path: root/src/interp/i-object.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/i-object.boot')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/i-object.boot b/src/interp/i-object.boot
index 0543e466..8443c55e 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-object.boot
+++ b/src/interp/i-object.boot
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-import '"sys-macros"
+import '"g-util"
)package "BOOT"
--% Functions on interpreter objects
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ objCodeMode obj == CADR obj
wrap x ==
isWrapped x => x
- ['WRAPPED,:x]
+ ["WRAPPED",:x]
isWrapped x == x is ['WRAPPED,:.] or NUMBERP x or FLOATP x or CVECP x
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ wrapped2Quote x ==
quote2Wrapped x ==
- x is ['QUOTE,y] => wrap y
+ x is ["QUOTE",y] => wrap y
removeQuote x ==
@@ -142,3 +142,270 @@ getBasicObject x ==
FLOATP x => objNewWrap(x,$DoubleFloat)
+--%% Vectorized Attributed Trees
+--% The interpreter translates parse forms into vats for analysis.
+--% These contain a number of slots in each node for information.
+--% The leaves are now all vectors, though the leaves for basic types
+--% such as integers and strings used to just be the objects themselves.
+--% The vectors for the leaves with such constants now have the value
+--% of $immediateDataSymbol as their name. Their are undoubtably still
+--% some functions that still check whether a leaf is a constant. Note
+--% that if it is not a vector it is a subtree.
+--% attributed tree nodes have the following form:
+--% slot description
+--% ---- -----------------------------------------------------
+--% 0 operation name or literal
+--% 1 declared mode of variable
+--% 2 computed value of subtree from this node
+--% 3 modeset: list of single computed mode of subtree
+--% 4 prop list for extra things
+++ create a leaf VAT node.
+mkAtreeNode x ==
+ -- maker of attrib tree node
+ v := MAKE_-VEC 5
+ v.0 := x
+ v
+++ remove mode, value, and misc. info from attrib tree
+emptyAtree expr ==
+ VECP expr =>
+ $immediateDataSymbol = expr.0 => nil
+ expr.1:= NIL
+ expr.2:= NIL
+ expr.3:= NIL
+ -- kill proplist too?
+ atom expr => nil
+ for e in expr repeat emptyAtree e
+++ returns true if x is a leaf VAT object.
+isLeaf x ==
+ atom x --may be a number or a vector
+++ returns the mode of the VAT node x.
+getMode x ==
+ x is [op,:.] => getMode op
+ VECP x => x.1
+ m := getBasicMode x => m
+ keyedSystemError("S2II0001",[x])
+++ sets the mode for the VAT node x to y.
+putMode(x,y) ==
+ x is [op,:.] => putMode(op,y)
+ null VECP x => keyedSystemError("S2II0001",[x])
+ x.1 := y
+++ returns an interpreter object that represents the value of node x.
+++ Note that an interpreter object is a pair of mode and value.
+getValue x ==
+ VECP x => x.2
+ atom x =>
+ t := getBasicObject x => t
+ keyedSystemError("S2II0001",[x])
+ getValue first x
+++ sets the value of VAT node x to interpreter object y.
+putValue(x,y) ==
+ x is [op,:.] => putValue(op,y)
+ null VECP x => keyedSystemError("S2II0001",[x])
+ x.2 := y
+++ same as putValue(vec, val), except that vec is returned instead of val.
+putValueValue(vec,val) ==
+ putValue(vec,val)
+ vec
+++ Returns the node class of x, if possible; otherwise nil.
+getUnnameIfCan x ==
+ VECP x => x.0
+ x is [op,:.] => getUnnameIfCan op
+ atom x => x
+ nil
+++ Returns the node class of x; otherwise raise an error.
+getUnname x ==
+ x is [op,:.] => getUnname op
+ getUnname1 x
+++ Subroutine of getUnname.
+getUnname1 x ==
+ VECP x => x.0
+ null atom x => keyedSystemError("S2II0001",[x])
+ x
+++ returns the mode-set of VAT node x.
+getModeSet x ==
+ x and PAIRP x => getModeSet first x
+ VECP x =>
+ y:= x.aModeSet =>
+ (y = [$EmptyMode]) and ((m := getMode x) is ['Mapping,:.]) =>
+ [m]
+ y
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"getModeSet",'"no mode set"])
+ m:= getBasicMode x => [m]
+ not atom x => getModeSet first x
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"getModeSet",
+ '"not an attributed tree"])
+++ Sets the mode-set of VAT node x to y.
+putModeSet(x,y) ==
+ x is [op,:.] => putModeSet(op,y)
+ not VECP x => keyedSystemError("S2II0001",[x])
+ x.3 := y
+ y
+getModeOrFirstModeSetIfThere x ==
+ x is [op,:.] => getModeOrFirstModeSetIfThere op
+ VECP x =>
+ m := x.1 => m
+ val := x.2 => objMode val
+ y := x.aModeSet =>
+ (y = [$EmptyMode]) and ((m := getMode x) is ['Mapping,:.]) => m
+ first y
+ m := getBasicMode x => m
+getModeSetUseSubdomain x ==
+ x and PAIRP x => getModeSetUseSubdomain first x
+ VECP(x) =>
+ -- don't play subdomain games with retracted args
+ getAtree(x,'retracted) => getModeSet x
+ y := x.aModeSet =>
+ (y = [$EmptyMode]) and ((m := getMode x) is ['Mapping,:.]) =>
+ [m]
+ val := getValue x
+ (x.0 = $immediateDataSymbol) and (y = [$Integer]) =>
+ val := objValUnwrap val
+ m := getBasicMode0(val,true)
+ x.2 := objNewWrap(val,m)
+ x.aModeSet := [m]
+ [m]
+ null val => y
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(objMode(val),$Integer) and
+ INTEGERP(f := objValUnwrap val) =>
+ [getBasicMode0(f,true)]
+ y
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"getModeSetUseSubomain",'"no mode set"])
+ m := getBasicMode0(x,true) => [m]
+ null atom x => getModeSetUseSubdomain first x
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"getModeSetUseSubomain",'"not an attributed tree"])
+computedMode t ==
+ getModeSet t is [m] => m
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"computedMode",'"non-singleton modeset"])
+--% Other VAT properties
+insertShortAlist(prop,val,al) ==
+ pair := QASSQ(prop,al) =>
+ RPLACD(pair,val)
+ al
+ [[prop,:val],:al]
+putAtree(x,prop,val) ==
+ x is [op,:.] =>
+ -- only willing to add property if op is a vector
+ -- otherwise will be pushing to deeply into calling structure
+ if VECP op then putAtree(op,prop,val)
+ x
+ null VECP x => x -- just ignore it
+ n := QLASSQ(prop,'((mode . 1) (value . 2) (modeSet . 3)))
+ => x.n := val
+ x.4 := insertShortAlist(prop,val,x.4)
+ x
+getAtree(x,prop) ==
+ x is [op,:.] =>
+ -- only willing to get property if op is a vector
+ -- otherwise will be pushing to deeply into calling structure
+ VECP op => getAtree(op,prop)
+ null VECP x => NIL -- just ignore it
+ n:= QLASSQ(prop,'((mode . 1) (value . 2) (modeSet . 3)))
+ => x.n
+ QLASSQ(prop,x.4)
+putTarget(x, targ) ==
+ -- want to put nil modes perhaps to clear old target
+ if targ = $EmptyMode then targ := nil
+ putAtree(x,'target,targ)
+getTarget(x) ==
+ getAtree(x,'target)
+--% Source and position information
+-- In the following, src is a string containing an original input line,
+-- line is the line number of the string within the source file,
+-- and col is the index within src of the start of the form represented
+-- by x. x is a VAT.
+++ returns source position information for VAT node x.
+getSrcPos(x) ==
+ getAtree(x, 'srcAndPos)
+++ sets the source location information for VAT node x.
+putSrcPos(x, file, src, line, col) ==
+ putAtree(x, 'srcAndPos, srcPos_New(file, src, line, col))
+srcPosNew(file, src, line, col) ==
+ LIST2VEC [file, src, line, col]
+++ returns the name of source file for source location `sp'.
+srcPosFile(sp) ==
+ if sp then sp.0 else nil
+++ returns the input source string for source location `sp'.
+srcPosSource(sp) ==
+ if sp then sp.1 else nil
+++ returns the line number for source location `sp'.
+srcPosLine(sp) ==
+ if sp then sp.2 else nil
+++ returns the column number for source location `sp'.
+srcPosColumn(sp) ==
+ if sp then sp.3 else nil
+srcPosDisplay(sp) ==
+ null sp => nil
+ s := STRCONC('"_"", srcPosFile sp, '"_", line ",
+ STRINGIMAGE srcPosLine sp, '": ")
+ sayBrightly [s, srcPosSource sp]
+ col := srcPosColumn sp
+ dots :=
+ col = 0 => '""
+ fillerSpaces(col, '".")
+ sayBrightly [fillerSpaces(#s, '" "), dots, '"^"]
+ true
+--% Transfer of VAT properties.
+transferPropsToNode(x,t) ==
+ propList := getProplist(x,$env)
+ QLASSQ('Led,propList) or QLASSQ('Nud,propList) => nil
+ node :=
+ VECP t => t
+ first t
+ for prop in '(mode localModemap value name generatedCode)
+ repeat transfer(x,node,prop)
+ where
+ transfer(x,node,prop) ==
+ u := get(x,prop,$env) => putAtree(node,prop,u)
+ (not (x in $localVars)) and (u := get(x,prop,$e)) =>
+ putAtree(node,prop,u)
+ if not getMode(t) and (am := get(x,'automode,$env)) then
+ putModeSet(t,[am])
+ putMode(t,am)
+ t