path: root/src/interp/br-op2.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/br-op2.boot')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/br-op2.boot b/src/interp/br-op2.boot
index dbac1262..bff5beac 100644
--- a/src/interp/br-op2.boot
+++ b/src/interp/br-op2.boot
@@ -41,150 +41,6 @@ import br_-op1
-- Operation Description
- doc,index,chooseFn,unexposed?,$generalSearch?) ==
------------------------> OBSELETE
- $saturn =>
- displayDomainOp1(htPage,which,origin,op,sig,predicate,
- doc,index,chooseFn,unexposed?,$generalSearch?)
- $chooseDownCaseOfType : local := true --see dbGetContrivedForm
- $whereList : local := nil
- $NumberList : local := '(i j k l m n i1 j1 k1 l1 m1 n1 i2 j2 k2 l2 m2 n2 i3 j3 k3 l3 m3 n3 i4 j4 k4 l4 m4 n4 )
- $ElementList: local := '(x y z u v w x1 y1 z1 u1 v1 w1 x2 y2 z2 u2 v2 w2 x3 y3 z3 u3 v3 w3 x4 y4 z4 u4 v4 w4 )
- $FunctionList:local := '(f g h d e F G H)
- $DomainList: local := '(D R S E T A B C M N P Q U V W)
- exactlyOneOpSig := null index
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'domname) or htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- or origin
- if $generalSearch? then $DomainList := rest $DomainList
- opform :=
- which = '"attribute" =>
- null sig => [op]
- [op,sig]
- which = '"constructor" => origin
- dbGetDisplayFormForOp(op,sig,doc)
- htSay('"\newline")
- if exactlyOneOpSig then htSay('"\menuitemstyle{}")
- else htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{}",'"",chooseFn,which,index]]]
- htSay('"\tab{2}")
- op := IFCAR opform
- args := IFCDR opform
- ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE op
- n := #sig
- do
- n = 2 and LASSOC('Nud,PROPLIST op) => htSay(ops,'" {\em ",quickForm2HtString KAR args,'"}")
- n = 3 and LASSOC('Led,PROPLIST op) => htSay('"{\em ",quickForm2HtString KAR args,'"} ",ops,'" {\em ",quickForm2HtString KAR KDR args,'"}")
- if unexposed? and $includeUnexposed? then
- htSayUnexposed()
- htSaySaturn '"\unexposed{{\em "
- htSaySaturn ops
- htSaySaturn '"}"
- htSayStandard(ops)
- predicate='ASCONST or niladicConstructorFromDB op or member(op,'(0 1)) => 'skip
- which = '"attribute" and null args => 'skip
- htSay('"(")
- if IFCAR args then htSay('"{\em ",quickForm2HtString IFCAR args,'"}")
- for x in IFCDR args repeat
- htSay('",{\em ",quickForm2HtString x,'"}")
- htSay('")")
- constring := form2HtString conform
- conname := first conform
- $conkind : local := htpProperty(htPage,'kind) -- a string e.g. "category"
- or STRINGIMAGE getConstructorKindFromDB conname
- $conlength : local := #constring
- $conform : local := conform
- $conargs : local := rest conform
- if which = '"operation" then
- $signature : local :=
- MEMQ(conname,$Primitives) => nil
- CDAR getConstructorModemapFromDB conname
- --RDJ: this next line is necessary until compiler bug is fixed
- --that forgets to substitute #variables for t#variables;
- --check the signature for SegmentExpansionCategory, e.g.
- tvarlist := TAKE(# $conargs,$TriangleVariableList)
- $signature := SUBLISLIS($FormalMapVariableList,tvarlist,$signature)
- $sig :=
- which = '"attribute" or which = '"constructor" => sig
- $conkind ^= '"package" => sig
- symbolsUsed := [x for x in rest conform | IDENTP x]
- $DomainList := SETDIFFERENCE($DomainList,symbolsUsed)
- getSubstSigIfPossible sig
- if member(which,'("operation" "constructor")) then
- $displayReturnValue: local := nil
- if args then
- htSay('"\newline")
- htSayStandard '"\tab{2}"
- htSay '"{\em Arguments:}"
- for a in args for t in rest $sig repeat
- htSayIndentRel(15,true)
- htSay('"{\em ",form2HtString(a),'"}, ")
- htSayValue t
- htSayIndentRel(-15,true)
- htSay('"\newline ")
- if first $sig then
- $displayReturnValue := true
- htSay('"\newline\tab{2}{\em Returns:}")
- htSayIndentRel(15)
- htSayValue first $sig
- htSayIndentRel(-15)
- htSay('"\newline ")
- if origin and ($generalSearch? or origin ^= conform) and opOf(origin)^=op then
- htSay('"\newline\tab{2}{\em Origin:}")
- htSayIndentRel(15)
- if not isExposedConstructor opOf origin and $includeUnexposed? then htSayUnexposed()
- bcConform(origin,true)
- htSayIndentRel(-15)
- if not MEMQ(predicate,'(T ASCONST)) then
- pred := sublisFormal(KDR conform,predicate)
- count := #pred
- htSay('"\newline\tab{2}{\em Conditions:}")
- for p in displayBreakIntoAnds SUBST($conform,"$",pred) repeat
- htSayIndentRel(15,count > 1)
- bcPred(p,$conform,true)
- htSayIndentRel(-15,count > 1)
- htSay('"\newline ")
- if $whereList then
- count := #$whereList
- htSay('"\newline\tab{2}{\em Where:}")
- if ASSOC("$",$whereList) then
- htSayIndentRel(15,true)
- htSayStandard '"{\em \$} is "
- htSaySaturn '"{\em \%} is "
- htSay
- $conkind = '"category" => '"of category "
- '"the domain "
- bcConform(conform,true,true)
- htSayIndentRel(-15,true)
- for [d,key,:t] in $whereList | d ^= "$" repeat
- htSayIndentRel(15,count > 1)
- htSay("{\em ",d,"} is ")
- htSayConstructor(key,sublisFormal(KDR conform,t))
- htSayIndentRel(-15,count > 1)
- if doc and (doc ^= '"" and (doc isnt [d] or d ^= '"")) then
- htSay('"\newline\tab{2}{\em Description:}")
- htSayIndentRel(15)
- if doc = $charFauxNewline then htSay $charNewline
- else
- ndoc:=
- -- we are confused whether doc is a string or a list of strings
- CONSP doc => [SUBSTITUTE($charNewline, $charFauxNewline, i) for i in doc]
- SUBSTITUTE($charNewline, $charFauxNewline,doc)
- htSay ndoc
- htSayIndentRel(-15)
- if exactlyOneOpSig and (infoAlist := htpProperty(htPage,'infoAlist)) then
- displayInfoOp(htPage,infoAlist,op,sig)
-htSayIndentRel(n,:options) ==
------------------> OBSELETE
- flag := IFCAR options
- m := ABSVAL n
- if flag then m := m + 2
- htSay
- n > 0 =>
- flag => ['"\indent{",STRINGIMAGE m,'"}\tab{-2}"]
- ['"\indent{",STRINGIMAGE m,'"}\tab{0}"]
- n < 0 => ['"\indent{0}\newline "]
htSayConstructor(key,u) ==
u is ['CATEGORY,kind,:r] =>