path: root/src/interp/g-util.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/g-util.boot')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/g-util.boot b/src/interp/g-util.boot
index 72c05126..8958843e 100644
--- a/src/interp/g-util.boot
+++ b/src/interp/g-util.boot
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ expandUNTIL p ==
g := gensym()
[[[g,false]],nil,[["SETQ",g,middleEndExpand p]],nil,[g]]
+expandInit(var,val) ==
+ [[[var,middleEndExpand val]],nil,nil,nil,nil]
expandIterators iters ==
[toLisp it or leave "failed" for it in iters] where
toLisp it ==
@@ -125,37 +128,49 @@ expandIterators iters ==
it is ["WHILE",pred] => expandWHILE pred
it is [op,pred] and op in '(SUCHTHAT _|) => expandSUCHTHAT pred
it is ["UNTIL",pred] => expandUNTIL pred
+ it is ["%init",var,val] => expandInit(var,val)
-++ Generate code for list comprehension.
-expandCollect ["%collect",:iters,body] ==
+expandLoop(iters,body,ret) ==
itersCode := expandIterators iters
- itersCode = "failed" => systemErrorHere ["expandCollect",iters]
- val := gensym() -- result of the list comprehension
+ itersCode = "failed" => systemErrorHere ["expandLoop",iters]
+ body := middleEndExpand body
itersCode := "coagulate"/itersCode
coagulate(it1,it2) == [append(it1.k,it2.k) for k in 0..4]
- [loopInits,bodyInits,cont,filters,exits,value] := itersCode
- -- Transform the body to build the list as we go.
- body := ["SETQ",val,["CONS",middleEndExpand body,val]]
- -- Guard th execution of the body by the filters.
+ [loopInits,bodyInits,cont,filters,exits] := itersCode
+ -- Guard the execution of the body by the filters.
if filters ~= nil then
body := mkpf([:filters,body],"AND")
-- If there is any body-wide initialization, now is the time.
if bodyInits ~= nil then
body := ["LET",bodyInits,body]
- if value ~= nil then
- value := first value
exits := ["COND",
- [mkpf(exits,"OR"),["RETURN",["NREVERSE",val]]],
+ [mkpf(exits,"OR"),["RETURN",ret]],
body := ["LOOP",exits,:cont]
-- Finally, set up loop-wide initializations.
- ["LET",[:loopInits,[val,nil]],body]
+ loopInits = nil => body
+ ["LET",loopInits,body]
+++ Generate code for list comprehension.
+expandCollect ["%collect",:iters,body] ==
+ val := gensym() -- result of the list comprehension
+ -- Transform the body to build the list as we go.
+ body := ["SETQ",val,["CONS",middleEndExpand body,val]]
+ -- Initialize the variable holding the result; expand as
+ -- if ordinary loop. But don't forget we built the result
+ -- in reverse order.
+ expandLoop([:iters,["%init",val,nil]],body,["NREVERSE",val])
+++ Generate code for plain loop.
+expandRepeat ["%repeat",:iters,body] ==
+ expandLoop(iters,body,["voidValue"])
++ Table of opcode-expander pairs.
$OpcodeExpanders == [
- ["%collect",:"expandCollect"]
+ ["%collect",:"expandCollect"],
+ ["%repeat",:"expandRepeat"]
++ Return the expander of a middle-end opcode, or nil if there is none.