path: root/src/interp/br-op1.boot.pamphlet
diff options
authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-09-20 03:58:10 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-09-20 03:58:10 +0000
commit32d516cbb18276e5060749f85368c5a90346a0f4 (patch)
treeef3d9881bbdb62a623abc7af74384fd2aaa103f4 /src/interp/br-op1.boot.pamphlet
parent9b71e0a1f285fc207709cf8e90721160af299127 (diff)
remove pamphlets - part 4
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/br-op1.boot.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1161 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/br-op1.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/br-op1.boot.pamphlet
deleted file mode 100644
index aea5b89b..00000000
--- a/src/interp/br-op1.boot.pamphlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1161 +0,0 @@
-\title{\File{src/interp/br-op1.boot} Pamphlet}
-\author{The Axiom Team}
--- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--- All rights reserved.
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
--- met:
--- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
--- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
--- distribution.
--- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
--- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
--- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
---====================> WAS b-op1.boot <================================
--- Operation Page Menu
---opAlist has form [[op,:alist],:.] where each alist
--- has form [sig,pred,origin,exposeFlag,comments]
-dbFromConstructor?(htPage) == htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
-dbPresentOps(htPage,which,:exclusions) ==
- true => dbPresentOpsSaturn(htPage,which,exclusions)
--- fromConPage?: came (originally) from a constructor page
--- usage?: display usage?
--- star?: display exposed/*=unexposed
--- implementation?: display implementation?
- htSay('"{\em Views:}")
- asharp? := htpProperty(htPage,'isAsharpConstructor)
- fromConPage? := (conname := opOf htpProperty(htPage,'conform))
- usage? := $UserLevel = 'development and fromConPage? and which = '"operation"
- and not (GETDATABASE(conname,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = 'category)
- and not asharp?
- star? := not fromConPage? or which = '"package operation"
- implementation? := not asharp? and
- $UserLevel = 'development and $conformsAreDomains --and not $includeUnexposed?
- rightmost? := star? or (implementation? and not $includeUnexposed?)
- tabs :=
- which = '"attribute" => '("12" "12" "25" "40" 13)
- star? => '("12" "19" "31" "43" 10)
- implementation? => '("9" "16" "28" "44" 9)
- '("9" "16" "28" "41" 12)
- if INTEGERP first exclusions then exclusions := ['documentation]
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'exclusion,first exclusions)
- opAlist :=
- which = '"operation" => htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist)
- htpProperty(htPage,'attrAlist)
- empty? := null opAlist
- htTab
- which = '"attribute" => tabs.1
- tabs.0
- if empty? or member('names,exclusions) or null KDR opAlist
- then htSay '"{\em names}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"names",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'names]]]
- if which ^= '"attribute" then
- htTab tabs.1
- if empty? or member('signatures,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em signatures}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"signatures",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'signatures]]]
- htTab tabs.2
- if empty? or member('parameters,exclusions) --also test for some parameter
- or not dbDoesOneOpHaveParameters? opAlist
- then htSay '"{\em parameters}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"parameters",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'parameters]]]
- htTab tabs.3
- if not empty? and null IFCDR opAlist and not htpProperty(htPage,'noUsage)
- then
- if htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- then htMakePage
- [['bcLinks,['"generalise",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'generalise]]]
- else htMakePage
- [['bcLinks,['"all domains",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'allDomains]]]
- else
- if empty? or MEMQ('usage,exclusions) or htpProperty(htPage,'noUsage) then htSay '"{\em filter}" else
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"filter",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'filter]]]
- htMakePage [['bcStrings, [tabs.4,'"",'filter,'EM]]]
- htSay('"\newline ")
- if star?
- then
- if $exposedOnlyIfTrue
- then htMakePage
- [['bcLinks,['"exposed",'" {\em only}",'dbShowOps,which,'exposureOff]]]
- else
- htSay('"*{\em =}")
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"unexposed",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'exposureOn]]]
--- else if (updown := dbCompositeWithMap htPage)
--- then htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,[updown,'"",'dbShowUpDown,updown]]]
- htTab tabs.0
- if usage? then
- if empty? or member('usage,exclusions) or GETDATABASE(conname,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = 'category or HGET($defaultPackageNamesHT,conname) or htpProperty(htPage,'noUsage)
- then htSay '"{\em usage}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"usage",'"",'whoUsesOperation,which,nil]]]
- htTab tabs.1
- if empty? or member('origins,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em origins}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"origins",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'origins]]]
- htTab tabs.2
- if implementation? then
- if member('implementation,exclusions) or which = '"attribute" or
- ((conname := opOf htpProperty(htPage,'conform)) and GETDATABASE(conname,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = 'category)
- then htSay '"{\em implementation}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"implementation",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'implementation]]]
- else if empty? or member('conditions,exclusions) or (htpProperty(htPage,'condition?) = 'no)
- then htSay '"{\em conditions}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"conditions",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'conditions]]]
- htTab tabs.3
- if empty? or member('documentation,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em description}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"description",'"",'dbShowOps,which,'documentation]]]
- htShowPageNoScroll()
-htTab s == htSay('"\tab{",s,'"}")
-dbDoesOneOpHaveParameters? opAlist ==
- or/[(or/[fn for x in items]) for [op,:items] in opAlist] where fn ==
- STRINGP x => dbPart(x,2,1) ^= '"0"
- KAR x
--- Master Switch Functions for Operation Views
-dbShowOps(htPage,which,key,:options) ==
- --NEXT LINE SHOULD BE REMOVED if we are sure that which is a string
- which := STRINGIMAGE which
- if MEMQ(key,'(extended basic all)) then
- $groupChoice := key
- key := htpProperty(htPage,'key) or 'names
- opAlist :=
- which = '"operation" => htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist)
--- al := reduceByGroup(htPage,htpProperty(htPage,'principalOpAlist))
--- htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,al)
--- al
- htpProperty(htPage,'attrAlist)
- key = 'generalise =>
- arg := STRINGIMAGE CAAR opAlist
- which = '"attribute" => aPage arg
- oPage arg
- key = 'allDomains => dbShowOpAllDomains(htPage,opAlist,which)
- key = 'filter =>
- --if $saturn, IFCAR options contains filter string
- filter := IFCAR options or pmTransFilter(dbGetInputString htPage)
- filter is ['error,:.] => bcErrorPage filter
- opAlist:= [x for x in opAlist | superMatch?(filter,DOWNCASE STRINGIMAGE opOf x)]
- null opAlist => emptySearchPage(which,filter)
- htPage := htInitPageNoScroll(htCopyProplist htPage)
- if which = '"operation"
- then htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,opAlist)
- else htpSetProperty(htPage,'attrAlist,opAlist)
- if not htpProperty(htPage,'condition?) = 'no then
- dbResetOpAlistCondition(htPage,which,opAlist)
- dbShowOps(htPage,which,htpProperty(htPage,'exclusion))
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'key,key)
- if MEMQ(key,'(exposureOn exposureOff)) then
- $exposedOnlyIfTrue :=
- key = 'exposureOn => 'T
- nil
- key := htpProperty(htPage,'exclusion)
- dbShowOp1(htPage,opAlist,which,key)
-reduceByGroup(htPage,opAlist) ==
- not dbFromConstructor?(htPage) or null $groupChoice => opAlist
- dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,'"operation",true,false)
- bitNumber := HGET($topicHash,$groupChoice)
- res := [[op,:newItems] for [op,:items] in opAlist | newItems] where
- newItems ==
- null bitNumber => items
- [x for x in items | FIXP (code := myLastAtom x) and LOGBITP(bitNumber,code)]
- res
-dbShowOp1(htPage,opAlist,which,key) ==
- --set up for filtering below in dbGatherData
- $which: local := which
- if INTEGERP key then
- opAlist := dbSelectData(htPage,opAlist,key)
- ------> Jump out for constructor names in file <--------
- INTEGERP key and opAlist is [[con,:.]] and htpProperty(htPage,'isFile)
- and constructor? con => return conPageChoose con
- if INTEGERP key then
- htPage := htInitPageNoScroll(htCopyProplist htPage)
- if which = '"operation"
- then htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,opAlist)
- else htpSetProperty(htPage,'attrAlist,opAlist)
- if not htpProperty(htPage,'condition?) = 'no then
- dbResetOpAlistCondition(htPage,which,opAlist)
- dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,which,true,false)
- if $exposedOnlyIfTrue and not dbFromConstructor?(htPage) then
- --opAlist is expanded to form [[op,[sig,pred,origin,exposed,comments],...],...]
- opAlist:=[item for [op,:items] in opAlist | item] where
- item ==
- acc := nil
- for x in items | x.3 repeat acc:= [x,:acc]
- null acc => nil
- [op,:NREVERSE acc]
- $conformsAreDomains : local := htpProperty(htPage,'domname)
- opCount := opAlistCount(opAlist, which)
- branch :=
- INTEGERP key =>
- opCount <= $opDescriptionThreshold => 'documentation
- 'names
- key = 'names and null rest opAlist => --means a single op
- opCount <= $opDescriptionThreshold => 'documentation
- 'names
- key
- [what,whats,fn] := LASSOC(branch,$OpViewTable)
- data := dbGatherData(htPage,opAlist,which,branch)
- dataCount := +/[1 for x in data | (what = '"Name" and $exposedOnlyIfTrue => atom x; true)]
- namedPart :=
- null rest opAlist =>
- ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE CAAR opAlist
- ['" {\em ",ops,'"}"]
- nil
- if what = '"Condition" and null KAR KAR data then dataCount := dataCount - 1
- exposurePart :=
- $exposedOnlyIfTrue => '(" Exposed ")
- nil
- firstPart :=
- opCount = 0 => ['"No ",:exposurePart, pluralize capitalize which]
- dataCount = 1 or dataCount = opCount =>
- opCount = 1 => [:exposurePart, capitalize which,:namedPart]
- [STRINGIMAGE opCount,'" ",:exposurePart,
- pluralize capitalize which,:namedPart]
- prefix := pluralSay(dataCount,what,whats)
- [:prefix,'" for ",STRINGIMAGE opCount,'" ",pluralize capitalize which,:namedPart]
- page := htInitPageNoScroll(htCopyProplist htPage)
- ------------>above line used to call htInitPageHoHeading<----------
- htAddHeading dbShowOpHeading([:firstPart,:fromHeading page], branch)
- htpSetProperty(page,'data,data)
- htpSetProperty(page,'branch,branch)
- -- the only place where specialMessage property is set seems to be commented. out
- if u := htpProperty(page,'specialMessage) then APPLY(first u,rest u)
- htSayStandard('"\beginscroll ")
- FUNCALL(fn,page,opAlist,which,data) --apply branch function
- dbOpsExposureMessage()
- htSayStandard("\endscroll ")
- dbPresentOps(page,which,branch)
- htShowPageNoScroll()
-opAlistCount(opAlist, which) == +/[foo for [op,:items] in opAlist] where foo ==
- null $exposedOnlyIfTrue or which = '"attribute" => #items
- --count if unexpanded---CDDR(w) = nil---or if w.3 = true
- +/[1 for w in items | null (p := CDDR w) or p . 1]
-dbShowOpHeading(heading, branch) ==
- suffix :=
--- branch = 'signatures => '" viewed as signatures"
- branch = 'parameters => '" viewed with parameters"
- branch = 'origins => '" organized by origins"
- branch = 'conditions => '" organized by conditions"
- '""
- [:heading, suffix]
-dbOpsExposureMessage() ==
- $atLeastOneUnexposed => htSay '"{\em *} = unexposed"
-fromHeading htPage ==
- null htPage => '""
- $pn := [htPage.0,'"}{"]
- updomain := htpProperty(htPage,'updomain) =>
- dnForm := dbExtractUnderlyingDomain updomain
- dnString:= form2StringList dnForm
- dnFence := form2Fence dnForm
--- upString:= form2StringList updomain
- upFence := form2Fence updomain
- upOp := PNAME opOf updomain
- ['" {\em from} ",:dbConformGen dnForm,'" {\em under} \ops{",upOp,'"}{",:$pn,:upFence,'"}"]
- domname := htpProperty(htPage,'domname)
- numberOfUnderlyingDomains := #[x for x in rest GETDATABASE(opOf domname,'COSIG) | x]
--- numberOfUnderlyingDomains = 1 and
--- KDR domname and (dn := dbExtractUnderlyingDomain domname) =>
--- ['" {\em from} ",:pickitForm(domname,dn)]
- KDR domname => ['" {\em from} ",:dbConformGen domname]
- htpProperty(htPage,'fromHeading)
-pickitForm(form,uarg) ==
- conform2StringList(form,FUNCTION dbConform,FUNCTION conformString,uarg)
-conformString(form) ==
- KDR form =>
- conform2StringList(form,FUNCTION conname2StringList,FUNCTION conformString,nil)
- form2StringList form
-conform2StringList(form,opFn,argFn,exception) ==
- exception := exception or '"%%%nothing%%%"
- [op1,:args] := form
- op := IFCAR HGET($lowerCaseConTb,op1) or op1
- null args => APPLY(opFn,[op])
- special := MEMQ(op,'(Union Record Mapping))
- cosig :=
- special => ['T for x in args]
- atypes :=
- special => cosig
- sargl := [fn for x in args for atype in atypes for pred in cosig] where fn ==
- keyword :=
- x is [":",y,t] =>
- x := t
- y
- nil
- res :=
- x = exception => dbOpsForm exception
- pred =>
- STRINGP x => [x]
- u := APPLY(argFn,[x])
- atom u and [u] or u
- typ := sublisFormal(args,atype)
- if x is ['QUOTE,a] then x := a
- u := mathform2HtString algCoerceInteractive(x,typ,'(OutputForm)) => [u]
- NUMBERP x or STRINGP x => [x]
- systemError()
- keyword => [keyword,'": ",:res]
- res
- op = 'Mapping => dbMapping2StringList sargl
- head :=
- special => [op]
- APPLY(opFn,[form])
- [:head,'"(",:first sargl,:"append"/[[",",:y] for y in rest sargl],'")"]
-dbMapping2StringList [target,:sl] ==
- null sl => target
- restPart :=
- null rest sl => nil
- "append"/[[",",:y] for y in rest sl]
- sourcePart :=
- restPart => ['"(",:first sl,:restPart,'")"]
- first sl
- [:sourcePart,'" -> ",:target]
-dbOuttran form ==
- if LISTP form then
- [op,:args] := form
- else
- op := form
- args := nil
- cosig := rest GETDATABASE(op,'COSIG)
- argl := [fn for x in args for atype in atypes for pred in cosig] where fn ==
- pred => x
- typ := sublisFormal(args,atype)
- arg :=
- x is ['QUOTE,a] => a
- x
- res := mathform2HtString algCoerceInteractive(arg,typ,'(OutputForm))
- NUMBERP res or STRINGP res => res
- ['QUOTE,res]
- [op,:argl]
-dbOpsForm form ==
---one button for the operations of a type
---1st arg: like "Matrix(Integer)" or "UP('x,Integer)" <---all highlighted
---2nd arg: like (|Matrix| (|Integer|)) and (|U..P..| (QUOTE |x|) (|Integer|))
- ["\ops{",:conform2StringList(form,FUNCTION conname2StringList,FUNCTION conformString,nil),'"}{",:$pn,:form2Fence form,'"}"]
-dbConform form ==
---------------------> OBSELETE <--------------------------
---one button for the main constructor page of a type
---NOTE: Next line should be as follows---but form2Fence form will
--- put, e.g. '((2 1 . 0) (0 1 . 0)) instead of x**2 + 1
- $saturn => ["\conf{",:form2StringList opOf form,
- '"}{\lispLink{\verb!{(|conForm| '",:form2Fence dbOuttran form,'")!}}}"]
- ["\conf{",:form2StringList opOf form,'"}{",:form2Fence dbOuttran form,'"}"]
---["\conf{",:form2StringList opOf form,'"}{",:form2Fence opOf form,'"}"]
-dbConformGen form == dbConformGen1(form,true)
---many buttons: one for the type and one for each inner type
---NOTE: must only be called on types KNOWN to be correct
-dbConformGenUnder form == dbConformGen1(form,false)
---same as above, except buttons only for the inner types
-dbConformGen1(form,opButton?) ==
- opFunction :=
- opButton? => FUNCTION dbConform
- FUNCTION conname2StringList
- originalOp := opOf form
- op := unAbbreviateIfNecessary opOf form
- args := IFCDR form
- form :=
- originalOp=op => form
- [op, :args]
- args => conform2StringList(form, opFunction,FUNCTION dbConformGen,nil)
- APPLY(opFunction,[form])
-unAbbreviateIfNecessary op == IFCAR HGET($lowerCaseConTb, op) or op
-conname2StringList form == [PNAME unAbbreviateIfNecessary opOf form]
--- Data Gathering Code
-dbGatherData(htPage,opAlist,which,key) ==
- key = 'implementation => dbGatherDataImplementation(htPage,opAlist)
- dataFunction := LASSOC(key,table) where
- table ==
- $dbDataFunctionAlist or
- ($dbDataFunctionAlist := [
- ['signatures,:function dbMakeSignature],
- ['parameters,:function dbContrivedForm],
- ['origins,:function dbGetOrigin],
- ['domains,:function dbGetOrigin],
- ['conditions,:function dbGetCondition]])
- null dataFunction =>
- --key= names or filter or documentation; do not expand
- if $exposedOnlyIfTrue and not dbFromConstructor?(htPage) then
- opAlist := --to get indexing correct
- which = '"operation" => htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist)
- htpProperty(htPage,'attrAlist)
- acc := nil
- initialExposure :=
- htPage and htpProperty(htPage,'conform) and which ^= '"package operation"
- => true
- --never star ops from a constructor
- nil
- for [op,:alist] in opAlist repeat
- exposureFlag := initialExposure
- while alist repeat
- item := first alist
- isExposed? :=
- STRINGP item => dbExposed?(item,char 'o) --unexpanded case
- null (r := rest rest item) => true --assume true if unexpanded
- r . 1 --expanded case
- if isExposed? then return (exposureFlag := true)
- alist := rest alist
- node :=
- exposureFlag => op
- [op,nil]
- acc := [node,:acc]
- data := nil
- dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,which,key in '(origins documentation),false)
- --create data, a list of the form ((entry,exposeFlag,:entries)...)
- for [op,:alist] in opAlist repeat
- for item in alist repeat
- entry := FUNCALL(dataFunction,op,item)--get key item
- exposeFlag := --is the current op-sig exposed?
- null (r := rest rest item) => true --not given, assume yes
- r . 1 --is given, use value
- tail :=
- item is [.,'ASCONST,:.] => 'ASCONST
- nil
- newEntry :=
- u := ASSOC(entry,data) => --key seen before? look on DATA
- RPLACA(CDR u,CADR u or exposeFlag)--yes, expose if any 1 is exposed
- u
- data := [y := [entry,exposeFlag,:tail],:data]
- y --no, create new entry in DATA
- if member(key,'(origins conditions)) then
- r := CDDR newEntry
- if atom r then r := nil --clear out possible 'ASCONST
- RPLACD(CDR newEntry, --store op/sigs under key if needed
- insert([dbMakeSignature(op,item),exposeFlag,:tail],r))
- if member(key,'(origins conditions)) then
- for entry in data repeat --sort list of entries (after the 2nd)
- tail := CDDR entry
- tail :=
- atom tail => tail
- listSort(function LEXLESSEQP,tail)
- RPLACD(CDR entry,tail)
- data := listSort(function LEXLESSEQP,data)
- data
-dbGatherDataImplementation(htPage,opAlist) ==
---returns data, of form ((implementor exposed? entry entry...)...
--- where entry has form ((op sig . implementor) . stuff)
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- domainForm := htpProperty(htPage,'domname)
- dom := EVAL domainForm
- which := '"operation"
- [nam,:$domainArgs] := domainForm
- $predicateList: local := GETDATABASE(nam,'PREDICATES)
- predVector := dom.3
- u := getDomainOpTable(dom,true,ASSOCLEFT opAlist)
- --u has form ((op,sig,:implementor)...)
- --sort into 4 groups: domain exports, unexports, default exports, others
- for (x := [.,.,:key]) in u for i in 0.. repeat
- key = domainForm => domexports := [x,:domexports]
- INTEGERP key => unexports := [x,:unexports]
- isDefaultPackageForm? key => defexports := [x,:defexports]
- key = 'nowhere => nowheres := [x,:nowheres]
- key = 'constant =>constants := [x,:constants]
- others := [x,:others] --add chain domains go here
- fn [nowheres,constants,domexports,SORTBY('CDDR,NREVERSE others),SORTBY('CDDR,
- NREVERSE defexports),SORTBY('CDDR,NREVERSE unexports)] where
- fn l ==
- alist := nil
- for u in l repeat
- while u repeat
- key := CDDAR u --implementor
- entries :=
- [[CAR u,true],:[u and [CAR u,true] while key = CDDAR (u := rest u)]]
- alist := [[key,gn key,:entries],:alist]
- NREVERSE alist
- gn key ==
- atom key => true
- isExposedConstructor CAR key
-dbSelectData(htPage,opAlist,key) ==
- branch := htpProperty(htPage,'branch)
- data := htpProperty(htPage,'data)
- MEMQ(branch,'(signatures parameters)) =>
- dbReduceOpAlist(opAlist,data.key,branch)
- MEMQ(branch,'(origins conditions implementation)) =>
- key < 8192 => dbReduceOpAlist(opAlist,data.key,branch)
- [newkey,binkey] := DIVIDE(key,8192) --newkey is 1 too large
- innerData := CDDR data.(newkey - 1)
- dbReduceOpAlist(opAlist,innerData.binkey,'signatures)
- [opAlist . key]
-dbReduceOpAlist(opAlist,data,branch) ==
- branch = 'signatures => dbReduceBySignature(opAlist,CAAR data,CADAR data)
- branch = 'origins => dbReduceBySelection(opAlist,CAR data,function CADDR)
- branch = 'conditions => dbReduceBySelection(opAlist,CAR data,function CADR)
- branch = 'implementation => dbReduceByOpSignature(opAlist,CDDR data)
- branch = 'parameters => dbReduceByForm(opAlist,CAR data)
- systemError ['"Unexpected branch: ",branch]
-dbReduceByOpSignature(opAlist,datalist) ==
---reduces opAlist by implementation datalist, one of the form
--- (((op,sig,:implementor),:stuff),...)
- ops := [CAAR x for x in datalist] --x is [[op,sig,:implementor],:.]
- acc := nil
- for [op,:alist] in opAlist | MEMQ(op,ops) repeat
- entryList := [entry for (entry := [sig,:.]) in alist | test] where test ==
- or/[x for x in datalist | x is [[=op,=sig,:.],:.]]
- entryList => acc := [[op,:NREVERSE entryList],:acc]
-dbReduceBySignature(opAlist,op,sig) ==
---reduces opAlist to one with a fixed op and sig
- [[op,:[x for x in LASSOC(op,opAlist) | x is [=sig,:.]]]]
-dbReduceByForm(opAlist,form) ==
- acc := nil
- for [op,:alist] in opAlist repeat
- items := [x for x in alist | dbContrivedForm(op,x) = form] =>
- acc := [[op,:items],:acc]
-dbReduceBySelection(opAlist,key,fn) ==
- acc := nil
- for [op,:alist] in opAlist repeat
- items := [x for x in alist | FUNCALL(fn,x) = key] =>
- acc := [[op,:items],:acc]
-dbContrivedForm(op,[sig,:.]) ==
- $which = '"attribute" => [op,sig]
- dbMakeContrivedForm(op,sig)
-dbMakeSignature(op,[sig,:.]) == [op,sig] --getDomainOpTable format
-dbGetOrigin(op,[.,.,origin,:.]) == origin
-dbGetCondition(op,[.,pred,:.]) == pred
---dbInsertOpAlist(op,item,opAlist) ==
--- insertAlist(op,[item,:LASSOC(op,opAlist)],opAlist)
---dbSortOpAlist opAlist ==
--- [[op,:listSort(function LEXLESSEQP,alist)]
--- for [op,:alist] in listSort(function LEXLESSEQP,opAlist)]
--- Branches of Views
-dbShowOpNames(htPage,opAlist,which,data) ==
- single? := opAlist and null rest data
- single? =>
- ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE CAAR opAlist
- htSayStandard('"Select a view below")
- htSaySaturn '"Select a view with the right mouse button"
- exposedOnly? := $exposedOnlyIfTrue and not dbFromConstructor?(htPage)
- dbShowOpItems(which,data,exposedOnly?)
-dbShowOpItems(which,data,exposedOnly?) ==
- htBeginTable()
- firstTime := true
- for i in 0.. for item in data repeat
- if firstTime then firstTime := false
- else htSaySaturn '"&"
- if atom item then
- op := item
- exposeFlag := true
- else
- [op,exposeFlag] := item
- ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE op
- exposeFlag or not exposedOnly? =>
- htSay('"{")
- bcStarSpaceOp(ops,exposeFlag)
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,[ops,'"",'dbShowOps,which,i]]]
- htSay('"}")
- htEndTable()
-dbShowOpAllDomains(htPage,opAlist,which) ==
- dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,which,true,false)
- catOriginAlist := nil --list of category origins
- domOriginAlist := nil --list of domain origins
- for [op,:items] in opAlist repeat
- for [.,predicate,origin,:.] in items repeat
- conname := CAR origin
- GETDATABASE(conname,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = 'category =>
- pred := simpOrDumb(predicate,LASSQ(conname,catOriginAlist) or true)
- catOriginAlist := insertAlist(conname,pred,catOriginAlist)
- pred := simpOrDumb(predicate,LASSQ(conname,domOriginAlist) or true)
- domOriginAlist := insertAlist(conname,pred,domOriginAlist)
- --the following is similar to "domainsOf" but do not sort immediately
- u := [COPY key for key in HKEYS _*HASCATEGORY_-HASH_*
- | LASSQ(CDR key,catOriginAlist)]
- for pair in u repeat
- [dom,:cat] := pair
- LASSQ(cat,catOriginAlist) = 'etc => RPLACD(pair,'etc)
- RPLACD(pair,simpOrDumb(GETDATABASE(pair,'HASCATEGORY),true))
- --now add all of the domains
- for [dom,:pred] in domOriginAlist repeat
- u := insertAlist(dom,simpOrDumb(pred,LASSQ(dom,u) or true),u)
- cAlist := listSort(function GLESSEQP,u)
- for pair in cAlist repeat RPLACA(pair,getConstructorForm first pair)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,cAlist)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,'"constructor")
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'specialHeading,'"hoho")
- dbShowCons(htPage,'names)
-simpOrDumb(new,old) ==
- new = 'etc => 'etc
- atom new => old
- 'etc
-dbShowOpOrigins(htPage,opAlist,which,data) ==
- dbGatherThenShow(htPage,opAlist,which,data,true,'"from",function bcStarConform)
-dbShowOpImplementations(htPage,opAlist,which,data) ==
- dbGatherThenShow(htPage,opAlist,which,data,true,'"by",function bcStarConform)
-dbShowOpConditions(htPage,opAlist,which,data) ==
- dbGatherThenShow(htPage,opAlist,which,data,nil,nil,function bcPred)
-dbGatherThenShow(htPage,opAlist,which,data,constructorIfTrue,word,fn) ==
------------------> OBSELETE
- single? := null rest data
- htSay('"\beginmenu ")
- bincount := 0
- for [thing,exposeFlag,:items] in data repeat
- htSay('"\item ")
- if single? then htSay(menuButton())
- else htMakePage [['bcLinks,[menuButton(),'"",'dbShowOps,which,bincount]]]
- htSay '"{\em "
- htSay
- thing = 'nowhere => '"implemented nowhere"
- thing = 'constant => '"constant"
- thing = '_$ => '"by the domain"
- INTEGERP thing => '"unexported"
- constructorIfTrue =>
- htSay word
- atom thing => '" an unknown constructor"
- '""
- atom thing => '"unconditional"
- '""
- htSay '"}"
- if null atom thing then
- if constructorIfTrue then htSay('" {\em ",dbShowKind thing,'"}")
- htSay '" "
- FUNCALL(fn,thing)
- htSay('":\newline ")
- dbShowOpSigList(which,items,(1 + bincount) * 8192)
- bincount := bincount + 1
- htSay '"\endmenu "
-dbShowKind conform ==
- conname := CAR conform
- kind = 'domain =>
- (s := PNAME conname).(MAXINDEX s) = '_& => '"default package"
- '"domain"
- PNAME kind
-dbShowOpSignatures(htPage,opAlist,which,data) == dbShowOpSigList(which,data,0)
-dbShowOpSigList(which,dataItems,count) ==
---dataItems is (((op,sig,:.),exposureFlag,...)
- single? := null rest dataItems
- htBeginTable()
- firstTime := true
- for [[op,sig,:.],exposureFlag,:tail] in dataItems repeat
- if firstTime then firstTime := false
- else htSaySaturn '"&";
- ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE op
- htSay '"{"
--- if single? then htSay('"{\em ",ops,'"}") else.....
- htSayExpose(ops,exposureFlag)
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,[ops,'"",'dbShowOps,which,count]]]
- if which = '"attribute" then htSay args2HtString (sig and [sig]) else
- htSay '": "
- tail = 'ASCONST => bcConform first sig
- bcConform ['Mapping,:sig]
- htSay '"}"
- count := count + 1
- htEndTable()
- count
-dbShowOpParameters(htPage,opAlist,which,data) ==
- single? := null rest data
- count := 0
- htBeginTable()
- firstTime := true
- for item in data repeat
- if firstTime then firstTime := false
- else htSaySaturn '"&"
- [opform,exposeFlag,:tail] := item
- op := intern IFCAR opform
- args := IFCDR opform
- ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE op
- htSay '"{"
- htSayExpose(ops,exposeFlag)
- n := #opform
- do
- n = 2 and LASSOC('Nud,PROPLIST op) =>
- dbShowOpParameterJump(ops,which,count,single?)
- htSay('" {\em ",KAR args,'"}")
- n = 3 and LASSOC('Led,PROPLIST op) =>
- htSay('"{\em ",KAR args,'"} ")
- dbShowOpParameterJump(ops,which,count,single?)
- htSay('" {\em ",KAR KDR args,'"}")
- dbShowOpParameterJump(ops,which,count,single?)
- tail = 'ASCONST or member(op,'(0 1)) or which = '"attribute" and null IFCAR args => 'skip
- htSay('"(")
- if IFCAR args then htSay('"{\em ",IFCAR args,'"}")
- for x in IFCDR args repeat
- htSay('",{\em ",x,'"}")
- htSay('")")
- htSay '"}"
- count := count + 1
- htEndTable()
-dbShowOpParameterJump(ops,which,count,single?) ==
- single? => htSay('"{\em ",ops,'"}")
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,[ops,'"",'dbShowOps,which,count]]]
-dbShowOpDocumentation(htPage,opAlist,which,data) ==
- if $exposedOnlyIfTrue and not dbFromConstructor?(htPage) then
- opAlist :=
- which = '"operation" => htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist)
- htpProperty(htPage,'attrAlist)
- --NOTE: this line is necessary to get indexing right.
- --The test below for $exposedOnlyIfTrue causes unexposed items
- --to be skipped.
- newWhich :=
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'domname) or htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- which = '"package operation" => '"operation"
- which
- expand := dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,which,true,false)
- if expand then
- condata := dbGatherData(htPage,opAlist,which,'conditions)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'conditionData,condata)
- base := -8192
- exactlyOneOpSig := opAlist is [[.,.]] --checked by displayDomainOp
- htSaySaturn '"\begin{description}"
- for [op,:alist] in opAlist repeat
- base := 8192 + base
- for item in alist for j in 0.. repeat
- [sig,predicate,origin,exposeFlag,comments] := item
- exposeFlag or not $exposedOnlyIfTrue =>
- if comments ^= '"" and STRINGP comments and (k := string2Integer comments) then
- comments :=
- MEMQ(k,'(0 1)) => '""
- dbReadComments k
- tail := CDDDDR item
- RPLACA(tail,comments)
- doc := (STRINGP comments and comments ^= '"" => comments; nil)
- pred := predicate or true
- index := (exactlyOneOpSig => nil; base + j)
- if which = '"package operation" then
- sig := SUBST(conform,'_$,sig)
- origin := SUBST(conform,'_$,origin)
- displayDomainOp(htPage,newWhich,origin,op,sig,pred,doc,index,'dbChooseDomainOp,null exposeFlag,true)
- htSaySaturn '"\end{description}"
-dbChooseDomainOp(htPage,which,index) ==
- [opKey,entryKey] := DIVIDE(index,8192)
- opAlist :=
- which = '"operation" => htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist)
- htpProperty(htPage,'attrAlist)
- [op,:entries] := opAlist . opKey
- entry := entries . entryKey
- htPage := htInitPageNoScroll(htCopyProplist htPage)
- if which = '"operation"
- then htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,[[op,entry]])
- else htpSetProperty(htPage,'attrAlist,[[op,entry]])
- if not htpProperty(htPage,'condition?) = 'no then
- dbResetOpAlistCondition(htPage,which,opAlist)
- dbShowOps(htPage,which,'documentation)
-htSayExpose(op,flag) ==
- $includeUnexposed? =>
- flag => htBlank()
- op.0 = char '_* => htSay '"{\em *} "
- htSayUnexposed()
- htSay '""
--- Branch-in From Other Places
-dbShowOperationsFromConform(htPage,which,opAlist) == --branch in with lists
- $groupChoice := nil
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- --prepare opAlist for possible filtering of groups
- if null BOUNDP '$topicHash then
- $topicHash := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'ID
- for [x,:c] in '((extended . 0) (basic . 1) (hidden . 2)) repeat
- HPUT($topicHash,x,c)
- if domform := htpProperty(htPage,'domname) then
- $conformsAreDomains : local := true
- reduceOpAlistForDomain(opAlist,domform,conform)
- conform := domform or conform
- kind := capitalize htpProperty(htPage,'kind)
- exposePart :=
- isExposedConstructor opOf conform => '""
- '" Unexposed "
- fromPart :=
- domform => evalableConstructor2HtString domform
- form2HtString conform
- heading :=
- ['" from ",exposePart,kind,'" {\em ",fromPart,'"}"]
- expandProperty :=
- which = '"operation" => 'expandOperations
- 'expandAttributes
- htpSetProperty(htPage,expandProperty,'lists)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'fromHeading,heading)
- reducedOpAlist :=
- which = '"operation" => reduceByGroup(htPage,opAlist)
- opAlist
- if which = '"operation"
- then
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'principalOpAlist,opAlist)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,reducedOpAlist)
- else htpSetProperty(htPage,'attrAlist,opAlist)
- if domform
- then htpSetProperty(htPage,'condition?,'no)
- else dbResetOpAlistCondition(htPage,which,opAlist)
- dbShowOp1(htPage,reducedOpAlist,which,'names)
-reduceOpAlistForDomain(opAlist,domform,conform) ==
---destructively simplify all predicates; filter out any that fail
- form1 := [domform,:rest domform]
- form2 := ['$,:rest conform]
- for pair in opAlist repeat
- RPLACD(pair,[test for item in rest pair | test]) where test ==
- [head,:tail] := item
- CAR tail = true => item
- pred := simpHasPred SUBLISLIS(form1,form2,QCAR tail)
- null pred => false
- RPLACD(item,[pred])
- item
- opAlist
-dbShowOperationLines(which,linelist) == --branch in with lines
- htPage := htInitPage(nil,nil) --create empty page
- opAlist := nil
- lines := linelist
- while lines repeat
- name := dbName (x := first lines)
- pile := [x]
- while (lines := rest lines) and name = dbName (x := first lines) repeat
- pile := [x,:pile]
- opAlist := [[name,:NREVERSE pile],:opAlist]
- opAlist := listSort(function LEXLESSEQP,NREVERSE opAlist)
- if which = '"operation"
- then htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,opAlist)
- else htpSetProperty(htPage,'attrAlist,opAlist)
- expandProperty :=
- which = '"operation" => 'expandOperations
- 'expandAttributes
- htpSetProperty(htPage,expandProperty,'strings)
- dbResetOpAlistCondition(htPage,which,opAlist)
- if which = '"attribute" and BOUNDP '$attributeArgs and $attributeArgs then
- --code needed to handle commutative("*"); called from aPage
- --must completely expand the opAlist then check for those with
- --arguments equal to $attributeArgs
- --here: opAlist is [[op,:itemlist]]
- dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,which,false,false)
- opAlist := [[CAAR opAlist,:[item for item in CDAR opAlist | first item = $attributeArgs]]]
- dbShowOp1(htPage,opAlist,which,'names)
--- Code to Expand opAlist
-dbResetOpAlistCondition(htPage,which,opAlist) ==
- value := dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,which,false,true)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'condition?,(value => 'yes; 'no))
- value
-dbSetOpAlistCondition(htPage,opAlist,which) ==
---called whenever a new opAlist is needed
---property can only be inherited if 'no (a subset says NO if whole says NO)
- condition := htpProperty(htPage,'condition?)
- MEMQ(condition,'(yes no)) => condition = 'yes
- value := dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,which,false,true)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'condition?,(value => 'yes; 'no))
- value
-dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,which,needOrigins?,condition?) ==
---if condition? = true, stop when you find a non-trivial predicate
---otherwise, expand in full
--- non-trivial predicate, if condition? = true and it finds one
--- nil, otherwise
---SIDE-EFFECT: this function references the "expand" property (set elsewhere):
--- 'strings, if not fully expanded and it contains strings
--- i.e. opAlist is ((op . (string ...))...) if unexpanded
--- 'lists, if not fully expanded and it contains lists
--- i.e. opAlist is ((op . ((sig pred) ...))...) if unexpanded
- condition? := condition? and not $exposedOnlyIfTrue
- value := nil --return value
- expandProperty :=
- which = '"operation" => 'expandOperations
- 'expandAttributes
- expandFlag := htpProperty(htPage,expandProperty)
- expandFlag = 'fullyExpanded => nil
- expandFlag = 'strings => --strings are partially expanded
- for pair in opAlist repeat
- [op,:lines] := pair
- acc := nil
- for line in lines repeat
- --NOTE: we must expand all lines here for a given op
- -- since below we will change opAlist
- --Case 1: Already expanded; just cons it onto ACC
- null STRINGP line => --already expanded
- if condition? then --this could have been expanded at a lower level
- if null atom (pred := CADR line) then value := pred
- acc := [line,:acc] --this one is already expanded; record it anyway
- --Case 2: unexpanded; expand it then cons it onto ACC
- [name,nargs,xflag,sigs,conname,pred,comments] := dbParts(line,7,1)
- predicate := ncParseFromString pred
- if condition? and null atom predicate then value := predicate
- sig := ncParseFromString sigs --is (Mapping,:.)
- if which = '"operation" then
- if sig isnt ['Mapping,:.]
- then sayBrightly ['"Unexpected signature for ",name,'": ",sigs]
- else sig := rest sig
- conname := intern dbNewConname line
- origin := [conname,:getConstructorArgs conname]
- exposeFlag := dbExposed?(line,char 'o)
- acc := [[sig,predicate,origin,exposeFlag,comments],:acc]
- --always store the fruits of our labor:
- RPLACD(pair,NREVERSE acc) --at least partially expand it
- condition? and value => return value --early exit
- value => value
- condition? => nil
- htpSetProperty(htPage,expandProperty,'fullyExpanded)
- expandFlag = 'lists => --lists are partially expanded
- -- entry is [sig, predicate, origin, exposeFlag, comments]
- $value: local := nil
- $docTableHash := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'EQUAL
- packageSymbol := false
- domform := htpProperty(htPage,'domname) or htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- if isDefaultPackageName opOf domform then
- catname := intern SUBSTRING(s := PNAME opOf domform,0,MAXINDEX s)
- packageSymbol := first rest domform
- domform := [catname,:rest rest domform] --skip first argument ($)
- docTable:= dbDocTable domform
- for [op,:alist] in opAlist repeat
- for [sig,:tail] in alist repeat
- condition? => --the only purpose here is to find a non-trivial pred
- null atom (pred := CAR tail) => return ($value := pred)
- 'skip
- u :=
- tail is [.,origin,:.] and origin =>
--- must change any % into $ otherwise we will not pick up comments properly
--- delete the SUBLISLIS when we fix on % or $
- dbGetDocTable(op,SUBLISLIS(['$],['%],sig),dbDocTable origin,which,nil)
- if packageSymbol then sig := SUBST('_$,packageSymbol,sig)
- dbGetDocTable(op,sig,docTable,which,nil)
- origin := IFCAR u or origin
- docCode := IFCDR u --> (doc . code)
--- if null FIXP CDR docCode then harhar(op) -->
- if null doc and which = '"attribute" then doc := getRegistry(op,sig)
- RPLACD(tail,[origin,isExposedConstructor opOf origin,:docCode])
- $value => return $value
- $value => $value
- condition? => nil
- htpSetProperty(htPage,expandProperty,'fullyExpanded)
- 'done
-getRegistry(op,sig) ==
- u := GETDATABASE('AttributeRegistry,'DOCUMENTATION)
- v := LASSOC(op,u)
- match := or/[y for y in v | y is [['attribute,: =sig],:.]] => CADR match
- '""
-evalableConstructor2HtString domform ==
- if VECP domform then domform := devaluate domform
- conname := first domform
- coSig := rest GETDATABASE(conname,'COSIG)
- --entries are T for arguments which are domains; NIL for computational objects
- and/[x for x in coSig] => form2HtString(domform,nil,true)
- arglist := [unquote x for x in rest domform] where
- unquote arg ==
- arg is [f,:args] =>
- f = 'QUOTE => first args
- [f,:[unquote x for x in args]]
- arg
---argtypes:= sublisFormal(arglist,fargtypes)
- form2HtString([conname,:[fn for arg in arglist for x in coSig
- for ftype in fargtypes]],nil,true) where
- fn ==
- x => arg
- typ := sublisFormal(arglist,ftype)
- mathform2HtString algCoerceInteractive(arg,typ,'(OutputForm))
-mathform2HtString form == escapeString
- $fortInts2Floats: local := false
- form := niladicHack form
- form is ['QUOTE,a] => STRCONC('"'","STRCONC"/fortexp0 a)
- form is ['BRACKET,['AGGLST,:arg]] =>
- if arg is ['construct,:r] then arg := r
- arg :=
- atom arg => [arg]
- [y for x in arg | y := (x is ['QUOTE,a] => a; x)]
- tailPart := "STRCONC"/[STRCONC('",",STRINGIMAGE x) for x in rest arg]
- STRCONC('"[",STRINGIMAGE first arg,tailPart,'"]")
- form is ['BRACKET,['AGGLST,'QUOTE,arg]] =>
- if atom arg then arg := [arg]
- tailPart := "STRCONC"/[STRCONC('",",x) for x in rest arg]
- STRCONC('"[",first arg,tailPart,'"]")
- atom form => form
- "STRCONC"/fortexp0 form
-niladicHack form ==
- atom form => form
- form is [x] and GETL(x,'NILADIC) => x
- [niladicHack x for x in form]
--- Getting Operations from Domain
-getDomainOpTable(dom,fromIfTrue,:options) ==
- ops := KAR options
- $predEvalAlist : local := nil
- $returnNowhereFromGoGet: local := true
- domname := dom.0
- conname := CAR domname
- abb := getConstructorAbbreviation conname
- opAlist := getOperationAlistFromLisplib conname
- "append"/[REMDUP [[op1,:fn] for [sig,slot,pred,key,:.] in u
- | key ^= 'Subsumed and ((null ops and (op1 := op)) or (op1 := memq(op,ops)))]
- for [op,:u] in opAlist] where
- memq(op,ops) == --dirty trick to get 0 and 1 instead of Zero and One
- MEMQ(op,ops) => op
- EQ(op,'One) => MEMQ(1,ops) and 1
- EQ(op,'Zero) => MEMQ(0,ops) and 0
- false
- fn ==
- sig1 := sublisFormal(rest domname,sig)
- predValue := evalDomainOpPred(dom,pred)
- info :=
- null predValue =>
- 1 -- signifies not exported
- null fromIfTrue => nil
- cell := compiledLookup(op,sig1,dom) =>
- [f,:r] := cell
- f = 'nowhere => 'nowhere --see replaceGoGetSlot
- f = 'makeSpadConstant => 'constant
- f = function IDENTITY => 'constant
- f = 'newGoGet => SUBST('_$,domname,devaluate CAR r)
- null VECP r => systemError devaluateList r
- SUBST('_$,domname,devaluate r)
- 'nowhere
- [sig1,:info]
-evalDomainOpPred(dom,pred) == process(dom,pred) where
- process(dom,pred) ==
- u := convert(dom,pred)
- u = 'T => true
- evpred(dom,u)
- convert(dom,pred) ==
- pred is [op,:argl] =>
- MEMQ(op,'(AND and)) => ['AND,:[convert(dom,x) for x in argl]]
- MEMQ(op,'(OR or)) => ['OR,:[convert(dom,x) for x in argl]]
- MEMQ(op,'(NOT not)) => ['NOT,convert(dom,first argl)]
- op = 'has =>
- [arg,p] := argl
- p is ['ATTRIBUTE,a] => ['HasAttribute,arg,MKQ a]
- ['HasCategory,arg,convertCatArg p]
- systemError '"unknown predicate form"
- pred = 'T => true
- systemError nil
- convertCatArg p ==
- atom p or #p = 1 => MKQ p
- ['LIST,MKQ first p,:[convertCatArg x for x in rest p]]
- evpred(dom,pred) ==
- k := POSN1(pred,$predicateList) => testBitVector(dom.3,k + 1)
- evpred1(dom,pred)
- evpred1(dom,pred) ==
- pred is [op,:argl] =>
- MEMQ(op,'(AND and)) => "and"/[evpred1(dom,x) for x in argl]
- MEMQ(op,'(OR or)) => "or"/[evpred1(dom,x) for x in argl]
- op = 'NOT => not evpred1(dom,first argl)
- k := POSN1(pred,$predicateList) => testBitVector(dom.3,k + 1)
- op = 'HasAttribute =>
- [arg,[.,a]] := argl
- attPredIndex := LASSOC(a,dom.2)
- null attPredIndex => nil
- attPredIndex = 0 => true
- testBitVector(dom.3,attPredIndex)
- nil
- pred = 'T => true
- systemError '"unknown atomic predicate form"
-\bibitem{1} nothing