path: root/src/interp/parse.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/parse.boot')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/parse.boot b/src/interp/parse.boot
index ce48ef98..a706d174 100644
--- a/src/interp/parse.boot
+++ b/src/interp/parse.boot
@@ -48,22 +48,21 @@ parseTransform x ==
parseTran: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseTran x ==
- $op: local := nil
atom x => parseAtom x
- [$op,:argl]:= x
- u := g($op) where g op == (op is ["elt",op,x] => g x; op)
+ [op,:argl]:= x
+ u := g(op) where g op == (op is ["elt",op,x] => g x; op)
u="construct" =>
- r:= parseConstruct argl
- $op is ["elt",:.] => [parseTran $op,:rest r]
+ r:= parseConstruct ["construct",:argl]
+ op is ["elt",:.] => [parseTran op,:rest r]
- SYMBOLP u and (fn:= GET(u,'parseTran)) => FUNCALL(fn,argl)
- [parseTran $op,:parseTranList argl]
+ SYMBOLP u and (fn:= GET(u,'parseTran)) => FUNCALL(fn,x)
+ [parseTran op,:parseTranList argl]
parseAtom: %Atom -> %Form
parseAtom x ==
-- next line for compatibility with new compiler
- x = "break" => parseLeave ["$NoValue"]
+ x = "break" => parseLeave ["leave","$NoValue"]
parseTranList: %List -> %List
@@ -74,27 +73,26 @@ parseTranList l ==
parseConstruct: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseConstruct u ==
$insideConstructIfTrue: local:= true
- l:= parseTranList u
- ["construct",:l]
+ [first u,:parseTranList rest u]
+-- ??? This parser is unused at the moment.
parseUpArrow: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseUpArrow u ==
- parseTran ["**",:u]
+ parseTran ["**",:rest u]
+-- ??? This parser is unused at the moment.
parseLeftArrow: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseLeftArrow u ==
- parseTran ["LET",:u]
+ parseTran ["LET",:rest u]
parseIs: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseIs t ==
- t isnt [a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseIs"
+ t isnt ["is",a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseIs"
["is",parseTran a,transIs parseTran b]
parseIsnt: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseIsnt t ==
- t isnt [a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseIsnt"
+ t isnt ["isnt",a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseIsnt"
["isnt",parseTran a,transIs parseTran b]
@@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ transIs1 u ==
parseLET: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseLET t ==
- t isnt [x,y] => systemErrorHere "parseLET"
+ t isnt ["LET",x,y] => systemErrorHere "parseLET"
p := ["LET",parseTran x,parseTranCheckForRecord(y,opOf x)]
opOf x = "cons" => ["LET",transIs p.1,p.2]
@@ -134,22 +132,24 @@ parseLET t ==
parseLETD: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseLETD t ==
- t isnt [x,y] => systemErrorHere "parseLETD"
+ t isnt ["LETD",x,y] => systemErrorHere "parseLETD"
["LETD",parseTran x,parseTran parseType y]
parseColon: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseColon u ==
- u is [x] => [":",parseTran x]
- u is [x,typ] =>
+ u isnt [":",:.] => systemErrorHere "parseColon"
+ u is [":",x] => [":",parseTran x]
+ u is [":",x,typ] =>
$InteractiveMode =>
$insideConstructIfTrue=true => ["TAG",parseTran x,parseTran typ]
[":",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ]
[":",parseTran x,parseTran typ]
+-- ??? This parser is unused at the moment.
parseBigelt: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseBigelt t ==
- t isnt [typ,consForm] => systemErrorHere "parseBigelt"
+ t isnt [.,typ,consForm] => systemErrorHere "parseBigelt"
[["elt",typ,"makeRecord"],:transUnCons consForm]
transUnCons: %ParseForm -> %Form
@@ -164,20 +164,20 @@ transUnCons u ==
parseCoerce: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseCoerce t ==
- t isnt [x,typ] => systemErrorHere "parseCoerce"
+ t isnt [.,x,typ] => systemErrorHere "parseCoerce"
$InteractiveMode => ["::",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ]
["::",parseTran x,parseTran typ]
parseAtSign: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseAtSign t ==
- t isnt [x,typ] => systemErrorHere "parseAtSign"
+ t isnt [.,x,typ] => systemErrorHere "parseAtSign"
$InteractiveMode => ["@",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ]
["@",parseTran x,parseTran typ]
parsePretend: %ParseForm -> %Form
parsePretend t ==
- t isnt [x,typ] => systemErrorHere "parsePretend"
+ t isnt ["pretend",x,typ] => systemErrorHere "parsePretend"
$InteractiveMode => ["pretend",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ]
["pretend",parseTran x,parseTran typ]
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ parseType x ==
parseHas: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseHas t ==
- t isnt [x,y] => systemErrorHere "parseHas"
+ t isnt ["has",x,y] => systemErrorHere "parseHas"
if $InteractiveMode then
get(x,'value,$CategoryFrame) is [D,m,.]
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ parseHasRhs u == --$InteractiveMode = true
parseDEF: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseDEF t ==
- t isnt [$lhs,tList,specialList,body] => systemErrorHere "parseDEF"
+ t isnt ["DEF",$lhs,tList,specialList,body] => systemErrorHere "parseDEF"
setDefOp $lhs
["DEF",parseLhs $lhs,parseTranList tList,parseTranList specialList,
parseTranCheckForRecord(body,opOf $lhs)]
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ parseLhs x ==
parseMDEF: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseMDEF t ==
- t isnt [$lhs,tList,specialList,body] => systemErrorHere "parseMDEF"
+ t isnt ["MDEF",$lhs,tList,specialList,body] => systemErrorHere "parseMDEF"
["MDEF",parseTran $lhs,parseTranList tList,parseTranList specialList,
parseTranCheckForRecord(body,opOf $lhs)]
@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ parseTranCheckForRecord(x,op) ==
+-- ??? This parser is unused at the moment.
parseCases: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseCases t ==
t isnt [expr,ifClause] => systemErrorHere "parseCases"
@@ -263,7 +264,8 @@ parseCases t ==
parseCategory: %ParseForm -> %Form
-parseCategory x ==
+parseCategory t ==
+ t isnt ["CATEGORY",:x] => systemErrorHere "parseCategory"
l:= parseTranList parseDropAssertions x
CONTAINED("$",l) => "domain"
@@ -281,67 +283,70 @@ parseDropAssertions x ==
parseGreaterThan: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseGreaterThan t ==
- t isnt [x,y] => systemErrorHere "parseGreaterThan"
- [substitute("<",">",$op),parseTran y,parseTran x]
+ t isnt [op,x,y] => systemErrorHere "parseGreaterThan"
+ [substitute("<",">",op),parseTran y,parseTran x]
parseGreaterEqual: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseGreaterEqual u ==
- parseTran ["not",[substitute("<",">=",$op),:u]]
+ parseTran ["not",[substitute("<",">=",first u),:rest u]]
parseLessEqual: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseLessEqual u ==
- parseTran ["not",[substitute(">","<=",$op),:u]]
+ parseTran ["not",[substitute(">","<=",first u),:rest u]]
parseNotEqual: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseNotEqual u ==
- parseTran ["not",[substitute("=","^=",$op),:u]]
+ parseTran ["not",[substitute("=","^=",first u),:rest u]]
parseAnd: %ParseForm -> %Form
-parseAnd u ==
+parseAnd t ==
+ t isnt ["and",:u] => systemErrorHere "parseAnd"
$InteractiveMode => ["and",:parseTranList u]
null u => "true"
null rest u => first u
- parseIf [parseTran first u,parseAnd rest u,"false"]
+ parseIf ["IF",parseTran first u,parseAnd ["and",:rest u],"false"]
parseOr: %ParseForm -> %Form
-parseOr u ==
+parseOr t ==
+ t isnt ["or",:u] => systemErrorHere "parseOr"
$InteractiveMode => ["or",:parseTranList u]
null u => "false"
null rest u => first u
- (x:= parseTran first u) is ["not",y] => parseIf [y,parseOr rest u,"true"]
- true => parseIf [x,"true",parseOr rest u]
+ (x:= parseTran first u) is ["not",y] =>
+ parseIf ["IF",y,parseOr ["or",:rest u],"true"]
+ true => parseIf ["IF",x,"true",parseOr ["or",:rest u]]
parseEquivalence: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseEquivalence t ==
- t isnt [a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseEquivalence"
- parseIf [a,b,parseIf [b,:'(false true)]]
+ t isnt ["eqv",a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseEquivalence"
+ parseIf ["IF",a,b,parseIf ["IF",b,:'(false true)]]
parseImplies: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseImplies t ==
- t isnt [a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseImplies"
- parseIf [a,b,"true"]
+ t isnt ["implies",a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseImplies"
+ parseIf ["IF",a,b,"true"]
parseExclusiveOr: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseExclusiveOr t ==
- t isnt [a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseExclusiveOr"
- parseIf [a,parseIf [b,:'(false true)],b]
+ t isnt ["xor",a,b] => systemErrorHere "parseExclusiveOr"
+ parseIf ["IF",a,parseIf ["IF",b,:'(false true)],b]
parseExit: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseExit t ==
- t isnt [a,:b] => systemErrorHere "parseExit"
+ t isnt ["exit",a,:b] => systemErrorHere "parseExit"
-- note: I wanted to convert 1s to 0s here to facilitate indexing in
-- comp code; unfortunately, parseTran-ning is sometimes done more
-- than once so that the count can be decremented more than once
a:= parseTran a
b:= parseTran b
b =>
- null INTEGERP a =>
+ not INTEGERP a =>
(MOAN('"first arg ",a,'" for exit must be integer"); ["exit",1,a])
@@ -349,11 +354,11 @@ parseExit t ==
parseLeave: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseLeave t ==
- t isnt [a,:b] => systemErrorHere "parseLeave"
+ t isnt ["leave",a,:b] => systemErrorHere "parseLeave"
a:= parseTran a
b:= parseTran b
b =>
- null INTEGERP a =>
+ not INTEGERP a =>
(MOAN('"first arg ",a,'" for 'leave' must be integer"); ["leave",1,a])
@@ -361,15 +366,16 @@ parseLeave t ==
parseReturn: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseReturn t ==
- t isnt [a,:b] => systemErrorHere "parseReturn"
+ t isnt ["return",a,:b] => systemErrorHere "parseReturn"
a:= parseTran a
b:= parseTran b
b =>
(if a^=1 then MOAN '"multiple-level 'return' not allowed"; ["return",1,:b])
-parseJoin: %List -> %Form
-parseJoin l ==
+parseJoin: %ParseForm -> %Form
+parseJoin t ==
+ t isnt ["Join",:l] => systemErrorHere "parseJoin"
["Join",:fn parseTranList l] where
fn l ==
null l => nil
@@ -379,8 +385,8 @@ parseJoin l ==
parseInBy: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseInBy t ==
- t isnt [i,n,inc] => systemErrorHere "parseInBy"
- (u:= parseIn [i,n]) isnt ["STEP",i,a,j,:r] =>
+ t isnt ["INBY",i,n,inc] => systemErrorHere "parseInBy"
+ (u:= parseIn ["IN",i,n]) isnt ["STEP",i,a,j,:r] =>
postError [" You cannot use",:bright '"by",
'"except for an explicitly indexed sequence."]
inc:= parseTran inc
@@ -388,14 +394,15 @@ parseInBy t ==
parseSegment: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseSegment p ==
- p is [a,b] =>
+ p is ["SEGMENT",a,b] =>
b => ["SEGMENT",parseTran a, parseTran b]
["SEGMENT",parseTran a]
- ["SEGMENT",:p]
+ -- SEGMENT is being elted from a domain
+ ["SEGMENT",:rest p]
parseIn: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseIn t ==
- t isnt [i,n] => systemErrorHere "parseIn"
+ t isnt ["IN",i,n] => systemErrorHere "parseIn"
i:= parseTran i
n:= parseTran n
n is ["SEGMENT",a] => ["STEP",i,a,1]
@@ -410,7 +417,7 @@ parseIn t ==
parseIf: %ParseForm -> %Form
parseIf t ==
- t isnt [p,a,b] => t
+ t isnt ["IF",p,a,b] => t
ifTran(parseTran p,parseTran a,parseTran b) where
ifTran(p,a,b) ==
null($InteractiveMode) and p="true" => a
@@ -434,13 +441,15 @@ makeSimplePredicateOrNil p ==
parseWhere: %List -> %Form
-parseWhere l ==
+parseWhere t ==
+ t isnt ["where",:l] => systemErrorHere "parseWhere"
["where",:mapInto(l, function parseTran)]
parseSeq: %List -> %Form
-parseSeq l ==
- not l is [:.,["exit",:.]] =>
+parseSeq t ==
+ t isnt ["SEQ",:l] => systemErrorHere "parseSeq"
+ l isnt [:.,["exit",:.]] =>
postError ['" Invalid ending to block: ",last l]
transSeq mapInto(l,function parseTran)
@@ -508,7 +517,7 @@ scriptTranRow1 x ==
parseVCONS: %List -> %Form
parseVCONS l ==
- ["VECTOR",:parseTranList l]
+ ["VECTOR",:parseTranList rest l]
--% Register special parsers.
@@ -516,8 +525,8 @@ for x in [["<=", :"parseLessEqual"],_
[">", :"parseGreaterThan"],_
[">=", :"parseGreaterEqual"],_
["^=", :"parseNotEqual"],_
- ["_:", :"parseColon"],_
- ["_:_:", :"parseCoerce"],_
+ [":", :"parseColon"],_
+ ["::", :"parseCoerce"],_
["@", :"parseAtSign"],_
["and", :"parseAnd"],_
["CATEGORY", :"parseCategory"],_