path: root/src/interp/br-op1.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/br-op1.boot')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/br-op1.boot b/src/interp/br-op1.boot
index e359dd93..05be1d7f 100644
--- a/src/interp/br-op1.boot
+++ b/src/interp/br-op1.boot
@@ -45,99 +45,6 @@ import bc_-util
dbFromConstructor?(htPage) == htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
-dbPresentOps(htPage,which,:exclusions) ==
- true => dbPresentOpsSaturn(htPage,which,exclusions)
--- fromConPage?: came (originally) from a constructor page
--- usage?: display usage?
--- star?: display exposed/*=unexposed
--- implementation?: display implementation?
- htSay('"{\em Views:}")
- asharp? := htpProperty(htPage,'isAsharpConstructor)
- fromConPage? := (conname := opOf htpProperty(htPage,'conform))
- usage? := $UserLevel = 'development and fromConPage? and which = '"operation"
- and getConstructorKindFromDB conname ^= "category"
- and not asharp?
- star? := not fromConPage? or which = '"package operation"
- implementation? := not asharp? and
- $UserLevel = 'development and $conformsAreDomains --and not $includeUnexposed?
- rightmost? := star? or (implementation? and not $includeUnexposed?)
- tabs :=
- which = '"attribute" => '("12" "12" "25" "40" 13)
- star? => '("12" "19" "31" "43" 10)
- implementation? => '("9" "16" "28" "44" 9)
- '("9" "16" "28" "41" 12)
- if INTEGERP first exclusions then exclusions := ['documentation]
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'exclusion,first exclusions)
- opAlist :=
- which = '"operation" => htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist)
- htpProperty(htPage,'attrAlist)
- empty? := null opAlist
- htTab
- which = '"attribute" => tabs.1
- tabs.0
- if empty? or member('names,exclusions) or null KDR opAlist
- then htSay '"{\em names}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"names",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'names]]]
- if which ^= '"attribute" then
- htTab tabs.1
- if empty? or member('signatures,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em signatures}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"signatures",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'signatures]]]
- htTab tabs.2
- if empty? or member('parameters,exclusions) --also test for some parameter
- or not dbDoesOneOpHaveParameters? opAlist
- then htSay '"{\em parameters}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"parameters",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'parameters]]]
- htTab tabs.3
- if not empty? and null IFCDR opAlist and not htpProperty(htPage,'noUsage)
- then
- if htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- then htMakePage
- [['bcLinks,['"generalise",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'generalise]]]
- else htMakePage
- [['bcLinks,['"all domains",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'allDomains]]]
- else
- if empty? or MEMQ('usage,exclusions) or htpProperty(htPage,'noUsage) then htSay '"{\em filter}" else
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"filter",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'filter]]]
- htMakePage [['bcStrings, [tabs.4,'"",'filter,'EM]]]
- htSay('"\newline ")
- if star?
- then
- if $exposedOnlyIfTrue
- then htMakePage
- [['bcLinks,['"exposed",'" {\em only}",'dbShowOps,which,'exposureOff]]]
- else
- htSay('"*{\em =}")
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"unexposed",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'exposureOn]]]
--- else if (updown := dbCompositeWithMap htPage)
--- then htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,[updown,'"",'dbShowUpDown,updown]]]
- htTab tabs.0
- if usage? then
- if empty? or member('usage,exclusions) or getConstructorKindFromDB conname = "category" or HGET($defaultPackageNamesHT,conname) or htpProperty(htPage,'noUsage)
- then htSay '"{\em usage}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"usage",'"",'whoUsesOperation,which,nil]]]
- htTab tabs.1
- if empty? or member('origins,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em origins}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"origins",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'origins]]]
- htTab tabs.2
- if implementation? then
- if member('implementation,exclusions) or which = '"attribute" or
- ((conname := opOf htpProperty(htPage,'conform)) and getConstructorKindFromDB conname = "category")
- then htSay '"{\em implementation}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"implementation",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'implementation]]]
- else if empty? or member('conditions,exclusions) or (htpProperty(htPage,'condition?) = 'no)
- then htSay '"{\em conditions}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"conditions",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'conditions]]]
- htTab tabs.3
- if empty? or member('documentation,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em description}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"description",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'documentation]]]
- htShowPageNoScroll()
-htTab s == htSay('"\tab{",s,'"}")
dbDoesOneOpHaveParameters? opAlist ==
or/[(or/[fn for x in items]) for [op,:items] in opAlist] where fn() ==
STRINGP x => dbPart(x,2,1) ^= '"0"
@@ -380,17 +287,6 @@ dbOpsForm form ==
--2nd arg: like (|Matrix| (|Integer|)) and (|U..P..| (QUOTE |x|) (|Integer|))
["\ops{",:conform2StringList(form,FUNCTION conname2StringList,FUNCTION conformString,nil),'"}{",:$pn,:form2Fence form,'"}"]
-dbConform form ==
---------------------> OBSELETE <--------------------------
---one button for the main constructor page of a type
---NOTE: Next line should be as follows---but form2Fence form will
--- put, e.g. '((2 1 . 0) (0 1 . 0)) instead of x**2 + 1
- $saturn => ["\conf{",:form2StringList opOf form,
- '"}{\lispLink{\verb!{(|conForm| '",:form2Fence dbOuttran form,'")!}}}"]
- ["\conf{",:form2StringList opOf form,'"}{",:form2Fence dbOuttran form,'"}"]
---["\conf{",:form2StringList opOf form,'"}{",:form2Fence opOf form,'"}"]
dbConformGen form == dbConformGen1(form,true)
--many buttons: one for the type and one for each inner type
--NOTE: must only be called on types KNOWN to be correct
@@ -665,37 +561,6 @@ dbShowOpImplementations(htPage,opAlist,which,data) ==
dbShowOpConditions(htPage,opAlist,which,data) ==
dbGatherThenShow(htPage,opAlist,which,data,nil,nil,function bcPred)
-dbGatherThenShow(htPage,opAlist,which,data,constructorIfTrue,word,fn) ==
------------------> OBSELETE
- single? := null rest data
- htSay('"\beginmenu ")
- bincount := 0
- for [thing,exposeFlag,:items] in data repeat
- htSay('"\item ")
- if single? then htSay(menuButton())
- else htMakePage [['bcLinks,[menuButton(),'"",'dbShowOps,which,bincount]]]
- htSay '"{\em "
- htSay
- thing = 'nowhere => '"implemented nowhere"
- thing = 'constant => '"constant"
- thing = '_$ => '"by the domain"
- INTEGERP thing => '"unexported"
- constructorIfTrue =>
- htSay word
- atom thing => '" an unknown constructor"
- '""
- atom thing => '"unconditional"
- '""
- htSay '"}"
- if null atom thing then
- if constructorIfTrue then htSay('" {\em ",dbShowKind thing,'"}")
- htSay '" "
- FUNCALL(fn,thing)
- htSay('":\newline ")
- dbShowOpSigList(which,items,(1 + bincount) * 8192)
- bincount := bincount + 1
- htSay '"\endmenu "
dbShowKind conform ==
conname := CAR conform
kind := getConstructorKindFromDB conname