path: root/src/interp/define.boot.pamphlet
diff options
authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-11-02 01:01:18 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-11-02 01:01:18 +0000
commit9059de94b6f7f418f2a2d127540a94eb787ec1fb (patch)
tree38c1d5a7b25b67cdb14db8c44acd0457b9e41202 /src/interp/define.boot.pamphlet
parent69afed478ed20a61bcd6c046158006b3b67600ad (diff)
* Makefile.pamphlet (functor.$(FASLEXT)): New rule.
(<<functor.clisp>>): Remove. * functor.boot.pamphlet: Push into package "BOOT".
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/define.boot.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1543 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/define.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/define.boot.pamphlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bebbf01..00000000
--- a/src/interp/define.boot.pamphlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1543 +0,0 @@
-\title{\File{src/interp/define.boot} Pamphlet}
-\author{The Axiom Team}
-The variable [[data]] appears to be unbound at runtime. Optimized
-code won't check for this but interpreted code fails. We should
-PROVE that data is unbound at runtime but have not done so yet.
-Rather than remove the code entirely (since there MIGHT be a
-path where it is used) we check for the runtime bound case and
-assign [[$myFunctorBody]] if data has a value.
-The [[compCapsuleInner]] function in this file LOOKS like it sets
-data and expects code to manipulate the assigned data structure.
-Since we can't be sure we take the least disruptive course of action.
-compCapsuleItems(itemlist,$predl,$e) ==
- $TOP__LEVEL: local
- $myFunctorBody :local -- := data ---needed for translator
- if (BOUNDP 'data) then
- $myFunctorBody:= SYMBOL_-VALUE 'data -- unbound at runtime?
- $signatureOfForm: local
- $suffix: local:= 0
- for item in itemlist repeat $e:= compSingleCapsuleItem(item,$predl,$e)
- $e
--- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--- All rights reserved.
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
--- met:
--- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
--- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
--- distribution.
--- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
--- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
--- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-import '"c-util"
-import '"cattable"
-import '"category"
-)package "BOOT"
-NRTPARSE := false
-compDefine(form,m,e) ==
- $tripleHits: local:= 0
- $macroIfTrue: local
- $packagesUsed: local
- result:= compDefine1(form,m,e)
- result
-compDefine1(form,m,e) ==
- $insideExpressionIfTrue: local:= false
- --1. decompose after macro-expanding form
- ['DEF,lhs,signature,specialCases,rhs]:= form:= macroExpand(form,e)
- $insideWhereIfTrue and isMacro(form,e) and (m=$EmptyMode or m=$NoValueMode)
- => [lhs,m,put(first lhs,'macro,rhs,e)]
- null signature.target and not MEMQ(KAR rhs,$ConstructorNames) and
- (sig:= getSignatureFromMode(lhs,e)) =>
- -- here signature of lhs is determined by a previous declaration
- compDefine1(['DEF,lhs,[first sig,:rest signature],specialCases,rhs],m,e)
- if signature.target=$Category then $insideCategoryIfTrue:= true
---?? following 3 lines seem bogus, BMT 6/23/93
---? if signature.target is ['Mapping,:map] then
---? signature:= map
---? form:= ['DEF,lhs,signature,specialCases,rhs]
--- RDJ (11/83): when argument and return types are all declared,
--- or arguments have types declared in the environment,
--- and there is no existing modemap for this signature, add
--- the modemap by a declaration, then strip off declarations and recurse
- e := compDefineAddSignature(lhs,signature,e)
--- 2. if signature list for arguments is not empty, replace ('DEF,..) by
--- ('where,('DEF,..),..) with an empty signature list;
--- otherwise, fill in all NILs in the signature
- not (and/[null x for x in rest signature]) => compDefWhereClause(form,m,e)
- signature.target=$Category =>
- compDefineCategory(form,m,e,nil,$formalArgList)
- isDomainForm(rhs,e) and not $insideFunctorIfTrue =>
- if null signature.target then signature:=
- [getTargetFromRhs(lhs,rhs,giveFormalParametersValues(rest lhs,e)),:
- rest signature]
- rhs:= addEmptyCapsuleIfNecessary(signature.target,rhs)
- compDefineFunctor(['DEF,lhs,signature,specialCases,rhs],m,e,nil,
- $formalArgList)
- null $form => stackAndThrow ['"bad == form ",form]
- newPrefix:=
- $prefix => INTERN STRCONC(encodeItem $prefix,'",",encodeItem $op)
- getAbbreviation($op,#rest $form)
- compDefineCapsuleFunction(form,m,e,newPrefix,$formalArgList)
-compDefineAddSignature([op,:argl],signature,e) ==
- (sig:= hasFullSignature(argl,signature,e)) and
- not assoc(['$,:sig],LASSOC('modemap,getProplist(op,e))) =>
- declForm:=
- [":",[op,:[[":",x,m] for x in argl for m in rest sig]],first signature]
- [.,.,e]:= comp(declForm,$EmptyMode,e)
- e
- e
-hasFullSignature(argl,[target,:ml],e) ==
- target =>
- u:= [m or get(x,"mode",e) or return 'failed for x in argl for m in ml]
- u^='failed => [target,:u]
-addEmptyCapsuleIfNecessary(target,rhs) ==
- MEMQ(KAR rhs,$SpecialDomainNames) => rhs
- ['add,rhs,['CAPSULE]]
-getTargetFromRhs(lhs,rhs,e) ==
- --undeclared target mode obtained from rhs expression
- rhs is ['CAPSULE,:.] =>
- stackSemanticError(['"target category of ",lhs,
- '" cannot be determined from definition"],nil)
- rhs is ['SubDomain,D,:.] => getTargetFromRhs(lhs,D,e)
- rhs is ['add,D,['CAPSULE,:.]] => getTargetFromRhs(lhs,D,e)
- rhs is ['Record,:l] => ['RecordCategory,:l]
- rhs is ['Union,:l] => ['UnionCategory,:l]
- rhs is ['List,:l] => ['ListCategory,:l]
- rhs is ['Vector,:l] => ['VectorCategory,:l]
- [.,target,.]:= compOrCroak(rhs,$EmptyMode,e)
- target
-giveFormalParametersValues(argl,e) ==
- for x in argl repeat
- e:= put(x,'value,[genSomeVariable(),get(x,'mode,e),nil],e)
- e
-macroExpandInPlace(x,e) ==
- y:= macroExpand(x,e)
- atom x or atom y => y
- RPLACA(x,first y)
- RPLACD(x,rest y)
- x
-macroExpand(x,e) == --not worked out yet
- atom x => (u:= get(x,'macro,e) => macroExpand(u,e); x)
- x is ['DEF,lhs,sig,spCases,rhs] =>
- ['DEF,macroExpand(lhs,e),macroExpandList(sig,e),macroExpandList(spCases,e),
- macroExpand(rhs,e)]
- macroExpandList(x,e)
-macroExpandList(l,e) ==
- -- macros should override niladic props
- (l is [name]) and IDENTP name and GETDATABASE(name, 'NILADIC) and
- (u := get(name, 'macro, e)) => macroExpand(u,e)
- [macroExpand(x,e) for x in l]
-compDefineCategory1(df is ['DEF,form,sig,sc,body],m,e,prefix,fal) ==
- categoryCapsule :=
- body is ['add,cat,capsule] =>
- body := cat
- capsule
- nil
- [d,m,e]:= compDefineCategory2(form,sig,sc,body,m,e,prefix,fal)
---+ next two lines
- if categoryCapsule and not $bootStrapMode then [.,.,e] :=
- $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue: local := true --see NRTmakeSlot1
- $categoryPredicateList: local :=
- makeCategoryPredicates(form,$lisplibCategory)
- compDefine1(mkCategoryPackage(form,cat,categoryCapsule),$EmptyMode,e)
- [d,m,e]
-makeCategoryPredicates(form,u) ==
- $tvl := TAKE(#rest form,$TriangleVariableList)
- $mvl := TAKE(#rest form,rest $FormalMapVariableList)
- fn(u,nil) where
- fn(u,pl) ==
- u is ['Join,:.,a] => fn(a,pl)
- u is ['has,:.] => insert(EQSUBSTLIST($mvl,$tvl,u),pl)
- u is [op,:.] and MEMQ(op,'(SIGNATURE ATTRIBUTE)) => pl
- atom u => pl
- fnl(u,pl)
- fnl(u,pl) ==
- for x in u repeat pl := fn(x,pl)
- pl
---+ the following function
-mkCategoryPackage(form is [op,:argl],cat,def) ==
- packageName:= INTERN(STRCONC(PNAME op,'"&"))
- $options:local := []
- -- This stops the next line from becoming confused
- abbreviationsSpad2Cmd ['domain,packageAbb,packageName]
- -- This is a little odd, but the parser insists on calling
- -- domains, rather than packages
- nameForDollar := first SETDIFFERENCE('(S A B C D E F G H I),argl)
- packageArgl := [nameForDollar,:argl]
- capsuleDefAlist := fn(def,nil) where fn(x,oplist) ==
- atom x => oplist
- x is ['DEF,y,:.] => [y,:oplist]
- fn(rest x,fn(first x,oplist))
- explicitCatPart := gn cat where gn cat ==
- cat is ['CATEGORY,:.] => rest rest cat
- cat is ['Join,:u] => gn last u
- nil
- catvec := eval mkEvalableCategoryForm form
- fullCatOpList:=(JoinInner([catvec],$e)).1
- catOpList :=
- --note: this gets too many modemaps in general
- -- this is cut down in NRTmakeSlot1
- [['SIGNATURE,op1,sig] for [[op1,sig],:.] in fullCatOpList
- --above line calls the category constructor just compiled
- | assoc(op1,capsuleDefAlist)]
- null catOpList => nil
- packageCategory := ['CATEGORY,'domain,
- :SUBLISLIS(argl,$FormalMapVariableList,catOpList)]
- nils:= [nil for x in argl]
- packageSig := [packageCategory,form,:nils]
- $categoryPredicateList := SUBST(nameForDollar,'$,$categoryPredicateList)
- SUBST(nameForDollar,'$,
- ['DEF,[packageName,:packageArgl],packageSig,[nil,:nils],def])
- $prefix,$formalArgList) ==
- --1. bind global variables
- $insideCategoryIfTrue: local:= true
- $TOP__LEVEL: local
- $definition: local
- --used by DomainSubstitutionFunction
- $form: local
- $op: local
- $extraParms: local
- --Set in DomainSubstitutionFunction, used further down
--- 1.1 augment e to add declaration $: <form>
- [$op,:argl]:= $definition:= form
- e:= addBinding("$",[['mode,:$definition]],e)
--- 2. obtain signature
- signature':=
- [first signature,:[getArgumentModeOrMoan(a,$definition,e) for a in argl]]
- e:= giveFormalParametersValues(argl,e)
--- 3. replace arguments by $1,..., substitute into body,
--- and introduce declarations into environment
- sargl:= TAKE(# argl, $TriangleVariableList)
- $functorForm:= $form:= [$op,:sargl]
- $formalArgList:= [:sargl,:$formalArgList]
- aList:= [[a,:sa] for a in argl for sa in sargl]
- formalBody:= SUBLIS(aList,body)
- signature' := SUBLIS(aList,signature')
---Begin lines for category default definitions
- $functionStats: local:= [0,0]
- $functorStats: local:= [0,0]
- $frontier: local := 0
- $getDomainCode: local := nil
- $addForm: local:= nil
- for x in sargl for t in rest signature' repeat
- [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",x,t],m,e)
--- 4. compile body in environment of %type declarations for arguments
- op':= $op
- -- following line causes cats with no with or Join to be fresh copies
- if opOf(formalBody)^='Join and opOf(formalBody)^='mkCategory then
- formalBody := ['Join, formalBody]
- body:= optFunctorBody (compOrCroak(formalBody,signature'.target,e)).expr
- if $extraParms then
- formals:=actuals:=nil
- for u in $extraParms repeat
- formals:=[CAR u,:formals]
- actuals:=[MKQ CDR u,:actuals]
- body := ['sublisV,['PAIR,['QUOTE,formals],['LIST,:actuals]],body]
- if argl then body:= -- always subst for args after extraparms
- ['sublisV,['PAIR,['QUOTE,sargl],['LIST,:
- [['devaluate,u] for u in sargl]]],body]
- body:=
- ['PROG1,['LET,g:= GENSYM(),body],['SETELT,g,0,mkConstructor $form]]
- fun:= compile [op',['LAM,sargl,body]]
--- 5. give operator a 'modemap property
- pairlis:= [[a,:v] for a in argl for v in $FormalMapVariableList]
- parSignature:= SUBLIS(pairlis,signature')
- parForm:= SUBLIS(pairlis,form)
- lisplibWrite('"compilerInfo",
- removeZeroOne ['SETQ,'$CategoryFrame,
- ['put,['QUOTE,op'],'
- (QUOTE isCategory),true,['addModemap,MKQ op',MKQ parForm,
- MKQ parSignature,true,MKQ fun,'$CategoryFrame]]],$libFile)
- --Equivalent to the following two lines, we hope
- if null sargl then
- evalAndRwriteLispForm('NILADIC,
--- 6. put modemaps into InteractiveModemapFrame
- $domainShell := eval [op',:MAPCAR('MKQ,sargl)]
- $lisplibCategory:= formalBody
- if $LISPLIB then
- $lisplibForm:= form
- $lisplibKind:= 'category
- modemap:= [[parForm,:parSignature],[true,op']]
- $lisplibModemap:= modemap
- $lisplibParents :=
- getParentsFor($op,$FormalMapVariableList,$lisplibCategory)
- $lisplibAncestors := computeAncestorsOf($form,nil)
- $lisplibAbbreviation := constructor? $op
- form':=[op',:sargl]
- augLisplibModemapsFromCategory(form',formalBody,signature')
- [fun,'(Category),e]
-mkConstructor form ==
- atom form => ['devaluate,form]
- null rest form => ['QUOTE,[first form]]
- ['LIST,MKQ first form,:[mkConstructor x for x in rest form]]
-compDefineCategory(df,m,e,prefix,fal) ==
- $domainShell: local -- holds the category of the object being compiled
- $lisplibCategory: local
- not $insideFunctorIfTrue and $LISPLIB =>
- compDefineLisplib(df,m,e,prefix,fal,'compDefineCategory1)
- compDefineCategory1(df,m,e,prefix,fal)
-compDefineFunctor(df,m,e,prefix,fal) ==
- $domainShell: local -- holds the category of the object being compiled
- $profileCompiler: local := true
- $profileAlist: local := nil
- $LISPLIB => compDefineLisplib(df,m,e,prefix,fal,'compDefineFunctor1)
- compDefineFunctor1(df,m,e,prefix,fal)
-compDefineFunctor1(df is ['DEF,form,signature,$functorSpecialCases,body],
- m,$e,$prefix,$formalArgList) ==
- if NRTPARSE = true then
- [lineNumber,:$functorSpecialCases] := $functorSpecialCases
--- 1. bind global variables
- $addForm: local
- $viewNames: local:= nil
- --This list is only used in genDomainViewName, for generating names
- --for alternate views, if they do not already exist.
- --format: Alist: (domain name . sublist)
- --sublist is alist: category . name of view
- $functionStats: local:= [0,0]
- $functorStats: local:= [0,0]
- $form: local
- $op: local
- $signature: local
- $functorTarget: local
- $Representation: local
- --Set in doIt, accessed in the compiler - compNoStacking
- $LocalDomainAlist: local --set in doIt, accessed in genDeltaEntry
- $LocalDomainAlist:= nil
- $functorForm: local
- $functorLocalParameters: local
- SETQ($myFunctorBody, body)
- $CheckVectorList: local
- --prevents CheckVector from printing out same message twice
- $getDomainCode: local -- code for getting views
- $insideFunctorIfTrue: local:= true
- $functorsUsed: local --not currently used, finds dependent functors
- $setelt: local :=
- $QuickCode = true => 'QSETREFV
- $TOP__LEVEL: local
- $genSDVar: local:= 0
- originale:= $e
- [$op,:argl]:= form
- $formalArgList:= [:argl,:$formalArgList]
- $pairlis := [[a,:v] for a in argl for v in $FormalMapVariableList]
- $mutableDomain: local :=
- -- all defaulting packages should have caching turned off
- isCategoryPackageName $op or
- (if BOUNDP '$mutableDomains then MEMQ($op,$mutableDomains)
- else false ) --true if domain has mutable state
- signature':=
- [first signature,:[getArgumentModeOrMoan(a,form,$e) for a in argl]]
- $functorForm:= $form:= [$op,:argl]
- if null first signature' then signature':=
- modemap2Signature getModemap($form,$e)
- target:= first signature'
- $functorTarget:= target
- $e:= giveFormalParametersValues(argl,$e)
- [ds,.,$e]:= compMakeCategoryObject(target,$e) or
---+ copy needed since slot1 is reset; compMake.. can return a cached vector
- sayBrightly '" cannot produce category object:"
- pp target
- return nil
- $domainShell:= COPY_-SEQ ds
- $attributesName:local := INTERN STRCONC(PNAME $op,'";attributes")
- attributeList := disallowNilAttribute ds.2 --see below under "loadTimeAlist"
---+ 7 lines for $NRT follow
- $goGetList: local := nil
--->--these globals used by NRTmakeCategoryAlist, set by NRTsetVector4Part1
- $condAlist: local := nil
- $uncondAlist: local := nil
--->>-- next global initialized here, reset by NRTbuildFunctor
- $NRTslot1PredicateList: local :=
- REMDUP [CADR x for x in attributeList]
--->>-- next global initialized here, used by NRTgenAttributeAlist (NRUNOPT)
- $NRTattributeAlist: local := NRTgenInitialAttributeAlist attributeList
- $NRTslot1Info: local --set in NRTmakeSlot1 called by NRTbuildFunctor
- --this is used below to set $lisplibSlot1 global
- $NRTbase: local := 6 -- equals length of $domainShell
- $NRTaddForm: local := nil -- see compAdd; NRTmakeSlot1
- $NRTdeltaList: local := nil --list of misc. elts used in compiled fncts
- $NRTdeltaListComp: local := nil --list of COMP-ed forms for $NRTdeltaList
- $NRTaddList: local := nil --list of fncts not defined in capsule (added)
- $NRTdeltaLength: local := 0 -- =length of block of extra entries in vector
- $NRTloadTimeAlist: local := nil --used for things in slot4 (NRTsetVector4)
- $NRTdomainFormList: local := nil -- of form ((gensym . (Repe...)) ...
- -- the above optimizes the calls to local domains
- $template: local:= nil --stored in the lisplib (if $NRTvec = true)
- $functionLocations: local := nil --locations of defined functions in source
- -- generate slots for arguments first, then for $NRTaddForm in compAdd
- for x in argl repeat NRTgetLocalIndex x
- [.,.,$e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",'_$,target],m,$e)
- --The following loop sees if we can economise on ADDed operations
- --by using those of Rep, if that is the same. Example: DIRPROD
- if $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue^= true then
- if body is ['add,ab:=[fn,:.],['CAPSULE,:cb]] and MEMQ(fn,'(List Vector))
- and FindRep(cb) = ab
- where FindRep cb ==
- u:=
- while cb repeat
- ATOM cb => return nil
- cb is [['LET,'Rep,v,:.],:.] => return (u:=v)
- cb:=CDR cb
- u
- then $e:= augModemapsFromCategoryRep('_$,ab,cb,target,$e)
- else $e:= augModemapsFromCategory('_$,'_$,'_$,target,$e)
- $signature:= signature'
- operationAlist:= SUBLIS($pairlis,$domainShell.(1))
- parSignature:= SUBLIS($pairlis,signature')
- parForm:= SUBLIS($pairlis,form)
--- (3.1) now make a list of the functor's local parameters; for
--- domain D in argl,check its signature: if domain, its type is Join(A1,..,An);
--- in this case, D is replaced by D1,..,Dn (gensyms) which are set
--- to the A1,..,An view of D
- if isPackageFunction() then $functorLocalParameters:=
- [nil,:
- [nil
- for i in 6..MAXINDEX $domainShell |
- $domainShell.i is [.,.,['ELT,'_$,.]]]]
- --leave space for vector ops and package name to be stored
- $functorLocalParameters:=
- argPars :=
- makeFunctorArgumentParameters(argl,rest signature',first signature')
- -- must do above to bring categories into scope --see line 5 of genDomainView
- argl
--- 4. compile body in environment of %type declarations for arguments
- op':= $op
- rettype:= signature'.target
- T:= compFunctorBody(body,rettype,$e,parForm)
- -- If only compiling certain items, then ignore the body shell.
- $compileOnlyCertainItems =>
- reportOnFunctorCompilation()
- [nil, ['Mapping, :signature'], originale]
- body':= T.expr
- lamOrSlam:= if $mutableDomain then 'LAM else 'SPADSLAM
- fun:= compile SUBLIS($pairlis, [op',[lamOrSlam,argl,body']])
- --The above statement stops substitutions gettting in one another's way
- operationAlist := SUBLIS($pairlis,$lisplibOperationAlist)
- if $LISPLIB then
- augmentLisplibModemapsFromFunctor(parForm,operationAlist,parSignature)
- reportOnFunctorCompilation()
--- 5. give operator a 'modemap property
--- if $functorsUsed then MAKEPROP(op',"NEEDS",$functorsUsed)
- if $LISPLIB then
- modemap:= [[parForm,:parSignature],[true,op']]
- $lisplibModemap:= modemap
- $lisplibCategory := modemap.mmTarget
- $lisplibParents :=
- getParentsFor($op,$FormalMapVariableList,$lisplibCategory)
- $lisplibAncestors := computeAncestorsOf($form,nil)
- $lisplibAbbreviation := constructor? $op
- $insideFunctorIfTrue:= false
- if $LISPLIB then
- $lisplibKind:=
-------->This next line prohibits changing the KIND once given
---------kk:=GETDATABASE($op,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) => kk
- $functorTarget is ["CATEGORY",key,:.] and key^="domain" => 'package
- 'domain
- $lisplibForm:= form
- if null $bootStrapMode then
- $NRTslot1Info := NRTmakeSlot1Info()
- $isOpPackageName: local := isCategoryPackageName $op
- if $isOpPackageName then lisplibWrite('"slot1DataBase",
- ['updateSlot1DataBase,MKQ $NRTslot1Info],$libFile)
- $lisplibFunctionLocations := SUBLIS($pairlis,$functionLocations)
- $lisplibCategoriesExtended := SUBLIS($pairlis,$lisplibCategoriesExtended)
- -- see NRTsetVector4 for initial setting of $lisplibCategoriesExtended
- $lookupFunction: local :=
- NRTgetLookupFunction($functorForm,CADAR $lisplibModemap,$NRTaddForm)
- --either lookupComplete (for forgetful guys) or lookupIncomplete
- $byteAddress :local := 0
- $byteVec :local := nil
- $NRTslot1PredicateList :=
- [simpBool x for x in $NRTslot1PredicateList]
- rwriteLispForm('loadTimeStuff,
- ['MAKEPROP,MKQ $op,''infovec,getInfovecCode()])
- $lisplibSlot1 := $NRTslot1Info --NIL or set by $NRTmakeSlot1
- $lisplibOperationAlist:= operationAlist
- $lisplibMissingFunctions:= $CheckVectorList
- lisplibWrite('"compilerInfo",
- removeZeroOne ['SETQ,'$CategoryFrame,
- ['put,['QUOTE,op'],'
- (QUOTE isFunctor),
- ['QUOTE,operationAlist],['addModemap,['QUOTE,op'],['
- QUOTE,parForm],['QUOTE,parSignature],true,['QUOTE,op'],
- ['put,['QUOTE,op' ],'(QUOTE mode),
- ['QUOTE,['Mapping,:parSignature]],'$CategoryFrame]]]], $libFile)
- if null argl then
- evalAndRwriteLispForm('NILADIC,
- ['MAKEPROP, ['QUOTE,op'], ['QUOTE,'NILADIC], true])
- [fun,['Mapping,:signature'],originale]
-disallowNilAttribute x ==
- res := [y for y in x | car y and car y ^= "nil"]
---HACK to get rid of nil attibutes ---NOTE: nil is RENAMED to NIL
-compFunctorBody(body,m,e,parForm) ==
- $bootStrapMode = true =>
- [bootStrapError($functorForm, _/EDITFILE),m,e]
- T:= compOrCroak(body,m,e)
- body is [op,:.] and MEMQ(op,'(add CAPSULE)) => T
- $NRTaddForm :=
- body is ["SubDomain",domainForm,predicate] => domainForm
- body
- T
-reportOnFunctorCompilation() ==
- displayMissingFunctions()
- if $semanticErrorStack then sayBrightly '" "
- displaySemanticErrors()
- if $warningStack then sayBrightly '" "
- displayWarnings()
- $functorStats:= addStats($functorStats,$functionStats)
- [byteCount,elapsedSeconds] := $functorStats
- sayBrightly ['%l,:bright '" Cumulative Statistics for Constructor",
- $op]
- timeString := normalizeStatAndStringify elapsedSeconds
- sayBrightly ['" Time:",:bright timeString,'"seconds"]
- sayBrightly '" "
- 'done
-displayMissingFunctions() ==
- null $CheckVectorList => nil
- loc := nil
- exp := nil
- for [[op,sig,:.],:pred] in $CheckVectorList | null pred repeat
- null member(op,$formalArgList) and
- getmode(op,$env) is ['Mapping,:.] =>
- loc := [[op,sig],:loc]
- exp := [[op,sig],:exp]
- if loc then
- sayBrightly ['%l,:bright '" Missing Local Functions:"]
- for [op,sig] in loc for i in 1.. repeat
- sayBrightly ['" [",i,'"]",:bright op,
- ": ",:formatUnabbreviatedSig sig]
- if exp then
- sayBrightly ['%l,:bright '" Missing Exported Functions:"]
- for [op,sig] in exp for i in 1.. repeat
- sayBrightly ['" [",i,'"]",:bright op,
- ": ",:formatUnabbreviatedSig sig]
---% domain view code
-makeFunctorArgumentParameters(argl,sigl,target) ==
- $alternateViewList: local:= nil
- $forceAdd: local:= true
- $ConditionalOperators: local
- ("append"/[fn(a,augmentSig(s,findExtras(a,target)))
- for a in argl for s in sigl]) where
- findExtras(a,target) ==
- -- see if conditional information implies anything else
- -- in the signature of a
- target is ['Join,:l] => "union"/[findExtras(a,x) for x in l]
- target is ['CATEGORY,.,:l] => "union"/[findExtras1(a,x) for x in l] where
- findExtras1(a,x) ==
- x is ['AND,:l] => "union"/[findExtras1(a,y) for y in l]
- x is ['OR,:l] => "union"/[findExtras1(a,y) for y in l]
- x is ['IF,c,p,q] =>
- union(findExtrasP(a,c),
- union(findExtras1(a,p),findExtras1(a,q))) where
- findExtrasP(a,x) ==
- x is ['AND,:l] => "union"/[findExtrasP(a,y) for y in l]
- x is ['OR,:l] => "union"/[findExtrasP(a,y) for y in l]
- x is ['has,=a,y] and y is ['SIGNATURE,:.] => [y]
- nil
- nil
- augmentSig(s,ss) ==
- -- if we find something extra, add it to the signature
- null ss => s
- for u in ss repeat
- $ConditionalOperators:=[CDR u,:$ConditionalOperators]
- s is ['Join,:sl] =>
- u:=ASSQ('CATEGORY,ss) =>
- SUBST([:u,:ss],u,s)
- ['Join,:sl,['CATEGORY,'package,:ss]]
- ['Join,s,['CATEGORY,'package,:ss]]
- fn(a,s) ==
- isCategoryForm(s,$CategoryFrame) =>
- s is ["Join",:catlist] => genDomainViewList0(a,rest s)
- [genDomainView(a,a,s,"getDomainView")]
- [a]
-genDomainViewList0(id,catlist) ==
- l:= genDomainViewList(id,catlist,true)
- l
-genDomainViewList(id,catlist,firsttime) ==
- null catlist => nil
- catlist is [y] and not isCategoryForm(y,$EmptyEnvironment) => nil
- [genDomainView(if firsttime then id else genDomainViewName(id,first catlist),
- id,first catlist,"getDomainView"),:genDomainViewList(id,rest catlist,nil)]
-genDomainView(viewName,originalName,c,viewSelector) ==
- c is ['CATEGORY,.,:l] => genDomainOps(viewName,originalName,c)
- code:=
- c is ['SubsetCategory,c',.] => c'
- c
- $e:= augModemapsFromCategory(originalName,viewName,nil,c,$e)
- --$alternateViewList:= ((viewName,:code),:$alternateViewList)
- cd:= ['LET,viewName,[viewSelector,originalName,mkDomainConstructor code]]
- if null member(cd,$getDomainCode) then
- $getDomainCode:= [cd,:$getDomainCode]
- viewName
-genDomainOps(viewName,dom,cat) ==
- oplist:= getOperationAlist(dom,dom,cat)
- siglist:= [sig for [sig,:.] in oplist]
- oplist:= substNames(dom,viewName,dom,oplist)
- cd:=
- ['LET,viewName,['mkOpVec,dom,['LIST,:
- [['LIST,MKQ op,['LIST,:[mkDomainConstructor mode for mode in sig]]]
- for [op,sig] in siglist]]]]
- $getDomainCode:= [cd,:$getDomainCode]
- for [opsig,cond,:.] in oplist for i in 0.. repeat
- if opsig in $ConditionalOperators then cond:=nil
- [op,sig]:=opsig
- $e:= addModemap(op,dom,sig,cond,['ELT,viewName,i],$e)
- viewName
-mkOpVec(dom,siglist) ==
- dom:= getPrincipalView dom
- substargs:= [['$,:dom.0],:
- [[a,:x] for a in $FormalMapVariableList for x in rest dom.0]]
- oplist:= getOperationAlistFromLisplib opOf dom.0
- --new form is (<op> <signature> <slotNumber> <condition> <kind>)
- ops:= MAKE_-VEC (#siglist)
- for (opSig:= [op,sig]) in siglist for i in 0.. repeat
- u:= ASSQ(op,oplist)
- assoc(sig,u) is [.,n,.,'ELT] => ops.i := dom.n
- noplist:= SUBLIS(substargs,u)
- -- following variation on assoc needed for GENSYMS in Mutable domains
- AssocBarGensym(SUBST(dom.0,'$,sig),noplist) is [.,n,.,'ELT] =>
- ops.i := dom.n
- ops.i := [function Undef,[dom.0,i],:opSig]
- ops
-genDomainViewName(a,category) ==
- a
-compDefWhereClause(['DEF,form,signature,specialCases,body],m,e) ==
--- form is lhs (f a1 ... an) of definition; body is rhs;
--- signature is (t0 t1 ... tn) where t0= target type, ti=type of ai, i > 0;
--- specialCases is (NIL l1 ... ln) where li is list of special cases
--- which can be given for each ti
--- removes declarative and assignment information from form and
--- signature, placing it in list L, replacing form by ("where",form',:L),
--- signature by a list of NILs (signifying declarations are in e)
- $sigAlist: local
- $predAlist: local
--- 1. create sigList= list of all signatures which have embedded
--- declarations moved into global variable $sigAlist
- sigList:=
- [transformType fetchType(a,x,e,form) for a in rest form for x in rest signature]
- where
- fetchType(a,x,e,form) ==
- x => x
- getmode(a,e) or userError concat(
- '"There is no mode for argument",a,'"of function",first form)
- transformType x ==
- atom x => x
- x is [":",R,Rtype] =>
- ($sigAlist:= [[R,:transformType Rtype],:$sigAlist]; x)
- x is ['Record,:.] => x --RDJ 8/83
- [first x,:[transformType y for y in rest x]]
--- 2. replace each argument of the form (|| x p) by x, recording
--- the given predicate in global variable $predAlist
- argList:=
- [removeSuchthat a for a in rest form] where
- removeSuchthat x ==
- x is ["|",y,p] => ($predAlist:= [[y,:p],:$predAlist]; y)
- x
--- 3. obtain a list of parameter identifiers (x1 .. xn) ordered so that
--- the type of xi is independent of xj if i < j
- varList:=
- orderByDependency(ASSOCLEFT argDepAlist,ASSOCRIGHT argDepAlist) where
- argDepAlist:=
- [[x,:dependencies] for [x,:y] in argSigAlist] where
- dependencies() ==
- union(listOfIdentifiersIn y,
- delete(x,listOfIdentifiersIn LASSOC(x,$predAlist)))
- argSigAlist:= [:$sigAlist,:pairList(argList,sigList)]
--- 4. construct a WhereList which declares and/or defines the xi's in
--- the order constructed in step 3
- (whereList:= [addSuchthat(x,[":",x,LASSOC(x,argSigAlist)]) for x in varList])
- where addSuchthat(x,y) == (p:= LASSOC(x,$predAlist) => ["|",y,p]; y)
--- 5. compile new ('DEF,("where",form',:WhereList),:.) where
--- all argument parameters of form' are bound/declared in WhereList
- comp(form',m,e) where
- form':=
- ["where",defform,:whereList] where
- defform:=
- ['DEF,form'',signature',specialCases,body] where
- form'':= [first form,:argList]
- signature':= [first signature,:[nil for x in rest signature]]
-orderByDependency(vl,dl) ==
- -- vl is list of variables, dl is list of dependency-lists
- selfDependents:= [v for v in vl for d in dl | MEMQ(v,d)]
- for v in vl for d in dl | MEMQ(v,d) repeat
- (SAY(v," depends on itself"); fatalError:= true)
- fatalError => userError '"Parameter specification error"
- until (null vl) repeat
- newl:=
- [v for v in vl for d in dl | null intersection(d,vl)] or return nil
- orderedVarList:= [:newl,:orderedVarList]
- vl':= setDifference(vl,newl)
- dl':= [setDifference(d,newl) for x in vl for d in dl | member(x,vl')]
- vl:= vl'
- dl:= dl'
- REMDUP NREVERSE orderedVarList --ordered so ith is indep. of jth if i < j
-compDefineCapsuleFunction(df is ['DEF,form,signature,specialCases,body],
- m,oldE,$prefix,$formalArgList) ==
- [lineNumber,:specialCases] := specialCases
- e := oldE
- --1. bind global variables
- $form: local
- $op: local
- $functionStats: local:= [0,0]
- $argumentConditionList: local
- $finalEnv: local
- --used by ReplaceExitEtc to get a common environment
- $initCapsuleErrorCount: local:= #$semanticErrorStack
- $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue: local:= true
- $CapsuleModemapFrame: local:= e
- $CapsuleDomainsInScope: local:= get("$DomainsInScope","special",e)
- $insideExpressionIfTrue: local:= true
- $returnMode:= m
- [$op,:argl]:= form
- $form:= [$op,:argl]
- argl:= stripOffArgumentConditions argl
- $formalArgList:= [:argl,:$formalArgList]
- --let target and local signatures help determine modes of arguments
- argModeList:=
- identSig:= hasSigInTargetCategory(argl,form,first signature,e) =>
- (e:= checkAndDeclare(argl,form,identSig,e); rest identSig)
- [getArgumentModeOrMoan(a,form,e) for a in argl]
- argModeList:= stripOffSubdomainConditions(argModeList,argl)
- signature':= [first signature,:argModeList]
- if null identSig then --make $op a local function
- oldE := put($op,'mode,['Mapping,:signature'],oldE)
- --obtain target type if not given
- if null first signature' then signature':=
- identSig => identSig
- getSignature($op,rest signature',e) or return nil
- e:= giveFormalParametersValues(argl,e)
- $signatureOfForm:= signature' --this global is bound in compCapsuleItems
- $functionLocations := [[[$op,$signatureOfForm],:lineNumber],
- :$functionLocations]
- e:= addDomain(first signature',e)
- e:= compArgumentConditions e
- if $profileCompiler then
- for x in argl for t in rest signature' repeat profileRecord('arguments,x,t)
- --4. introduce needed domains into extendedEnv
- for domain in signature' repeat e:= addDomain(domain,e)
- --6. compile body in environment with extended environment
- rettype:= resolve(signature'.target,$returnMode)
- localOrExported :=
- null member($op,$formalArgList) and
- getmode($op,e) is ['Mapping,:.] => 'local
- 'exported
- --6a skip if compiling only certain items but not this one
- -- could be moved closer to the top
- formattedSig := formatUnabbreviated ['Mapping,:signature']
- $compileOnlyCertainItems and _
- not member($op, $compileOnlyCertainItems) =>
- sayBrightly ['" skipping ", localOrExported,:bright $op]
- [nil,['Mapping,:signature'],oldE]
- sayBrightly ['" compiling ",localOrExported,
- :bright $op,'": ",:formattedSig]
- if $newComp = true then
- wholeBody := ['DEF, form, signature', specialCases, body]
- T := CATCH('compCapsuleBody, newComp(wholeBody,$NoValueMode,e))
- or [" ",rettype,e]
- T := [T.expr.2.2, rettype, T.env]
- if $newCompCompare=true then
- oldT := CATCH('compCapsuleBody, compOrCroak(body,rettype,e))
- or [" ",rettype,e]
- SAY '"The old compiler generates:"
- prTriple oldT
- SAY '"The new compiler generates:"
- prTriple T
- else
- T := CATCH('compCapsuleBody, compOrCroak(body,rettype,e))
- or [" ",rettype,e]
- NRTassignCapsuleFunctionSlot($op,signature')
- if $newCompCompare=true then
- SAY '"The old compiler generates:"
- prTriple T
--- A THROW to the above CATCH occurs if too many semantic errors occur
--- see stackSemanticError
- catchTag:= MKQ GENSYM()
- fun:=
- body':= replaceExitEtc(T.expr,catchTag,"TAGGEDreturn",$returnMode)
- body':= addArgumentConditions(body',$op)
- finalBody:= ["CATCH",catchTag,body']
- compileCases([$op,["LAM",[:argl,'_$],finalBody]],oldE)
- $functorStats:= addStats($functorStats,$functionStats)
--- 7. give operator a 'value property
- val:= [fun,signature',e]
- [fun,['Mapping,:signature'],oldE] -- oldE:= put($op,'value,removeEnv val,e)
-getSignatureFromMode(form,e) ==
- getmode(opOf form,e) is ['Mapping,:signature] =>
- #form^=#signature => stackAndThrow ["Wrong number of arguments: ",form]
- EQSUBSTLIST(rest form,take(#rest form,$FormalMapVariableList),signature)
-hasSigInTargetCategory(argl,form,opsig,e) ==
- mList:= [getArgumentMode(x,e) for x in argl]
- --each element is a declared mode for the variable or nil if none exists
- potentialSigList:=
- [sig
- for [[opName,sig,:.],:.] in $domainShell.(1) |
- fn(opName,sig,opsig,mList,form)] where
- fn(opName,sig,opsig,mList,form) ==
- opName=$op and #sig=#form and (null opsig or opsig=first sig) and
- (and/[compareMode2Arg(x,m) for x in mList for m in rest sig])
- c:= #potentialSigList
- 1=c => first potentialSigList
- --accept only those signatures op right length which match declared modes
- 0=c => (#(sig:= getSignatureFromMode(form,e))=#form => sig; nil)
- 1<c =>
- sig:= first potentialSigList
- stackWarning ["signature of lhs not unique:",
- :bright formatSignature sig, "chosen"]
- sig
- nil --this branch will force all arguments to be declared
-compareMode2Arg(x,m) == null x or modeEqual(x,m)
-getArgumentModeOrMoan(x,form,e) ==
- getArgumentMode(x,e) or
- stackSemanticError(["argument ",x," of ",form," is not declared"],nil)
-getArgumentMode(x,e) ==
- STRINGP x => x
- m:= get(x,'mode,e) => m
-checkAndDeclare(argl,form,sig,e) ==
--- arguments with declared types must agree with those in sig;
--- those that don't get declarations put into e
- for a in argl for m in rest sig repeat
- m1:= getArgumentMode(a,e) =>
- ^modeEqual(m1,m) =>
- stack:= [" ",:bright a,'"must have type ",m,
- '" not ",m1,'%l,:stack]
- e:= put(a,'mode,m,e)
- if stack then
- sayBrightly ['" Parameters of ",:bright first form,
- '" are of wrong type:",'%l,:stack]
- e
-getSignature(op,argModeList,$e) ==
- 1=#
- (sigl:=
- [sig
- for [[dc,:sig],[pred,:.]] in (mmList:= get(op,'modemap,$e)) | dc='_$
- and rest sig=argModeList and knownInfo pred]) => first sigl
- null sigl =>
- (u:= getmode(op,$e)) is ['Mapping,:sig] => sig
- SAY '"************* USER ERROR **********"
- SAY("available signatures for ",op,": ")
- if null mmList
- then SAY " NONE"
- else for [[dc,:sig],:.] in mmList repeat printSignature(" ",op,sig)
- printSignature("NEED ",op,["?",:argModeList])
- nil
- for u in sigl repeat
- for v in sigl | not (u=v) repeat
- if SourceLevelSubsume(u,v) then sigl:= delete(v,sigl)
- --before we complain about duplicate signatures, we should
- --check that we do not have for example, a partial - as
- --well as a total one. SourceLevelSubsume (from CATEGORY BOOT)
- --should do this
- 1=#sigl => first sigl
- stackSemanticError(["duplicate signatures for ",op,": ",argModeList],nil)
-stripOffArgumentConditions argl ==
- [f for x in argl for i in 1..] where
- f() ==
- x is ["|",arg,condition] =>
- condition:= SUBST('_#1,arg,condition)
- -- in case conditions are given in terms of argument names, replace
- $argumentConditionList:= [[i,arg,condition],:$argumentConditionList]
- arg
- x
-stripOffSubdomainConditions(margl,argl) ==
- [f for x in margl for arg in argl for i in 1..] where
- f() ==
- x is ['SubDomain,marg,condition] =>
- pair:= assoc(i,$argumentConditionList) =>
- (RPLAC(CADR pair,MKPF([condition,CADR pair],'AND)); marg)
- $argumentConditionList:= [[i,arg,condition],:$argumentConditionList]
- marg
- x
-compArgumentConditions e ==
- $argumentConditionList:=
- [f for [n,a,x] in $argumentConditionList] where
- f() ==
- y:= SUBST(a,'_#1,x)
- T := [.,.,e]:= compOrCroak(y,$Boolean,e)
- [n,x,T.expr]
- e
-addArgumentConditions($body,$functionName) ==
- $argumentConditionList =>
- --$body is only used in this function
- fn $argumentConditionList where
- fn clist ==
- clist is [[n,untypedCondition,typedCondition],:.] =>
- ['COND,[typedCondition,fn rest clist],
- [$true,["argumentDataError",n,
- MKQ untypedCondition,MKQ $functionName]]]
- null clist => $body
- systemErrorHere '"addArgumentConditions"
- $body
-putInLocalDomainReferences (def := [opName,[lam,varl,body]]) ==
- $elt: local := ($QuickCode => 'QREFELT; 'ELT)
- NRTputInTail CDDADR def
- def
- dom is [op,'_$,n] and MEMQ(op,'(ELT QREFELT)) => nil
- domargsglobal(dom) =>
- $functorLocalParameters:= [:$functorLocalParameters,dom]
- PUSH([dom,GENVAR(),[elt,$selector,$funcLocLen]],$usedDomList)
- $selcount:= $selcount+1
- $funcLocLen:= $funcLocLen+1
- nil
- where
- domargsglobal(dom) ==
- dom='_$ => true
- IDENTP dom => MEMQ(dom,$functorLocalParameters)
- ATOM dom => true
- and/[domargsglobal(arg) for arg in rest dom]
-compileCases(x,$e) == -- $e is referenced in compile
- $specialCaseKeyList: local
- not ($insideFunctorIfTrue=true) => compile x
- specialCaseAssoc:=
- [y for y in getSpecialCaseAssoc() | not get(first y,"specialCase",$e) and
- ([R,R']:= y) and isEltArgumentIn(FindNamesFor(R,R'),x)] where
- FindNamesFor(R,R') ==
- [R,:
- [v
- for ['LET,v,u,:.] in $getDomainCode | CADR u=R and
- eval substitute(R',R,u)]]
- isEltArgumentIn(Rlist,x) ==
- atom x => nil
- x is ['ELT,R,.] => MEMQ(R,Rlist) or isEltArgumentIn(Rlist,rest x)
- x is ["QREFELT",R,.] => MEMQ(R,Rlist) or isEltArgumentIn(Rlist,rest x)
- isEltArgumentIn(Rlist,first x) or isEltArgumentIn(Rlist,rest x)
- null specialCaseAssoc => compile x
- listOfDomains:= ASSOCLEFT specialCaseAssoc
- listOfAllCases:= outerProduct ASSOCRIGHT specialCaseAssoc
- cl:=
- [u for l in listOfAllCases] where
- u() ==
- $specialCaseKeyList:= [[D,:C] for D in listOfDomains for C in l]
- [MKPF([["EQUAL",D,C] for D in listOfDomains for C in l],"AND"),
- compile COPY x]
- $specialCaseKeyList:= nil
- ["COND",:cl,[$true,compile x]]
-getSpecialCaseAssoc() ==
- [[R,:l] for R in rest $functorForm
- for l in rest $functorSpecialCases | l]
-compile u ==
- [op,lamExpr] := u
- if $suffix then
- $suffix:= $suffix+1
- op':=
- opexport:=nil
- opmodes:=
- [sel
- for [[DC,:sig],[.,sel]] in get(op,'modemap,$e) |
- DC='_$ and (opexport:=true) and
- (and/[modeEqual(x,y) for x in sig for y in $signatureOfForm])]
- isLocalFunction op =>
- if opexport then userError ['%b,op,'%d,'" is local and exported"]
- INTERN STRCONC(encodeItem $prefix,'";",encodeItem op)
- isPackageFunction() and KAR $functorForm^="CategoryDefaults" =>
- if null opmodes then userError ['"no modemap for ",op]
- opmodes is [['PAC,.,name]] => name
- encodeFunctionName(op,$functorForm,$signatureOfForm,";",$suffix)
- encodeFunctionName(op,$functorForm,$signatureOfForm,";",$suffix)
- where
- isLocalFunction op ==
- null member(op,$formalArgList) and
- getmode(op,$e) is ['Mapping,:.]
- u:= [op',lamExpr]
- -- If just updating certain functions, check for previous existence.
- -- Deduce old sequence number and use it (items have been skipped).
- if $LISPLIB and $compileOnlyCertainItems then
- parts := splitEncodedFunctionName(u.0, ";")
--- Next line JHD/SMWATT 7/17/86 to deal with inner functions
- parts='inner => $savableItems:=[u.0,:$savableItems]
- unew := nil
- for [s,t] in $splitUpItemsAlreadyThere repeat
- if parts.0=s.0 and parts.1=s.1 and parts.2=s.2 then unew := t
- null unew =>
- sayBrightly ['" Error: Item did not previously exist"]
- sayBrightly ['" Item not saved: ", :bright u.0]
- sayBrightly ['" What's there is: ", $lisplibItemsAlreadyThere]
- nil
- sayBrightly ['" Renaming ", u.0, '" as ", unew]
- u := [unew, :rest u]
- $savableItems := [unew, :$saveableItems] -- tested by embedded RWRITE
- optimizedBody:= optimizeFunctionDef u
- stuffToCompile:=
- if null $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue
- then optimizedBody
- else putInLocalDomainReferences optimizedBody
- $doNotCompileJustPrint=true => (PRETTYPRINT stuffToCompile; op')
- $macroIfTrue => constructMacro stuffToCompile
- result:= spadCompileOrSetq stuffToCompile
- functionStats:=[0,elapsedTime()]
- $functionStats:= addStats($functionStats,functionStats)
- printStats functionStats
- result
-spadCompileOrSetq (form is [nam,[lam,vl,body]]) ==
- --bizarre hack to take account of the existence of "known" functions
- --good for performance (LISPLLIB size, BPI size, NILSEC)
- CONTAINED(" ",body) => sayBrightly ['" ",:bright nam,'" not compiled"]
- if vl is [:vl',E] and body is [nam',: =vl'] then
- sayBrightly ['" ",:bright nam,'"is replaced by",:bright nam']
- else if (ATOM body or and/[ATOM x for x in body])
- and vl is [:vl',E] and not CONTAINED(E,body) then
- macform := ['XLAM,vl',body]
- sayBrightly ['" ",:bright nam,'"is replaced by",:bright body]
- $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue => first COMP LIST form
- compileConstructor form
-compileConstructor form ==
- u:= compileConstructor1 form
- clearClams() --clear all CLAMmed functions
- u
-compileConstructor1 (form:=[fn,[key,vl,:bodyl]]) ==
--- fn is the name of some category/domain/package constructor;
--- we will cache all of its values on $ConstructorCache with reference
--- counts
- $clamList: local
- lambdaOrSlam :=
- $mutableDomain => 'LAMBDA
- $clamList:=
- [[fn,"$ConstructorCache",'domainEqualList,'count],:$clamList]
- compForm:= LIST [fn,[lambdaOrSlam,vl,:bodyl]]
- then u:= compAndDefine compForm
- else u:=COMP compForm
- clearConstructorCache fn --clear cache for constructor
- first u
-constructMacro (form is [nam,[lam,vl,body]]) ==
- ^(and/[atom x for x in vl]) =>
- stackSemanticError(["illegal parameters for macro: ",vl],nil)
- ["XLAM",vl':= [x for x in vl | IDENTP x],body]
-listInitialSegment(u,v) ==
- null u => true
- null v => nil
- first u=first v and listInitialSegment(rest u,rest v)
- --returns true iff u.i=v.i for i in 1..(#u)-1
-modemap2Signature [[.,:sig],:.] == sig
-uncons x ==
- atom x => x
- x is ["CONS",a,b] => [a,:uncons b]
-bootStrapError(functorForm,sourceFile) ==
- ['COND, _
- ['$bootStrapMode, _
- ['VECTOR,mkDomainConstructor functorForm,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil]],
- [''T, ['systemError,['LIST,''%b,MKQ CAR functorForm,''%d,'"from", _
- ''%b,MKQ namestring sourceFile,''%d,'"needs to be compiled"]]]]
-compAdd(['add,$addForm,capsule],m,e) ==
- $bootStrapMode = true =>
- if $addForm is ['Tuple,:.] then code := nil
- else [code,m,e]:= comp($addForm,m,e)
- [['COND, _
- ['$bootStrapMode, _
- code],_
- [''T, ['systemError,['LIST,''%b,MKQ CAR $functorForm,''%d,'"from", _
- ''%b,MKQ namestring _/EDITFILE,''%d,'"needs to be compiled"]]]],m,e]
- $addFormLhs: local:= $addForm
- if $addForm is ["SubDomain",domainForm,predicate] then
- $packagesUsed := [domainForm,:$packagesUsed]
- $NRTaddForm := domainForm
- NRTgetLocalIndex domainForm
- --need to generate slot for add form since all $ go-get
- -- slots will need to access it
- [$addForm,.,e]:= compSubDomain1(domainForm,predicate,m,e)
- else
- $packagesUsed :=
- $addForm is ['Tuple,:u] => [:u,:$packagesUsed]
- [$addForm,:$packagesUsed]
- $NRTaddForm := $addForm
- [$addForm,.,e]:=
- $addForm is ['Tuple,:.] =>
- $NRTaddForm := ['Tuple,:[NRTgetLocalIndex x for x in rest $addForm]]
- compOrCroak(compTuple2Record $addForm,$EmptyMode,e)
- compOrCroak($addForm,$EmptyMode,e)
- compCapsule(capsule,m,e)
-compTuple2Record u == ['Record,:[[":",i,x] for i in 1.. for x in rest u]]
-compCapsule(['CAPSULE,:itemList],m,e) ==
- $bootStrapMode = true =>
- [bootStrapError($functorForm, _/EDITFILE),m,e]
- $insideExpressionIfTrue: local:= false
- compCapsuleInner(itemList,m,addDomain('_$,e))
-compSubDomain(["SubDomain",domainForm,predicate],m,e) ==
- $addFormLhs: local:= domainForm
- $addForm: local
- $NRTaddForm := domainForm
- [$addForm,.,e]:= compSubDomain1(domainForm,predicate,m,e)
- compCapsule(['CAPSULE],m,e)
-compSubDomain1(domainForm,predicate,m,e) ==
- [.,.,e]:=
- compMakeDeclaration([":","#1",domainForm],$EmptyMode,addDomain(domainForm,e))
- u:=
- compOrCroak(predicate,$Boolean,e) or
- stackSemanticError(["predicate: ",predicate,
- " cannot be interpreted with #1: ",domainForm],nil)
- prefixPredicate:= lispize u.expr
- $lisplibSuperDomain:=
- [domainForm,predicate]
- evalAndRwriteLispForm('evalOnLoad2,
- ['SETQ,'$CategoryFrame,['put,op':= ['QUOTE,$op],'
- (QUOTE SuperDomain),dF':= ['QUOTE,domainForm],['put,dF','(QUOTE SubDomain),[
- 'CONS,['QUOTE,[$op,:prefixPredicate]],['DELASC,op',['get,dF','
- (QUOTE SubDomain),'$CategoryFrame]]],'$CategoryFrame]]])
- [domainForm,m,e]
-compCapsuleInner(itemList,m,e) ==
- e:= addInformation(m,e)
- --puts a new 'special' property of $Information
- data:= ["PROGN",:itemList]
- --RPLACd by compCapsuleItems and Friends
- e:= compCapsuleItems(itemList,nil,e)
- localParList:= $functorLocalParameters
- if $addForm then data:= ['add,$addForm,data]
- code:=
- $insideCategoryIfTrue and not $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue => data
- processFunctorOrPackage($form,$signature,data,localParList,m,e)
- [MKPF([:$getDomainCode,code],"PROGN"),m,e]
-processFunctor(form,signature,data,localParList,e) ==
- form is ["CategoryDefaults"] =>
- error "CategoryDefaults is a reserved name"
- buildFunctor(form,signature,data,localParList,e)
-compSingleCapsuleItem(item,$predl,$e) ==
- doIt(macroExpandInPlace(item,$e),$predl)
- $e
-doIt(item,$predl) ==
- $GENNO: local:= 0
- item is ['SEQ,:l,['exit,1,x]] =>
- RPLACA(item,"PROGN")
- for it1 in rest item repeat $e:= compSingleCapsuleItem(it1,$predl,$e)
- --This will RPLAC as appropriate
- isDomainForm(item,$e) =>
- -- convert naked top level domains to import
- u:= ["import", [first item,:rest item]]
- stackWarning ["Use: import ", [first item,:rest item]]
- RPLACA(item,first u)
- RPLACD(item,rest u)
- doIt(item,$predl)
- item is ['LET,lhs,rhs,:.] =>
- not (compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) is [code,.,$e]) =>
- stackSemanticError(["cannot compile assigned value to",:bright lhs],nil)
- not (code is ['LET,lhs',rhs',:.] and atom lhs') =>
- code is ["PROGN",:.] =>
- stackSemanticError(["multiple assignment ",item," not allowed"],nil)
- RPLACA(item,first code)
- RPLACD(item,rest code)
- lhs:= lhs'
- if not member(KAR rhs,$NonMentionableDomainNames) and
- not MEMQ(lhs, $functorLocalParameters) then
- $functorLocalParameters:= [:$functorLocalParameters,lhs]
- if code is ['LET,.,rhs',:.] and isDomainForm(rhs',$e) then
- if isFunctor rhs' then
- $functorsUsed:= insert(opOf rhs',$functorsUsed)
- $packagesUsed:= insert([opOf rhs'],$packagesUsed)
- if lhs="Rep" then
- $Representation:= (get("Rep",'value,$e)).(0)
- --$Representation bound by compDefineFunctor, used in compNoStacking
- if $NRTopt = true
- then NRTgetLocalIndex $Representation
- $LocalDomainAlist:= --see genDeltaEntry
- [[lhs,:SUBLIS($LocalDomainAlist,(get(lhs,'value,$e)).0)],:$LocalDomainAlist]
- code is ['LET,:.] =>
- RPLACA(item,($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV;'SETELT))
- rhsCode:=
- rhs'
- RPLACD(item,['$,NRTgetLocalIndexClear lhs,rhsCode])
- RPLACA(item,first code)
- RPLACD(item,rest code)
- item is [":",a,t] => [.,.,$e]:= compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e)
- item is ["import",:doms] =>
- for dom in doms repeat
- sayBrightly ['" importing ",:formatUnabbreviated dom]
- [.,.,$e] := compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e)
- RPLACD(item,NIL) -- creates a no-op
- item is ["IF",:.] => doItIf(item,$predl,$e)
- item is ["where",b,:l] => compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e)
- item is ["MDEF",:.] => [.,.,$e]:= compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e)
- item is ['DEF,[op,:.],:.] =>
- body:= isMacro(item,$e) => $e:= put(op,'macro,body,$e)
- [.,.,$e]:= t:= compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e)
- RPLACA(item,"CodeDefine")
- --Note that DescendCode, in CodeDefine, is looking for this
- RPLACD(CADR item,[$signatureOfForm])
- --This is how the signature is updated for buildFunctor to recognise
- functionPart:= ['dispatchFunction,t.expr]
- RPLACA(CDDR item,functionPart)
- RPLACD(CDDR item,nil)
- u:= compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e) =>
- ([code,.,$e]:= u; RPLACA(item,first code); RPLACD(item,rest code))
- true => cannotDo()
-isMacro(x,e) ==
- x is ['DEF,[op,:args],signature,specialCases,body] and
- null get(op,'modemap,e) and null args and null get(op,'mode,e)
- and signature is [nil] => body
-doItIf(item is [.,p,x,y],$predl,$e) ==
- olde:= $e
- [p',.,$e]:= comp(p,$Boolean,$e) or userError ['"not a Boolean:",p]
- oldFLP:=$functorLocalParameters
- if x^="noBranch" then
- compSingleCapsuleItem(x,$predl,getSuccessEnvironment(p,$e))
- x':=localExtras(oldFLP)
- oldFLP:=$functorLocalParameters
- if y^="noBranch" then
- compSingleCapsuleItem(y,$predl,getInverseEnvironment(p,olde))
- y':=localExtras(oldFLP)
- RPLACA(item,"COND")
- RPLACD(item,[[p',x,:x'],['(QUOTE T),y,:y']])
- where localExtras(oldFLP) ==
- EQ(oldFLP,$functorLocalParameters) => NIL
- flp1:=$functorLocalParameters
- oldFLP':=oldFLP
- n:=0
- while oldFLP' repeat
- oldFLP':=CDR oldFLP'
- flp1:=CDR flp1
- n:=n+1
- -- Now we have to add code to compile all the elements
- -- of functorLocalParameters that were added during the
- -- conditional compilation
- nils:=ans:=[]
- for u in flp1 repeat -- is =u form always an ATOM?
- if ATOM u or (or/[v is [.,=u,:.] for v in $getDomainCode])
- then
- nils:=[u,:nils]
- else
- gv := GENSYM()
- ans:=[['LET,gv,u],:ans]
- nils:=[gv,:nils]
- n:=n+1
- $functorLocalParameters:=[:oldFLP,:NREVERSE nils]
---compSingleCapsuleIf(x,predl,e,$functorLocalParameters) ==
--- compSingleCapsuleItem(x,predl,e)
-compContained(["CONTAINED",a,b],m,e) ==
- [a,ma,e]:= comp(a,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil
- [b,mb,e]:= comp(b,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil
- isCategoryForm(ma,e) and isCategoryForm(mb,e) =>
- (T:= [["CONTAINED",a,b],$Boolean,e]; convert(T,m))
- nil
-compJoin(["Join",:argl],m,e) ==
- catList:= [(compForMode(x,$Category,e) or return 'failed).expr for x in argl]
- catList='failed => stackSemanticError(["cannot form Join of: ",argl],nil)
- catList':=
- [extract for x in catList] where
- extract() ==
- isCategoryForm(x,e) =>
- parameters:=
- union("append"/[getParms(y,e) for y in rest x],parameters)
- where getParms(y,e) ==
- atom y =>
- isDomainForm(y,e) => LIST y
- nil
- y is ['LENGTH,y'] => [y,y']
- LIST y
- x
- x is ["DomainSubstitutionMacro",pl,body] =>
- (parameters:= union(pl,parameters); body)
- x is ["mkCategory",:.] => x
- atom x and getmode(x,e)=$Category => x
- stackSemanticError(["invalid argument to Join: ",x],nil)
- x
- T:= [wrapDomainSub(parameters,["Join",:catList']),$Category,e]
- convert(T,m)
-compForMode(x,m,e) ==
- $compForModeIfTrue: local:= true
- comp(x,m,e)
-compMakeCategoryObject(c,$e) ==
- not isCategoryForm(c,$e) => nil
- u:= mkEvalableCategoryForm c => [eval u,$Category,$e]
- nil
-quotifyCategoryArgument x == MKQ x
-makeCategoryForm(c,e) ==
- not isCategoryForm(c,e) => nil
- [x,m,e]:= compOrCroak(c,$EmptyMode,e)
- [x,e]
-compCategory(x,m,e) ==
- $TOP__LEVEL: local:= true
- (m:= resolve(m,["Category"]))=["Category"] and x is ['CATEGORY,
- domainOrPackage,:l] =>
- $sigList: local
- $atList: local
- $sigList:= $atList:= nil
- for x in l repeat compCategoryItem(x,nil)
- rep:= mkExplicitCategoryFunction(domainOrPackage,$sigList,$atList)
- --if inside compDefineCategory, provide for category argument substitution
- [rep,m,e]
- systemErrorHere '"compCategory"
-mkExplicitCategoryFunction(domainOrPackage,sigList,atList) ==
- body:=
- ["mkCategory",MKQ domainOrPackage,['LIST,:REVERSE sigList],['LIST,:
- REVERSE atList],MKQ domList,nil] where
- domList() ==
- ("union"/[fn sig for ["QUOTE",[[.,sig,:.],:.]] in sigList]) where
- fn sig == [D for D in sig | mustInstantiate D]
- parameters:=
- ("append"/
- [[x for x in sig | IDENTP x and x^='_$]
- for ["QUOTE",[[.,sig,:.],:.]] in sigList])
- wrapDomainSub(parameters,body)
-wrapDomainSub(parameters,x) ==
- ["DomainSubstitutionMacro",parameters,x]
-mustInstantiate D ==
- D is [fn,:.] and ^(MEMQ(fn,$DummyFunctorNames) or GETL(fn,"makeFunctionList"))
-DomainSubstitutionFunction(parameters,body) ==
- --see definition of DomainSubstitutionMacro in SPAD LISP
- if parameters then
- (body:= Subst(parameters,body)) where
- Subst(parameters,body) ==
- ATOM body =>
- MEMQ(body,parameters) => MKQ body
- body
- member(body,parameters) =>
- g:=GENSYM()
- $extraParms:=PUSH([g,:body],$extraParms)
- --Used in SetVector12 to generate a substitution list
- --bound in buildFunctor
- --For categories, bound and used in compDefineCategory
- MKQ g
- first body="QUOTE" => body
- PAIRP $definition and
- isFunctor first body and
- first body ^= first $definition
- => ['QUOTE,optimize body]
- [Subst(parameters,u) for u in body]
- not (body is ["Join",:.]) => body
- atom $definition => body
- null rest $definition => body
- --should not bother if it will only be called once
- name:= INTERN STRCONC(KAR $definition,";CAT")
- SETANDFILE(name,nil)
- body:= ["COND",[name],['(QUOTE T),['SETQ,name,body]]]
- body
-compCategoryItem(x,predl) ==
- x is nil => nil
- --1. if x is a conditional expression, recurse; otherwise, form the predicate
- x is ["COND",[p,e]] =>
- predl':= [p,:predl]
- e is ["PROGN",:l] => for y in l repeat compCategoryItem(y,predl')
- compCategoryItem(e,predl')
- x is ["IF",a,b,c] =>
- predl':= [a,:predl]
- if b^="noBranch" then
- b is ["PROGN",:l] => for y in l repeat compCategoryItem(y,predl')
- compCategoryItem(b,predl')
- c="noBranch" => nil
- predl':= [["not",a],:predl]
- c is ["PROGN",:l] => for y in l repeat compCategoryItem(y,predl')
- compCategoryItem(c,predl')
- pred:= (predl => MKPF(predl,"AND"); true)
- --2. if attribute, push it and return
- x is ["ATTRIBUTE",y] => PUSH(MKQ [y,pred],$atList)
- --3. it may be a list, with PROGN as the CAR, and some information as the CDR
- x is ["PROGN",:l] => for u in l repeat compCategoryItem(u,predl)
--- 4. otherwise, x gives a signature for a
--- single operator name or a list of names; if a list of names,
--- recurse
- ["SIGNATURE",op,:sig]:= x
- null atom op =>
- for y in op repeat compCategoryItem(["SIGNATURE",y,:sig],predl)
- --4. branch on a single type or a signature %with source and target
- PUSH(MKQ [rest x,pred],$sigList)
-\bibitem{1} nothing