path: root/src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 1296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet
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+++ b/src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet
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+\title{\$SPAD/src/algebra stream.spad}
+\author{Clifton J. Williamson, William Burge, Stephen M. Watt}
+\section{category LZSTAGG LazyStreamAggregate}
+<<category LZSTAGG LazyStreamAggregate>>=
+)abbrev category LZSTAGG LazyStreamAggregate
+++ Category of streams with lazy evaluation
+++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: 22 November 1989
+++ Date Last Updated: 20 July 1990
+++ Keywords: stream, infinite list, infinite sequence
+++ Description:
+++ LazyStreamAggregate is the category of streams with lazy
+++ evaluation. It is understood that the function 'empty?' will
+++ cause lazy evaluation if necessary to determine if there are
+++ entries. Functions which call 'empty?', e.g. 'first' and 'rest',
+++ will also cause lazy evaluation if necessary.
+LazyStreamAggregate(S:Type): Category == StreamAggregate(S) with
+ remove: (S -> Boolean,%) -> %
+ ++ remove(f,st) returns a stream consisting of those elements of stream
+ ++ st which do not satisfy the predicate f.
+ ++ Note: \spad{remove(f,st) = [x for x in st | not f(x)]}.
+ select: (S -> Boolean,%) -> %
+ ++ select(f,st) returns a stream consisting of those elements of stream
+ ++ st satisfying the predicate f.
+ ++ Note: \spad{select(f,st) = [x for x in st | f(x)]}.
+ explicitEntries?: % -> Boolean
+ ++ explicitEntries?(s) returns true if the stream s has
+ ++ explicitly computed entries, and false otherwise.
+ explicitlyEmpty?: % -> Boolean
+ ++ explicitlyEmpty?(s) returns true if the stream is an
+ ++ (explicitly) empty stream.
+ ++ Note: this is a null test which will not cause lazy evaluation.
+ lazy?: % -> Boolean
+ ++ lazy?(s) returns true if the first node of the stream s
+ ++ is a lazy evaluation mechanism which could produce an
+ ++ additional entry to s.
+ lazyEvaluate: % -> %
+ ++ lazyEvaluate(s) causes one lazy evaluation of stream s.
+ ++ Caution: the first node must be a lazy evaluation mechanism
+ ++ (satisfies \spad{lazy?(s) = true}) as there is no error check.
+ ++ Note: a call to this function may
+ ++ or may not produce an explicit first entry
+ frst: % -> S
+ ++ frst(s) returns the first element of stream s.
+ ++ Caution: this function should only be called after a \spad{empty?} test
+ ++ has been made since there no error check.
+ rst: % -> %
+ ++ rst(s) returns a pointer to the next node of stream s.
+ ++ Caution: this function should only be called after a \spad{empty?} test
+ ++ has been made since there no error check.
+ numberOfComputedEntries: % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ numberOfComputedEntries(st) returns the number of explicitly
+ ++ computed entries of stream st which exist immediately prior to the time
+ ++ this function is called.
+ extend: (%,Integer) -> %
+ ++ extend(st,n) causes entries to be computed, if necessary,
+ ++ so that 'st' will have at least 'n' explicit entries or so
+ ++ that all entries of 'st' will be computed if 'st' is finite
+ ++ with length <= n.
+ complete: % -> %
+ ++ complete(st) causes all entries of 'st' to be computed.
+ ++ this function should only be called on streams which are
+ ++ known to be finite.
+ add
+ MIN ==> 1 -- minimal stream index
+ I ==> Integer
+ NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
+ L ==> List
+ U ==> UniversalSegment Integer
+ indexx? : (Integer,%) -> Boolean
+ cycleElt : % -> Union(%,"failed")
+ computeCycleLength : % -> NNI
+ computeCycleEntry : (%,%) -> %
+--% SETCAT functions
+ if S has SetCategory then
+ x = y ==
+ eq?(x,y) => true
+ explicitlyFinite? x and explicitlyFinite? y =>
+ entries x = entries y
+ explicitEntries? x and explicitEntries? y =>
+ frst x = frst y and EQ(rst x, rst y)$Lisp
+ -- treat cyclic streams
+ false
+--% HOAGG functions
+ --null x == empty? x
+ less?(x,n) ==
+ n = 0 => false
+ empty? x => true
+ less?(rst x,(n-1) :: NNI)
+ more?(x,n) ==
+ empty? x => false
+ n = 0 => true
+ more?(rst x,(n-1) :: NNI)
+ size?(x,n) ==
+ empty? x => n = 0
+ size?(rst x,(n-1) :: NNI)
+ # x ==
+ -- error if stream is not finite
+ y := x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return i
+ lazy? y => error "#: infinite stream"
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => error "#: infinite stream"
+--% CLAGG functions
+ any?(f,x) ==
+ -- error message only when x is a stream with lazy
+ -- evaluation and f(s) = false for all stream elements
+ -- 's' which have been computed when the function is
+ -- called
+ y := x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return false
+ lazy? y => error "any?: infinite stream"
+ f frst y => return true
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => return false
+ every?(f,x) ==
+ -- error message only when x is a stream with lazy
+ -- evaluation and f(s) = true for all stream elements
+ -- 's' which have been computed when the function is
+ -- called
+ y := x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return true
+ lazy? y => error "every?: infinite stream"
+ not f frst y => return false
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => return true
+-- following ops count and member? are only exported if $ has finiteAggregate
+-- count(f:S -> Boolean,x:%) ==
+-- -- error if stream is not finite
+-- count : NNI := 0
+-- y := x
+-- for i in 0.. repeat
+-- explicitlyEmpty? y => return count
+-- lazy? y => error "count: infinite stream"
+-- if f frst y then count := count + 1
+-- y := rst y
+-- if odd? i then x := rst x
+-- eq?(x,y) => error "count: infinite stream"
+-- if S has SetCategory then
+-- count(s:S,x:%) == count(#1 = s,x)
+-- -- error if stream is not finite
+-- member?(s,x) ==
+-- -- error message only when x is a stream with lazy
+-- -- evaluation and 's' is not among the stream elements
+-- -- which have been computed when the function is called
+-- y := x
+-- for i in 0.. repeat
+-- explicitlyEmpty? y => return false
+-- lazy? y => error "member?: infinite stream"
+-- frst y = s => return true
+-- y := rst y
+-- if odd? i then x := rst x
+-- eq?(x,y) => return false
+ entries x ==
+ -- returns a list of elements which have been computed
+ -- error if infinite
+ y := x
+ l : L S := empty()
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return reverse_! l
+ lazy? y => error "infinite stream"
+ l := concat(frst y,l)
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => error "infinite stream"
+--% CNAGG functions
+ construct l ==
+ empty? l => empty()
+ concat(first l, construct rest l)
+ --entries x ==
+ -- returns a list of the stream elements
+ -- error if the stream is not finite
+ --members x
+--% ELTAGG functions
+ elt(x:%,n:I) ==
+ n < MIN or empty? x => error "elt: no such element"
+ n = MIN => frst x
+ elt(rst x,n - 1)
+ elt(x:%,n:I,s:S) ==
+ n < MIN or empty? x => s
+ n = MIN => frst x
+ elt(rst x,n - 1)
+--% IXAGG functions
+-- following assumes % has finiteAggregate and S has SetCategory
+-- entry?(s,x) ==
+-- -- error message only when x is a stream with lazy
+-- -- evaluation and 's' is not among the stream elements
+-- -- which have been computed when the function is called
+-- member?(s,x)
+ --entries x ==
+ -- error if the stream is not finite
+ --members x
+ indexx?(n,x) ==
+ empty? x => false
+ n = MIN => true
+ indexx?(n-1,rst x)
+ index?(n,x) ==
+ -- returns 'true' iff 'n' is the index of an entry which
+ -- may or may not have been computed when the function is
+ -- called
+ -- additional entries are computed if necessary
+ n < MIN => false
+ indexx?(n,x)
+ indices x ==
+ -- error if stream is not finite
+ y := x
+ l : L I := empty()
+ for i in MIN.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return reverse_! l
+ lazy? y => error "indices: infinite stream"
+ l := concat(i,l)
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => error "indices: infinite stream"
+ maxIndex x ==
+ -- error if stream is not finite
+ empty? x =>
+ error "maxIndex: no maximal index for empty stream"
+ y := rst x
+ for i in MIN.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return i
+ lazy? y => error "maxIndex: infinite stream"
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => error "maxIndex: infinite stream"
+ minIndex x ==
+ empty? x => error "minIndex: no minimal index for empty stream"
+--% LNAGG functions
+ delete(x:%,n:I) ==
+ -- non-destructive
+ not index?(n,x) => error "delete: index out of range"
+ concat(first(x,(n - MIN) :: NNI), rest(x,(n - MIN + 1) :: NNI))
+ delete(x:%,seg:U) ==
+ low := lo seg
+ hasHi seg =>
+ high := hi seg
+ high < low => copy x
+ (not index?(low,x)) or (not index?(high,x)) =>
+ error "delete: index out of range"
+ concat(first(x,(low - MIN) :: NNI),rest(x,(high - MIN + 1) :: NNI))
+ not index?(low,x) => error "delete: index out of range"
+ first(x,(low - MIN) :: NNI)
+ elt(x:%,seg:U) ==
+ low := lo seg
+ hasHi seg =>
+ high := hi seg
+ high < low => empty()
+ (not index?(low,x)) or (not index?(high,x)) =>
+ error "elt: index out of range"
+ first(rest(x,(low - MIN) :: NNI),(high - low + 1) :: NNI)
+ not index?(low,x) => error "elt: index out of range"
+ rest(x,(low - MIN) :: NNI)
+ insert(s:S,x:%,n:I) ==
+ not index?(n,x) => error "insert: index out of range"
+ nn := (n - MIN) :: NNI
+ concat([first(x,nn), concat(s, empty()), rest(x,nn)])
+ insert(y:%,x:%,n:I) ==
+ not index?(n,x) => error "insert: index out of range"
+ nn := (n - MIN) :: NNI
+ concat([first(x,nn), y, rest(x,nn)])
+--% RCAGG functions
+ cycleElt x == cycleElt(x)$CyclicStreamTools(S,%)
+ cyclic? x ==
+ cycleElt(x) case "failed" => false
+ true
+ if S has SetCategory then
+ child?(x,y) ==
+ empty? y => error "child: no children"
+ x = rst y
+ children x ==
+ empty? x => error "children: no children"
+ [rst x]
+ distance(x,z) ==
+ y := x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ eq?(y,z) => return i
+ (explicitlyEmpty? y) or (lazy? y) =>
+ error "distance: 2nd arg not a descendent of the 1st"
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) =>
+ error "distance: 2nd arg not a descendent of the 1st"
+ if S has SetCategory then
+ node?(z,x) ==
+ -- error message only when x is a stream with lazy
+ -- evaluation and 'y' is not a node of 'x'
+ -- which has been computed when the function is called
+ y := x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ z = y => return true
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return false
+ lazy? y => error "node?: infinite stream"
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => return false
+ nodes x ==
+ y := x
+ l : L % := []
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return reverse_! l
+ lazy? y => error "nodes: infinite stream"
+ l := concat(y,l)
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => error "nodes: infinite stream"
+ l -- @#$%^& compiler
+ leaf? x == empty? rest x
+ value x == first x
+--% URAGG functions
+ computeCycleLength cycElt ==
+ computeCycleLength(cycElt)$CyclicStreamTools(S,%)
+ computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt) ==
+ computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt)$CyclicStreamTools(S,%)
+ cycleEntry x ==
+ cycElt := cycleElt x
+ cycElt case "failed" =>
+ error "cycleEntry: non-cyclic stream"
+ computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt::%)
+ cycleLength x ==
+ cycElt := cycleElt x
+ cycElt case "failed" =>
+ error "cycleLength: non-cyclic stream"
+ computeCycleLength(cycElt::%)
+ cycleTail x ==
+ cycElt := cycleElt x
+ cycElt case "failed" =>
+ error "cycleTail: non-cyclic stream"
+ y := x := computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt::%)
+ z := rst x
+ repeat
+ eq?(x,z) => return y
+ y := z ; z := rst z
+ elt(x,"first") == first x
+ first(x,n) ==
+ -- former name: take
+ n = 0 or empty? x => empty()
+ concat(frst x, first(rst x,(n-1) :: NNI))
+ rest x ==
+ empty? x => error "Can't take the rest of an empty stream."
+ rst x
+ elt(x,"rest") == rest x
+ rest(x,n) ==
+ -- former name: drop
+ n = 0 or empty? x => x
+ rest(rst x,(n-1) :: NNI)
+ last x ==
+ -- error if stream is not finite
+ empty? x => error "last: empty stream"
+ y1 := x
+ y2 := rst x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y2 => return frst y1
+ lazy? y2 => error "last: infinite stream"
+ y1 := y2
+ y2 := rst y2
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y2) => error "last: infinite stream"
+ if % has finiteAggregate then -- # is only defined for finiteAggregates
+ last(x,n) ==
+ possiblyInfinite? x => error "last: infinite stream"
+ m := # x
+ m < n => error "last: index out of range"
+ copy rest(x,(m-n)::NNI)
+ elt(x,"last") == last x
+ tail x ==
+ -- error if stream is not finite
+ empty? x => error "tail: empty stream"
+ y1 := x
+ y2 := rst x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y2 => return y1
+ lazy? y2 => error "tail: infinite stream"
+ y1 := y2
+ y2 := rst y2
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y2) => error "tail: infinite stream"
+--% STAGG functions
+ possiblyInfinite? x ==
+ y := x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => return false
+ lazy? y => return true
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ y := rst y
+ eq?(x,y) => return true
+ explicitlyFinite? x == not possiblyInfinite? x
+--% LZSTAGG functions
+ extend(x,n) ==
+ y := x
+ for i in 1..n while not empty? y repeat y := rst y
+ x
+ complete x ==
+ y := x
+ while not empty? y repeat y := rst y
+ x
+\section{package CSTTOOLS CyclicStreamTools}
+<<package CSTTOOLS CyclicStreamTools>>=
+)abbrev package CSTTOOLS CyclicStreamTools
+++ Functions for dealing with cyclic streams
+++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: 5 December 1989
+++ Date Last Updated: 5 December 1989
+++ Keywords: stream, cyclic
+++ Description:
+++ This package provides tools for working with cyclic streams.
+CyclicStreamTools(S,ST): Exports == Implementation where
+ S : Type
+ ST : LazyStreamAggregate S
+ Exports ==> with
+ cycleElt: ST -> Union(ST,"failed")
+ ++ cycleElt(s) returns a pointer to a node in the cycle if the stream s is
+ ++ cyclic and returns "failed" if s is not cyclic
+ computeCycleLength: ST -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ computeCycleLength(s) returns the length of the cycle of a
+ ++ cyclic stream t, where s is a pointer to a node in the
+ ++ cyclic part of t.
+ computeCycleEntry: (ST,ST) -> ST
+ ++ computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt), where cycElt is a pointer to a
+ ++ node in the cyclic part of the cyclic stream x, returns a
+ ++ pointer to the first node in the cycle
+ Implementation ==> add
+ cycleElt x ==
+ y := x
+ for i in 0.. repeat
+ (explicitlyEmpty? y) or (lazy? y) => return "failed"
+ y := rst y
+ if odd? i then x := rst x
+ eq?(x,y) => return y
+ computeCycleLength cycElt ==
+ i : NonNegativeInteger
+ y := cycElt
+ for i in 1.. repeat
+ y := rst y
+ eq?(y,cycElt) => return i
+ computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt) ==
+ y := rest(x, computeCycleLength cycElt)
+ repeat
+ eq?(x,y) => return x
+ x := rst x ; y := rst y
+\section{domain STREAM Stream}
+<<domain STREAM Stream>>=
+)abbrev domain STREAM Stream
+++ Implementation of streams via lazy evaluation
+++ Authors: Burge, Watt; updated by Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: July 1986
+++ Date Last Updated: 30 March 1990
+++ Keywords: stream, infinite list, infinite sequence
+++ Examples:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ A stream is an implementation of an infinite sequence using
+++ a list of terms that have been computed and a function closure
+++ to compute additional terms when needed.
+Stream(S): Exports == Implementation where
+-- problems:
+-- 1) dealing with functions which basically want a finite structure
+-- 2) 'map' doesn't deal with cycles very well
+ S : Type
+ B ==> Boolean
+ OUT ==> OutputForm
+ I ==> Integer
+ L ==> List
+ NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
+ U ==> UniversalSegment I
+ Exports ==> LazyStreamAggregate(S) with
+ shallowlyMutable
+ ++ one may destructively alter a stream by assigning new
+ ++ values to its entries.
+ coerce: L S -> %
+ ++ coerce(l) converts a list l to a stream.
+ repeating: L S -> %
+ ++ repeating(l) is a repeating stream whose period is the list l.
+ if S has SetCategory then
+ repeating?: (L S,%) -> B
+ ++ repeating?(l,s) returns true if a stream s is periodic
+ ++ with period l, and false otherwise.
+ findCycle: (NNI,%) -> Record(cycle?: B, prefix: NNI, period: NNI)
+ ++ findCycle(n,st) determines if st is periodic within n.
+ delay: (() -> %) -> %
+ ++ delay(f) creates a stream with a lazy evaluation defined by function f.
+ ++ Caution: This function can only be called in compiled code.
+ cons: (S,%) -> %
+ ++ cons(a,s) returns a stream whose \spad{first} is \spad{a}
+ ++ and whose \spad{rest} is s.
+ ++ Note: \spad{cons(a,s) = concat(a,s)}.
+ if S has SetCategory then
+ output: (I, %) -> Void
+ ++ output(n,st) computes and displays the first n entries
+ ++ of st.
+ showAllElements: % -> OUT
+ ++ showAllElements(s) creates an output form which displays all
+ ++ computed elements.
+ showAll?: () -> B
+ ++ showAll?() returns true if all computed entries of streams
+ ++ will be displayed.
+ --!! this should be a function of one argument
+ setrest_!: (%,I,%) -> %
+ ++ setrest!(x,n,y) sets rest(x,n) to y. The function will expand
+ ++ cycles if necessary.
+ generate: (() -> S) -> %
+ ++ generate(f) creates an infinite stream all of whose elements are
+ ++ equal to \spad{f()}.
+ ++ Note: \spad{generate(f) = [f(),f(),f(),...]}.
+ generate: (S -> S,S) -> %
+ ++ generate(f,x) creates an infinite stream whose first element is
+ ++ x and whose nth element (\spad{n > 1}) is f applied to the previous
+ ++ element. Note: \spad{generate(f,x) = [x,f(x),f(f(x)),...]}.
+ filterWhile: (S -> Boolean,%) -> %
+ ++ filterWhile(p,s) returns \spad{[x0,x1,...,x(n-1)]} where
+ ++ \spad{s = [x0,x1,x2,..]} and
+ ++ n is the smallest index such that \spad{p(xn) = false}.
+ filterUntil: (S -> Boolean,%) -> %
+ ++ filterUntil(p,s) returns \spad{[x0,x1,...,x(n)]} where
+ ++ \spad{s = [x0,x1,x2,..]} and
+ ++ n is the smallest index such that \spad{p(xn) = true}.
+-- if S has SetCategory then
+-- map: ((S,S) -> S,%,%,S) -> %
+-- ++ map(f,x,y,a) is equivalent to map(f,x,y)
+-- ++ If z = map(f,x,y,a), then z = map(f,x,y) except if
+-- ++ x.n = a and rest(rest(x,n)) = rest(x,n) in which case
+-- ++ rest(z,n) = rest(y,n) or if y.m = a and rest(rest(y,m)) =
+-- ++ rest(y,m) in which case rest(z,n) = rest(x,n).
+-- ++ Think of the case where f(xi,yi) = xi + yi and a = 0.
+ Implementation ==> add
+ MIN ==> 1 -- minimal stream index; see also the defaults in LZSTAGG
+ x:%
+ import CyclicStreamTools(S,%)
+--% representation
+ -- This description of the rep is not quite true.
+ -- The Rep is a pair of one of three forms:
+ -- [value: S, rest: %]
+ -- [nullstream: Magic, NIL ]
+ -- [nonnullstream: Magic, fun: () -> %]
+ -- Could use a record of unions if we could guarantee no tags.
+ NullStream: S := _$NullStream$Lisp pretend S
+ NonNullStream: S := _$NonNullStream$Lisp pretend S
+ Rep := Record(firstElt: S, restOfStream: %)
+ explicitlyEmpty? x == EQ(frst x,NullStream)$Lisp
+ lazy? x == EQ(frst x,NonNullStream)$Lisp
+--% signatures of local functions
+ setfrst_! : (%,S) -> S
+ setrst_! : (%,%) -> %
+ setToNil_! : % -> %
+ setrestt_! : (%,I,%) -> %
+ lazyEval : % -> %
+ expand_! : (%,I) -> %
+--% functions to access or change record fields without lazy evaluation
+ frst x == x.firstElt
+ rst x == x.restOfStream
+ setfrst_!(x,s) == x.firstElt := s
+ setrst_!(x,y) == x.restOfStream := y
+ setToNil_! x ==
+ -- destructively changes x to a null stream
+ setfrst_!(x,NullStream); setrst_!(x,NIL$Lisp)
+ x
+--% SETCAT functions
+ if S has SetCategory then
+ getm : (%,L OUT,I) -> L OUT
+ streamCountCoerce : % -> OUT
+ listm : (%,L OUT,I) -> L OUT
+ getm(x,le,n) ==
+ explicitlyEmpty? x => le
+ lazy? x =>
+ n > 0 =>
+ empty? x => le
+ getm(rst x,concat(frst(x) :: OUT,le),n - 1)
+ concat(message("..."),le)
+ eq?(x,rst x) => concat(overbar(frst(x) :: OUT),le)
+ n > 0 => getm(rst x,concat(frst(x) :: OUT,le),n - 1)
+ concat(message("..."),le)
+ streamCountCoerce x ==
+ -- this will not necessarily display all stream elements
+ -- which have been computed
+ count := _$streamCount$Lisp
+ -- compute count elements
+ y := x
+ for i in 1..count while not empty? y repeat y := rst y
+ fc := findCycle(count,x)
+ not fc.cycle? => bracket reverse_! getm(x,empty(),count)
+ le : L OUT := empty()
+ for i in 1..fc.prefix repeat
+ le := concat(first(x) :: OUT,le)
+ x := rest x
+ pp : OUT :=
+ fc.period = 1 => overbar(frst(x) :: OUT)
+ pl : L OUT := empty()
+ for i in 1..fc.period repeat
+ pl := concat(frst(x) :: OUT,pl)
+ x := rest x
+ overbar commaSeparate reverse_! pl
+ bracket reverse_! concat(pp,le)
+ listm(x,le,n) ==
+ explicitlyEmpty? x => le
+ lazy? x =>
+ n > 0 =>
+ empty? x => le
+ listm(rst x, concat(frst(x) :: OUT,le),n-1)
+ concat(message("..."),le)
+ listm(rst x,concat(frst(x) :: OUT,le),n-1)
+ showAllElements x ==
+ -- this will display all stream elements which have been computed
+ -- and will display at least n elements with n = streamCount$Lisp
+ extend(x,_$streamCount$Lisp)
+ cycElt := cycleElt x
+ cycElt case "failed" =>
+ le := listm(x,empty(),_$streamCount$Lisp)
+ bracket reverse_! le
+ cycEnt := computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt :: %)
+ le : L OUT := empty()
+ while not eq?(x,cycEnt) repeat
+ le := concat(frst(x) :: OUT,le)
+ x := rst x
+ len := computeCycleLength(cycElt :: %)
+ pp : OUT :=
+ len = 1 => overbar(frst(x) :: OUT)
+ pl : L OUT := []
+ for i in 1..len repeat
+ pl := concat(frst(x) :: OUT,pl)
+ x := rst x
+ overbar commaSeparate reverse_! pl
+ bracket reverse_! concat(pp,le)
+ showAll?() ==
+ NULL(_$streamsShowAll$Lisp)$Lisp => false
+ true
+ coerce(x):OUT ==
+ showAll?() => showAllElements x
+ streamCountCoerce x
+--% AGG functions
+ lazyCopy:% -> %
+ lazyCopy x == delay
+ empty? x => empty()
+ concat(frst x, copy rst x)
+ copy x ==
+ cycElt := cycleElt x
+ cycElt case "failed" => lazyCopy x
+ ce := cycElt :: %
+ len := computeCycleLength(ce)
+ e := computeCycleEntry(x,ce)
+ d := distance(x,e)
+ cycle := complete first(e,len)
+ setrst_!(tail cycle,cycle)
+ d = 0 => cycle
+ head := complete first(x,d::NNI)
+ setrst_!(tail head,cycle)
+ head
+--% CNAGG functions
+ construct l ==
+ -- copied from defaults to avoid loading defaults
+ empty? l => empty()
+ concat(first l, construct rest l)
+--% ELTAGG functions
+ elt(x:%,n:I) ==
+ -- copied from defaults to avoid loading defaults
+ n < MIN or empty? x => error "elt: no such element"
+ n = MIN => frst x
+ elt(rst x,n - 1)
+ seteltt:(%,I,S) -> S
+ seteltt(x,n,s) ==
+ n = MIN => setfrst_!(x,s)
+ seteltt(rst x,n - 1,s)
+ setelt(x,n:I,s:S) ==
+ n < MIN or empty? x => error "setelt: no such element"
+ x := expand_!(x,n - MIN + 1)
+ seteltt(x,n,s)
+--% IXAGG functions
+ removee: ((S -> Boolean),%) -> %
+ removee(p,x) == delay
+ empty? x => empty()
+ p(frst x) => remove(p,rst x)
+ concat(frst x,remove(p,rst x))
+ remove(p,x) ==
+ explicitlyEmpty? x => empty()
+ eq?(x,rst x) =>
+ p(frst x) => empty()
+ x
+ removee(p,x)
+ selectt: ((S -> Boolean),%) -> %
+ selectt(p,x) == delay
+ empty? x => empty()
+ not p(frst x) => select(p, rst x)
+ concat(frst x,select(p,rst x))
+ select(p,x) ==
+ explicitlyEmpty? x => empty()
+ eq?(x,rst x) =>
+ p(frst x) => x
+ empty()
+ selectt(p,x)
+ map(f,x) ==
+ map(f,x pretend Stream(S))$StreamFunctions2(S,S) pretend %
+ map(g,x,y) ==
+ xs := x pretend Stream(S); ys := y pretend Stream(S)
+ map(g,xs,ys)$StreamFunctions3(S,S,S) pretend %
+ fill_!(x,s) ==
+ setfrst_!(x,s)
+ setrst_!(x,x)
+ map_!(f,x) ==
+ -- too many problems with map_! on a lazy stream, so
+ -- in this case, an error message is returned
+ cyclic? x =>
+ tail := cycleTail x ; y := x
+ until y = tail repeat
+ setfrst_!(y,f frst y)
+ y := rst y
+ x
+ explicitlyFinite? x =>
+ y := x
+ while not empty? y repeat
+ setfrst_!(y,f frst y)
+ y := rst y
+ x
+ error "map!: stream with lazy evaluation"
+ swap_!(x,m,n) ==
+ (not index?(m,x)) or (not index?(n,x)) =>
+ error "swap!: no such elements"
+ x := expand_!(x,max(m,n) - MIN + 1)
+ xm := elt(x,m); xn := elt(x,n)
+ setelt(x,m,xn); setelt(x,n,xm)
+ x
+--% LNAGG functions
+ concat(x:%,s:S) == delay
+ empty? x => concat(s,empty())
+ concat(frst x,concat(rst x,s))
+ concat(x:%,y:%) == delay
+ empty? x => copy y
+ concat(frst x,concat(rst x, y))
+ concat l == delay
+ empty? l => empty()
+ empty?(x := first l) => concat rest l
+ concat(frst x,concat(rst x,concat rest l))
+ setelt(x,seg:U,s:S) ==
+ low := lo seg
+ hasHi seg =>
+ high := hi seg
+ high < low => s
+ (not index?(low,x)) or (not index?(high,x)) =>
+ error "setelt: index out of range"
+ x := expand_!(x,high - MIN + 1)
+ y := rest(x,(low - MIN) :: NNI)
+ for i in 0..(high-low) repeat
+ setfrst_!(y,s)
+ y := rst y
+ s
+ not index?(low,x) => error "setelt: index out of range"
+ x := rest(x,(low - MIN) :: NNI)
+ setrst_!(x,x)
+ setfrst_!(x,s)
+--% RCAGG functions
+ empty() == [NullStream, NIL$Lisp]
+ lazyEval x == (rst(x):(()-> %)) ()
+ lazyEvaluate x ==
+ st := lazyEval x
+ setfrst_!(x, frst st)
+ setrst_!(x,if EQ(rst st,st)$Lisp then x else rst st)
+ x
+ -- empty? is the only function that explicitly causes evaluation
+ -- of a stream element
+ empty? x ==
+ while lazy? x repeat
+ st := lazyEval x
+ setfrst_!(x, frst st)
+ setrst_!(x,if EQ(rst st,st)$Lisp then x else rst st)
+ explicitlyEmpty? x
+ --setvalue(x,s) == setfirst_!(x,s)
+ --setchildren(x,l) ==
+ --empty? l => error "setchildren: empty list of children"
+ --not(empty? rest l) => error "setchildren: wrong number of children"
+ --setrest_!(x,first l)
+--% URAGG functions
+ first(x,n) == delay
+ -- former name: take
+ n = 0 or empty? x => empty()
+ (concat(frst x, first(rst x,(n-1) :: NNI)))
+ concat(s:S,x:%) == [s,x]
+ cons(s,x) == concat(s,x)
+ cycleSplit_! x ==
+ cycElt := cycleElt x
+ cycElt case "failed" =>
+ error "cycleSplit_!: non-cyclic stream"
+ y := computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt :: %)
+ eq?(x,y) => (setToNil_! x; return y)
+ z := rst x
+ repeat
+ eq?(y,z) => (setrest_!(x,empty()); return y)
+ x := z ; z := rst z
+ expand_!(x,n) ==
+ -- expands cycles (if necessary) so that the first n
+ -- elements of x will not be part of a cycle
+ n < 1 => x
+ y := x
+ for i in 1..n while not empty? y repeat y := rst y
+ cycElt := cycleElt x
+ cycElt case "failed" => x
+ e := computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt :: %)
+ d : I := distance(x,e)
+ d >= n => x
+ if d = 0 then
+ -- roll the cycle 1 entry
+ d := 1
+ t := cycleTail e
+ if eq?(t,e) then
+ t := concat(frst t,empty())
+ e := setrst_!(t,t)
+ setrst_!(x,e)
+ else
+ setrst_!(t,concat(frst e,rst e))
+ e := rst e
+ nLessD := (n-d) :: NNI
+ y := complete first(e,nLessD)
+ e := rest(e,nLessD)
+ setrst_!(tail y,e)
+ setrst_!(rest(x,(d-1) :: NNI),y)
+ x
+ first x ==
+ empty? x => error "Can't take the first of an empty stream."
+ frst x
+ concat_!(x:%,y:%) ==
+ empty? x => y
+ setrst_!(tail x,y)
+ concat_!(x:%,s:S) ==
+ concat_!(x,concat(s,empty()))
+ setfirst_!(x,s) == setelt(x,0,s)
+ setelt(x,"first",s) == setfirst_!(x,s)
+ setrest_!(x,y) ==
+ empty? x => error "setrest!: empty stream"
+ setrst_!(x,y)
+ setelt(x,"rest",y) == setrest_!(x,y)
+ setlast_!(x,s) ==
+ empty? x => error "setlast!: empty stream"
+ setfrst_!(tail x, s)
+ setelt(x,"last",s) == setlast_!(x,s)
+ split_!(x,n) ==
+ n < MIN => error "split!: index out of range"
+ n = MIN =>
+ y : % := empty()
+ setfrst_!(y,frst x)
+ setrst_!(y,rst x)
+ setToNil_! x
+ y
+ x := expand_!(x,n - MIN)
+ x := rest(x,(n - MIN - 1) :: NNI)
+ y := rest x
+ setrst_!(x,empty())
+ y
+--% STREAM functions
+ coerce(l: L S) == construct l
+ repeating l ==
+ empty? l =>
+ error "Need a non-null list to make a repeating stream."
+ x0 : % := x := construct l
+ while not empty? rst x repeat x := rst x
+ setrst_!(x,x0)
+ if S has SetCategory then
+ repeating?(l, x) ==
+ empty? l =>
+ error "Need a non-empty? list to make a repeating stream."
+ empty? rest l =>
+ not empty? x and frst x = first l and x = rst x
+ x0 := x
+ for s in l repeat
+ empty? x or s ^= frst x => return false
+ x := rst x
+ eq?(x,x0)
+ findCycle(n, x) ==
+ hd := x
+ -- Determine whether periodic within n.
+ tl := rest(x, n)
+ explicitlyEmpty? tl => [false, 0, 0]
+ i := 0; while not eq?(x,tl) repeat (x := rst x; i := i + 1)
+ i = n => [false, 0, 0]
+ -- Find period. Now x=tl, so step over and find it again.
+ x := rst x; per := 1
+ while not eq?(x,tl) repeat (x := rst x; per := per + 1)
+ -- Find non-periodic part.
+ x := hd; xp := rest(hd, per); npp := 0
+ while not eq?(x,xp) repeat (x := rst x; xp := rst xp; npp := npp+1)
+ [true, npp, per]
+ delay(fs:()->%) == [NonNullStream, fs pretend %]
+-- explicitlyEmpty? x == markedNull? x
+ explicitEntries? x ==
+ not explicitlyEmpty? x and not lazy? x
+ numberOfComputedEntries x ==
+ explicitEntries? x => numberOfComputedEntries(rst x) + 1
+ 0
+ if S has SetCategory then
+ output(n,x) ==
+ (not(n>0))or empty? x => void()
+ mathPrint(frst(x)::OUT)$Lisp
+ output(n-1, rst x)
+ setrestt_!(x,n,y) ==
+ n = 0 => setrst_!(x,y)
+ setrestt_!(rst x,n-1,y)
+ setrest_!(x,n,y) ==
+ n < 0 or empty? x => error "setrest!: no such rest"
+ x := expand_!(x,n+1)
+ setrestt_!(x,n,y)
+ generate f == delay concat(f(), generate f)
+ gen:(S -> S,S) -> %
+ gen(f,s) == delay(ss:=f s; concat(ss, gen(f,ss)))
+ generate(f,s)==concat(s,gen(f,s))
+ concat(x:%,y:%) ==delay
+ empty? x => y
+ concat(frst x,concat(rst x,y))
+ swhilee:(S -> Boolean,%) -> %
+ swhilee(p,x) == delay
+ empty? x => empty()
+ not p(frst x) => empty()
+ concat(frst x,filterWhile(p,rst x))
+ filterWhile(p,x)==
+ explicitlyEmpty? x => empty()
+ eq?(x,rst x) =>
+ p(frst x) => x
+ empty()
+ swhilee(p,x)
+ suntill: (S -> Boolean,%) -> %
+ suntill(p,x) == delay
+ empty? x => empty()
+ p(frst x) => concat(frst x,empty())
+ concat(frst x, filterUntil(p, rst x))
+ filterUntil(p,x)==
+ explicitlyEmpty? x => empty()
+ eq?(x,rst x) =>
+ p(frst x) => concat(frst x,empty())
+ x
+ suntill(p,x)
+-- if S has SetCategory then
+-- mapp: ((S,S) -> S,%,%,S) -> %
+-- mapp(f,x,y,a) == delay
+-- empty? x or empty? y => empty()
+-- concat(f(frst x,frst y), map(f,rst x,rst y,a))
+-- map(f,x,y,a) ==
+-- explicitlyEmpty? x => empty()
+-- eq?(x,rst x) =>
+-- frst x=a => y
+-- map(f(frst x,#1),y)
+-- explicitlyEmpty? y => empty()
+-- eq?(y,rst y) =>
+-- frst y=a => x
+-- p(f(#1,frst y),x)
+-- mapp(f,x,y,a)
+\section{package STREAM1 StreamFunctions1}
+<<package STREAM1 StreamFunctions1>>=
+)abbrev package STREAM1 StreamFunctions1
+++ Authors: Burge, Watt; updated by Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: July 1986
+++ Date Last Updated: 29 January 1990
+++ Keywords: stream, infinite list, infinite sequence
+StreamFunctions1(S:Type): Exports == Implementation where
+ ++ Functions defined on streams with entries in one set.
+ ST ==> Stream
+ Exports ==> with
+ concat: ST ST S -> ST S
+ ++ concat(u) returns the left-to-right concatentation of the streams in u.
+ ++ Note: \spad{concat(u) = reduce(concat,u)}.
+ Implementation ==> add
+ concat z == delay
+ empty? z => empty()
+ empty?(x := frst z) => concat rst z
+ concat(frst x,concat(rst x,concat rst z))
+\section{package STREAM2 StreamFunctions2}
+<<package STREAM2 StreamFunctions2>>=
+)abbrev package STREAM2 StreamFunctions2
+++ Authors: Burge, Watt; updated by Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: July 1986
+++ Date Last Updated: 29 January 1990
+++ Keywords: stream, infinite list, infinite sequence
+StreamFunctions2(A:Type,B:Type): Exports == Implementation where
+ ++ Functions defined on streams with entries in two sets.
+ ST ==> Stream
+ Exports ==> with
+ map: ((A -> B),ST A) -> ST B
+ ++ map(f,s) returns a stream whose elements are the function f applied
+ ++ to the corresponding elements of s.
+ ++ Note: \spad{map(f,[x0,x1,x2,...]) = [f(x0),f(x1),f(x2),..]}.
+ scan: (B,((A,B) -> B),ST A) -> ST B
+ ++ scan(b,h,[x0,x1,x2,...]) returns \spad{[y0,y1,y2,...]}, where
+ ++ \spad{y0 = h(x0,b)},
+ ++ \spad{y1 = h(x1,y0)},\spad{...}
+ ++ \spad{yn = h(xn,y(n-1))}.
+ reduce: (B,(A,B) -> B,ST A) -> B
+ ++ reduce(b,f,u), where u is a finite stream \spad{[x0,x1,...,xn]},
+ ++ returns the value \spad{r(n)} computed as follows:
+ ++ \spad{r0 = f(x0,b),
+ ++ r1 = f(x1,r0),...,
+ ++ r(n) = f(xn,r(n-1))}.
+-- rreduce: (B,(A,B) -> B,ST A) -> B
+-- ++ reduce(b,h,[x0,x1,..,xn]) = h(x1,h(x2(..,h(x(n-1),h(xn,b))..)
+-- reshape: (ST B,ST A) -> ST B
+-- ++ reshape(y,x) = y
+ Implementation ==> add
+ mapp: (A -> B,ST A) -> ST B
+ mapp(f,x)== delay
+ empty? x => empty()
+ concat(f frst x, map(f,rst x))
+ map(f,x) ==
+ explicitlyEmpty? x => empty()
+ eq?(x,rst x) => repeating([f frst x])
+ mapp(f, x)
+-- reshape(y,x) == y
+ scan(b,h,x) == delay
+ empty? x => empty()
+ c := h(frst x,b)
+ concat(c,scan(c,h,rst x))
+ reduce(b,h,x) ==
+ empty? x => b
+ reduce(h(frst x,b),h,rst x)
+-- rreduce(b,h,x) ==
+-- empty? x => b
+-- h(frst x,rreduce(b,h,rst x))
+\section{package STREAM3 StreamFunctions3}
+<<package STREAM3 StreamFunctions3>>=
+)abbrev package STREAM3 StreamFunctions3
+++ Authors: Burge, Watt; updated by Clifton J. Williamson
+++ Date Created: July 1986
+++ Date Last Updated: 29 January 1990
+++ Keywords: stream, infinite list, infinite sequence
+StreamFunctions3(A,B,C): Exports == Implementation where
+ ++ Functions defined on streams with entries in three sets.
+ A : Type
+ B : Type
+ C : Type
+ ST ==> Stream
+ Exports ==> with
+ map: ((A,B) -> C,ST A,ST B) -> ST C
+ ++ map(f,st1,st2) returns the stream whose elements are the
+ ++ function f applied to the corresponding elements of st1 and st2.
+ ++ Note: \spad{map(f,[x0,x1,x2,..],[y0,y1,y2,..]) = [f(x0,y0),f(x1,y1),..]}.
+ Implementation ==> add
+ mapp:((A,B) -> C,ST A,ST B) -> ST C
+ mapp(g,x,y) == delay
+ empty? x or empty? y => empty()
+ concat(g(frst x,frst y), map(g,rst x,rst y))
+ map(g,x,y) ==
+ explicitlyEmpty? x => empty()
+ eq?(x,rst x) => map(g(frst x,#1),y)$StreamFunctions2(B,C)
+ explicitlyEmpty? y => empty()
+ eq?(y,rst y) => map(g(#1,frst y),x)$StreamFunctions2(A,C)
+ mapp(g,x,y)
+--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+--All rights reserved.
+--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+-- distribution.
+-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
+-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+<<category LZSTAGG LazyStreamAggregate>>
+<<package CSTTOOLS CyclicStreamTools>>
+<<domain STREAM Stream>>
+<<package STREAM1 StreamFunctions1>>
+<<package STREAM2 StreamFunctions2>>
+<<package STREAM3 StreamFunctions3>>
+\bibitem{1} nothing