path: root/src/algebra/op.spad.pamphlet
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra/op.spad.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/op.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/op.spad.pamphlet
index 8b195cbe..bbd3e443 100644
--- a/src/algebra/op.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/op.spad.pamphlet
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ BasicOperatorFunctions1(A:SetCategory): Exports == Implementation where
constOp : A -> OP
opconst:OP :=
- comparison(equality(operator("constant"::Symbol, 0), eqconst?),
+ comparison(equality(operator('constant, 0), eqconst?),
cdisp(a, l) == a
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ BasicOperatorFunctions1(A:SetCategory): Exports == Implementation where
CONST, a pretend None)
constantOpIfCan op ==
- is?(op, "constant"::Symbol) and
+ is?(op,'constant) and
((u := property(op, CONST)) case None) => (u::None) pretend A
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ BasicOperatorFunctions1(A:SetCategory): Exports == Implementation where
CommonOperators(): Exports == Implementation where
OP ==> BasicOperator
O ==> OutputForm
- POWER ==> "%power"::Symbol
+ POWER ==> '%power
ALGOP ==> "%alg"
EVEN ==> "even"
ODD ==> "odd"
@@ -344,67 +344,67 @@ CommonOperators(): Exports == Implementation where
brandNew?:Reference(Boolean) := ref true
- opalg := operator("rootOf"::Symbol, 2)$OP
- oproot := operator("nthRoot"::Symbol, 2)
- oppi := operator("pi"::Symbol, 0)
- oplog := operator("log"::Symbol, 1)
- opexp := operator("exp"::Symbol, 1)
- opabs := operator("abs"::Symbol, 1)
- opsin := operator("sin"::Symbol, 1)
- opcos := operator("cos"::Symbol, 1)
- optan := operator("tan"::Symbol, 1)
- opcot := operator("cot"::Symbol, 1)
- opsec := operator("sec"::Symbol, 1)
- opcsc := operator("csc"::Symbol, 1)
- opasin := operator("asin"::Symbol, 1)
- opacos := operator("acos"::Symbol, 1)
- opatan := operator("atan"::Symbol, 1)
- opacot := operator("acot"::Symbol, 1)
- opasec := operator("asec"::Symbol, 1)
- opacsc := operator("acsc"::Symbol, 1)
- opsinh := operator("sinh"::Symbol, 1)
- opcosh := operator("cosh"::Symbol, 1)
- optanh := operator("tanh"::Symbol, 1)
- opcoth := operator("coth"::Symbol, 1)
- opsech := operator("sech"::Symbol, 1)
- opcsch := operator("csch"::Symbol, 1)
- opasinh := operator("asinh"::Symbol, 1)
- opacosh := operator("acosh"::Symbol, 1)
- opatanh := operator("atanh"::Symbol, 1)
- opacoth := operator("acoth"::Symbol, 1)
- opasech := operator("asech"::Symbol, 1)
- opacsch := operator("acsch"::Symbol, 1)
- opbox := operator("%box"::Symbol)$OP
- oppren := operator("%paren"::Symbol)$OP
- opquote := operator("applyQuote"::Symbol)$OP
- opdiff := operator("%diff"::Symbol, 3)
- opsi := operator("Si"::Symbol, 1)
- opci := operator("Ci"::Symbol, 1)
- opei := operator("Ei"::Symbol, 1)
- opli := operator("li"::Symbol, 1)
- operf := operator("erf"::Symbol, 1)
- opli2 := operator("dilog"::Symbol, 1)
- opGamma := operator("Gamma"::Symbol, 1)
- opGamma2 := operator("Gamma2"::Symbol, 2)
- opBeta := operator("Beta"::Symbol, 2)
- opdigamma := operator("digamma"::Symbol, 1)
- oppolygamma := operator("polygamma"::Symbol, 2)
- opBesselJ := operator("besselJ"::Symbol, 2)
- opBesselY := operator("besselY"::Symbol, 2)
- opBesselI := operator("besselI"::Symbol, 2)
- opBesselK := operator("besselK"::Symbol, 2)
- opAiryAi := operator("airyAi"::Symbol, 1)
- opAiryBi := operator("airyBi"::Symbol , 1)
- opint := operator("integral"::Symbol, 3)
- opdint := operator("%defint"::Symbol, 5)
- opfact := operator("factorial"::Symbol, 1)
- opperm := operator("permutation"::Symbol, 2)
- opbinom := operator("binomial"::Symbol, 2)
+ opalg := operator('rootOf, 2)$OP
+ oproot := operator('nthRoot, 2)
+ oppi := operator('pi, 0)
+ oplog := operator('log, 1)
+ opexp := operator('exp, 1)
+ opabs := operator('abs, 1)
+ opsin := operator('sin, 1)
+ opcos := operator('cos, 1)
+ optan := operator('tan, 1)
+ opcot := operator('cot, 1)
+ opsec := operator('sec, 1)
+ opcsc := operator('csc, 1)
+ opasin := operator('asin, 1)
+ opacos := operator('acos, 1)
+ opatan := operator('atan, 1)
+ opacot := operator('acot, 1)
+ opasec := operator('asec, 1)
+ opacsc := operator('acsc, 1)
+ opsinh := operator('sinh, 1)
+ opcosh := operator('cosh, 1)
+ optanh := operator('tanh, 1)
+ opcoth := operator('coth, 1)
+ opsech := operator('sech, 1)
+ opcsch := operator('csch, 1)
+ opasinh := operator('asinh, 1)
+ opacosh := operator('acosh, 1)
+ opatanh := operator('atanh, 1)
+ opacoth := operator('acoth, 1)
+ opasech := operator('asech, 1)
+ opacsch := operator('acsch, 1)
+ opbox := operator('%box)$OP
+ oppren := operator('%paren)$OP
+ opquote := operator('applyQuote)$OP
+ opdiff := operator('%diff, 3)
+ opsi := operator('Si, 1)
+ opci := operator('Ci, 1)
+ opei := operator('Ei, 1)
+ opli := operator('li, 1)
+ operf := operator('erf, 1)
+ opli2 := operator('dilog, 1)
+ opGamma := operator('Gamma, 1)
+ opGamma2 := operator('Gamma2, 2)
+ opBeta := operator('Beta, 2)
+ opdigamma := operator('digamma, 1)
+ oppolygamma := operator('polygamma, 2)
+ opBesselJ := operator('besselJ, 2)
+ opBesselY := operator('besselY, 2)
+ opBesselI := operator('besselI, 2)
+ opBesselK := operator('besselK, 2)
+ opAiryAi := operator('airyAi, 1)
+ opAiryBi := operator('airyBi , 1)
+ opint := operator('integral, 3)
+ opdint := operator('%defint, 5)
+ opfact := operator('factorial, 1)
+ opperm := operator('permutation, 2)
+ opbinom := operator('binomial, 2)
oppow := operator(POWER, 2)
- opsum := operator("summation"::Symbol, 3)
- opdsum := operator("%defsum"::Symbol, 5)
- opprod := operator("product"::Symbol, 3)
- opdprod := operator("%defprod"::Symbol, 5)
+ opsum := operator('summation, 3)
+ opdsum := operator('%defsum, 5)
+ opprod := operator('product, 3)
+ opdprod := operator('%defprod, 5)
algop := [oproot, opalg]$List(OP)
rtrigop := [opsin, opcos, optan, opcot, opsec, opcsc,
@@ -439,14 +439,14 @@ CommonOperators(): Exports == Implementation where
is?(op, s) => return copy op
- dpi l == "%pi"::Symbol::O
+ dpi l == '%pi::O
dfact x == postfix("!"::Symbol::O, (ATOM(x)$Lisp => x; paren x))
dquote l == prefix(quote(first(l)::O), rest l)
dgamma l == prefix(hconcat("|"::Symbol::O, overbar(" "::Symbol::O)), l)
setDummyVar(op, n) == setProperty(op, DUMMYVAR, n pretend None)
dexp x ==
- e := "%e"::Symbol::O
+ e := '%e::O
x = 1::O => e
e ** x
@@ -460,12 +460,12 @@ CommonOperators(): Exports == Implementation where
display(opGamma2, dgamma)
display(opfact, dfact)
display(opquote, dquote)
- display(opperm, supersub("A"::Symbol::O, #1))
+ display(opperm, supersub('A::O, #1))
display(opbinom, binomial(first #1, second #1))
display(oppow, first(#1) ** second(#1))
display(opsum, sum(first #1, second #1, third #1))
display(opprod, prod(first #1, second #1, third #1))
- display(opint, int(first #1 * hconcat("d"::Symbol::O, second #1),
+ display(opint, int(first #1 * hconcat('d::O, second #1),
empty(), third #1))
input(oppren, convert concat(convert("("::Symbol)@InputForm,
concat(#1, convert(")"::Symbol)@InputForm)))
@@ -493,6 +493,8 @@ CommonOperators(): Exports == Implementation where
--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--All rights reserved.
+--Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Gabriel Dos Reis.
+--All rights reserved.
--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are