path: root/src/algebra/patmatch1.spad.pamphlet
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1 files changed, 6 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/patmatch1.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/patmatch1.spad.pamphlet
index 8d6408ed..087b8c71 100644
--- a/src/algebra/patmatch1.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/patmatch1.spad.pamphlet
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ PatternMatchSymbol(S:SetCategory): with
++ Keywords: pattern, matching, kernel.
PatternMatchKernel(S, E): Exports == Implementation where
S: SetCategory
- E: Join(OrderedSet, RetractableTo Kernel %,
+ E: Join(SetCategory, RetractableTo Kernel %,
ConvertibleTo Pattern S, PatternMatchable S)
PAT ==> Pattern S
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ PatternMatchPushDown(S, A, B): Exports == Implementation where
++ Keywords: pattern, matching, tools.
PatternMatchTools(S, R, P): Exports == Implementation where
S: SetCategory
- R: Join(Ring, OrderedSet)
+ R: Ring
P: Join(Ring, ConvertibleTo Pattern S, RetractableTo R)
PAT ==> Pattern S
@@ -498,9 +498,10 @@ PatternMatchTools(S, R, P): Exports == Implementation where
mn1 := convert(-1::P)@Pattern(S)
negConstant l ==
- for x in l repeat
- ((r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R, "failed")) case R) and
- (r::R < 0) => return x
+ if R has OrderedSet then
+ for x in l repeat
+ ((r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R, "failed")) case R) and
+ (r::R < 0) => return x
-- tries to match the list of patterns lp to the list of subjects rc.s