path: root/src/interp/define.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/define.boot')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/define.boot b/src/interp/define.boot
index ce5bf8d7..debdd992 100644
--- a/src/interp/define.boot
+++ b/src/interp/define.boot
@@ -364,17 +364,11 @@ macroExpandList(l,e) ==
[macroExpand(x,e) for x in l]
--% constructor evaluation
--- The following functions are used by the compiler but are modified
--- here for use with new LISPLIB scheme
mkEvalableCategoryForm c ==
c is [op,:argl] =>
op="Join" => ["Join",:[mkEvalableCategoryForm x for x in argl]]
- op is "DomainSubstitutionMacro" =>
- --$extraParms :local
- --catobj := EVAL c -- DomainSubstitutionFunction makes $extraParms
- --mkEvalableCategoryForm sublisV($extraParms, catobj)
- mkEvalableCategoryForm second argl
+ op is "DomainSubstitutionMacro" => mkEvalableCategoryForm second argl
op is "mkCategory" => c
MEMQ(op,$CategoryNames) =>
([x,m,$e]:= compOrCroak(c,$EmptyMode,$e); m=$Category => x)
@@ -464,25 +458,25 @@ compDefineCategory2(form,signature,specialCases,body,m,e,
-- Remember the body for checking the current instantiation.
$currentCategoryBody : local := body
--Set in DomainSubstitutionFunction, used further down
--- 1.1 augment e to add declaration $: <form>
+ -- 1.1 augment e to add declaration $: <form>
[$op,:argl] := $definition
e:= addBinding("$",[['mode,:$definition]],e)
--- 2. obtain signature
+ -- 2. obtain signature
[first signature,
:[getArgumentModeOrMoan(a,$definition,e) for a in argl]]
e:= giveFormalParametersValues(argl,e)
--- 3. replace arguments by $1,..., substitute into body,
--- and introduce declarations into environment
+ -- 3. replace arguments by $1,..., substitute into body,
+ -- and introduce declarations into environment
sargl:= TAKE(# argl, $TriangleVariableList)
$functorForm:= $form:= [$op,:sargl]
$formalArgList:= [:sargl,:$formalArgList]
aList := pairList(argl,sargl)
formalBody:= SUBLIS(aList,body)
signature' := SUBLIS(aList,signature')
---Begin lines for category default definitions
+ --Begin lines for category default definitions
$functionStats: local:= [0,0]
$functorStats: local:= [0,0]
$getDomainCode: local := nil
@@ -490,7 +484,7 @@ compDefineCategory2(form,signature,specialCases,body,m,e,
for x in sargl for t in rest signature' repeat
[.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration(x,t,e)
--- 4. compile body in environment of %type declarations for arguments
+ -- 4. compile body in environment of %type declarations for arguments
op':= $op
-- following line causes cats with no with or Join to be fresh copies
if opOf(formalBody)~='Join and opOf(formalBody)~='mkCategory then
@@ -510,13 +504,13 @@ compDefineCategory2(form,signature,specialCases,body,m,e,
["setShellEntry",g,0,mkConstructor $form]]
fun:= compile [op',["LAM",sargl,body]]
--- 5. give operator a 'modemap property
+ -- 5. give operator a 'modemap property
pairlis := pairList(argl,$FormalMapVariableList)
parSignature:= SUBLIS(pairlis,signature')
parForm:= SUBLIS(pairlis,form)
-- If we are only interested in the defaults, there is no point
-- in writing out compiler info and load-time stuff for
- --the category which is assumed to have already been translated.
+ -- the category which is assumed to have already been translated.
if not $compileDefaultsOnly then
removeZeroOne ['SETQ,'$CategoryFrame,
@@ -528,7 +522,7 @@ compDefineCategory2(form,signature,specialCases,body,m,e,
--- 6. put modemaps into InteractiveModemapFrame
+ -- 6. put modemaps into InteractiveModemapFrame
$domainShell := eval [op',:MAPCAR('MKQ,sargl)]
$lisplibCategory:= formalBody
if $LISPLIB then
@@ -609,7 +603,7 @@ compDefineFunctor1(df is ['DEF,form,signature,nils,body],
originale:= $e
[$op,:argl]:= form
$formalArgList:= [:argl,:$formalArgList]
- $pairlis := pairList(argl,$FormalMapVariableList)
+ $pairlis: local := pairList(argl,$FormalMapVariableList)
$mutableDomain: local :=
-- all defaulting packages should have caching turned off
isCategoryPackageName $op or MEMQ($op,$mutableDomains)
@@ -627,7 +621,7 @@ compDefineFunctor1(df is ['DEF,form,signature,nils,body],
[ds,.,$e]:= compMakeCategoryObject(target,$e) or return
stackAndThrow('" cannot produce category object: %1pb",[target])
$compileExportsOnly => compDefineExports(form, ds.1, signature',$e)
- $domainShell:= COPY_-SEQ ds
+ $domainShell: local := COPY_-SEQ ds
attributeList := ds.2 --see below under "loadTimeAlist"
$condAlist: local := nil
$uncondAlist: local := nil
@@ -866,26 +860,25 @@ mkOpVec(dom,siglist) ==
u:= ASSQ(op,oplist)
assoc(sig,u) is [.,n,.,'ELT] => ops.i := dom.n
noplist:= SUBLIS(substargs,u)
- -- following variation on assoc needed for GENSYMS in Mutable domains
+ -- following variation on assoc needed for GENSYMS in Mutable domains
AssocBarGensym(substitute(dom.0,'$,sig),noplist) is [.,n,.,'ELT] =>
ops.i := dom.n
ops.i := [function Undef,[dom.0,i],:opSig]
+++ form is lhs (f a1 ... an) of definition; body is rhs;
+++ signature is (t0 t1 ... tn) where t0= target type, ti=type of ai, i > 0;
+++ specialCases is (NIL l1 ... ln) where li is list of special cases
+++ which can be given for each ti
+++ removes declarative and assignment information from form and
+++ signature, placing it in list L, replacing form by ("where",form',:L),
+++ signature by a list of NILs (signifying declarations are in e)
compDefWhereClause(['DEF,form,signature,specialCases,body],m,e) ==
--- form is lhs (f a1 ... an) of definition; body is rhs;
--- signature is (t0 t1 ... tn) where t0= target type, ti=type of ai, i > 0;
--- specialCases is (NIL l1 ... ln) where li is list of special cases
--- which can be given for each ti
--- removes declarative and assignment information from form and
--- signature, placing it in list L, replacing form by ("where",form',:L),
--- signature by a list of NILs (signifying declarations are in e)
$sigAlist: local := nil
$predAlist: local := nil
--- 1. create sigList= list of all signatures which have embedded
--- declarations moved into global variable $sigAlist
+ -- 1. create sigList= list of all signatures which have embedded
+ -- declarations moved into global variable $sigAlist
[transformType fetchType(a,x,e,form) for a in rest form for x in rest signature]
@@ -900,16 +893,16 @@ compDefWhereClause(['DEF,form,signature,specialCases,body],m,e) ==
x is ['Record,:.] => x --RDJ 8/83
[first x,:[transformType y for y in rest x]]
--- 2. replace each argument of the form (|| x p) by x, recording
--- the given predicate in global variable $predAlist
+ -- 2. replace each argument of the form (|| x p) by x, recording
+ -- the given predicate in global variable $predAlist
[removeSuchthat a for a in rest form] where
removeSuchthat x ==
x is ["|",y,p] => ($predAlist:= [[y,:p],:$predAlist]; y)
--- 3. obtain a list of parameter identifiers (x1 .. xn) ordered so that
--- the type of xi is independent of xj if i < j
+ -- 3. obtain a list of parameter identifiers (x1 .. xn) ordered so that
+ -- the type of xi is independent of xj if i < j
orderByDependency(ASSOCLEFT argDepAlist,ASSOCRIGHT argDepAlist) where
@@ -919,13 +912,13 @@ compDefWhereClause(['DEF,form,signature,specialCases,body],m,e) ==
delete(x,listOfIdentifiersIn LASSOC(x,$predAlist)))
argSigAlist:= [:$sigAlist,:pairList(argList,sigList)]
--- 4. construct a WhereList which declares and/or defines the xi's in
--- the order constructed in step 3
+ -- 4. construct a WhereList which declares and/or defines the xi's in
+ -- the order constructed in step 3
(whereList:= [addSuchthat(x,[":",x,LASSOC(x,argSigAlist)]) for x in varList])
where addSuchthat(x,y) == (p:= LASSOC(x,$predAlist) => ["|",y,p]; y)
--- 5. compile new ('DEF,("where",form',:WhereList),:.) where
--- all argument parameters of form' are bound/declared in WhereList
+ -- 5. compile new ('DEF,("where",form',:WhereList),:.) where
+ -- all argument parameters of form' are bound/declared in WhereList
comp(form',m,e) where
["where",defform,:whereList] where
@@ -1031,8 +1024,8 @@ compDefineCapsuleFunction(df is ['DEF,form,signature,specialCases,body],
if $newCompCompare=true then
SAY '"The old compiler generates:"
prTriple T
--- A THROW to the above CATCH occurs if too many semantic errors occur
--- see stackSemanticError
+ -- A THROW to the above CATCH occurs if too many semantic errors occur
+ -- see stackSemanticError
catchTag:= MKQ GENSYM()
body':= replaceExitEtc(T.expr,catchTag,"TAGGEDreturn",$returnMode)
@@ -1041,7 +1034,7 @@ compDefineCapsuleFunction(df is ['DEF,form,signature,specialCases,body],
compile [$op,["LAM",[:argl,'_$],finalBody]]
$functorStats:= addStats($functorStats,$functionStats)
--- 7. give operator a 'value property
+ --7. give operator a 'value property
val:= [fun,signature',e]
@@ -1202,7 +1195,7 @@ compile u ==
-- Deduce old sequence number and use it (items have been skipped).
if $LISPLIB and $compileOnlyCertainItems then
parts := splitEncodedFunctionName(u.0, ";")
--- Next line JHD/SMWATT 7/17/86 to deal with inner functions
+ -- Next line JHD/SMWATT 7/17/86 to deal with inner functions
parts='inner => $savableItems:=[u.0,:$savableItems]
unew := nil
for [s,t] in $splitUpItemsAlreadyThere repeat
@@ -1555,9 +1548,6 @@ doItIf(item is [.,p,x,y],$predl,$e) ==
$functorLocalParameters:=[:oldFLP,:nreverse nils]
nreverse ans
---compSingleCapsuleIf(x,predl,e,$functorLocalParameters) ==
--- compSingleCapsuleItem(x,predl,e)
compContained: (%Form, %Mode, %Env) -> %Maybe %Triple
@@ -1649,7 +1639,7 @@ DomainSubstitutionFunction(parameters,body) ==
[Subst(parameters,u) for u in body]
not (body is ["Join",:.]) => body
atom $definition => body
- null rest $definition => body
+ null rest $definition => body
--should not bother if it will only be called once
name:= INTERN STRCONC(KAR $definition,";CAT")
@@ -1709,9 +1699,9 @@ compCategoryItem(x,predl,env) ==
for u in l repeat
--- 4. otherwise, x gives a signature for a
--- single operator name or a list of names; if a list of names,
--- recurse
+ -- 4. otherwise, x gives a signature for a
+ -- single operator name or a list of names; if a list of names,
+ -- recurse
x is ["SIGNATURE",:opsig] => compSignature(opsig,pred,env)
systemErrorHere ["compCategoryItem",x]