path: root/src
diff options
authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2012-01-14 11:56:20 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2012-01-14 11:56:20 +0000
commit9906d4079093b27d185f4116485fffe80ff19380 (patch)
treeda1b4e4f7d0ffc3e05ee63f04826274c62832708 /src
parent7d98b7fa7d816f132fb09bf439333f4145c603f8 (diff)
* lisp/core.lisp.in (mkIntArray): New. Export.
* interp/patches.lisp (/RF): Move to cparse.boot. (/RQ): Likewise. (/RQ,LIB): Likewise. (/RF-1): Likewise. (/EF): Move to spad.lisp. (construct): Remove. (READSPADEXPR): Likewise. (SHAREDITEMS): Likewise. (installStandardTestPackages): Likewise. (spadtestValueHook): Likewise. (testError): Likewise. ($TestOptions): Likewise. (rebuild): Likewise. ($ViewportProcessToWatch): Likewise. (setViewportProcess): Likewise. (waitForViewport): Likewise. * interp/i-analy.boot (pushDownOp?): Use mkIntArray in place of GETZEROVEC. * interp/i-funsel.boot (argCouldBelongToSubdomain): Likewise. * interp/i-intern.boot (flagArguments): Likewise.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
8 files changed, 61 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/src/ChangeLog b/src/ChangeLog
index a9fc5f80..8649fc30 100644
--- a/src/ChangeLog
+++ b/src/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
+2012-01-14 Gabriel Dos Reis <gdr@cs.tamu.edu>
+ * lisp/core.lisp.in (mkIntArray): New. Export.
+ * interp/patches.lisp (/RF): Move to cparse.boot.
+ (/RQ): Likewise.
+ (/RQ,LIB): Likewise.
+ (/RF-1): Likewise.
+ (/EF): Move to spad.lisp.
+ (construct): Remove.
+ (READSPADEXPR): Likewise.
+ (SHAREDITEMS): Likewise.
+ (installStandardTestPackages): Likewise.
+ (spadtestValueHook): Likewise.
+ (testError): Likewise.
+ ($TestOptions): Likewise.
+ (rebuild): Likewise.
+ ($ViewportProcessToWatch): Likewise.
+ (setViewportProcess): Likewise.
+ (waitForViewport): Likewise.
+ * interp/i-analy.boot (pushDownOp?): Use mkIntArray in place of
+ * interp/i-funsel.boot (argCouldBelongToSubdomain): Likewise.
+ * interp/i-intern.boot (flagArguments): Likewise.
2012-01-12 Gabriel Dos Reis <gdr@cs.tamu.edu>
* interp/category.boot: Rename AncestorP to ancestor?.
diff --git a/src/interp/cparse.boot b/src/interp/cparse.boot
index 0c8465fd..79de955f 100644
--- a/src/interp/cparse.boot
+++ b/src/interp/cparse.boot
@@ -1087,3 +1087,30 @@ npMoveTo n==
(npNext();npMoveTo n)
npEqKey "SETTAB" => npMoveTo(n+1)
(npNext();npMoveTo n)
+_/RF(:x) ==
+ $Echo: local := true
+ _/RF_-1 nil
+_/RQ(:x) ==
+ $Echo: local := false
+ _/RF_-1 nil
+_/RQ_,LIB(:x) ==
+ $Echo: local := false
+ _/RF_-1 nil
+_/RF_-1 x ==
+ lfile := nil
+ type := PATHNAME_-TYPE ifile
+ type = '"boot" =>
+ lfile := MAKE_-PATHNAME(type <- '"lisp",defaults <- ifile)
+ BOOT(ifile,lfile)
+ LOAD lfile
+ type = '"lisp" => LOAD ifile
+ type = '"input" => ncINTERPFILE(ifile,$Echo)
+ SPAD ifile
diff --git a/src/interp/i-analy.boot b/src/interp/i-analy.boot
index e0624236..54d576b1 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-analy.boot
+++ b/src/interp/i-analy.boot
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ pushDownOp?(op,n) ==
-- [domain of implementation, target, arg1, arg2, ...]
-- sameAsTarg is a vector that counts the number of modemaps that
-- have the corresponding argument equal to the target type
- sameAsTarg := GETZEROVEC n
+ sameAsTarg := mkIntArray n
numMms := # ops
for [.,targ,:argl] in ops repeat
for arg in argl for i in 0.. repeat
diff --git a/src/interp/i-funsel.boot b/src/interp/i-funsel.boot
index 611882e2..65f5d292 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-funsel.boot
+++ b/src/interp/i-funsel.boot
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ argCouldBelongToSubdomain(op, nargs) ==
-- if ^0, this indicates that there exists a modemap for the
-- op that needs a subdomain in that position
nargs = 0 => nil
- v := GETZEROVEC nargs
+ v := mkIntArray nargs
isMap(op) => v
mms := getModemapsFromDatabase(op,nargs)
mms = nil => v
diff --git a/src/interp/i-intern.boot b/src/interp/i-intern.boot
index eefc2a55..2dc3e34a 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-intern.boot
+++ b/src/interp/i-intern.boot
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ mkAtree3(x,op,argl) ==
++ positive entry indicates that modemaps for `op' takes flag arguments
++ in that position.
flagArguments(op, nargs) ==
- v := GETZEROVEC nargs
+ v := mkIntArray nargs
sigs := [signatureFromModemap m for m in getModemapsFromDatabase(op, nargs)]
checkCallingConvention(sigs, nargs)
diff --git a/src/interp/patches.lisp b/src/interp/patches.lisp
index 62e8eb3e..a4299431 100644
--- a/src/interp/patches.lisp
+++ b/src/interp/patches.lisp
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@
(defun CATCHALL (a &rest b) a) ;; not correct but ok for now
(defvar |$demoFlag| nil)
-(define-function '|construct| #'list) ;; NEEDED , SPAD-COMPILER generated Lisp code
(defmacro dribinit (streamvar)
`(if (is-console ,streamvar)
(setq ,streamvar *terminal-io*)))
@@ -64,56 +62,6 @@
(setq system:*print-nans* T)
-(defun /RF (&rest foo &aux (|$Echo| 'T))
- (declare (special |$Echo|))
- (/RF-1 nil))
-(defun /RQ (&rest foo &aux (|$Echo| nil))
- (declare (special |$Echo|))
- (/RF-1 nil))
-(defun |/RQ,LIB| (&rest foo &aux (|$Echo| nil))
- (declare (special |$Echo|))
- (/RF-1 nil))
-(defun /RF-1 (ignore)
- (declare (ignore ignore))
- (declare (special |$Echo|))
- (let* ((input-file (make-input-filename /EDITFILE))
- (lfile ())
- (type (pathname-type input-file)))
- (cond
- ((string= type "boot")
- (boot input-file
- (setq lfile (make-pathname :type "lisp"
- :defaults input-file)))
- (load lfile))
- ((string= type "lisp") (load input-file))
- ((string= type "bbin") (load input-file))
- ((string= type "input")
- (|ncINTERPFILE| input-file |$Echo|))
- (t (spad input-file)))))
-(defun /EF (&rest foo)
- (|runCommand| (concat "vi " (namestring (make-input-filename /EDITFILE)))))
-(defun SHAREDITEMS (x) T) ;;checked in history code
-(defun GETZEROVEC (n) (MAKE-ARRAY n :initial-element 0))
- (declare (special in-stream))
- (let* ((line (cdar (preparse in-stream))))
- (cond ((or (not (stringp line)) (zerop (SIZE line)))
- (SAY " Scratchpad -- input")
- (t (|parseTransform| (|postTransform| (|string2SpadTree| line)))))))
-;; following are defined in spadtest.boot and stantest.boot
-(defun |installStandardTestPackages| () ())
-(defun |spadtestValueHook| (val type) ())
-(defun |testError| (errotype erroValue) ())
-(defvar |$TestOptions| ())
;; following in defined in word.boot
(defun |bootFind| (word) ())
@@ -147,43 +95,4 @@
(cacheKeyedMsg |$defaultMsgDatabaseName|))
(gethash key *msghash*))
-#+:AKCL (proclaim '(ftype (function (t) t) identity))
-#+:AKCL (defun identity (x) x)
(|initializeTimedNames| |$interpreterTimedNames| |$interpreterTimedClasses|)
-(defun |rebuild| (filemode)
- "rebuild MODEMAP.DAASE, exit lisp with bad return code on failure"
- (let ((returncode -16))
- (unwind-protect
- (let (|$databaseQueue| |$e|)
- (declare (special |$databaseQueue| |$e|))
- (|clearConstructorAndLisplibCaches|)
- (setq |$databaseQueue| nil)
- (setq |$e| (cons (cons nil nil) nil))
- (|buildDatabase| filemode t)
- (setq |$IOindex| 1)
- (setq |$InteractiveFrame| (cons (cons nil nil) nil))
- (setq returncode 0))
- (unless (zerop returncode) (bye returncode)))))
-(defvar |$ViewportProcessToWatch| nil)
-(defun |setViewportProcess| ()
- (setq |$ViewportProcessToWatch|
- (stringimage (CDR
- (|processInteractive| '(|key| (|%%| -2)) NIL) ))))
-(defun |waitForViewport| ()
- (progn
- (do ()
- ((not (zerop (|runCommand|
- (concat
- "ps "
- |$ViewportProcessToWatch|
- " > /dev/null")))))
- ())
- (|sockSendInt| |$MenuServer| 1)
- (|setIOindex| (- |$IOindex| 3))
- )
diff --git a/src/interp/spad.lisp b/src/interp/spad.lisp
index dfd21b81..31628a03 100644
--- a/src/interp/spad.lisp
+++ b/src/interp/spad.lisp
@@ -175,6 +175,9 @@
('T (/RF)) )
+(defun /EF (&rest foo)
+ (|runCommand| (concat "vi " (namestring (make-input-filename /EDITFILE)))))
(defun /EDIT (L)
diff --git a/src/lisp/core.lisp.in b/src/lisp/core.lisp.in
index 7535ba70..5fc563c9 100644
--- a/src/lisp/core.lisp.in
+++ b/src/lisp/core.lisp.in
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
+ "mkIntArray"
@@ -1419,6 +1420,9 @@
(defmacro |mkVector| (n)
`(make-array ,n :initial-element nil))
+(defmacro |mkIntArray| (n)
+ `(make-array ,n :initial-element 0))
;; native data type translation table
(defconstant |$NativeTypeTable|
'((|void| . @void_type@)