path: root/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet
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1 files changed, 229 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet
index 85b2c056..4fe76ef3 100644
--- a/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\title{src/algebra boolean.spad}
@@ -33,6 +33,233 @@ PropositionalLogic(): Category == with
++ equiv(p,q) returns the logical equivalence of `p', `q'.
+\section{domain PROPFRML PropositionalFormula}
+<<domain PROPFRML PropositionalFormula>>=
+)set mess autoload on
+)abbrev domain PROPFRML PropositionalFormula
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: Januray 14, 2008
+++ Date Last Modified: January 16, 2008
+++ Description: This domain implements propositional formula build
+++ over a term domain, that itself belongs to PropositionalLogic
+PropositionalFormula(T: PropositionalLogic): PropositionalLogic with
+ if T has CoercibleTo OutputForm then CoercibleTo OutputForm
+ coerce: T -> %
+ ++ coerce(t) turns the term `t' into a propositional formula
+ coerce: Symbol -> %
+ ++ coerce(t) turns the term `t' into a propositional variable.
+-- variables: % -> Set Symbol
+ ++ variables(p) returns the set of propositional variables
+ ++ appearing in the proposition `p'.
+ term?: % -> Boolean
+ term: % -> T
+ variable?: % -> Boolean
+ variable: % -> Symbol
+ not?: % -> Boolean
+ notOperand: % -> %
+ and?: % -> Boolean
+ andOperands: % -> Pair(%, %)
+ or?: % -> Boolean
+ orOperands: % -> Pair(%,%)
+ implies?: % -> Boolean
+ impliesOperands: % -> Pair(%,%)
+ equiv?: % -> Boolean
+ equivOperands: % -> Pair(%,%)
+ == add
+ FORMULA ==> Union(base: T, var: Symbol, unForm: %,
+ binForm: Record(op: Symbol, lhs: %, rhs: %))
+ per(f: FORMULA): % ==
+ f pretend %
+ rep(p: %): FORMULA ==
+ p pretend FORMULA
+ coerce(t: T): % ==
+ per [t]$FORMULA
+ coerce(s: Symbol): % ==
+ per [s]$FORMULA
+ not p ==
+ per [p]$FORMULA
+ binaryForm(o: Symbol, l: %, r: %): % ==
+ per [[o, l, r]$Record(op: Symbol, lhs: %, rhs: %)]$FORMULA
+ p and q ==
+ binaryForm('_and, p, q)
+ p or q ==
+ binaryForm('_or, p, q)
+ implies(p,q) ==
+ binaryForm('implies, p, q)
+ equiv(p,q) ==
+ binaryForm('equiv, p, q)
+-- variables p ==
+-- p' := rep p
+-- p' case base => empty()$Set(Symbol)
+-- p' case var => { p'.var }
+-- p' case unForm => variables(p'.unForm)
+-- p'' := p'.binForm
+-- union(variables(p''.lhs), variables(p''.rhs))$Set(Symbol)
+ -- returns true if the proposition `p' is a formula of kind
+ -- indicated by `o'.
+ isBinaryNode?(p: %, o: Symbol): Boolean ==
+ p' := rep p
+ p' case binForm and p'.binForm.op = o
+ -- returns the operands of a binary formula node
+ binaryOperands(p: %): Pair(%,%) ==
+ p' := (rep p).binForm
+ pair(p'.lhs,p'.rhs)$Pair(%,%)
+ term? p ==
+ rep p case base
+ term p ==
+ term? p => (rep p).base
+ userError "formula is not a term"
+ variable? p ==
+ rep p case var
+ variable p ==
+ variable? p => (rep p).var
+ userError "formula is not a variable"
+ not? p ==
+ rep p case unForm
+ notOperand p ==
+ not? p => (rep p).unForm
+ userError "formula is not a logical negation"
+ and? p ==
+ isBinaryNode?(p,'_and)
+ andOperands p ==
+ and? p => binaryOperands p
+ userError "formula is not a conjunction formula"
+ or? p ==
+ isBinaryNode?(p,'_or)
+ orOperands p ==
+ or? p => binaryOperands p
+ userError "formula is not a disjunction formula"
+ implies? p ==
+ isBinaryNode?(p, 'implies)
+ impliesOperands p ==
+ implies? p => binaryOperands p
+ userError "formula is not an implication formula"
+ equiv? p ==
+ isBinaryNode?(p,'equiv)
+ equivOperands p ==
+ equiv? p => binaryOperands p
+ userError "formula is not an equivalence equivalence"
+ -- Unparsing grammar.
+ --
+ -- Ideally, the following syntax would the external form
+ -- Formula:
+ -- EquivFormula
+ --
+ -- EquivFormula:
+ -- ImpliesFormula
+ -- ImpliesFormula <=> EquivFormula
+ --
+ -- ImpliesFormula:
+ -- OrFormula
+ -- OrFormula => ImpliesFormula
+ --
+ -- OrFormula:
+ -- AndFormula
+ -- AndFormula or OrFormula
+ --
+ -- AndFormula
+ -- NotFormula
+ -- NotFormula and AndFormula
+ --
+ -- NotFormula:
+ -- PrimaryFormula
+ -- not NotFormula
+ --
+ -- PrimaryFormula:
+ -- Term
+ -- ( Formula )
+ --
+ -- Note: Since the token '=>' already means a construct different
+ -- from what we would like to have as a notation for
+ -- propositional logic, we will output the formula `p => q'
+ -- as implies(p,q), which looks like a function call.
+ -- Similarly, we do not have the token `<=>' for logical
+ -- equivalence; so we unparser `p <=> q' as equiv(p,q).
+ --
+ -- So, we modify the nonterminal PrimaryFormula to read
+ -- PrimaryFormula:
+ -- Term
+ -- implies(Formula, Formula)
+ -- equiv(Formula, Formula)
+ if T has CoercibleTo OutputForm then
+ formula: % -> OutputForm
+ coerce(p: %): OutputForm ==
+ formula p
+ primaryFormula(p: %): OutputForm ==
+ term? p => term(p)::OutputForm
+ variable? p => variable(p)::OutputForm
+ if rep p case binForm then
+ p' := (rep p).binForm
+ p'.op = 'implies or p'.op = 'equiv =>
+ return elt(outputForm p'.op,
+ [formula p'.lhs, formula p'.rhs])$OutputForm
+ paren(formula p)$OutputForm
+ notFormula(p: %): OutputForm ==
+ not? p =>
+ elt(outputForm '_not, [notFormula((rep p).'unForm)])$OutputForm
+ primaryFormula p
+ andFormula(p: %): OutputForm ==
+ and? p =>
+ p' := (rep p).binForm
+ -- ??? idealy, we should be using `and$OutputForm' but
+ -- ??? a bug in the compiler currently prevents that.
+ infix(outputForm '_and, notFormula p'.lhs,
+ andFormula p'.rhs)$OutputForm
+ notFormula p
+ orFormula(p: %): OutputForm ==
+ or? p =>
+ p' := (rep p).binForm
+ -- ??? idealy, we should be using `or$OutputForm' but
+ -- ??? a bug in the compiler currently prevents that.
+ infix(outputForm '_or, andFormula p'.lhs,
+ orFormula p'.rhs)$OutputForm
+ andFormula p
+ formula p ==
+ -- Note: this should be equivFormula, but see the explanation above.
+ orFormula p
\section{domain REF Reference}
<<domain REF Reference>>=
@@ -503,6 +730,7 @@ Bits(): Exports == Implementation where
<<domain IBITS IndexedBits>>
<<domain BITS Bits>>
<<category PROPLOG PropositionalLogic>>
+<<domain PROPFRML PropositionalFormula>>