reportCompilation
- (on off)
- off)
-------------------- The optimization Option -------------------
- Description: show optimized LISP code
- The optimization option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (optimization
- "show optimized LISP code"
- development
- $reportOptimization
- (on off)
- off)
-------------------- The prettyprint Option --------------------
- Description: prettyprint BOOT func's as they compile
- The prettyprint option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- on
- -> off
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (prettyprint
- "prettyprint BOOT func's as they compile"
- development
- (on off)
- off)
--------------------- The userlevel Option ---------------------
- Description: operation access level of system user
- The userlevel option may be followed by any one of the
- following:
- interpreter
- compiler
- -> development
- The current setting is indicated within the list.
- (userlevel
- "operation access level of system user"
- interpreter
- $UserLevel
- (interpreter compiler development)
- development)
--- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--- All rights reserved.
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
--- met:
--- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
--- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
--- distribution.
--- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
--- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
--- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
---% Table of )set options
- ))
-printLoadMessages u ==
- MEMQ(u, '(%display% %describe%)) =>
- ($printLoadMsgs => '"on"; '"off")
- $printLoadMsgs := u is ["on"]
--- The following creates a list of option names in the above table.
-SETANDFILEQ($setOptionNames, [x.0 for x in $setOptions])
-EVALANDFILEACTQ (initializeSetVariables $setOptions)
-\bibitem{1} src/interp/property.lisp.pamphlet
-\bibitem{2} src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet