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authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-08-14 05:14:52 +0000
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+\begin{page}{manpageXXs}{NAG On-line Documentation: s}
+ S(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S(3NAG)
+ S -- Approximations of Special Functions Introduction -- S
+ Chapter S
+ Approximations of Special Functions
+ 1. Scope of the Chapter
+ This chapter is concerned with the provision of some commonly
+ occurring physical and mathematical functions.
+ 2. Background to the Problems
+ The majority of the routines in this chapter approximate real-
+ valued functions of a single real argument, and the techniques
+ involved are described in Section 2.1. In addition the chapter
+ contains routines for elliptic integrals (see Section 2.2),
+ Bessel and Airy functions of a complex argument (see Section 2.3)
+ , and exponential of a complex argument.
+ 2.1. Functions of a Single Real Argument
+ Most of the routines for functions of a single real argument have
+ been based on truncated Chebyshev expansions. This method of
+ approximation was adopted as a compromise between the conflicting
+ requirements of efficiency and ease of implementation on many
+ different machine ranges. For details of the reasons behind this
+ choice and the production and testing procedures followed in
+ constructing this chapter see Schonfelder [7].
+ Basically if the function to be approximated is f(x), then for
+ xis in [a,b] an approximation of the form
+ --'
+ f(x)=g(x) > C T (t)
+ -- r r
+ r=0
+ --'
+ is used, ( > denotes, according to the usual convention, a
+ --
+ summation in which the first term is halved), where g(x) is some
+ suitable auxiliary function which extracts any singularities,
+ asymptotes and, if possible, zeros of the function in the range
+ in question and t=t(x) is a mapping of the general range [a,b] to
+ the specific range [-1,+1] required by the Chebyshev polynomials,
+ T (t). For a detailed description of the properties of the
+ r
+ Chebyshev polynomials see Clenshaw [5] and Fox and Parker [6].
+ The essential property of these polynomials for the purposes of
+ function approximation is that T (t) oscillates between +-1 and
+ n
+ it takes its extreme values n+1 times in the interval [-1,+1].
+ Therefore, provided the coefficients C decrease in magnitude
+ r
+ sufficiently rapidly the error made by truncating the Chebyshev
+ expansion after n terms is approximately given by
+ E(t)~=C T (t)
+ n n
+ That is the error oscillates between +-C and takes its extreme
+ n
+ value n+1 times in the interval in question. Now this is just the
+ condition that the approximation be a mini-max representation,
+ one which minimizes the maximum error. By suitable choice of the
+ interval, [a,b], the auxiliary function, g(x), and the mapping of
+ the independent variable, t(x), it is almost always possible to
+ obtain a Chebyshev expansion with rapid convergence and hence
+ truncations that provide near mini-max polynomial approximations
+ to the required function. The difference between the true mini-
+ max polynomial and the truncated Chebyshev expansion is seldom
+ sufficiently great to be of significance.
+ The evaluation of the Chebyshev expansions follows one of two
+ methods. The first and most efficient, and hence most commonly
+ used, works with the equivalent simple polynomial. The second
+ method, which is used on the few occasions when the first method
+ proves to be unstable, is based directly on the truncated
+ Chebyshev series and uses backward recursion to evaluate the sum.
+ For the first method, a suitably truncated Chebyshev expansion
+ (truncation is chosen so that the error is less than the machine
+ precision) is converted to the equivalent simple polynomial. That
+ is we evaluate the set of coefficients b such that
+ r
+ n-1 n-1
+ -- r --'
+ y(t)= > b t = > C T (t).
+ -- r -- r r
+ r=0 r=0
+ The polynomial can then be evaluated by the efficient Horner's
+ method of nested multiplications,
+ y(t)=(b +t(b +t(b +...t(b +tb )))...).
+ 0 1 2 n-2 n-1
+ This method of evaluation results in efficient routines but for
+ some expansions there is considerable loss of accuracy due to
+ cancellation effects. In these cases the second method is used.
+ It is well known that if
+ b =C
+ n-1 n-1
+ b =2tb +C
+ n-2 n-1 n-2
+ b =2tb -b +C , j=n-3,n-4,...,0
+ j j+1 j+2 j
+ then
+ --' 1
+ > C T (t)= -(b -b )
+ -- r r 2 0 2
+ r=0
+ and this is always stable. This method is most efficiently
+ implemented by using three variables cyclically and explicitly
+ constructing the recursion.
+ That is,
+ (alpha) = C
+ n-1
+ (beta) = 2t(alpha)+C
+ n-2
+ (gamma) = 2t(beta)-(alpha)+C
+ n-3
+ (alpha) = 2t(gamma)-(beta)+C
+ n-4
+ (beta) = 2t(alpha)-(gamma)+C
+ n-5
+ ...
+ ...
+ (alpha) = 2t(gamma)-(beta)+C (say)
+ 2
+ (beta) = 2t(alpha)-(gamma)+C
+ 1
+ 1
+ y(t) = t(beta)-(alpha)+ -C
+ 2 0
+ The auxiliary functions used are normally functions compounded of
+ simple polynomial (usually linear) factors extracting zeros, and
+ the primary compiler-provided functions, sin, cos, ln, exp, sqrt,
+ which extract singularities and/or asymptotes or in some cases
+ basic oscillatory behaviour, leaving a smooth well-behaved
+ function to be approximated by the Chebyshev expansion which can
+ therefore be rapidly convergent.
+ The mappings of [a,b] to [-1,+1] used, range from simple linear
+ mappings to the case when b is infinite and considerable
+ improvement in convergence can be obtained by use of a bilinear
+ form of mapping. Another common form of mapping is used when the
+ function is even, that is it involves only even powers in its
+ expansion. In this case an approximation over the whole interval
+ (x)2
+ [-a,a] can be provided using a mapping t=2(-) -1. This embodies
+ (a)
+ the evenness property but the expansion in t involves all powers
+ and hence removes the necessity of working with an expansion with
+ half its coefficients zero.
+ For many of the routines an analysis of the error in principle is
+ given, viz, if E and (nabla) are the absolute errors in function
+ and argument and (epsilon) and (delta) are the corresponding
+ relative errors, then
+ E~=|f'(x)|(nabla)
+ E~=|xf'(x)|(delta)
+ | xf'(x)|
+ (epsilon)~=| ------|(delta)
+ | f(x) |
+ If we ignore errors that arise in the argument of the function by
+ propagation of data errors etc and consider only those errors
+ that result from the fact that a real number is being represented
+ in the computer in floating-point form with finite precision,
+ then (delta) is bounded and this bound is independent of the
+ magnitude of x; e.g. on an 11-digit machine
+ -11
+ |(delta)|<=10 .
+ (This of course implies that the absolute error (nabla)=x(delta)
+ is also bounded but the bound is now dependent on x). However
+ because of this the last two relations above are probably of more
+ interest. If possible the relative error propagation is
+ discussed; that is the behaviour of the error amplification
+ factor |xf'(x)/f(x)| is described, but in some cases, such as
+ near zeros of the function which cannot be extracted explicitly,
+ absolute error in the result is the quantity of significance and
+ here the factor |xf'(x)| is described. In general, testing of the
+ functions has shown that their error behaviour follows fairly
+ well these theoretical error behaviours. In regions, where the
+ error amplification factors are less than or of the order of one,
+ the errors are slightly larger than the above predictions. The
+ errors are here limited largely by the finite precision of
+ arithmetic in the machine but (epsilon) is normally no more than
+ a few times greater than the bound on (delta). In regions where
+ the amplification factors are large, order of ten or greater, the
+ theoretical analysis gives a good measure of the accuracy
+ obtainable.
+ It should be noted that the definitions and notations used for
+ the functions in this chapter are all taken from Abramowitz and
+ Stegun [1]. Users are strongly recommended to consult this book
+ for details before using the routines in this chapter.
+ 2.2. Approximations to Elliptic Integrals
+ The functions provided here are symmetrised variants of the
+ classic elliptic integrals. These alternative definitions have
+ been suggested by Carlson (see [2], [3] and [4]) and he also
+ developed the basic algorithms used in this chapter.
+ The standard integral of the first kind is represented by
+ infty
+ 1 / dt
+ R (x,y,z)= - | -----------------
+ F 2 /
+ 0 \/(t+x)(t+y)(t+z)
+ where x,y,z>=0 and at most one may be equal to zero.
+ 1
+ The normalisation factor, -, is chosen so as to make
+ 2
+ R (x,x,x)=1/\/x.
+ F
+ If any two of the variables are equal, R degenerates into the
+ F
+ second function
+ infty
+ 1 / dt
+ R (x,y)=R (x,y,y)= - | ----------
+ C F 2 /
+ 0 \/t+x(t+y)
+ where the argument restrictions are now x>=0 and y/=0.
+ This function is related to the logarithm or inverse hyperbolic
+ functions if 0<y<x, and to the inverse circular functions if
+ 0<=x<=y.
+ The integrals of the second kind are defined by
+ infty
+ 3 / dt
+ R (x,y,z)= - | -------------------
+ D 2 /
+ 0 / 3
+ \/ (t+x)(t+y)(t+z)
+ with z>0, x>=0 and y>=0 but only one of x or y may be zero.
+ The function is a degenerate special case of the integral of the
+ third kind
+ infty
+ 3 / dt
+ R (x,y,z,(rho))= - | ----------------------------
+ J 2 / ( )
+ 0 (\/(t+x)(t+y)(t+z))(t+(rho))
+ with (rho)/=0, x,y,z>=0 with at most one equality holding. Thus
+ R (x,y,z)=R (x,y,z,z). The normalisation of both these functions
+ D J
+ is chosen so that
+ R (x,x,x)=R (x,x,x,x)=1/(x\/x)
+ D J
+ The algorithms used for all these functions are based on
+ duplication theorems. These allow a recursion system to be
+ established which constructs a new set of arguments from the old
+ using a combination of arithmetic and geometric means. The value
+ of the function at the original arguments can then be simply
+ related to the value at the new arguments. These recursive
+ reductions are used until the arguments differ from the mean by
+ an amount small enough for a Taylor series about the mean to give
+ sufficient accuracy when retaining terms of order less than six.
+ Each step of the recurrences reduces the difference from the mean
+ by a factor of four, and as the truncation error is of order six,
+ -n
+ the truncation error goes like (4096) , where n is the number of
+ iterations.
+ The above forms can be related to the more traditional canonical
+ forms (see Abramowitz and Stegun [1], 17.2).
+ 2 2 2
+ If we write q=cos (phi),r=1-m.sin (phi),s=1+n.sin (phi), where
+ 1
+ 0<(phi)<= -(pi), we have: the elliptic integral of the first
+ 2
+ kind:
+ sin(phi) -1/2 1-/2
+ / 2 2
+ F((phi)|m)= | (1-t ) (1-mt ) dt=sin(phi).R (q,r,1);
+ / F
+ 0
+ the elliptic integral of the second kind:
+ sin(phi) -1/2 -1/2
+ / 2 2
+ E((phi)|m) = | (1-t ) (1-mt ) dt
+ /
+ 0
+ 1 3
+ = sin(phi).R (q,r,1)- -m.sin (phi).R (q,r,1)
+ F 3 D
+ the elliptic integral of the third kind:
+ sin(phi) -1/2 -1/2
+ / 2 2 2 -1
+ (Pi)(n;(phi)|m) = | (1-t ) (1-mt ) (1+nt ) dt
+ /
+ 0
+ 1 3
+ =sin(phi).R (q,r,1)- -n.sin (phi).R (q,r,1,s)
+ F 3 J
+ Also the complete elliptic integral of the first kind:
+ (pi)/2
+ / 2 -1/2
+ K(m)= | (1-m.sin (theta)) d(theta)=R (0,1-m,1);
+ / F
+ 0
+ the complete elliptic integral of the second kind:
+ (pi)/2
+ / 2 1/2 1
+ E(m)= | (1-m.sin (theta)) d(theta)=R (0,1-m,1)- -mR (0,1-m,1).
+ / F 3 D
+ 0
+ 2.3. Bessel and Airy Functions of a Complex Argument
+ The routines for Bessel and Airy functions of a real argument are
+ based on Chebyshev expansions, as described in Section 2.1. The
+ routines for functions of a complex argument, however, use
+ different methods. These routines relate all functions to the
+ modified Bessel functions I (z) and K (z) computed in the
+ (nu) (nu)
+ right-half complex plane, including their analytic continuations.
+ I and K are computed by different methods according to
+ (nu) (nu)
+ the values of zand (nu). The methods include power series,
+ asymptotic expansions and Wronskian evaluations. The relations
+ between functions are based on well known formulae (see
+ Abramowitz and Stegun [1]).
+ 2.4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Carlson B C (1977) Special Functions of Applied Mathematics.
+ Academic Press.
+ [3] Carlson B C (1965) On Computing Elliptic Integrals and
+ Functions. J Math Phys. 44 36--51.
+ [4] Carlson B C (1977) Elliptic Integrals of the First Kind.
+ SIAM J Math Anal. 8 231--242.
+ [5] Clenshaw C W (1962) Mathematical Tables. Chebyshev Series
+ for Mathematical Functions. HMSO.
+ [6] Fox L and Parker I B (1968) Chebyshev Polynomials in
+ Numerical Analysis. Oxford University Press.
+ [7] Schonfelder J L (1976 ) The Production of Special Function
+ Routines for a Multi-Machine Library. Software Practice and
+ Experience. 6(1)
+ 3. Recommendations on Choice and Use of Routines
+ 3.1. Elliptic Integrals
+ IMPORTANT ADVICE: users who encounter elliptic integrals in the
+ course of their work are strongly recommended to look at
+ transforming their analysis directly to one of the Carlson forms,
+ rather than the traditional canonical Legendre forms. In general,
+ the extra symmetry of the Carlson forms is likely to simplify the
+ analysis, and these symmetric forms are much more stable to
+ calculate.
+ The routine S21BAF for R is largely included as an auxiliary to
+ C
+ the other routines for elliptic integrals. This integral
+ essentially calculates elementary functions, e.g.
+ (( 1+x)2 )
+ lnx=(x-1).R (( ---) ,x),x>0;
+ C(( 2 ) )
+ 2
+ arcsinx=x.R (1-x ,1),|x|<=1;
+ C
+ 2
+ arcsinhx=x.R (1+x ,1), etc
+ C
+ In general this method of calculating these elementary functions
+ is not recommended as there are usually much more efficient
+ specific routines available in the Library. However, S21BAF may
+ be used, for example, to compute lnx/(x-1) when x is close to 1,
+ without the loss of significant figures that occurs when lnx and
+ x-1 are computed separately.
+ 3.2. Bessel and Airy Functions
+ For computing the Bessel functions J (x), Y (x), I (x)
+ (nu) (nu) (nu)
+ and K (x) where x is real and (nu)=0 or 1, special routines
+ (nu)
+ are provided, which are much faster than the more general
+ routines that allow a complex argument and arbitrary real (nu)>=0
+ functions and their derivatives Ai(x), Bi(x), Ai'(x), Bi'(x) for
+ a real argument which are much faster than the routines for
+ complex arguments.
+ 3.3. Index
+ Airy function, Ai, real argument S17AGF
+ Airy function, Ai', real argument S17AJF
+ Airy function, Ai or Ai', complex argument, optionally S17DGF
+ scaled
+ Airy function, Bi, real argument S17AHF
+ Airy function, Bi', real argument S17AKF
+ Airy function, Bi or Bi', complex argument, optionally S17DHF
+ scaled
+ Bessel function, J , real argument S17AEF
+ 0
+ Bessel function, J , real argument S17AFF
+ 1
+ Bessel function, J , complex argument, optionally S17DEF
+ (nu)
+ scaled
+ Bessel function, Y , real argument S17ACF
+ 0
+ Bessel function, Y , real argument S17ADF
+ 1
+ Bessel function, Y , complex argument, optionally S17DCF
+ (nu)
+ scaled
+ Complement of the Error function S15ADF
+ Cosine Integral S13ACF
+ Elliptic integral, symmetrised, degenerate of 1st kind, S21BAF
+ R
+ C
+ Elliptic integral, symmetrised, of 1st kind, R S21BBF
+ F
+ Elliptic integral, symmetrised, of 2nd kind, R S21BCF
+ D
+ Elliptic integral, symmetrised, of 3rd kind, R S21BDF
+ J
+ Erf, real argument S15AEF
+ Erfc, real argument S15ADF
+ Error function S15AEF
+ Exponential, complex S01EAF
+ Exponential Integral S13AAF
+ Fresnel Integral, C S20ADF
+ Fresnel Integral, S S20ACF
+ Gamma function S14AAF
+ Gamma function, incomplete S14BAF
+ Generalized Factorial function S14AAF
+ (1) (2)
+ Hankel function H or H , complex argument, S17DLF
+ (nu) (nu)
+ optionally scaled
+ Incomplete Gamma function S14BAF
+ Jacobian elliptic functions, sn, cn, dn S21CAF
+ Kelvin function, bei x S19ABF
+ Kelvin function, ber x S19AAF
+ Kelvin function, kei x S19ADF
+ Kelvin function, ker x S19ACF
+ Logarithm of Gamma function S14ABF
+ Modified Bessel function, I , real argument S18AEF
+ 0
+ Modified Bessel function, I , real argument S18AFF
+ 1
+ Modified Bessel function, I , complex argument, S18DEF
+ (nu)
+ optionally scaled
+ Modified Bessel function, K , real argument S18ACF
+ 0
+ Modified Bessel function, K , real argument S18ADF
+ 1
+ Modified Bessel function, K , complex argument, S18DCF
+ (nu)
+ optionally scaled
+ Sine integral S13ADF
+ S -- Approximations of Special Functions Contents -- S
+ Chapter S
+ Approximations of Special Functions
+ z
+ S01EAF Complex exponential, e
+ S13AAF Exponential integral E (x)
+ 1
+ S13ACF Cosine integral Ci(x)
+ S13ADF Sine integral Si(x)
+ S14AAF Gamma function
+ S14ABF Log Gamma function
+ S14BAF Incomplete gamma functions P(a,x) and Q(a,x)
+ S15ADF Complement of error function erfc x
+ S15AEF Error function erf x
+ S17ACF Bessel function Y (x)
+ 0
+ S17ADF Bessel function Y (x)
+ 1
+ S17AEF Bessel function J (x)
+ 0
+ S17AFF Bessel function J (x)
+ 1
+ S17AGF Airy function Ai(x)
+ S17AHF Airy function Bi(x)
+ S17AJF Airy function Ai'(x)
+ S17AKF Airy function Bi'(x)
+ S17DCF Bessel functions Y (z), real a>=0, complex z,
+ (nu)+a
+ (nu)=0,1,2,...
+ S17DEF Bessel functions J (z), real a>=0, complex z,
+ (nu)+a
+ (nu)=0,1,2,...
+ S17DGF Airy functions Ai(z) and Ai'(z), complex z
+ S17DHF Airy functions Bi(z) and Bi'(z), complex z
+ (j)
+ S17DLF Hankel functions H (z), j=1,2, real a>=0, complex z,
+ (nu)+a
+ (nu)=0,1,2,...
+ S18ACF Modified Bessel function K (x)
+ 0
+ S18ADF Modified Bessel function K (x)
+ 1
+ S18AEF Modified Bessel function I (x)
+ 0
+ S18AFF Modified Bessel function I (x)
+ 1
+ S18DCF Modified Bessel functions K (z), real a>=0, complex
+ (nu)+a
+ z, (nu)=0,1,2,...
+ S18DEF Modified Bessel functions I (z), real a>=0, complex
+ (nu)+a
+ z, (nu)=0,1,2,...
+ S19AAF Kelvin function ber x
+ S19ABF Kelvin function bei x
+ S19ACF Kelvin function ker x
+ S19ADF Kelvin function kei x
+ S20ACF Fresnel integral S(x)
+ S20ADF Fresnel integral C(x)
+ S21BAF Degenerate symmetrised elliptic integral of 1st kind
+ R (x,y)
+ C
+ S21BBF Symmetrised elliptic integral of 1st kind R (x,y,z)
+ F
+ S21BCF Symmetrised elliptic integral of 2nd kind R (x,y,z)
+ D
+ S21BDF Symmetrised elliptic integral of 3rd kind R (x,y,z,r)
+ J
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs01eaf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s01eaf}
+ S01EAF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S01EAF(3NAG)
+ S01 -- Approximations of Special Functions S01EAF
+ S01EAF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ z
+ S01EAF evaluates the exponential function e , for complex z.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ z
+ This routine evaluates the exponential function e , taking care
+ to avoid machine overflow, and giving a warning if the result
+ cannot be computed to more than half precision. The function is
+ z x
+ evaluated as e =e (cosy+isiny), where x and y are the real and
+ imaginary parts respectively of z.
+ Since cosy and siny are less than or equal to 1 in magnitude, it
+ x x x
+ is possible that e may overflow although e cosy or e siny does
+ x+ln|cosy|
+ not. In this case the alternative formula sign(cosy)e
+ is used for the real part of the result, and
+ x+ln|siny|
+ sign(siny)e for the imaginary part. If either part of
+ the result still overflows, a warning is returned through
+ parameter IFAIL.
+ If Im z is too large, precision may be lost in the evaluation of
+ siny and cosy. Again, a warning is returned through IFAIL.
+ 4. References
+ None.
+ 5. Parameters
+ 1: Z -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Input
+ On entry: the argument z of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ The real part of the result overflows, and is set to the
+ largest safe number with the correct sign. The imaginary
+ part of the result is meaningful.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ The imaginary part of the result overflows, and is set to
+ the largest safe number with the correct sign. The real part
+ of the result is meaningful.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ Both real and imaginary parts of the result overflow, and
+ are set to the largest safe number with the correct signs.
+ IFAIL= 4
+ The computed result is accurate to less than half precision,
+ due to the size of Im z.
+ IFAIL= 5
+ The computed result has no precision, due to the size of Im
+ z, and is set to zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Accuracy is limited in general only by the accuracy of the
+ Fortran intrinsic functions in the computation of siny, cosy and
+ x
+ e , where x=Re z, y=Im z. As y gets larger, precision will
+ probably be lost due to argument reduction in the evaluation of
+ the sine and cosine functions, until the warning error IFAIL = 4
+ occurs when y gets larger than \/1/(epsilon), where (epsilon) is
+ the machine precision. Note that on some machines, the intrinsic
+ functions SIN and COS will not operate on arguments larger than
+ about \/1/(epsilon), and so IFAIL can never return as 4.
+ In the comparatively rare event that the result is computed by
+ x+ln|cosy| x+ln|siny|
+ the formulae sign(cosy)e and sign(siny)e , a
+ further small loss of accuracy may be expected due to rounding
+ errors in the logarithmic function.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ None.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument z from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of z and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs13aaf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s13aaf}
+ S13AAF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S13AAF(3NAG)
+ S13 -- Approximations of Special Functions S13AAF
+ S13AAF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S13AAF returns the value of the exponential integral E (x), via
+ 1
+ the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ The routine calculates an approximate value for
+ infty
+ / e-u
+ E (x)= | - du , x>0.
+ 1 / u
+ x
+ For 0<x<=4, the approximation is based on the Chebyshev expansion
+ -- 1
+ E (x)=y(t)-lnx= > 'a T (t)-lnx , where t= -x-1.
+ 1 -- r r 2
+ r
+ For x>4,
+ -x -x
+ e e --'
+ E (x)= ---y(t)= --- > a T (t),
+ 1 x x -- r r
+ r
+ 11.25-x
+ where t=-1.0+14.5/(x+3.25)= -------.
+ 3.25+x
+ In both cases, -1<=t<=+1.
+ To guard against producing underflows, if x>x the result is set
+ hi
+ directly to zero. For the value x see the Users' Note for your
+ hi
+ implementation.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1965) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications. Ch. 26.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X > 0.
+ 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ Before entry, IFAIL must be assigned a value. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ Unless the routine detects an error (see Section 6), IFAIL
+ contains 0 on exit.
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ The routine has been called with an argument less than or
+ equal to zero for which the function is not defined. The
+ result returned is zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ If (delta) and (epsilon) are the relative errors in argument and
+ result respectively, then in principle,
+ | -x |
+ | e |
+ |(epsilon)|~=| -----*(delta)|
+ | E (x) |
+ | 1 |
+ so the relative error in the argument is amplified in the result
+ -x
+ by at least a factor e /E (x). The equality should hold if
+ 1
+ (delta) is greater than the machine precision ((delta) due to
+ data errors etc) but if (delta) is simply a result of round-off
+ in the machine representation, it is possible that an extra
+ figure may be lost in internal calculation and round-off.
+ The behaviour of this amplification factor is shown in Figure 1.
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ It should be noted that, for small x, the amplification factor
+ tends to zero and eventually the error in the result will be
+ limited by machine precision.
+ For large x,
+ (epsilon)~x(delta)=(Delta),
+ the absolute error in the argument.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ None.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs13acf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s13acf}
+ S13ACF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S13ACF(3NAG)
+ S13 -- Approximations of Special Functions S13ACF
+ S13ACF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S13ACF returns the value of the cosine integral
+ x
+ / cosu-1
+ Ci(x)=(gamma)+lnx+ | ------du, x>0
+ / u
+ 0
+ via the routine name, where (gamma) denotes Euler's constant.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ The routine calculates an approximate value for Ci(x).
+ For 0<x<=16 it is based on the Chebyshev expansion
+ --' ( x )2
+ Ci(x)=lnx+ > a T (t) , t=2( --) -1.
+ -- r r ( 16)
+ r=0
+ For 16<x<x where the value of x is given in the Users' Note
+ hi hi
+ for your implementation,
+ f(x)sinx g(x)cosx
+ Ci(x)= --------- --------
+ x 2
+ x
+ --' --' ( 16)2
+ where f(x)= > f T (t) and g(x)= > g T (t), t=2( --) -1.
+ -- r r -- r r ( x )
+ r=0 r=0
+ For x>=x , Ci(x)=0 to within the accuracy possible (see Section
+ hi
+ 7).
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X > 0.
+ 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ The routine has been called with an argument less than or
+ equal to zero for which the function is not defined. The
+ result returned is zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ If E and (epsilon) are the absolute and relative errors in the
+ result and (delta) is the relative error in the argument then in
+ principle these are related by
+ | (delta)cosx|
+ |E|~=|(delta)cosx| and |(epsilon)|~=| -----------|.
+ | Ci(x) |
+ That is accuracy will be limited by machine precision near the
+ origin and near the zeros of cosx, but near the zeros of Ci(x)
+ only absolute accuracy can be maintained.
+ The behaviour of this amplification is shown in Figure 1.
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ sinx
+ For large values of x, Ci(x)~ ---- therefore
+ x
+ (epsilon)~(delta)xcotx and since (delta) is limited by the finite
+ precision of the machine it becomes impossible to return results
+ which have any relative accuracy. That is, when x>=1/(delta) we
+ have that |Ci(x)|<=1/x~E and hence is not significantly different
+ from zero.
+ Hence x is chosen such that for values of x>=x , Ci(x) in
+ hi hi
+ principle would have values less than the machine precision and
+ so is essentially zero.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs13adf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s13adf}
+ S13ADF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S13ADF(3NAG)
+ S13 -- Approximations of Special Functions S13ADF
+ S13ADF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S13ADF returns the value of the sine integral
+ x
+ / sinu
+ Si(x)= | ----du,
+ / u
+ 0
+ via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ The routine calculates an approximate value for Si(x).
+ For |x|<=16.0 it is based on the Chebyshev expansion
+ --' ( x )2
+ Si(x)=x > a T (t) , t=2( --) -1.
+ -- r r ( 16)
+ r=0
+ For 16<|x|<x , where x is an implementation dependent number,
+ hi hi
+ { (pi) f(x)cosx g(x)sinx}
+ Si(x)=sign(x){ ----- --------- --------}
+ { 2 x 2 }
+ { x }
+ --' --' ( 16)2
+ where f(x)= > f T (t) and g(x)= > g T (t), t=2( --) -1.
+ -- r r -- r r ( x )
+ r=0 r=0
+ 1
+ For |x|>=x , Si(x)= -(pi)signx to within machine precision.
+ hi 2
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ There are no failure exits from this routine. The parameter IFAIL
+ has been included for consistency with other routines in this
+ chapter.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ If (delta) and (epsilon) are the relative errors in the argument
+ and result, respectively, then in principle
+ | (delta)sinx|
+ |(epsilon)|~=| -----------|.
+ | Si(x) |
+ The equality may hold if (delta) is greater than the machine
+ precision ((delta) due to data errors etc) but if (delta) is
+ simply due to round-off in the machine representation, then since
+ the factor relating (delta) to (epsilon) is always less than one,
+ the accuracy will be limited by machine precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs14aaf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s14aaf}
+ S14AAF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S14AAF(3NAG)
+ S14 -- Approximations of Special Functions S14AAF
+ S14AAF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S14AAF returns the value of the Gamma function (Gamma)(x), via
+ the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Gamma function
+ (Gamma)(x). The routine is based on the Chebyshev expansion:
+ --'
+ (Gamma)(1+u)= > a T (t) , where 0<=u<1 , t=2u-1,
+ -- r r
+ r=0
+ and uses the property (Gamma)(1+x)=x(Gamma)(x). If x=N+1+u where
+ N is integral and 0<=u<1 then it follows that:
+ for N>0 (Gamma)(x)=(x-1)(x-2)...(x-N)(Gamma)(1+u),
+ for N=0 (Gamma)(x)=(Gamma)(1+u),
+ (Gamma)(1+u)
+ for N<0 (Gamma)(x)= ---------------------.
+ x(x+1)(x+2)...(x-N-1)
+ There are four possible failures for this routine:
+ (i) if x is too large, there is a danger of overflow since
+ (Gamma)(x) could become too large to be represented in the
+ machine;
+ (ii) if x is too large and negative, there is a danger of
+ underflow;
+ (iii) if x is equal to a negative integer, (Gamma)(x) would
+ overflow since it has poles at such points;
+ (iv) if x is too near zero, there is again the danger of
+ 1
+ overflow on some machines. For small x, (Gamma)(x)~= -, and
+ x
+ on some machines there exists a range of non-zero but small
+ values of x for which 1/x is larger than the greatest
+ representable value.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X must
+ not be a negative integer.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ The argument is too large. On soft failure the routine
+ returns the approximate value of (Gamma)(x) at the nearest
+ valid argument.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ The argument is too large and negative. On soft failure the
+ routine returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ The argument is too close to zero. On soft failure the
+ routine returns the approximate value of (Gamma)(x) at the
+ nearest valid argument.
+ IFAIL= 4
+ The argument is a negative integer, at which value
+ (Gamma)(x) is infinite. On soft failure the routine returns
+ a large positive value.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) and (epsilon) be the relative errors in the argument
+ and the result respectively. If (delta) is somewhat larger than
+ the machine precision (i.e., is due to data errors etc), then
+ (epsilon) and (delta) are approximately related by:
+ (epsilon)~=|x(Psi)(x)|(delta)
+ (provided (epsilon) is also greater than the representation
+ (Gamma)'(x)
+ error). Here (Psi)(x) is the digamma function -----------.
+ (Gamma)(x)
+ Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the error amplification factor
+ |x(Psi)(x)|.
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ If (delta) is of the same order as machine precision, then
+ rounding errors could make (epsilon) slightly larger than the
+ above relation predicts.
+ There is clearly a severe, but unavoidable, loss of accuracy for
+ arguments close to the poles of (Gamma)(x) at negative integers.
+ However relative accuracy is preserved near the pole at x=0 right
+ up to the point of failure arising from the danger of overflow.
+ Also accuracy will necessarily be lost as x becomes large since
+ in this region
+ (epsilon)~=(delta)xlnx.
+ However since (Gamma)(x) increases rapidly with x, the routine
+ must fail due to the danger of overflow before this loss of
+ accuracy is too great. (e.g. for x=20, the amplification factor
+ ~= 60.)
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs14abf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s14abf}
+ S14ABF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S14ABF(3NAG)
+ S14 -- Approximations of Special Functions S14ABF
+ S14ABF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S14ABF returns a value for the logarithm of the Gamma function,
+ ln(Gamma)(x), via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to ln(Gamma)(x). It is
+ based on two Chebyshev expansions.
+ For 0<x<=x , ln(Gamma)(x)=-lnx to within machine accuracy.
+ small
+ For x <x<=15.0, the recursive relation
+ small
+ (Gamma)(1+x)=x(Gamma)(x) is used to reduce the calculation to one
+ involving (Gamma)(1+u), 0<=u<1 which is evaluated as:
+ --'
+ (Gamma)(1+u)= > a T (t), t=2u-1.
+ -- r r
+ r=0
+ Once (Gamma)(x) has been calculated, the required result is
+ produced by taking the logarithm.
+ For 15.0<x<=x ,
+ big
+ 1 1
+ ln(Gamma)(x)=(x- -)lnx-x+ -ln2(pi)+y(x)/x
+ 2 2
+ 2
+ --' ( 15)
+ where y(x)= > b T (t), t=2( --) -1.
+ -- r r ( x )
+ r=0
+ For x <x<=x the term y(x)/x is negligible and so its
+ big vbig
+ calculation is omitted.
+ For x>x there is a danger of setting overflow so the routine
+ vbig
+ must fail.
+ For x<=0.0 the function is not defined and the routine fails.
+ Note: x is calculated so that if x<x , (Gamma)(x)=1/x to
+ small small
+ within machine accuracy. x is calculated so that if x>x ,
+ big big
+ 1 1
+ ln(Gamma)(x)=(x- -)lnx-x+ -ln2(pi)
+ 2 2
+ to within machine accuracy. x is calculated so that
+ vbig
+ ln(Gamma)(x ) is close to the value returned by X02ALF(*).
+ vbig
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X > 0.
+ 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X <= 0.0, the function is undefined. On soft failure, the
+ routine returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ X is too large, the function would overflow. On soft
+ failure, the routine returns the value of the function at
+ the largest permissible argument.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) and (epsilon) be the relative errors in the argument
+ and result respectively, and E be the absolute error in the
+ result.
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the relative machine
+ precision, then
+ | x*(Psi)(x) |
+ E~=|x*(Psi)(x)|(delta) and (epsilon)~=| ------------|(delta)
+ | ln(Gamma)(x)|
+ (Gamma)'(x)
+ where (Psi)(x) is the digamma function -----------. Figure 1 and
+ (Gamma)(x)
+ Figure 2 show the behaviour of these error amplification factors.
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ Figure 2
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ These show that relative error can be controlled, since except
+ near x=1 or 2 relative error is attenuated by the function or at
+ least is not greatly amplified.
+ ( 1 )
+ For large x, (epsilon)~=(1+ ---)(delta) and for small x,
+ ( lnx)
+ 1
+ (epsilon)~= ---(delta).
+ lnx
+ The function ln(Gamma)(x) has zeros at x=1 and 2 and hence
+ relative accuracy is not maintainable near those points. However
+ absolute accuracy can still be provided near those zeros as is
+ shown above.
+ If however, (delta) is of the order of the machine precision,
+ then rounding errors in the routine's internal arithmetic may
+ result in errors which are slightly larger than those predicted
+ by the equalities. It should be noted that even in areas where
+ strong attenuation of errors is predicted the relative precision
+ is bounded by the effective machine precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs14baf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s14baf}
+ S14BAF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S14BAF(3NAG)
+ S14 -- Approximations of Special Functions S14BAF
+ S14BAF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S14BAF computes values for the incomplete gamma functions P(a,x)
+ and Q(a,x).
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This subroutine evaluates the incomplete gamma functions in the
+ normalised form
+ x
+ 1 / a-1 -t
+ P(a,x)= ---------- |t e dt,
+ (Gamma)(a) /
+ 0
+ infty
+ 1 / a-1 -t
+ Q(a,x)= ---------- | t e dt,
+ (Gamma)(a) /
+ x
+ with x>=0 and a>0, to a user-specified accuracy. With this
+ normalisation, P(a,x)+Q(a,x)=1.
+ Several methods are used to evaluate the functions depending on
+ the arguments a and x, the methods including Taylor expansion for
+ P(a,x), Legendre's continued fraction for Q(a,x), and power
+ series for Q(a,x). When both a and x are large, and a~=x, the
+ uniform asymptotic expansion of Temme [3] is employed for greater
+ efficiency - specifically, this expansion is used when a>=20 and
+ 0.7a<=x<=1.4a.
+ Once either of P or Q is computed, the other is obtained by
+ subtraction from 1. In order to avoid loss of relative precision
+ in this subtraction, the smaller of P and Q is computed first.
+ This routine is derived from subroutine GAM in Gautschi [2].
+ 4. References
+ [1] Gautschi W (1979) A Computational Procedure for Incomplete
+ Gamma Functions. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 5 466--481.
+ [2] Gautschi W (1979) Algorithm 542: Incomplete Gamma Functions.
+ ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 5 482--489.
+ [3] Temme N M (1987) On the Computation of the Incomplete Gamma
+ Functions for Large Values of the Parameters. Algorithms for
+ Approximation. (ed J C Mason and M G Cox) Oxford University
+ Press.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument a of the functions. Constraint: A >
+ 0.0.
+ On entry: the argument x of the functions. Constraint: X >=
+ 0.0.
+ On entry: the relative accuracy required by the user in the
+ results. If S14BAF is entered with TOL greater than 1.0 or
+ less than machine precision, then the value of machine
+ precision is used instead.
+ On exit: the values of the functions P(a,x) and Q(a,x)
+ respectively.
+ 6: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry A <= 0.0.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ On entry X < 0.0.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ Convergence of the Taylor series or Legendre continued
+ fraction fails within 600 iterations. This error is
+ extremely unlikely to occur; if it does, contact NAG.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ There are rare occasions when the relative accuracy attained is
+ somewhat less than that specified by parameter TOL. However, the
+ error should never exceed more than one or two decimal places.
+ Note also that there is a limit of 18 decimal places on the
+ achievable accuracy, because constants in the routine are given
+ to this precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ The time taken for a call of S14BAF depends on the precision
+ requested through TOL, and also varies slightly with the input
+ arguments a and x.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument a and x from a
+ file, evaluates the function and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs15adf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s15adf}
+ S15ADF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S15ADF(3NAG)
+ S15 -- Approximations of Special Functions S15ADF
+ S15ADF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S15ADF returns the value of the complementary error function,
+ erfcx, via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ The routine calculates an approximate value for the complement of
+ the error function
+ 2
+ infty -u
+ 2 /
+ erfc x= ------ | e du=1-erf x.
+ /
+ \/(pi) x
+ For x>=0, it is based on the Chebyshev expansion
+ 2
+ -x
+ erfc x=e y(x),
+ --'
+ where y(x)= > a T (t) and t=(x-3.75)/(x+3.75), -1<=t<=+1.
+ -- r r
+ r=0
+ For x>=x , where there is a danger of setting underflow, the
+ hi
+ result is returned as zero.
+ 2
+ -x
+ For x<0, erfc x=2-e y(|x|).
+ For x<x <0, the result is returned as 2.0 which is correct to
+ low
+ within machine precision. The values of x and x are given in
+ hi low
+ the Users' Note for your implementation.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ There are no failure exits from this routine. The parameter IFAIL
+ has been included for consistency with other routines in this
+ chapter.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ If (delta) and (epsilon) are relative errors in the argument and
+ result, respectively, then in principle
+ | 2 |
+ | -x |
+ | 2xe |
+ |(epsilon)|~=| ------------(delta)|.
+ | |
+ | \/(pi)erfc x |
+ That is, the relative error in the argument, x, is amplified by a
+ 2
+ -x
+ 2xe
+ factor ------------ in the result.
+ \/(pi)erfc x
+ The behaviour of this factor is shown in Figure 1.
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ 2x
+ It should be noted that near x=0 this factor behaves as ------
+ \/(pi)
+ and hence the accuracy is largely determined by the machine
+ precision. Also for large negative x, where the factor is
+ 2
+ -x
+ xe
+ ~ ------, accuracy is mainly limited by machine precision.
+ \/(pi)
+ 2
+ However, for large positive x, the factor becomes ~2x and to an
+ extent relative accuracy is necessarily lost. The absolute
+ accuracy E is given by
+ 2
+ -x
+ 2xe
+ E~= ------(delta)
+ \/(pi)
+ so absolute accuracy is guaranteed for all x.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs15aef}{NAG On-line Documentation: s15aef}
+ S15AEF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S15AEF(3NAG)
+ S15 -- Approximations of Special Functions S15AEF
+ S15AEF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S15AEF returns the value of the error function erfx, via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ Evaluates the error function,
+ 2
+ x -t
+ 2 /
+ erf x = ------ |e dt.
+ /
+ \/(pi) 0
+ For |x|<=2,
+ --' 1 2
+ erf x = x > a T (t), where t= -x -1.
+ -- r r 2
+ r=0
+ For 2<|x|<x ,
+ hi
+ { 2 }
+ { -x }
+ { e -- } x-7
+ erf x = signx{1- --------- > 'b T (t)}, where t= ---.
+ { -- r r } x+3
+ { |x|\/(pi) r=0 }
+ For |x|>=x ,
+ hi
+ erf x = signx.
+ x is the value above which erf x=+-1 within machine precision.
+ hi
+ Its value is given in the Users' Note for your implementation.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ There are no failure exits from this routine. The parameter IFAIL
+ has been included for consistency with other routines in this
+ chapter.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ On a machine with approximately 11 significant figures the
+ routine agrees with available tables to 10 figures and
+ consistency checking with S15ADF of the relation
+ erf x+erfc x=1.0
+ shows errors in at worst the 11th figure.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ None.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17acf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17acf}
+ S17ACF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17ACF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17ACF
+ S17ACF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17ACF returns the value of the Bessel Function Y (x), via the
+ 0
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Bessel Function of
+ the second kind Y (x).
+ 0
+ Note: Y (x) is undefined for x<=0 and the routine will fail for
+ 0
+ such arguments.
+ The routine is based on four Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=8,
+ 2
+ 2 --' --' ( x)
+ Y (x)= ----lnx > a T (t)+ > b T (t), with t=2( -) -1,
+ 0 (pi) -- r r -- r r ( 8)
+ r=0 r=0
+ For x>8,
+ / 2 { ( (pi)) ( (pi))}
+ Y (x)= / -----{P (x)sin(x- ----)+Q (x)cos(x- ----)}
+ 0 \/ (pi)x{ 0 ( 4 ) 0 ( 4 )}
+ --'
+ where P (x)= > c T (t),
+ 0 -- r r
+ r=0
+ 2
+ 8 --' ( 8)
+ and Q (x)= - > d T (t), with t=2( -) -1.
+ 0 x -- r r ( x)
+ r=0
+ 2 ( ( x) )
+ For x near zero, Y (x)~= ----(ln( -)+(gamma)), where (gamma)
+ 0 (pi)( ( 2) )
+ denotes Euler's constant. This approximation is used when x is
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision.
+ For very large x, it becomes impossible to provide results with
+ any reasonable accuracy (see Section 7), hence the routine fails.
+ Such arguments contain insufficient information to determine the
+ / 2
+ phase of oscillation of Y (x); only the amplitude, / -, can be
+ 0 \/ x
+ determined and this is returned on soft failure. The range for
+ which this occurs is roughly related to the machine precision:
+ the routine will fail if x>~1/machine precision (see the Users'
+ Note for your implementation for details).
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Clenshaw C W (1962) Mathematical Tables. Chebyshev Series
+ for Mathematical Functions. HMSO.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X > 0.
+ 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large. On soft failure the routine returns the
+ amplitude of the Y oscillation, \/2/(pi)x.
+ 0
+ IFAIL= 2
+ X <= 0.0, Y is undefined. On soft failure the routine
+ 0
+ returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) be the relative error in the argument and E be the
+ absolute error in the result. (Since Y (x) oscillates about zero,
+ 0
+ absolute error and not relative error is significant, except for
+ very small x.)
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine representation
+ error (e.g. if (delta) is due to data errors etc), then E and
+ (delta) are approximately related by
+ E~=|xY (x)|(delta)
+ 1
+ (provided E is also within machine bounds). Figure 1 displays the
+ behaviour of the amplification factor |xY (x)|.
+ 1
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However, if (delta) is of the same order as the machine
+ representation errors, then rounding errors could make E slightly
+ larger than the above relation predicts.
+ For very small x, the errors are essentially independent of
+ (delta) and the routine should provide relative accuracy bounded
+ by the machine precision.
+ For very large x, the above relation ceases to apply. In this
+ / 2 ( (pi)) / 2
+ region, Y (x)~= / -----sin(x- ----). The amplitude / -----
+ 0 \/ (pi)x ( 4 ) / (pi)x
+ can be calculated with reasonable accuracy for all x, but
+ ( (pi)) (pi)
+ sin(x- ----) cannot. If x- ---- is written as 2N(pi)+(theta)
+ ( 4 ) 4
+ ( (pi))
+ where N is an integer and 0<=(theta)<2(pi), then sin(x- ----) is
+ ( 4 )
+ -1
+ determined by (theta) only. If x>~(delta) , (theta) cannot be
+ determined with any accuracy at all. Thus if x is greater than,
+ or of the order of the inverse of machine precision, it is
+ impossible to calculate the phase of Y (x) and the routine must
+ 0
+ fail.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17adf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17adf}
+ S17ADF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17ADF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17ADF
+ S17ADF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17ADF returns the value of the Bessel Function Y (x), via the
+ 1
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Bessel Function of
+ the second kind Y (x).
+ 1
+ Note: Y (x) is undefined for x<=0 and the routine will fail for
+ 1
+ such arguments.
+ The routine is based on four Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=8,
+ 2 x --' 2 x --'
+ Y (x)= ----lnx - > a T (t)- ----x+ - > b T (t) , with t
+ 1 (pi) 8 -- r r (pi) 8 -- r r
+ r=0 r=0
+ 2
+ ( x)
+ =2( -) -1;
+ ( 8)
+ For x>8,
+ / 2 { ( (pi)) ( (pi))}
+ Y (x)= / -----{P (x)sin(x-3 ----)+Q (x)cos(x-3 ----)}
+ 1 \/ (pi)x{ 1 ( 4 ) 1 ( 4 )}
+ --'
+ where P (x)= > c T (t),
+ 1 -- r r
+ r=0
+ 2
+ 8 --' ( 8)
+ and Q (x)= - > d T (t), with t=2( -) -1.
+ 1 x -- r r ( x)
+ r=0
+ 2
+ For x near zero, Y (x)~=- -----. This approximation is used when
+ 1 (pi)x
+ x is sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision. For extremely small x, there is a danger of overflow
+ 2
+ in calculating - ----- and for such arguments the routine will
+ (pi)x
+ fail.
+ For very large x, it becomes impossible to provide results with
+ any reasonable accuracy (see Section 7), hence the routine fails.
+ Such arguments contain insufficient information to determine the
+ / 2
+ phase of oscillation of Y (x), only the amplitude, / -----,
+ 1 \/ (pi)x
+ can be determined and this is returned on soft failure. The range
+ for which this occurs is roughly related to machine precision;
+ the routine will fail if x>~1/machine precision (see the Users'
+ Note for your implementation for details).
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Clenshaw C W (1962) Mathematical Tables. Chebyshev Series
+ for Mathematical Functions. HMSO.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X > 0.
+ 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large. On soft failure the routine returns the
+ / 2
+ amplitude of the Y oscillation, / -----.
+ 1 \/ (pi)x
+ IFAIL= 2
+ X <= 0.0, Y is undefined. On soft failure the routine
+ 1
+ returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ X is too close to zero, there is a danger of overflow. On
+ soft failure, the routine returns the value of Y (x) at the
+ 1
+ smallest valid argument.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) be the relative error in the argument and E be the
+ absolute error in the result. (Since Y (x) oscillates about zero,
+ 1
+ absolute error and not relative error is significant, except for
+ very small x.)
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision (e.g. if
+ (delta) is due to data errors etc), then E and (delta) are
+ approximately related by:
+ E~=|xY (x)-Y (x)|(delta)
+ 0 1
+ (provided E is also within machine bounds). Figure 1 displays the
+ behaviour of the amplification factor |xY (x)-Y (x)|.
+ 0 1
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However, if (delta) is of the same order as machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make E slightly larger than the above
+ relation predicts.
+ For very small x, absolute error becomes large, but the relative
+ error in the result is of the same order as (delta).
+ For very large x, the above relation ceases to apply. In this
+ 2(pi) ( 3(pi)) 2(pi)
+ region, Y (x)~= -----sin(x- -----). The amplitude ----- can be
+ 1 x ( 4 ) x
+ ( 3(pi))
+ calculated with reasonable accuracy for all x, but sin(x- -----)
+ ( 4 )
+ 3(pi)
+ cannot. If x- ----- is written as 2N(pi)+(theta) where N is an
+ 4
+ ( 3(pi))
+ integer and 0<=(theta)<2(pi), then sin(x- -----) is determined by
+ ( 4 )
+ -1
+ (theta) only. If x>(delta) , (theta) cannot be determined with
+ any accuracy at all. Thus if x is greater than, or of the order
+ of, the inverse of the machine precision, it is impossible to
+ calculate the phase of Y (x) and the routine must fail.
+ 1
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17aef}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17aef}
+ S17AEF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17AEF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17AEF
+ S17AEF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17AEF returns the value of the Bessel Function J (x), via the
+ 0
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Bessel Function of
+ the first kind J (x).
+ 0
+ Note: J (-x)=J (x), so the approximation need only consider x>=0.
+ 0 0
+ The routine is based on three Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=8, 2
+ --' ( x)
+ J (x)= > a T (t), with t=2( -) -1.
+ 0 -- r r ( 8)
+ r=0
+ For x>8,
+ / 2 { ( (pi)) ( (pi))}
+ J (x)= / -----{P (x)cos(x- ----)-Q (x)sin(x- ----)}
+ 0 \/ (pi)x{ 0 ( 4 ) 0 ( 4 )}
+ --'
+ where P (x) = > b T (t),
+ 0 -- r r
+ r=0
+ 2
+ 8 --' ( 8)
+ and Q (x) = - > c T (t), with t=2( -) -1.
+ 0 x -- r r ( x)
+ r=0
+ For x near zero, J (x)~=1. This approximation is used when x is
+ 0
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision.
+ For very large x, it becomes impossible to provide results with
+ any reasonable accuracy (see Section 7), hence the routine fails.
+ Such arguments contain insufficient information to determine the
+ / 2
+ phase of oscillation of J (x); only the amplitude, / -------,
+ 0 \/ (pi)|x|
+ can be determined and this is returned on soft failure. The range
+ for which this occurs is roughly related to the machine
+ precision; the routine will fail if |x|>~1/machine precision (see
+ the Users' Note for your implementation).
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Clenshaw C W (1962) Mathematical Tables. Chebyshev Series
+ for Mathematical Functions. HMSO.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large. On soft failure the routine returns the
+ / 2
+ amplitude of the J oscillation, / -------.
+ 0 \/ (pi)|x|
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) be the relative error in the argument and E be the
+ absolute error in the result. (Since J (x) oscillates about zero,
+ 0
+ absolute error and not relative error is significant.)
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision (e.g. if
+ (delta) is due to data errors etc), then E and (delta) are
+ approximately related by:
+ E~=|xJ (x)|(delta)
+ 1
+ (provided E is also within machine bounds). Figure 1 displays the
+ behaviour of the amplification factor |xJ (x)|.
+ 1
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However, if (delta) is of the same order as machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make E slightly larger than the above
+ relation predicts.
+ For very large x, the above relation ceases to apply. In this
+ / 2 ( (pi))
+ region, J (x)~= / -------cos(x- ----). The amplitude
+ 0 \/ (pi)|x| ( 4 )
+ / 2
+ / ------- can be calculated with reasonable accuracy for all x
+ \/ (pi)|x|
+ ( (pi)) (pi)
+ but cos(x- ----) cannot. If x- ---- is written as
+ ( 4 ) 4
+ 2N(pi)+(theta) where N is an integer and 0 <= (theta) < 2(pi),
+ ( (pi)) -1
+ then cos(x- ----) is determined by (theta) only. If x>~(delta) ,
+ ( 4 )
+ (theta) cannot be determined with any accuracy at all. Thus if x
+ is greater than, or of the order of, the inverse of the machine
+ precision, it is impossible to calculate the phase of J (x) and
+ 0
+ the routine must fail.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17aff}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17aff}
+ S17AFF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17AFF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17AFF
+ S17AFF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17AFF returns the value of the Bessel Function J (x), via the
+ 1
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Bessel Function of
+ the first kind J (x).
+ 1
+ Note: J (-x)=-J (x), so the approximation need only consider x>=0
+ 1 1
+ The routine is based on three Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=8, 2
+ x --' ( x)
+ J (x)= - > a T (t) , with t=2( -) -1.
+ 1 8 -- r r ( 8)
+ r=0
+ For x>8,
+ / 2 { ( 3(pi)) ( 3(pi))}
+ J (x)= / ----x{P (x)cos(x- -----)-Q (x)sin(x- -----)}
+ 1 \/ (pi) { 1 ( 4 ) 1 ( 4 )}
+ --'
+ whereP (x)= > b T (t),
+ 1 -- r r
+ r=0
+ 2
+ 8 --' ( 8)
+ and Q (x)= - > c T (t), with t=2( -) -1.
+ 1 x -- r r ( x)
+ r=0
+ x
+ For x near zero, J (x)~= -. This approximation is used when x is
+ 1 2
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision.
+ For very large x, it becomes impossible to provide results with
+ any reasonable accuracy (see Section 7), hence the routine fails.
+ Such arguments contain insufficient information to determine the
+ / 2
+ phase of oscillation of J (x); only the amplitude, / -------,
+ 1 \/ (pi)|x|
+ can be determined and this is returned on soft failure. The range
+ for which this occurs is roughly related to the machine
+ precision; the routine will fail if |x|>~1/machine precision (see
+ the Users' Note for your implementation for details).
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Clenshaw C W (1962) Mathematical Tables. Chebyshev Series
+ for Mathematical Functions. HMSO.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large. On soft failure the routine returns the
+ / 2
+ amplitude of the J oscillation, / -------.
+ 1 \/ (pi)|x|
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) be the relative error in the argument and E be the
+ absolute error in the result. (Since J (x) oscillates about zero,
+ 1
+ absolute error and not relative error is significant.)
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than machine precision (e.g. if
+ (delta) is due to data errors etc), then E and (delta) are
+ approximately related by:
+ E~=|xJ (x)-J (x)|(delta)
+ 0 1
+ (provided E is also within machine bounds). Figure 1 displays the
+ behaviour of the amplification factor |xJ (x)-J (x)|.
+ 0 1
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However, if (delta) is of the same order as machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make E slightly larger than the above
+ relation predicts.
+ For very large x, the above relation ceases to apply. In this
+ / 2 ( 3(pi))
+ region, J (x)~= / -------cos(x- -----). The amplitude
+ 1 \/ (pi)|x| ( 4 )
+ / 2
+ / ------- can be calculated with reasonable accuracy for all x
+ \/ (pi)|x|
+ ( 3(pi)) 3(pi)
+ but cos(x- -----) cannot. If x- ----- is written as
+ ( 4 ) 4
+ 2N(pi)+(theta) where N is an integer and 0<=(theta)<2(pi), then
+ ( 3(pi)) -1
+ cos(x- -----) is determined by (theta) only. If x>~(delta) ,
+ ( 4 )
+ (theta) cannot be determined with any accuracy at all. Thus if x
+ is greater than, or of the order of, machine precision, it is
+ impossible to calculate the phase of J (x) and the routine must
+ 1
+ fail.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17agf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17agf}
+ S17AGF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17AGF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17AGF
+ S17AGF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17AGF returns a value for the Airy function, Ai(x), via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Airy function,
+ Ai(x). It is based on a number of Chebyshev expansions:
+ For x<-5,
+ a(t)sinz-b(t)cosz
+ Ai(x)= -----------------
+ 1/4
+ (-x)
+ (pi) 2 / 3
+ where z= ----+ -\/ -x , and a(t) and b(t) are expansions in the
+ 4 3
+ 3
+ ( 5)
+ variable t=-2( -) -1.
+ ( x)
+ For -5<=x<=0,
+ Ai(x)=f(t)-xg(t),
+ 3
+ ( x)
+ where f and g are expansions in t=-2( -) -1.
+ ( 5)
+ For 0<x<4.5,
+ -3x/2
+ Ai(x)=e y(t),
+ where y is an expansion in t=4x/9-1.
+ For 4.5<=x<9,
+ -5x/2
+ Ai(x)=e u(t),
+ where u is an expansion in t=4x/9-3.
+ For x>=9,
+ -z
+ e v(t)
+ Ai(x)= -------,
+ 1/4
+ x
+ 2 / 3 ( 18)
+ where z= -\/ x and v is an expansion in t=2( --)-1.
+ 3 ( z )
+ For |x|< the machine precision, the result is set directly to
+ Ai(0). This both saves time and guards against underflow in
+ intermediate calculations.
+ For large negative arguments, it becomes impossible to calculate
+ the phase of the oscillatory function with any precision and so
+ 2/3
+ ( 3 )
+ the routine must fail. This occurs if x<-( ----------) , where
+ ( 2(epsilon))
+ (epsilon) is the machine precision.
+ For large positive arguments, where Ai decays in an essentially
+ exponential manner, there is a danger of underflow so the routine
+ must fail.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large and positive. On soft failure, the routine
+ returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ X is too large and negative. On soft failure, the routine
+ returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ For negative arguments the function is oscillatory and hence
+ absolute error is the appropriate measure. In the positive region
+ the function is essentially exponential-like and here relative
+ error is appropriate. The absolute error, E, and the relative
+ error, (epsilon), are related in principle to the relative error
+ in the argument, (delta), by
+ | xAi'(x)|
+ E~=|xAi'(x)|(delta), (epsilon)~=| -------|(delta).
+ | Ai(x) |
+ In practice, approximate equality is the best that can be
+ expected. When (delta), (epsilon) or E is of the order of the
+ machine precision, the errors in the result will be somewhat
+ larger.
+ For small x, errors are strongly damped by the function and hence
+ will be bounded by the machine precision.
+ For moderate negative x, the error behaviour is oscillatory but
+ the amplitude of the error grows like
+ 5/4
+ ( E ) |x|
+ amplitude ( -------)~ ------.
+ ( (delta))
+ \/(pi)
+ 2 / 3
+ However the phase error will be growing roughly like -\/ |x|
+ 3
+ and hence all accuracy will be lost for large negative arguments
+ due to the impossibility of calculating sin and cos to any
+ 2 / 3 1
+ accuracy if -\/ |x| > -------.
+ 3 (delta)
+ For large positive arguments, the relative error amplification is
+ considerable:
+ (epsilon) / 3
+ ---------~\/ x .
+ (delta)
+ This means a loss of roughly two decimal places accuracy for
+ arguments in the region of 20. However very large arguments are
+ not possible due to the danger of setting underflow and so the
+ errors are limited in practice.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ None.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17ahf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17ahf}
+ S17AHF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17AHF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17AHF
+ S17AHF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17AHF returns a value of the Airy function, Bi(x), via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Airy function
+ Bi(x). It is based on a number of Chebyshev expansions.
+ For x<-5,
+ a(t)cosz+b(t)sinz
+ Bi(x)= -----------------,
+ 1/4
+ (-x)
+ (pi) 2 / 3
+ where z= ----+ -\/ -x and a(t) and b(t) are expansions in the
+ 4 3
+ 3
+ ( 5)
+ variable t=-2( -) -1.
+ ( x)
+ For -5<=x<=0,
+ Bi(x)=\/3(f(t)+xg(t)),
+ 3
+ ( x)
+ where f and g are expansions in t=-2( -) -1.
+ ( 5)
+ For 0<x<4.5,
+ 11x/8
+ Bi(x)=e y(t),
+ where y is an expansion in t=4x/9-1.
+ For 4.5<=x<=9,
+ 5x/2
+ Bi(x)=e v(t),
+ where v is an expansion in t=4x/9-3.
+ For x>=9,
+ z
+ e u(t)
+ Bi(x)= ------,
+ 1/4
+ x
+ 2 / 3 ( 18)
+ where z= -\/ x and u is an expansion in t=2( --)-1.
+ 3 ( z )
+ For |x|< the machine precision, the result is set directly to
+ Bi(0). This both saves time and avoids possible intermediate
+ underflows.
+ For large negative arguments, it becomes impossible to calculate
+ the phase of the oscillating function with any accuracy so the
+ 2/3
+ ( 3 )
+ routine must fail. This occurs if x<-( ----------) , where
+ ( 2(epsilon))
+ (epsilon) is the machine precision.
+ For large positive arguments, there is a danger of causing
+ overflow since Bi grows in an essentially exponential manner, so
+ the routine must fail.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large and positive. On soft failure, the routine
+ returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ X is too large and negative. On soft failure, the routine
+ returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ For negative arguments the function is oscillatory and hence
+ absolute error is the appropriate measure. In the positive region
+ the function is essentially exponential-like and here relative
+ error is appropriate. The absolute error, E, and the relative
+ error, (epsilon), are related in principle to the relative error
+ in the argument, (delta), by
+ | xBi'(x)|
+ E~=|xBi'(x)|(delta), (epsilon)~=| -------|(delta).
+ | Bi(x) |
+ In practice, approximate equality is the best that can be
+ expected. When (delta), (epsilon) or E is of the order of the
+ machine precision, the errors in the result will be somewhat
+ larger.
+ For small x, errors are strongly damped and hence will be bounded
+ essentially by the machine precision.
+ For moderate to large negative x, the error behaviour is clearly
+ oscillatory but the amplitude of the error grows like amplitude
+ 5/4
+ ( E ) |x|
+ ( -------)~ ------.
+ ( (delta))
+ \/(pi)
+ 2 / 3
+ However the phase error will be growing roughly as -\/ |x| and
+ 3
+ hence all accuracy will be lost for large negative arguments.
+ This is due to the impossibility of calculating sin and cos to
+ 2 / 3 1
+ any accuracy if -\/ |x| > -------.
+ 3 (delta)
+ For large positive arguments, the relative error amplification is
+ considerable:
+ (epsilon) / 3
+ ---------~\/ x .
+ (delta)
+ This means a loss of roughly two decimal places accuracy for
+ arguments in the region of 20. However very large arguments are
+ not possible due to the danger of causing overflow and errors are
+ therefore limited in practice.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17ajf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17ajf}
+ S17AJF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17AJF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17AJF
+ S17AJF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17AJF returns a value of the derivative of the Airy function
+ Ai(x), via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the derivative of the
+ Airy function Ai(x). It is based on a number of Chebyshev
+ expansions.
+ For x<-5,
+ 4 [ b(t) ]
+ Ai'(x)=\/-x[a(t)cosz+ ------sinz],
+ [ (zeta) ]
+ (pi) 2 / 3
+ where z= ----+(zeta), (zeta)= -\/ -x and a(t) and b(t) are
+ 4 3
+ 3
+ ( 5)
+ expansions in variable t=-2( -) -1.
+ ( x)
+ For -5<=x<=0,
+ 2
+ Ai'(x)=x f(t)-g(t),
+ 3
+ ( x)
+ where f and g are expansions in t=-2( -) -1.
+ ( 5)
+ For 0<x<4.5,
+ -11x/8
+ Ai'(x)=e y(t),
+ ( x)
+ where y(t) is an expansion in t=4( -)-1.
+ ( 9)
+ For 4.5<=x<9,
+ -5x/2
+ Ai'(x)=e v(t),
+ ( x)
+ where v(t) is an expansion in t=4( -)-3.
+ ( 9)
+ For x>=9,
+ 4 -z
+ Ai'(x)=\/-xe u(t),
+ 2 / 3 ( 18)
+ where z= -\/ x and u(t) is an expansion in t=2( --)-1.
+ 3 ( z )
+ For |x|< the square of the machine precision, the result is set
+ directly to Ai'(0). This both saves time and avoids possible
+ intermediate underflows.
+ For large negative arguments, it becomes impossible to calculate
+ a result for the oscillating function with any accuracy and so
+ 4/7
+ ( )
+ ( \/(pi) )
+ the routine must fail. This occurs for x<-( ---------) , where
+ ( (epsilon))
+ (epsilon) is the machine precision.
+ For large positive arguments, where Ai' decays in an essentially
+ exponential manner, there is a danger of underflow so the routine
+ must fail.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large and positive. On soft failure, the routine
+ returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ X is too large and negative. On soft failure, the routine
+ returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ For negative arguments the function is oscillatory and hence
+ absolute error is the appropriate measure. In the positive region
+ the function is essentially exponential in character and here
+ relative error is needed. The absolute error, E, and the relative
+ error, (epsilon), are related in principle to the relative error
+ in the argument, (delta), by
+ | 2 |
+ 2 | x Ai(x)|
+ E~=|x Ai(x)|(delta) (epsilon)~=| -------|(delta).
+ | Ai'(x) |
+ In practice, approximate equality is the best that can be
+ expected. When (delta), (epsilon) or E is of the order of the
+ machine precision, the errors in the result will be somewhat
+ larger.
+ For small x, positive or negative, errors are strongly attenuated
+ by the function and hence will be roughly bounded by the machine
+ precision.
+ For moderate to large negative x, the error, like the function,
+ is oscillatory; however the amplitude of the error grows like
+ 7/4
+ |x|
+ ------.
+ \/(pi)
+ Therefore it becomes impossible to calculate the function with
+ 7/4 \/(pi)
+ any accuracy if |x| > -------.
+ (delta)
+ For large positive x, the relative error amplification is
+ considerable:
+ (epsilon) / 3
+ ---------~=\/ x .
+ (delta)
+ However, very large arguments are not possible due to the danger
+ of underflow. Thus in practice error amplification is limited.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ None.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17akf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17akf}
+ S17AKF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17AKF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17AKF
+ S17AKF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17AKF returns a value for the derivative of the Airy function
+ Bi(x), via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine calculates an approximate value for the derivative
+ of the Airy function Bi(x). It is based on a number of Chebyshev
+ expansions.
+ For x<-5,
+ 4 [ b(t) ]
+ Bi'(x)=\/-x[-a(t)sinz+ ------cosz],
+ [ (zeta) ]
+ (pi) 2 / 3
+ where z= ----+(zeta),(zeta)= -\/ -x and a(t) and b(t) are
+ 4 3
+ 3
+ ( 5)
+ expansions in the variable t=-2( -) -1.
+ ( x)
+ For -5<=x<=0,
+ 2
+ Bi'(x)=\/3(x f(t)+g(t)),
+ 3
+ ( x)
+ where f and g are expansions in t=-2( -) -1.
+ ( 5)
+ For 0<x<4.5,
+ 3x/2
+ Bi'(x)=e y(t),
+ where y(t) is an expansion in t=4x/9-1.
+ For 4.5<=x<9,
+ 21x/8
+ Bi'(x)=e u(t),
+ where u(t) is an expansion in t=4x/9-3.
+ For x>=9,
+ 4 z
+ Bi'(x)=\/xe v(t),
+ 2 / 3 ( 18)
+ where z= -\/ x and v(t) is an expansion in t=2( --)-1.
+ 3 ( z )
+ For |x|< the square of the machine precision, the result is set
+ directly to Bi'(0). This saves time and avoids possible
+ underflows in calculation.
+ For large negative arguments, it becomes impossible to calculate
+ a result for the oscillating function with any accuracy so the
+ 4/7
+ ( )
+ ( \/(pi) )
+ routine must fail. This occurs for x<-( ---------) , where
+ ( (epsilon))
+ (epsilon) is the machine precision.
+ For large positive arguments, where Bi' grows in an essentially
+ exponential manner, there is a danger of overflow so the routine
+ must fail.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large and positive. On soft failure the routine
+ returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ X is too large and negative. On soft failure the routine
+ returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ For negative arguments the function is oscillatory and hence
+ absolute error is appropriate. In the positive region the
+ function has essentially exponential behaviour and hence relative
+ error is needed. The absolute error, E, and the relative error
+ (epsilon), are related in principle to the relative error in the
+ argument (delta), by
+ | 2 |
+ 2 | x Bi(x)|
+ E~=|x Bi(x)|(delta) (epsilon)~=| -------|(delta).
+ | Bi'(x) |
+ In practice, approximate equality is the best that can be
+ expected. When (delta), (epsilon) or E is of the order of the
+ machine precision, the errors in the result will be somewhat
+ larger.
+ For small x, positive or negative, errors are strongly attenuated
+ by the function and hence will effectively be bounded by the
+ machine precision.
+ For moderate to large negative x, the error is, like the
+ function, oscillatory. However, the amplitude of the absolute
+ 7/4
+ |x|
+ error grows like ------. Therefore it becomes impossible to
+ \/(pi)
+ 7/4 \/(pi)
+ calculate the function with any accuracy if |x| > -------.
+ (delta)
+ For large positive x, the relative error amplification is
+ (epsilon) / 3
+ considerable: ---------~\/ x . However, very large arguments are
+ (delta)
+ not possible due to the danger of overflow. Thus in practice the
+ actual amplification that occurs is limited.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ None.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17dcf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17dcf}
+ S17DCF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17DCF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17DCF
+ S17DCF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17DCF returns a sequence of values for the Bessel functions
+ Y (z) for complex z, non-negative (nu) and n=0,1,...,N-1,
+ (nu)+n
+ with an option for exponential scaling.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This subroutine evaluates a sequence of values for the Bessel
+ function Y (z), where z is complex, -(pi) < arg z <= (pi), and
+ (nu)
+ (nu) is the real, non-negative order. The N-member sequence is
+ generated for orders (nu), (nu)+1,...,(nu)+N-1. Optionally, the
+ -|Im z|
+ sequence is scaled by the factor e .
+ Note: although the routine may not be called with (nu) less than
+ zero, for negative orders the formula
+ Y (z)=Y (z)cos((pi)(nu))+J (z)sin((pi)(nu)) may be used
+ -(nu) (nu) (nu)
+ (for the Bessel function J (z), see S17DEF).
+ (nu)
+ The routine is derived from the routine CBESY in Amos [2]. It is
+ (1) (2)
+ H (z)-H (z)
+ (nu) (nu) (1)
+ based on the relation Y (z)= -----------------, where H (z)
+ (nu) 2i (nu)
+ (2)
+ and H (z) are the Hankel functions of the first and second
+ (nu)
+ kinds respectively (see S17DLF).
+ When N is greater than 1, extra values of Y (z) are computed
+ (nu)
+ using recurrence relations.
+ For very large |z| or ((nu)+N-1), argument reduction will cause
+ total loss of accuracy, and so no computation is performed. For
+ slightly smaller |z| or ((nu)+N-1), the computation is performed
+ but results are accurate to less than half of machine precision.
+ If |z| is very small, near the machine underflow threshold, or
+ ((nu)+N-1) is too large, there is a risk of overflow and so no
+ computation is performed. In all the above cases, a warning is
+ given by the routine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Amos D E (1986) Algorithm 644: A Portable Package for Bessel
+ Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order. ACM
+ Trans. Math. Softw. 12 265--273.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the order, (nu), of the first member of the
+ sequence of functions. Constraint: FNU >= 0.0.
+ 2: Z -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Input
+ On entry: the argument, z, of the functions. Constraint: Z
+ /= (0.0, 0.0).
+ 3: N -- INTEGER Input
+ On entry: the number, N, of members required in the sequence
+ Y (z), Y (z),...,Y (z). Constraint: N >= 1.
+ (nu) (nu)+1 (nu)+N-1
+ 4: SCALE -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: the scaling option.
+ If SCALE = 'U', the results are returned unscaled.
+ If SCALE = 'S', the results are returned scaled by the
+ -|Imz|
+ factor e . Constraint: SCALE = 'U' or 'S'.
+ 5: CY(N) -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D)) array Output
+ On exit: the N required function values: CY(i) contains
+ Y (z), for i=1,2,...,N.
+ (nu)+i-1
+ 6: NZ -- INTEGER Output
+ On exit: the number of components of CY that are set to zero
+ due to underflow. The positions of such components in the
+ array CY are arbitrary.
+ 7: CWRK(N) -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D)) array Workspace
+ 8: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry FNU < 0.0,
+ or Z = (0.0, 0.0),
+ or N < 1,
+ or SCALE /= 'U' or 'S'.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because ABS(Z) is less than a machine-dependent
+ threshold value (given in the Users' Note for your
+ implementation).
+ IFAIL= 3
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because FNU + N - 1 is too large - how large
+ depends on Z as well as the overflow threshold of the
+ machine.
+ IFAIL= 4
+ The computation has been performed, but the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions make it likely
+ that the results returned by S17DCF are accurate to less
+ than half of machine precision. This error exit may occur if
+ either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is greater than a machine-
+ dependent threshold value (given in the Users' Note for
+ your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 5
+ No computation has been performed because the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions mean that all
+ precision in results returned by S17DCF would be lost. This
+ error exit may occur if either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is
+ greater than a machine-dependent threshold value (given in
+ the Users' Note for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 6
+ No results are returned because the algorithm termination
+ condition has not been met. This may occur because the
+ parameters supplied to S17DCF would have caused overflow or
+ underflow.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ All constants in subroutine S17DCF are given to approximately 18
+ digits of precision. Calling the number of digits of precision in
+ the floating-point arithmetic being used t, then clearly the
+ maximum number of correct digits in the results obtained is
+ limited by p=min(t,18). Because of errors in argument reduction
+ when computing elementary functions inside S17DCF, the actual
+ number of correct digits is limited, in general, by p-s, where
+ s~max(1,|log |z||,|log (nu)|) represents the number of digits
+ 10 10
+ lost due to the argument reduction. Thus the larger the values of
+ |z| and (nu), the less the precision in the result. If S17DCF is
+ called with N>1, then computation of function values via
+ recurrence may lead to some further small loss of accuracy.
+ If function values which should nominally be identical are
+ computed by calls to S17DCF with different base values of (nu)
+ and different N, the computed values may not agree exactly.
+ Empirical tests with modest values of (nu) and z have shown that
+ the discrepancy is limited to the least significant 3-4 digits of
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ The time taken by the routine for a call of S17DCF is
+ approximately proportional to the value of N, plus a constant. In
+ general it is much cheaper to call S17DCF with N greater than 1,
+ rather than to make N separate calls to S17DCF.
+ Paradoxically, for some values of z and (nu), it is cheaper to
+ call S17DCF with a larger value of N than is required, and then
+ discard the extra function values returned. However, it is not
+ possible to state the precise circumstances in which this is
+ likely to occur. It is due to the fact that the base value used
+ to start recurrence may be calculated in different regions for
+ different N, and the costs in each region may differ greatly.
+ Note that if the function required is Y (x) or Y (x), i.e., (nu)
+ 0 1
+ = 0.0 or 1.0, where x is real and positive, and only a single
+ unscaled function value is required, then it may be much cheaper
+ to call S17ACF or S17ADF respectively.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program prints a caption and then proceeds to read
+ sets of data from the input data stream. The first datum is a
+ value for the order FNU, the second is a complex value for the
+ argument, Z, and the third is a value for the parameter SCALE.
+ The program calls the routine with N = 2 to evaluate the function
+ for orders FNU and FNU + 1, and it prints the results. The
+ process is repeated until the end of the input data stream is
+ encountered.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17def}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17def}
+ S17DEF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17DEF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17DEF
+ S17DEF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17DEF returns a sequence of values for the Bessel functions
+ J (z) for complex z, non-negative (nu) and n=0,1,...,N-1,
+ (nu)+n
+ with an option for exponential scaling.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This subroutine evaluates a sequence of values for the Bessel
+ function J (z), where z is complex, -(pi) < arg z <= (pi), and
+ (nu)
+ (nu) is the real, non-negative order. The N-member sequence is
+ generated for orders (nu), (nu)+1,...,(nu)+N-1. Optionally, the
+ -|Im z|
+ sequence is scaled by the factor e .
+ Note: although the routine may not be called with (nu) less than
+ zero, for negative orders the formula
+ J (z)=J (z)cos((pi)(nu))-Y (z)sin((pi)(nu)) may be used
+ -(nu) (nu) (nu)
+ (for the Bessel function Y (z), see S17DCF).
+ (nu)
+ The routine is derived from the routine CBESJ in Amos [2]. It is
+ (nu)(pi)i/2
+ based on the relations J (z)=e I (-iz), Im z>=0.0
+ (nu) (nu)
+ -(nu)(pi)i/2
+ and J (z)=e I (iz), Im z<0.0.
+ (nu) (nu)
+ The Bessel function I (z) is computed using a variety of
+ (nu)
+ techniques depending on the region under consideration.
+ When N is greater than 1, extra values of J (z) are computed
+ (nu)
+ using recurrence relations.
+ For very large |z| or ((nu)+N-1), argument reduction will cause
+ total loss of accuracy, and so no computation is performed. For
+ slightly smaller |z| or ((nu)+N-1), the computation is performed
+ but results are accurate to less than half of machine precision.
+ If Im z is large, there is a risk of overflow and so no
+ computation is performed. In all the above cases, a warning is
+ given by the routine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Amos D E (1986) Algorithm 644: A Portable Package for Bessel
+ Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order. ACM
+ Trans. Math. Softw. 12 265--273.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the order, (nu), of the first member of the
+ sequence of functions. Constraint: FNU >= 0.0.
+ 2: Z -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Input
+ On entry: the argument z of the functions.
+ 3: N -- INTEGER Input
+ On entry: the number, N, of members required in the sequence
+ J (z),J (z),...,J (z). Constraint: N >= 1.
+ (nu) (nu)+1 (nu)+N-1
+ 4: SCALE -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: the scaling option.
+ If SCALE = 'U', the results are returned unscaled.
+ If SCALE = 'S', the results are returned scaled by the
+ -|Imz|
+ factor e .
+ Constraint: SCALE = 'U' or 'S'.
+ 5: CY(N) -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D)) array Output
+ On exit: the N required function values: CY(i) contains
+ J (z), for i=1,2,...,N.
+ (nu)+i-1
+ 6: NZ -- INTEGER Output
+ On exit: the number of components of CY that are set to zero
+ due to underflow. If NZ > 0, then elements CY(N-NZ+1), CY(N-
+ NZ+2),...,CY(N) are set to zero.
+ 7: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry FNU < 0.0,
+ or N < 1,
+ or SCALE /= 'U' or 'S'.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because Im Z is larger than a machine-dependent
+ threshold value (given in the Users' Note for your
+ implementation). This error exit can only occur when SCALE =
+ 'U'.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ The computation has been performed, but the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions make it likely
+ that the results returned by S17DEF are accurate to less
+ than half of machine precision. This error exit may occur if
+ either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is greater than a machine-
+ dependent threshold value (given in the Users' Note for
+ your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 4
+ No computation has been performed because the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions mean that all
+ precision in results returned by S17DEF would be lost. This
+ error exit may occur when either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is
+ greater than a machine-dependent threshold value (given in
+ the Users' Note for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 5
+ No results are returned because the algorithm termination
+ condition has not been met. This may occur because the
+ parameters supplied to S17DEF would have caused overflow or
+ underflow.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ All constants in subroutine S17DEF are given to approximately 18
+ digits of precision. Calling the number of digits of precision in
+ the floating-point arithmetic being used t, then clearly the
+ maximum number of correct digits in the results obtained is
+ limited by p=min(t,18). Because of errors in argument reduction
+ when computing elementary functions inside S17DEF, the actual
+ number of correct digits is limited, in general, by p-s, where
+ s~max(1,|log |(|z|),|log (nu)|) represents the number of digits
+ 10 10
+ lost due to the argument reduction. Thus the larger the values of
+ |z| and (nu), the less the precision in the result. If S17DEF is
+ called with N>1, then computation of function values via
+ recurrence may lead to some further small loss of accuracy.
+ If function values which should nominally be identical are
+ computed by calls to S17DEF with different base values of (nu)
+ and different N, the computed values may not agree exactly.
+ Empirical tests with modest values of (nu) and z have shown that
+ the discrepancy is limited to the least significant 3-4 digits of
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ The time taken by the routine for a call of S17DEF is
+ approximately proportional to the value of N, plus a constant. In
+ general it is much cheaper to call S17DEF with N greater than 1,
+ rather than to make N separate calls to S17DEF.
+ Paradoxically, for some values of z and (nu), it is cheaper to
+ call S17DEF with a larger value of N than is required, and then
+ discard the extra function values returned. However, it is not
+ possible to state the precise circumstances in which this is
+ likely to occur. It is due to the fact that the base value used
+ to start recurrence may be calculated in different regions for
+ different N, and the costs in each region may differ greatly.
+ Note that if the function required is J (x) or J (x), i.e., (nu)
+ 0 1
+ = 0.0 or 1.0, where x is real and positive, and only a single
+ unscaled function value is required, then it may be much cheaper
+ to call S17AEF or S17AFF respectively.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program prints a caption and then proceeds to read
+ sets of data from the input data stream. The first datum is a
+ value for the order FNU, the second is a complex value for the
+ argument, Z, and the third is a value for the parameter SCALE.
+ The program calls the routine with N = 2 to evaluate the function
+ for orders FNU and FNU + 1, and it prints the results. The
+ process is repeated until the end of the input data stream is
+ encountered.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17dgf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17dgf}
+ S17DGF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17DGF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17DGF
+ S17DGF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17DGF returns the value of the Airy function Ai(z) or its
+ derivative Ai'(z) for complex z, with an option for exponential
+ scaling.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This subroutine returns a value for the Airy function Ai(z) or
+ its derivative Ai'(z), where z is complex, -(pi) < arg z <= (pi).
+ 2z\/z/3
+ Optionally, the value is scaled by the factor e .
+ The routine is derived from the routine CAIRY in Amos [2]. It is
+ \/zK (w) -zK (w)
+ 1/3 2/3
+ based on the relations Ai(z)= ----------, and Ai'(z)= ---------,
+ (pi)\/3 (pi)/3
+ where K is the modified Bessel function and w=2z\/z/3.
+ (nu)
+ For very large |z|, argument reduction will cause total loss of
+ accuracy, and so no computation is performed. For slightly
+ smaller |z|, the computation is performed but results are
+ accurate to less than half of machine precision. If Re w is too
+ large, and the unscaled function is required, there is a risk of
+ overflow and so no computation is performed. In all the above
+ cases, a warning is given by the routine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Amos D E (1986) Algorithm 644: A Portable Package for Bessel
+ Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order. ACM
+ Trans. Math. Softw. 12 265--273.
+ 5. Parameters
+ 1: DERIV -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: specifies whether the function or its derivative
+ is required.
+ If DERIV = 'F', Ai(z) is returned.
+ If DERIV = 'D', Ai'(z) is returned.
+ Constraint: DERIV = 'F' or 'D'.
+ 2: Z -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Input
+ On entry: the argument z of the function.
+ 3: SCALE -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: the scaling option.
+ If SCALE = 'U', the result is returned unscaled.
+ If SCALE = 'S', the result is returned scaled by the factor
+ 2z\/z/3
+ e . Constraint: SCALE = 'U' or 'S'.
+ 4: AI -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Output
+ On exit: the required function or derivative value.
+ 5: NZ -- INTEGER Output
+ On exit: NZ indicates whether or not AI is set to zero due
+ to underflow. This can only occur when SCALE = 'U'.
+ If NZ = 0, AI is not set to zero.
+ If NZ = 1, AI is set to zero.
+ 6: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry DERIV /= 'F' or 'D'.
+ or SCALE /= 'U' or 'S'.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because Re w is too large, where w=2Z\/Z/3 -- how
+ large depends on Z and the overflow threshold of the
+ machine. This error exit can only occur when SCALE = 'U'.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ The computation has been performed, but the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions make it likely
+ that the result returned by S17DGF is accurate to less than
+ half of machine precision. This error exit may occur if ABS
+ (Z) is greater than a machine-dependent threshold value
+ (given in the Users' Note for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 4
+ No computation has been performed because the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions mean that all
+ precision in the result returned by S17DGF would be lost.
+ This error exit may occur if ABS(Z) is greater than a
+ machine-dependent threshold value (given in the Users' Note
+ for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 5
+ No result is returned because the algorithm termination
+ condition has not been met. This may occur because the
+ parameters supplied to S17DGF would have caused overflow or
+ underflow.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ All constants in subroutine S17DGF are given to approximately 18
+ digits of precision. Calling the number of digits of precision in
+ the floating-point arithmetic being used t, then clearly the
+ maximum number of correct digits in the results obtained is
+ limited by p=min(t,18). Because of errors in argument reduction
+ when computing elementary functions inside S17DGF, the actual
+ number of correct digits is limited, in general, by p-s, where
+ s~max(1,|log |z||) represents the number of digits lost due to
+ 10
+ the argument reduction. Thus the larger the value of |z|, the
+ less the precision in the result.
+ Empirical tests with modest values of z, checking relations
+ between Airy functions Ai(z), Ai'(z), Bi(z) and Bi'(z), have
+ shown errors limited to the least significant 3-4 digits of
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ Note that if the function is required to operate on a real
+ argument only, then it may be much cheaper to call S17AGF or
+ S17AJF.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program prints a caption and then proceeds to read
+ sets of data from the input data stream. The first datum is a
+ value for the parameter DERIV, the second is a complex value for
+ the argument, Z, and the third is a value for the parameter
+ SCALE. The program calls the routine and prints the results. The
+ process is repeated until the end of the input data stream is
+ encountered.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17dhf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17dhf}
+ S17DHF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17DHF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17DHF
+ S17DHF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17DHF returns the value of the Airy function Bi(z) or its
+ derivative Bi'(z) for complex z, with an option for exponential
+ scaling.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This subroutine returns a value for the Airy function Bi(z) or
+ its derivative Bi'(z), where z is complex, -(pi) < argz <= (pi).
+ |Re (2z\/z/3)|
+ Optionally, the value is scaled by the factor e .
+ The routine is derived from the routine CBIRY in Amos [2]. It is
+ \/z
+ based on the relations Bi(z)= ---(I (w)+I (w)), and
+ -1/3 1/3
+ \/3
+ z
+ Bi'(z)= ---(I (w)+I (w)), where I is the modified Bessel
+ -2/3 2/3 (nu)
+ \/3
+ function and w=2z\/z/3.
+ For very large |z|, argument reduction will cause total loss of
+ accuracy, and so no computation is performed. For slightly
+ smaller |z|, the computation is performed but results are
+ accurate to less than half of machine precision. If Re z is too
+ large, and the unscaled function is required, there is a risk of
+ overflow and so no computation is performed. In all the above
+ cases, a warning is given by the routine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Hammersley J M and Handscomb D C (1967) Monte-Carlo Methods.
+ Methuen.
+ 5. Parameters
+ 1: DERIV -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: specifies whether the function or its derivative
+ is required.
+ If DERIV = 'F', Bi(z) is returned.
+ If DERIV = 'D', Bi'(z) is returned.
+ Constraint: DERIV = 'F' or 'D'.
+ 2: Z -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Input
+ On entry: the argument z of the function.
+ 3: SCALE -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: the scaling option.
+ If SCALE = 'U', the result is returned unscaled.
+ If SCALE = 'S', the result is returned scaled by the
+ |Re(2z\/z/3)|
+ factor e .
+ Constraint: SCALE = 'U' or 'S'.
+ 4: BI -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Output
+ On exit: the required function or derivative value.
+ 5: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry DERIV /= 'F' or 'D'.
+ or SCALE /= 'U' or 'S'.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because real(Z) is too large - how large depends
+ on the overflow threshold of the machine. This error exit
+ can only occur when SCALE = 'U'.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ The computation has been performed, but the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions make it likely
+ that the result returned by S17DHF is accurate to less than
+ half of machine precision. This error exit may occur if ABS
+ (Z) is greater than a machine-dependent threshold value
+ (given in the Users' Note for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 4
+ No computation has been performed because the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions mean that all
+ precision in the result returned by S17DHF would be lost.
+ This error exit may occur if ABS(Z) is greater than a
+ machine-dependent threshold value (given in the Users' Note
+ for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 5
+ No result is returned because the algorithm termination
+ condition has not been met. This may occur because the
+ parameters supplied to S17DHF would have caused overflow or
+ underflow.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ All constants in subroutine S17DHF are given to approximately 18
+ digits of precision. Calling the number of digits of precision in
+ the floating-point arithmetic being used t, then clearly the
+ maximum number of correct digits in the results obtained is
+ limited by p=min(t,18). Because of errors in argument reduction
+ when computing elementary functions inside S17DHF, the actual
+ number of correct digits is limited, in general, by p-s, where
+ s~max(1,|log |z||) represents the number of digits lost due to
+ 10
+ the argument reduction. Thus the larger the value of |z|, the
+ less the precision in the result.
+ Empirical tests with modest values of z, checking relations
+ between Airy functions Ai(z), Ai'(z), Bi(z) and Bi'(z), have
+ shown errors limited to the least significant 3-4 digits of
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ Note that if the function is required to operate on a real
+ argument only, then it may be much cheaper to call S17AHF or
+ S17AKF.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program prints a caption and then proceeds to read
+ sets of data from the input data stream. The first datum is a
+ value for the parameter DERIV, the second is a complex value for
+ the argument, Z, and the third is a value for the parameter
+ SCALE. The program calls the routine and prints the results. The
+ process is repeated until the end of the input data stream is
+ encountered.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs17dlf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s17dlf}
+ S17DLF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S17DLF(3NAG)
+ S17 -- Approximations of Special Functions S17DLF
+ S17DLF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S17DLF returns a sequence of values for the Hankel functions
+ (1) (2)
+ H (z) or H (z) for complex z, non-negative (nu) and
+ (nu)+n (nu)+n
+ n=0,1,...,N-1, with an option for exponential scaling.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This subroutine evaluates a sequence of values for the Hankel
+ (1) (2)
+ function H (z) or H (z), where z is complex, -(pi) < argz
+ (nu) (nu)
+ <= (pi), and (nu) is the real, non-negative order. The N-member
+ sequence is generated for orders (nu), (nu)+1,...,(nu)+N-1.
+ -iz
+ Optionally, the sequence is scaled by the factor e if the
+ (1) iz
+ function is H (z) or by the factor e if the function is
+ (nu)
+ (2)
+ H (z).
+ (nu)
+ Note: although the routine may not be called with (nu) less than
+ zero, for negative orders the formulae
+ (1) (nu)(pi)i (1) (2) -(nu)(pi)i (2)
+ H (z)=e H (z), and H (z)=e H (z)
+ -(nu) (nu) -(nu) (nu)
+ may be used.
+ The routine is derived from the routine CBESH in Amos [2]. It is
+ based on the relation
+ (m) 1 -p(nu) -p
+ H (z)= -e K (ze ),
+ (nu) p (nu)
+ (pi) (pi)
+ where p=i ---- if m=1 and p=-i ---- if m=2, and the Bessel
+ 2 2
+ function K (z) is computed in the right half-plane only.
+ (nu)
+ Continuation of K (z) to the left half-plane is computed in
+ (nu)
+ terms of the Bessel function I (z). These functions are
+ (nu)
+ evaluated using a variety of different techniques, depending on
+ the region under consideration.
+ (m)
+ When N is greater than 1, extra values of H (z) are computed
+ (nu)
+ using recurrence relations.
+ For very large |z| or ((nu)+N-1), argument reduction will cause
+ total loss of accuracy, and so no computation is performed. For
+ slightly smaller |z| or ((nu)+N-1), the computation is performed
+ but results are accurate to less than half of machine precision.
+ If |z| is very small, near the machine underflow threshold, or
+ ((nu)+N-1) is too large, there is a risk of overflow and so no
+ computation is performed. In all the above cases, a warning is
+ given by the routine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Amos D E (1986) Algorithm 644: A Portable Package for Bessel
+ Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order. ACM
+ Trans. Math. Softw. 12 265--273.
+ 5. Parameters
+ 1: M -- INTEGER Input
+ On entry: the kind of functions required.
+ (1)
+ If M = 1, the functions are H (z).
+ (nu)
+ (2)
+ If M = 2, the functions are H (z).
+ (nu)
+ Constraint: M = 1 or 2.
+ On entry: the order, (nu), of the first member of the
+ sequence of functions. Constraint: FNU >= 0.0.
+ 3: Z -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Input
+ On entry: the argument z of the functions. Constraint: Z /=
+ (0.0, 0.0).
+ 4: N -- INTEGER Input
+ On entry: the number, N, of members required in the sequence
+ (M) (M) (M)
+ H , H ,..., H . Constraint: N >= 1.
+ (nu) (nu)+1 (nu)+N-1
+ 5: SCALE -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: the scaling option.
+ If SCALE = 'U', the results are returned unscaled.
+ If SCALE = 'S', the results are returned scaled by the
+ -iz iz
+ factor e when M = 1, or by the factor e when M =
+ 2.
+ Constraint: SCALE = 'U' or 'S'.
+ 6: CY(N) -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D)) array Output
+ On exit: the N required function values: CY(i) contains
+ (M)
+ H , for i=1,2,...,N.
+ (nu)+i-1
+ 7: NZ -- INTEGER Output
+ On exit: the number of components of CY that are set to zero
+ due to underflow. If NZ > 0, then if Imz>0.0 and M = 1, or
+ Imz<0.0 and M = 2, elements CY(1), CY(2),...,CY(NZ) are set
+ to zero. In the complementary half-planes, NZ simply states
+ the number of underflows, and not which elements they are.
+ 8: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry M /= 1 and M /= 2,
+ or FNU < 0.0,
+ or Z = (0.0, 0.0),
+ or N < 1,
+ or SCALE /= 'U' or 'S'.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because ABS(Z) is less than a machine-dependent
+ threshold value (given in the Users' Note for your
+ implementation).
+ IFAIL= 3
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because FNU + N - 1 is too large - how large
+ depends on Z and the overflow threshold of the machine.
+ IFAIL= 4
+ The computation has been performed, but the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions make it likely
+ that the results returned by S17DLF are accurate to less
+ than half of machine precision. This error exit may occur if
+ either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is greater than a machine-
+ dependent threshold value (given in the Users' Note for
+ your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 5
+ No computation has been performed because the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions mean that all
+ precision in results returned by S17DLF would be lost. This
+ error exit may occur when either of ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is
+ greater than a machine-dependent threshold value (given in
+ the Users' Note for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 6
+ No results are returned because the algorithm termination
+ condition has not been met. This may occur because the
+ parameters supplied to S17DLF would have caused overflow or
+ underflow.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ All constants in subroutine S17DLF are given to approximately 18
+ digits of precision. Calling the number of digits of precision in
+ the floating-point arithmetic being used t, then clearly the
+ maximum number of correct digits in the results obtained is
+ limited by p=min(t,18). Because of errors in argument reduction
+ when computing elementary functions inside S17DLF, the actual
+ number of correct digits is limited, in general, by p-s, where
+ s~max(1,|log |z||,|log (nu)|) represents the number of digits
+ 10 10
+ lost due to the argument reduction. Thus the larger the values of
+ |z| and (nu), the less the precision in the result. If S17DLF is
+ called with N>1, then computation of function values via
+ recurrence may lead to some further small loss of accuracy.
+ If function values which should nominally be identical are
+ computed by calls to S17DLF with different base values of (nu)
+ and different N, the computed values may not agree exactly.
+ Empirical tests with modest values of (nu) and z have shown that
+ the discrepancy is limited to the least significant 3-4 digits of
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ The time taken by the routine for a call of S17DLF is
+ approximately proportional to the value of N, plus a constant. In
+ general it is much cheaper to call S17DLF with N greater than 1,
+ rather than to make N separate calls to S17DLF.
+ Paradoxically, for some values of z and (nu), it is cheaper to
+ call S17DLF with a larger value of N than is required, and then
+ discard the extra function values returned. However, it is not
+ possible to state the precise circumstances in which this is
+ likely to occur. It is due to the fact that the base value used
+ to start recurrence may be calculated in different regions for
+ different N, and the costs in each region may differ greatly.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program prints a caption and then proceeds to read
+ sets of data from the input data stream. The first datum is a
+ value for the kind of function, M, the second is a value for the
+ order FNU, the third is a complex value for the argument, Z, and
+ the fourth is a value for the parameter SCALE. The program calls
+ the routine with N = 2 to evaluate the function for orders FNU
+ and FNU + 1, and it prints the results. The process is repeated
+ until the end of the input data stream is encountered.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs18acf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s18acf}
+ S18ACF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S18ACF(3NAG)
+ S18 -- Approximations of Special Functions S18ACF
+ S18ACF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S18ACF returns the value of the modified Bessel Function K (x),
+ 0
+ via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the modified Bessel
+ Function of the second kind K (x).
+ 0
+ Note: K (x) is undefined for x<=0 and the routine will fail for
+ 0
+ such arguments.
+ The routine is based on five Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=1,
+ --' --' 2
+ K (x)=-lnx > a T (t)+ > b T (t) , where t=2x -1;
+ 0 -- r r -- r r
+ r=0 r=0
+ For 1<x<=2,
+ -x --'
+ K (x)=e > c T (t) , where t=2x-3;
+ 0 -- r r
+ r=0
+ For 2<x<=4,
+ -x --'
+ K (x)=e > d T (t) , where t=x-3;
+ 0 -- r r
+ r=0
+ For x>4,
+ -x
+ e --' 9-x
+ K (x)= --- > e T (t) , where t= ---.
+ 0 -- r r 1+x
+ \/x r=0
+ ( x)
+ For x near zero, K (x)~=-(gamma)-ln( -), where (gamma) denotes
+ 0 ( 2)
+ Euler's constant. This approximation is used when x is
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision.
+ For large x, where there is a danger of underflow due to the
+ smallness of K , the result is set exactly to zero.
+ 0
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X > 0.
+ 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X <= 0.0, K is undefined. On soft failure the routine
+ 0
+ returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) and (epsilon) be the relative errors in the argument
+ and result respectively.
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision (i.e.,
+ if (delta) is due to data errors etc), then (epsilon) and (delta)
+ are approximately related by:
+ | xK (x)|
+ | 1 |
+ (epsilon)~=| ------|(delta).
+ | K (x) |
+ | 0 |
+ Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the error amplification factor
+ | xK (x)|
+ | 1 |
+ | ------|.
+ | K (x) |
+ | 0 |
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However, if (delta) is of the same order as machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make (epsilon) slightly larger than
+ the above relation predicts.
+ | 1 |
+ For small x, the amplification factor is approximately | ---|,
+ | lnx|
+ which implies strong attenuation of the error, but in general
+ (epsilon) can never be less than the machine precision.
+ For large x, (epsilon)~=x(delta) and we have strong amplification
+ of the relative error. Eventually K , which is asymptotically
+ 0
+ -x
+ e
+ given by ---, becomes so small that it cannot be calculated
+ \/x
+ without underflow and hence the routine will return zero. Note
+ that for large x the errors will be dominated by those of the
+ Fortran intrinsic function EXP.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the appropriate
+ the Users' Note for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs18adf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s18adf}
+ S18ADF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S18ADF(3NAG)
+ S18 -- Approximations of Special Functions S18ADF
+ S18ADF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S18ADF returns the value of the modified Bessel Function K (x),
+ 1
+ via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the modified Bessel
+ Function of the second kind K (x).
+ 1
+ Note: K (x) is undefined for x<=0 and the routine will fail for
+ 1
+ such arguments.
+ The routine is based on five Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=1,
+ 1 --' --' 2
+ K (x)= -+xlnx > a T (t)-x > b T (t) , where t=2x -1;
+ 1 x -- r r -- r r
+ r=0 r=0
+ For 1<x<=2,
+ -x --'
+ K (x)=e > c T (t) , where t=2x-3;
+ 1 -- r r
+ r=0
+ For 2<x<=4,
+ -x --'
+ K (x)=e > d T (t) , where t=x-3;
+ 1 -- r r
+ r=0
+ For x>4,
+ -x
+ e --' 9-x
+ K (x)= --- > e T (t) , where t= ---.
+ 1 -- r r 1+x
+ \/x r=0
+ 1
+ For x near zero, K (x)~= -. This approximation is used when x is
+ 1 x
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision. For very small x on some machines, it is impossible to
+ 1
+ calculate - without overflow and the routine must fail.
+ x
+ For large x, where there is a danger of underflow due to the
+ smallness of K , the result is set exactly to zero.
+ 1
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X > 0.
+ 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X <= 0.0, K is undefined. On soft failure the routine
+ 1
+ returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ X is too small, there is a danger of overflow. On soft
+ failure the routine returns approximately the largest
+ representable value.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) and (epsilon) be the relative errors in the argument
+ and result respectively.
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision (i.e.,
+ if (delta) is due to data errors etc), then (epsilon) and (delta)
+ are approximately related by:
+ | xK (x)-K (x)|
+ | 0 1 |
+ (epsilon)~=| ------------|(delta).
+ | K (x) |
+ | 1 |
+ Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the error amplification factor
+ | xK (x)-K (x)|
+ | 0 1 |
+ | ------------|.
+ | K (x) |
+ | 1 |
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However if (delta) is of the same order as the machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make (epsilon) slightly larger than
+ the above relation predicts.
+ For small x, (epsilon)~=(delta) and there is no amplification of
+ errors.
+ For large x, (epsilon)~=x(delta) and we have strong amplification
+ of the relative error. Eventually K , which is asymptotically
+ 1
+ -x
+ e
+ given by ---, becomes so small that it cannot be calculated
+ \/x
+ without underflow and hence the routine will return zero. Note
+ that for large x the errors will be dominated by those of the
+ Fortran intrinsic function EXP.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs18aef}{NAG On-line Documentation: s18aef}
+ S18AEF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S18AEF(3NAG)
+ S18 -- Approximations of Special Functions S18AEF
+ S18AEF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S18AEF returns the value of the modified Bessel Function I (x),
+ 0
+ via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the modified Bessel
+ Function of the first kind I (x).
+ 0
+ Note: I (-x)=I (x), so the approximation need only consider x>=0.
+ 0 0
+ The routine is based on three Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=4,
+ x --' ( x)
+ I (x)=e > a T (t) , where t=2( -)-1;
+ 0 -- r r ( 4)
+ r=0
+ For 4<x<=12,
+ x --' x-8
+ I (x)=e > b T (t) , where t= ---;
+ 0 -- r r 4
+ r=0
+ For x>12,
+ x
+ e --' ( 12)
+ I (x)= --- > c T (t) , where t=2( --)-1.
+ 0 -- r r ( x )
+ \/x r=0
+ For small x, I (x)~=1. This approximation is used when x is
+ 0
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision.
+ For large x, the routine must fail because of the danger of
+ x
+ overflow in calculating e .
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large. On soft failure the routine returns the
+ approximate value of I (x) at the nearest valid argument.
+ 0
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) and (epsilon) be the relative errors in the argument
+ and result respectively.
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision (i.e.,
+ if (delta) is due to data errors etc), then (epsilon) and (delta)
+ are approximately related by:
+ | xI (x)|
+ | 1 |
+ (epsilon)~=| ------|(delta).
+ | I (x) |
+ | 0 |
+ Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the error amplification factor
+ | xI (x)|
+ | 1 |
+ | ------|.
+ | I (x) |
+ | 0 |
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However if (delta) is of the same order as machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make (epsilon) slightly larger than
+ the above relation predicts.
+ 2
+ x
+ For small x the amplification factor is approximately --, which
+ 2
+ implies strong attenuation of the error, but in general (epsilon)
+ can never be less than the machine precision.
+ For large x, (epsilon)~=x(delta) and we have strong amplification
+ of errors. However the routine must fail for quite moderate
+ values of x, because I (x) would overflow; hence in practice the
+ 0
+ loss of accuracy for large x is not excessive. Note that for
+ large x the errors will be dominated by those of the Fortran
+ intrinsic function EXP.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs18aff}{NAG On-line Documentation: s18aff}
+ S18AFF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S18AFF(3NAG)
+ S18 -- Approximations of Special Functions S18AFF
+ S18AFF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S18AFF returns a value for the modified Bessel Function I (x),
+ 1
+ via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the modified Bessel
+ Function of the first kind I (x).
+ 1
+ Note: I (-x)=-I (x), so the approximation need only consider x>=0
+ 1 1
+ The routine is based on three Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=4,
+ --' ( x)2
+ I (x)=x > a T (t) , where t=2( -) -1;
+ 1 -- r r ( 4)
+ r=0
+ For 4<x<=12,
+ x --' x-8
+ I (x)=e > b T (t) , where t= ---;
+ 1 -- r r 4
+ r=0
+ For x>12,
+ x
+ e --' ( 12)
+ I (x)= --- > c T (t) , where t=2( --)-1.
+ 1 -- r r ( x )
+ \/x r=0
+ For small x, I (x)~=x. This approximation is used when x is
+ 1
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision.
+ For large x, the routine must fail because I (x) cannot be
+ 1
+ represented without overflow.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ X is too large. On soft failure the routine returns the
+ approximate value of I (x) at the nearest valid argument.
+ 1
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) and (epsilon) be the relative errors in the argument
+ and result respectively.
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision (i.e.,
+ if (delta) is due to data errors etc), then (epsilon) and (delta)
+ are approximately related by:
+ | xI (x)-I (x)|
+ | 0 1 |
+ (epsilon)~=| ------------|(delta).
+ | I (x) |
+ | 1 |
+ Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the error amplification factor
+ | xI (x)-I (x)|
+ | 0 1 |
+ | ------------|,
+ | I (x) |
+ | 1 |
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However if (delta) is of the same order as machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make (epsilon) slightly larger than
+ the above relation predicts.
+ For small x, (epsilon)~=(delta) and there is no amplification of
+ errors.
+ For large x, (epsilon)~=x(delta) and we have strong amplification
+ of errors. However the routine must fail for quite moderate
+ values of x because I (x) would overflow; hence in practice the
+ 1
+ loss of accuracy for large x is not excessive. Note that for
+ large x, the errors will be dominated by those of the Fortran
+ intrinsic function EXP.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs18dcf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s18dcf}
+ S18DCF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S18DCF(3NAG)
+ S18 -- Approximations of Special Functions S18DCF
+ S18DCF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S18DCF returns a sequence of values for the modified Bessel
+ functions K (z) for complex z, non-negative (nu) and
+ (nu)+n
+ n=0,1,...,N-1, with an option for exponential scaling.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This subroutine evaluates a sequence of values for the modified
+ Bessel function K (z), where z is complex, -(pi) < arg z <=
+ (nu)
+ (pi), and (nu) is the real, non-negative order. The N-member
+ sequence is generated for orders (nu), (nu)+1,...,(nu)+N-1.
+ z
+ Optionally, the sequence is scaled by the factor e .
+ The routine is derived from the routine CBESK in Amos [2].
+ Note: although the routine may not be called with (nu) less than
+ zero, for negative orders the formula K (z)=K (z) may be
+ -(nu) (nu)
+ used.
+ When N is greater than 1, extra values of K (z) are computed
+ (nu)
+ using recurrence relations.
+ For very large |z| or ((nu)+N-1), argument reduction will cause
+ total loss of accuracy, and so no computation is performed. For
+ slightly smaller |z| or ((nu)+N-1), the computation is performed
+ but results are accurate to less than half of machine precision.
+ If |z| is very small, near the machine underflow threshold, or
+ ((nu)+N-1) is too large, there is a risk of overflow and so no
+ computation is performed. In all the above cases, a warning is
+ given by the routine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Amos D E (1986) Algorithm 644: A Portable Package for Bessel
+ Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order. ACM
+ Trans. Math. Softw. 12 265--273.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the order, (nu), of the first member of the
+ sequence of functions. Constraint: FNU >= 0.0.
+ 2: Z -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Input
+ On entry: the argument z of the functions. Constraint: Z /=
+ (0.0, 0.0).
+ 3: N -- INTEGER Input
+ On entry: the number, N, of members required in the sequence
+ K (z), K (z),..., K (z). Constraint: N >= 1.
+ (nu) (nu)+1 (nu)+N-1
+ 4: SCALE -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: the scaling option.
+ If SCALE = 'U', the results are returned unscaled.
+ If SCALE = 'S', the results are returned scaled by the
+ z
+ factor e . Constraint: SCALE = 'U' or 'S'.
+ 5: CY(N) -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D)) array Output
+ On exit: the N required function values: CY(i) contains
+ K (z), for i=1,2,...,N.
+ (nu)+i-1
+ 6: NZ -- INTEGER Output
+ On exit: the number of components of CY that are set to zero
+ due to underflow. If NZ > 0 and Rez>=0.0, elements CY(1),CY
+ (2),...,CY(NZ) are set to zero. If Rez<0.0, NZ simply states
+ the number of underflows, and not which elements they are.
+ 7: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry FNU < 0.0,
+ or Z = (0.0, 0.0),
+ or N < 1,
+ or SCALE /= 'U' or 'S'.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because ABS(Z) is less than a machine-dependent
+ threshold value (given in the Users' Note for your
+ implementation).
+ IFAIL= 3
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because FNU + N - 1 is too large - how large
+ depends on Z and the overflow threshold of the machine.
+ IFAIL= 4
+ The computation has been performed, but the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions make it likely
+ that the results returned by S18DCF are accurate to less
+ than half of machine precision. This error exit may occur if
+ either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is greater than a machine-
+ dependent threshold value (given in the Users' Note for
+ your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 5
+ No computation has been performed because the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions mean that all
+ precision in results returned by S18DCF would be lost. This
+ error exit may occur when either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is
+ greater than a machine-dependent threshold value (given in
+ the Users' Note for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 6
+ No results are returned because the algorithm termination
+ condition has not been met. This may occur because the
+ parameters supplied to S18DCF would have caused overflow or
+ underflow.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ All constants in subroutine S18DCF are given to approximately 18
+ digits of precision. Calling the number of digits of precision in
+ the floating-point arithmetic being used t, then clearly the
+ maximum number of correct digits in the results obtained is
+ limited by p=min(t,18). Because of errors in argument reduction
+ when computing elementary functions inside S18DCF, the actual
+ number of correct digits is limited, in general, by p-s, where
+ s~max(1,|log |z||,|log (nu)|) represents the number of digits
+ 10 10
+ lost due to the argument reduction. Thus the larger the values of
+ |z| and (nu), the less the precision in the result. If S18DCF is
+ called with N>1, then computation of function values via
+ recurrence may lead to some further small loss of accuracy.
+ If function values which should nominally be identical are
+ computed by calls to S18DCF with different base values of (nu)
+ and different N, the computed values may not agree exactly.
+ Empirical tests with modest values of (nu) and z have shown that
+ the discrepancy is limited to the least significant 3-4 digits of
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ The time taken by the routine for a call of S18DCF is
+ approximately proportional to the value of N, plus a constant. In
+ general it is much cheaper to call S18DCF with N greater than 1,
+ rather than to make N separate calls to S18DCF.
+ Paradoxically, for some values of z and (nu), it is cheaper to
+ call S18DCF with a larger value of N than is required, and then
+ discard the extra function values returned. However, it is not
+ possible to state the precise circumstances in which this is
+ likely to occur. It is due to the fact that the base value used
+ to start recurrence may be calculated in different regions for
+ different N, and the costs in each region may differ greatly.
+ Note that if the function required is K (x) or K (x), i.e.,
+ 0 1
+ (nu)=0.0 or 1.0, where x is real and positive, and only a single
+ function value is required, then it may be much cheaper to call
+ S18ACF, S18ADF, S18CCF(*) or S18CDF(*), depending on whether a
+ scaled result is required or not.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program prints a caption and then proceeds to read
+ sets of data from the input data stream. The first datum is a
+ value for the order FNU, the second is a complex value for the
+ argument, Z, and the third is a value for the parameter SCALE.
+ The program calls the routine with N = 2 to evaluate the function
+ for orders FNU and FNU + 1, and it prints the results. The
+ process is repeated until the end of the input data stream is
+ encountered.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs18def}{NAG On-line Documentation: s18def}
+ S18DEF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S18DEF(3NAG)
+ S18 -- Approximations of Special Functions S18DEF
+ S18DEF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S18DEF returns a sequence of values for the modified Bessel
+ functions I (z) for complex z, non-negative (nu) and
+ (nu)+n
+ n=0,1,...,N-1, with an option for exponential scaling.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This subroutine evaluates a sequence of values for the modified
+ Bessel function I (z), where z is complex, -(pi) < argz <=
+ (nu)
+ (pi), and (nu) is the real, non-negative order. The N-member
+ sequence is generated for orders (nu), (nu)+1,...,(nu)+N-1.
+ -|Rez|
+ Optionally, the sequence is scaled by the factor e .
+ The routine is derived from the routine CBESI in Amos [2].
+ Note: although the routine may not be called with (nu) less than
+ zero, for negative orders the formula
+ 2
+ I (z)=I (z)+ ----sin((pi)(nu))K (z) may be used (for
+ -(nu) (nu) (pi) (nu)
+ the Bessel function K (z), see S18DCF).
+ (nu)
+ When N is greater than 1, extra values of I (z) are computed
+ (nu)
+ using recurrence relations.
+ For very large |z| or ((nu)+N-1), argument reduction will cause
+ total loss of accuracy, and so no computation is performed. For
+ slightly smaller |z| or ((nu)+N-1), the computation is performed
+ but results are accurate to less than half of machine precision.
+ If Re(z) is too large and the unscaled function is required,
+ there is a risk of overflow and so no computation is performed.
+ In all the above cases, a warning is given by the routine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Amos D E (1986) Algorithm 644: A Portable Package for Bessel
+ Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order. ACM
+ Trans. Math. Softw. 12 265--273.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the order, (nu), of the first member of the
+ sequence of functions. Constraint: FNU >= 0.0.
+ 2: Z -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D0)) Input
+ On entry: the argument z of the functions.
+ 3: N -- INTEGER Input
+ On entry: the number, N, of members required in the sequence
+ I (z),I (z),...,I (z). Constraint: N >= 1.
+ (nu) (nu)+1 (nu)+N-1
+ 4: SCALE -- CHARACTER*1 Input
+ On entry: the scaling option.
+ If SCALE = 'U', the results are returned unscaled.
+ If SCALE = 'S', the results are returned scaled by the
+ -|Rez|
+ factor e .
+ Constraint: SCALE = 'U' or 'S'.
+ 5: CY(N) -- COMPLEX(KIND(1.0D)) array Output
+ On exit: the N required function values: CY(i) contains
+ I (z), for i=1,2,...,N.
+ (nu)+i-1
+ 6: NZ -- INTEGER Output
+ On exit: the number of components of CY that are set to zero
+ due to underflow.
+ If NZ > 0, then elements CY(N-NZ+1),CY(N-NZ+2),...,CY(N) are
+ set to zero.
+ 7: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry FNU < 0.0,
+ or N < 1,
+ or SCALE /= 'U' or 'S'.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ No computation has been performed due to the likelihood of
+ overflow, because real(Z) is greater than a machine-
+ dependent threshold value (given in the Users' Note for
+ your implementation). This error exit can only occur when
+ SCALE = 'U'.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ The computation has been performed, but the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions make it likely
+ that the results returned by S18DEF are accurate to less
+ than half of machine precision. This error exit may occur
+ when either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is greater than a machine-
+ dependent threshold value (given in the Users' Note for
+ your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 4
+ No computation has been performed because the errors due to
+ argument reduction in elementary functions mean that all
+ precision in results returned by S18DEF would be lost. This
+ error exit may occur when either ABS(Z) or FNU + N - 1 is
+ greater than a machine-dependent threshold value (given in
+ the Users' Note for your implementation).
+ IFAIL= 5
+ No results are returned because the algorithm termination
+ condition has not been met. This may occur because the
+ parameters supplied to S18DEF would have caused overflow or
+ underflow.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ All constants in subroutine S18DEF are given to approximately 18
+ digits of precision. Calling the number of digits of precision in
+ the floating-point arithmetic being used t, then clearly the
+ maximum number of correct digits in the results obtained is
+ limited by p=min(t,18). Because of errors in argument reduction
+ when computing elementary functions inside S18DEF, the actual
+ number of correct digits is limited, in general, by p-s, where
+ s~max(1,|log |z||,|log (nu)|) represents the number of digits
+ 10 10
+ lost due to the argument reduction. Thus the larger the values of
+ |z| and (nu), the less the precision in the result. If S18DEF is
+ called with N>1, then computation of function values via
+ recurrence may lead to some further small loss of accuracy.
+ If function values which should nominally be identical are
+ computed by calls to S18DEF with different base values of (nu)
+ and different N, the computed values may not agree exactly.
+ Empirical tests with modest values of (nu) and z have shown that
+ the discrepancy is limited to the least significant 3-4 digits of
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ The time taken by the routine for a call of S18DEF is
+ approximately proportional to the value of N, plus a constant. In
+ general it is much cheaper to call S18DEF with N greater than 1,
+ rather than to make N separate calls to S18DEF.
+ Paradoxically, for some values of z and (nu), it is cheaper to
+ call S18DEF with a larger value of N than is required, and then
+ discard the extra function values returned. However, it is not
+ possible to state the precise circumstances in which this is
+ likely to occur. It is due to the fact that the base value used
+ to start recurrence may be calculated in different regions for
+ different N, and the costs in each region may differ greatly.
+ Note that if the function required is I (x) or I (x), i.e.,
+ 0 1
+ (nu)=0.0 or 1.0, where x is real and positive, and only a single
+ function value is required, then it may be much cheaper to call
+ S18AEF, S18AFF, S18CEF(*) or S18CFF(*), depending on whether a
+ scaled result is required or not.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program prints a caption and then proceeds to read
+ sets of data from the input data stream. The first datum is a
+ value for the order FNU, the second is a complex value for the
+ argument, Z, and the third is a value for the parameter SCALE.
+ The program calls the routine with N = 2 to evaluate the function
+ for orders FNU and FNU + 1, and it prints the results. The
+ process is repeated until the end of the input data stream is
+ encountered.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs19aaf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s19aaf}
+ S19AAF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S19AAF(3NAG)
+ S19 -- Approximations of Special Functions S19AAF
+ S19AAF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S19AAF returns a value for the Kelvin function ber x via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Kelvin function
+ berx.
+ Note: ber(-x)=berx, so the approximation need only consider
+ x>=0.0.
+ The routine is based on several Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<=x<=5,
+ --' ( x)4
+ berx= > a T (t) with t=2( -) -1;
+ -- r r ( 5)
+ r=0
+ For x>5,
+ x/\/2
+ e [( 1 ) 1 ]
+ berx= --------[(1+ -a(t))cos(alpha)+ -b(t)sin(alpha)]
+ [( x ) x ]
+ \/2(pi)x
+ -x/\/2
+ e [( 1 ) 1 ]
+ + --------[(1+ -c(t))sin(beta)+ -d(t)cos(beta)]
+ [( x ) x ]
+ \/2(pi)x
+ x (pi) x (pi)
+ where (alpha)= ---- ----, (beta)= ---+ ----,
+ 8 8
+ \/2 /2
+ and a(t), b(t), c(t), and d(t) are expansions in the variable
+ 10
+ t= ---1.
+ x
+ When x is sufficiently close to zero, the result is set directly
+ to ber 0=1.0.
+ For large x, there is a danger of the result being totally
+ inaccurate, as the error amplification factor grows in an
+ essentially exponential manner; therefore the routine must fail.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry ABS(X) is too large for an accurate result to be
+ returned. On soft failure, the routine returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Since the function is oscillatory, the absolute error rather than
+ the relative error is important. Let E be the absolute error in
+ the result and (delta) be the relative error in the argument. If
+ (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision, then we
+ have:
+ | x |
+ E~=| ---(ber x+bei x)|(delta)
+ | 1 1 |
+ | \/2 |
+ (provided E is within machine bounds).
+ For small x the error amplification is insignificant and thus the
+ absolute error is effectively bounded by the machine precision.
+ For medium and large x, the error behaviour is oscillatory and
+ / x x/\/2
+ its amplitude grows like / -----e . Therefore it is not
+ \/ 2(pi)
+ possible to calculate the function with any accuracy when
+ x/\/2 /2(pi)
+ \/xe > -------. Note that this value of x is much smaller than
+ (delta)
+ the minimum value of x for which the function overflows.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs19abf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s19abf}
+ S19ABF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S19ABF(3NAG)
+ S19 -- Approximations of Special Functions S19ABF
+ S19ABF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S19ABF returns a value for the Kelvin function bei x via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Kelvin function
+ beix.
+ Note: bei(-x)=beix, so the approximation need only consider
+ x>=0.0.
+ The routine is based on several Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<=x<=5,
+ 2
+ x --' ( x)4
+ bei x= -- > a T (t), with t=2( -) -1;
+ 4 -- r r ( 5)
+ r=0
+ For x>5,
+ x/\/2
+ e [( 1 ) 1 ]
+ bei x= --------[(1+ -a(t))sin(alpha)- -b(t)cos(alpha)]
+ [( x ) x ]
+ \/2(pi)x
+ x/\/2
+ e [( 1 ) 1 ]
+ + --------[(1+ -c(t))cos(beta)- -d(t)sin(beta)]
+ [( x ) x ]
+ \/2(pi)x
+ x (pi) x (pi)
+ where(alpha)= ---- ----,(beta)= ---+ ----,
+ 8 8
+ \/2 /2
+ and a(t), b(t), c(t), and d(t) are expansions in the variable
+ 10
+ t= ---1.
+ x
+ When x is sufficiently close to zero, the result is computed as
+ 2
+ x
+ bei x= --. If this result would underflow, the result returned is
+ 4
+ beix=0.0.
+ For large x, there is a danger of the result being totally
+ inaccurate, as the error amplification factor grows in an
+ essentially exponential manner; therefore the routine must fail.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry ABS(X) is too large for an accurate result to be
+ returned. On soft failure, the routine returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Since the function is oscillatory, the absolute error rather than
+ the relative error is important. Let E be the absolute error in
+ the function, and (delta) be the relative error in the argument.
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision, then we
+ have:
+ | x |
+ E~=| ---(-ber x+bei x)|(delta)
+ | 1 1 |
+ | \/2 |
+ (provided E is within machine bounds).
+ For small x the error amplification is insignificant and thus the
+ absolute error is effectively bounded by the machine precision.
+ For medium and large x, the error behaviour is oscillatory and
+ / x x\/2
+ its amplitude grows like / -----e . Therefore it is
+ \/ 2(pi)
+ impossible to calculate the functions with any accuracy when
+ x/\/2 /2(pi)
+ \/xe > -------. Note that this value of x is much smaller than
+ (delta)
+ the minimum value of x for which the function overflows.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ For details of the time taken by the routine see the Users' Note
+ for your implementation.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs19acf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s19acf}
+ S19ACF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S19ACF(3NAG)
+ S19 -- Approximations of Special Functions S19ACF
+ S19ACF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S19ACF returns a value for the Kelvin function ker x, via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Kelvin function
+ ker x.
+ Note: for x<0 the function is undefined and at x=0 it is infinite
+ so we need only consider x>0.
+ The routine is based on several Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=1,
+ (pi) 2
+ ker x=-f(t)logx+ ----x g(t)+y(t)
+ 16
+ 4
+ where f(t), g(t) and y(t) are expansions in the variable t=2x -1;
+ For 1<x<=3,
+ ( 11 )
+ ker x=exp(- --x)q(t)
+ ( 16 )
+ where q(t) is an expansion in the variable t=x-2;
+ For x>3,
+ -x/\/2
+ / (pi) [( 1 ) 1 ]
+ ker x= / ----e [(1+ -c(t))cos(beta)- -d(t)sin(beta)]
+ \/ 2x [( x ) x ]
+ x (pi)
+ where (beta)= ---+ ----, and c(t) and d(t) are expansions in the
+ 8
+ \/2
+ 6
+ variable t= --1.
+ x
+ When x is sufficiently close to zero, the result is computed as
+ 2
+ ( x) ( 3 2) x
+ ker x=-(gamma)-log( -)+((pi)- -x ) --
+ ( 2) ( 8 ) 16
+ and when x is even closer to zero, simply as
+ ( x)
+ ker x=-(gamma)-log( -).
+ ( 2)
+ / (pi) -x/\/2
+ For large x, ker x is asymptotically given by / ----e and
+ \/ 2x
+ this becomes so small that it cannot be computed without
+ underflow and the routine fails.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X > 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry X is too large, the result underflows. On soft
+ failure, the routine returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ On entry X <= 0, the function is undefined. On soft failure
+ the routine returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let E be the absolute error in the result, (epsilon) be the
+ relative error in the result and (delta) be the relative error in
+ the argument. If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine
+ precision, then we have:
+ | x |
+ E~=| ---(ker x+kei x)|(delta),
+ | 1 1 |
+ | \/2 |
+ | ker x+kei x|
+ | x 1 1 |
+ (epsilon)~=| --- ------------|(delta).
+ | ker x |
+ | \/2 |
+ For very small x, the relative error amplification factor is
+ 1
+ approximately given by ------, which implies a strong
+ |logx|
+ attenuation of relative error. However, (epsilon) in general
+ cannot be less than the machine precision.
+ For small x, errors are damped by the function and hence are
+ limited by the machine precision.
+ For medium and large x, the error behaviour, like the function
+ itself, is oscillatory, and hence only the absolute accuracy for
+ the function can be maintained. For this range of x, the
+ / (pi)x -x/\/2
+ amplitude of the absolute error decays like / -----e
+ \/ 2
+ which implies a strong attenuation of error. Eventually, ker x,
+ / (pi) -x/\/2
+ which asymptotically behaves like / ----e , becomes so
+ \/ 2x
+ small that it cannot be calculated without causing underflow, and
+ the routine returns zero. Note that for large x the errors are
+ dominated by those of the Fortran intrinsic function EXP.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ Underflow may occur for a few values of x close to the zeros of
+ ker x, below the limit which causes a failure with IFAIL = 1.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs19adf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s19adf}
+ S19ADF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S19ADF(3NAG)
+ S19 -- Approximations of Special Functions S19ADF
+ S19ADF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S19ADF returns a value for the Kelvin function keix via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Kelvin function
+ keix.
+ Note: for x<0 the function is undefined, so we need only consider
+ x>=0.
+ The routine is based on several Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<=x<=1,
+ 2
+ (pi) x
+ keix=- ----f(t)+ --[-g(t)logx+v(t)]
+ 4 4
+ 4
+ where f(t), g(t) and v(t) are expansions in the variable t=2x -1;
+ For 1<x<=3,
+ ( 9 )
+ keix=exp(- -x)u(t)
+ ( 8 )
+ where u(t) is an expansion in the variable t=x-2;
+ For x>3,
+ / (pi) -x/\/2[( 1) 1 ]
+ keix= / ----e [(1+ -)c(t)sin(beta)+ -d(t)cos(beta)]
+ \/ 2x [( x) x ]
+ x (pi)
+ where (beta)= ---+ ----, and c(t) and d(t) are expansions in the
+ 8
+ \/2
+ 6
+ variable t= --1.
+ x
+ For x<0, the function is undefined, and hence the routine fails
+ and returns zero.
+ When x is sufficiently close to zero, the result is computed as
+ 2
+ (pi) ( ( x)) x
+ keix=- ----+(1-(gamma)-log( -)) --
+ 4 ( ( 2)) 4
+ and when x is even closer to zero simply as
+ (pi)
+ keix=- ----.
+ 4
+ / (pi) -x/\/2
+ For large x, keix is asymptotically given by / ----e and
+ \/ 2x
+ this becomes so small that it cannot be computed without
+ underflow and the routine fails.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function. Constraint: X >=
+ 0.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry X is too large, the result underflows. On soft
+ failure, the routine returns zero.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ On entry X < 0, the function is undefined. On soft failure
+ the routine returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let E be the absolute error in the result, and (delta) be the
+ relative error in the argument. If (delta) is somewhat larger
+ than the machine representation error, then we have:
+ | x |
+ E~=| ---(-ker x+kei x)|(delta).
+ | 1 1 |
+ | \/2 |
+ For small x, errors are attenuated by the function and hence are
+ limited by the machine precision.
+ For medium and large x, the error behaviour, like the function
+ itself, is oscillatory and hence only absolute accuracy of the
+ function can be maintained. For this range of x, the amplitude of
+ / (pi)x -x/\/2
+ the absolute error decays like / -----e , which implies a
+ \/ 2
+ strong attenuation of error. Eventually, keix, which is
+ / (pi) -x/\/2
+ asymptotically given by / ----e , becomes so small that it
+ \/ 2x
+ cannot be calculated without causing underflow and therefore the
+ routine returns zero. Note that for large x, the errors are
+ dominated by those of the Fortran intrinsic function EXP.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ Underflow may occur for a few values of x close to the zeros of
+ keix, below the limit which causes a failure with IFAIL = 1.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs20acf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s20acf}
+ S20ACF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S20ACF(3NAG)
+ S20 -- Approximations of Special Functions S20ACF
+ S20ACF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S20ACF returns a value for the Fresnel Integral S(x), via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Fresnel Integral
+ x
+ / ( (pi) 2)
+ S(x)= |sin( ----t )dt.
+ / ( 2 )
+ 0
+ Note: S(x)=-S(-x), so the approximation need only consider x>=0.0
+ The routine is based on three Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=3,
+ 3 --' ( x)4
+ S(x)=x > a T (t) , with t=2( -) -1;
+ -- r r ( 3)
+ r=0
+ For x>3,
+ 1 f(x) ( (pi) 2) g(x) ( (pi) 2)
+ S(x)= -- ----cos( ----x )- ----sin( ----x ),
+ 2 x ( 2 ) 3 ( 2 )
+ x
+ --'
+ where f(x) = > b T (t),
+ -- r r
+ r=0
+ --' ( 3)4
+ and g(x) = > c T (t), with t=2( -) -1.
+ -- r r ( x)
+ r=0
+ (pi) 3
+ For small x, S(x)~= ----x . This approximation is used when x is
+ 6
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision. For very small x, this approximation would underflow;
+ the result is then set exactly to zero.
+ 1 1
+ For large x, f(x)~= ---- and g(x)~= -----. Therefore for
+ (pi) 2
+ (pi)
+ 1 1
+ moderately large x, when ------- is negligible compared with -,
+ 2 3 2
+ (pi) x
+ the second term in the approximation for x>3 may be dropped. For
+ 1 1
+ very large x, when ----- becomes negligible, S(x)~= -. However
+ (pi)x 2
+ there will be considerable difficulties in calculating
+ ( (pi) 2)
+ cos( ----x ) accurately before this final limiting value can be
+ ( 2 )
+ ( (pi) 2)
+ used. Since cos( ----x ) is periodic, its value is essentially
+ ( 2 )
+ 2 2
+ determined by the fractional part of x . If x =N+(theta) where N
+ ( (pi) 2)
+ is an integer and 0<=(theta)<1, then cos( ----x ) depends on
+ ( 2 )
+ (theta) and on N modulo 4. By exploiting this fact, it is
+ possible to retain significance in the calculation of
+ ( (pi) 2)
+ cos( ----x ) either all the way to the very large x limit, or at
+ ( 2 )
+ x
+ least until the integer part of - is equal to the maximum
+ 2
+ integer allowed on the machine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ There are no failure exits from this routine. The parameter IFAIL
+ has been included for consistency with other routines in this
+ chapter.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) and (epsilon) be the relative errors in the argument
+ and result respectively.
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision (i.e.,
+ if (delta) is due to data errors etc), then (epsilon) and (delta)
+ are approximately related by:
+ | ( (pi) 2)|
+ | xsin( ----x )|
+ | ( 2 )|
+ (epsilon)~=| -------------|(delta).
+ | S(x) |
+ Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the error amplification factor
+ | ( (pi) 2)|
+ | xsin( ----x )|
+ | ( 2 )|
+ | -------------|.
+ | S(x) |
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However if (delta) is of the same order as the machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make (epsilon) slightly larger than
+ the above relation predicts.
+ For small x, (epsilon)~=3(delta) and hence there is only moderate
+ amplification of relative error. Of course for very small x where
+ the correct result would underflow and exact zero is returned,
+ relative error-control is lost.
+ For moderately large values of x,
+ | ( (pi) 2)|
+ |(epsilon)|~=|2xsin( ----x )||(delta)|
+ | ( 2 )|
+ and the result will be subject to increasingly large
+ amplification of errors. However the above relation breaks down
+ 1
+ for large values of x (i.e., when -- is of the order of the
+ 2
+ x
+ machine precision in this region the relative error in the result
+ 2
+ is essentially bounded by -----).
+ (pi)x
+ Hence the effects of error amplification are limited and at worst
+ the relative error loss should not exceed half the possible
+ number of significant figures.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ None.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs20adf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s20adf}
+ S20ADF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S20ADF(3NAG)
+ S20 -- Approximations of Special Functions S20ADF
+ S20ADF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S20ADF returns a value for the Fresnel Integral C(x), via the
+ routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine evaluates an approximation to the Fresnel Integral
+ x
+ / ( (pi) 2)
+ C(x)= |cos( ----t )dt.
+ / ( 2 )
+ 0
+ Note: C(x)=-C(-x), so the approximation need only consider x>=0.0
+ The routine is based on three Chebyshev expansions:
+ For 0<x<=3,
+ --' ( x)4
+ C(x)=x > a T (t) , with t=2( -) -1;
+ -- r r ( 3)
+ r=0
+ For x>3,
+ 1 f(x) ( (pi) 2) g(x) ( (pi) 2)
+ C(x)= -+ ----sin( ----x )- ----cos( ----x ),
+ 2 x ( 2 ) 3 ( 2 )
+ x
+ --'
+ where f(x) = > b T (t),
+ -- r r
+ r=0
+ --' ( 3)4
+ and g(x) = > c T (t), with t=2( -) -1.
+ -- r r ( x)
+ r=0
+ For small x, C(x)~=x. This approximation is used when x is
+ sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine
+ precision.
+ 1 1
+ For large x, f(x)~= ---- and g(x)~= -----. Therefore for
+ (pi) 2
+ (pi)
+ 1 1
+ moderately large x, when ------- is negligible compared with -,
+ 2 3 2
+ (pi) x
+ the second term in the approximation for x>3 may be dropped. For
+ 1 1
+ very large x, when ----- becomes negligible, C(x)~= -. However
+ (pi)x 2
+ there will be considerable difficulties in calculating
+ ( (pi) 2)
+ sin( ----x ) accurately before this final limiting value can be
+ ( 2 )
+ ( (pi) 2)
+ used. Since sin( ----x ) is periodic, its value is essentially
+ ( 2 )
+ 2 2
+ determined by the fractional part of x . If x =N+(theta), where N
+ ( (pi) 2)
+ is an integer and 0<=(theta)<1, then sin( ----x ) depends on
+ ( 2 )
+ (theta) and on N modulo 4. By exploiting this fact, it is
+ possible to retain some significance in the calculation of
+ ( (pi) 2)
+ sin( ----x ) either all the way to the very large x limit, or at
+ ( 2 )
+ x
+ least until the integer part of - is equal to the maximum
+ 2
+ integer allowed on the machine.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the argument x of the function.
+ 2: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ There are no failure exits from this routine. The parameter IFAIL
+ has been included for consistency with other routines in this
+ chapter.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ Let (delta) and (epsilon) be the relative errors in the argument
+ and result respectively.
+ If (delta) is somewhat larger than the machine precision (i.e if
+ (delta) is due to data errors etc), then (epsilon) and (delta)
+ are approximately related by:
+ | ( (pi) 2)|
+ | xcos( ----x )|
+ | ( 2 )|
+ (epsilon)~=| -------------|(delta).
+ | C(x) |
+ Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the error amplification factor
+ | ( (pi) 2)|
+ | xcos( ----x )|
+ | ( 2 )|
+ | -------------|.
+ | C(x) |
+ Figure 1
+ Please see figure in printed Reference Manual
+ However if (delta) is of the same order as the machine precision,
+ then rounding errors could make (epsilon) slightly larger than
+ the above relation predicts.
+ For small x, (epsilon)~=(delta) and there is no amplification of
+ relative error.
+ For moderately large values of x,
+ | ( (pi) 2)|
+ |(epsilon)|~=|2xcos( ----x )||(delta)|
+ | ( 2 )|
+ and the result will be subject to increasingly large
+ amplification of errors. However the above relation breaks down
+ 1
+ for large values of x (i.e., when -- is of the order of the
+ 2
+ x
+ machine precision); in this region the relative error in the
+ 2
+ result is essentially bounded by -----).
+ (pi)x
+ Hence the effects of error amplification are limited and at worst
+ the relative error loss should not exceed half the possible
+ number of significant figures.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ None.
+ 9. Example
+ The example program reads values of the argument x from a file,
+ evaluates the function at each value of x and prints the results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs21baf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s21baf}
+ S21BAF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S21BAF(3NAG)
+ S21 -- Approximations of Special Functions S21BAF
+ S21BAF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S21BAF returns a value of an elementary integral, which occurs as
+ a degenerate case of an elliptic integral of the first kind, via
+ the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine calculates an approximate value for the integral
+ infty
+ 1 / dt
+ R (x,y)= - | ----------
+ C 2 /
+ 0 \/t+x(t+y)
+ where x>=0 and y/=0.
+ This function, which is related to the logarithm or inverse
+ hyperbolic functions for y<x and to inverse circular functions if
+ x<y, arises as a degenerate form of the elliptic integral of the
+ first kind. If y<0, the result computed is the Cauchy principal
+ value of the integral.
+ The basic algorithm, which is due to Carlson [2] and [3], is to
+ reduce the arguments recursively towards their mean by the
+ system:
+ x =x,
+ 0
+ y =y
+ 0
+ (mu) =(x +2y )/3,
+ n n n
+ S =(y -x )/3(mu)
+ n n n n
+ (lambda) =y +2 /x y
+ n n \/ n n
+ x =(x +(lambda) )/4,
+ n+1 n n
+ y =(y +(lambda) )/4.
+ n+1 n n
+ The quantity |S | for n=0,1,2,3,... decreases with increasing n,
+ n
+ n
+ eventually |S |~1/4 . For small enough S the required function
+ n n
+ value can be approximated by the first few terms of the Taylor
+ series about the mean. That is
+ ( 2 3 4 5)
+ ( 3S S 3S 9S )
+ ( n n n n)
+ R (x,y)=(1+ ---+ --+ ---+ ---)/ /(mu) .
+ C ( 10 7 8 22 ) \/ n
+ The truncation error involved in using this approximation is
+ 6
+ bounded by 16|S | /(1-2|S |) and the recursive process is stopped
+ n n
+ when S is small enough for this truncation error to be
+ n
+ negligible compared to the machine precision.
+ Within the domain of definition, the function value is itself
+ representable for all representable values of its arguments.
+ However, for values of the arguments near the extremes the above
+ algorithm must be modified so as to avoid causing underflows or
+ overflows in intermediate steps. In extreme regions arguments are
+ pre-scaled away from the extremes and compensating scaling of the
+ result is done before returning to the calling program.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Carlson B C (1978) Computing Elliptic Integrals by
+ Duplication. (Preprint) Department of Physics, Iowa State
+ University.
+ [3] Carlson B C (1988) A Table of Elliptic Integrals of the
+ Third Kind. Math. Comput. 51 267--280.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the arguments x and y of the function,
+ respectively. Constraint: X >= 0.0 and Y /= 0.0.
+ 3: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry X < 0.0; the function is undefined.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ On entryY = 0.0; the function is undefined.
+ On soft failure the routine returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ In principle the routine is capable of producing full machine
+ precision. However round-off errors in internal arithmetic will
+ result in slight loss of accuracy. This loss should never be
+ excessive as the algorithm does not involve any significant
+ amplification of round-off error. It is reasonable to assume that
+ the result is accurate to within a small multiple of the machine
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ Users should consult the Chapter Introduction which shows the
+ relationship of this function to the classical definitions of the
+ elliptic integrals.
+ 9. Example
+ This example program simply generates a small set of non-extreme
+ arguments which are used with the routine to produce the table of
+ low accuracy results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs21bbf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s21bbf}
+ S21BBF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S21BBF(3NAG)
+ S21 -- Approximations of Special Functions S21BBF
+ S21BBF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S21BBF returns a value of the symmetrised elliptic integral of
+ the first kind, via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine calculates an approximation to the integral
+ infty
+ 1 / dt
+ R (x,y,z)= - | -----------------
+ F 2 /
+ 0 \/(t+x)(t+y)(t+z)
+ where x, y, z>=0 and at most one is zero.
+ The basic algorithm, which is due to Carlson [2] and [3], is to
+ reduce the arguments recursively towards their mean by the rule:
+ x =min(x,y,z),z =max(x,y,z),
+ 0 0
+ y = remaining third intermediate value argument.
+ 0
+ (This ordering, which is possible because of the symmetry of the
+ function, is done for technical reasons related to the avoidance
+ of overflow and underflow.)
+ (mu) = (x +y +3z )/3
+ n n n n
+ X = (1-x )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ Y = (1-y )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ Z = (1-z )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ (lambda) = /x y + /y z + /z x
+ n \/ n n / n n / n n
+ x = (x +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ y = (y +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ z = (z +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ (epsilon) =max(|X |,|Y |,|Z |) and the function may be
+ n n n n
+ approximated adequately by a 5th order power series:
+ ( 2 )
+ ( E E 3E E E )
+ 1 ( 2 2 2 3 3)
+ R (x,y,z)= --------(1- --+ --- -----+ --)
+ F ( 10 24 44 14)
+ /(mu)
+ \/ n
+ where E =X Y +Y Z +Z X ,E =X Y Z .
+ 2 n n n n n n 3 n n n
+ The truncation error involved in using this approximation is
+ 6
+ bounded by (epsilon) /4(1-(epsilon) ) and the recursive process
+ n n
+ is stopped when this truncation error is negligible compared with
+ the machine precision.
+ Within the domain of definition, the function value is itself
+ representable for all representable values of its arguments.
+ However, for values of the arguments near the extremes the above
+ algorithm must be modified so as to avoid causing underflows or
+ overflows in intermediate steps. In extreme regions arguments are
+ pre-scaled away from the extremes and compensating scaling of the
+ result is done before returning to the calling program.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Carlson B C (1978) Computing Elliptic Integrals by
+ Duplication. (Preprint) Department of Physics, Iowa State
+ University.
+ [3] Carlson B C (1988) A Table of Elliptic Integrals of the
+ Third Kind. Math. Comput. 51 267--280.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the arguments x, y and z of the function.
+ Constraint: X, Y, Z >= 0.0 and only one of X, Y and Z may be
+ zero.
+ 4: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry one or more of X, Y and Z is negative; the function
+ is undefined.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ On entry two or more of X, Y and Z are zero; the function is
+ undefined.
+ On soft failure, the routine returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ In principle the routine is capable of producing full machine
+ precision. However round-off errors in internal arithmetic will
+ result in slight loss of accuracy. This loss should never be
+ excessive as the algorithm does not involve any significant
+ amplification of round-off error. It is reasonable to assume that
+ the result is accurate to within a small multiple of the machine
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ Users should consult the Chapter Introduction which shows the
+ relationship of this function to the classical definitions of the
+ elliptic integrals.
+ If two arguments are equal, the function reduces to the
+ elementary integral R , computed by S21BAF.
+ C
+ 9. Example
+ This example program simply generates a small set of non-extreme
+ arguments which are used with the routine to produce the table of
+ low accuracy results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs21bcf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s21bcf}
+ S21BCF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S21BCF(3NAG)
+ S21 -- Approximations of Special Functions S21BCF
+ S21BCF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S21BCF returns a value of the symmetrised elliptic integral of
+ the second kind, via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine calculates an approximate value for the integral
+ infty
+ 3 / dt
+ R (x,y,z)= - | -------------------
+ D 2 /
+ 0 / 3
+ \/ (t+x)(t+y)(t+z)
+ where x, y>=0, at most one of x and y is zero, and z>0.
+ The basic algorithm, which is due to Carlson [2] and [3], is to
+ reduce the arguments recursively towards their mean by the rule:
+ x = x
+ 0
+ y = y
+ 0
+ z = z
+ 0
+ (mu) = (x +y +3z )/5
+ n n n n
+ X = (1-x )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ Y = (1-y )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ Z = (1-z )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ (lambda) = /x y + /y z + /z x
+ n\/ n n / n n / n n
+ x = (x +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ y = (y +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ z = (z +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ For n sufficiently large,
+ ( 1)n
+ (epsilon) =max(|X |,|Y |,|Z |)~( -)
+ n n n n ( 4)
+ and the function may be approximated adequately by a 5th order
+ n-1 -m
+ -- 4
+ power series R (x,y,z)=3 > -------------------+
+ D --
+ m=0 (z +(lambda) ) /z
+ m n \/ m
+ -n
+ 4 [ 3 (2) 1 (3) 3 (2) 2 3 (4) 3 (2) (3) 3 (5)]
+ ---------[1+ -S + -S + --(S ) + --S + --S S + --S ]
+ [ 7 n 3 n 22 n 11 n 13 n n 13 n ]
+ / 3
+ / (mu)
+ \/ n
+ where
+ (m) ( m m m)
+ S =(X +Y +3Z )/2m.
+ n ( n n n)
+ The truncation error in this expansion is bounded by
+ 6
+ 3(epsilon)
+ n
+ ------------------- and the recursive process is terminated when
+ / 3
+ / (1-(epsilon) )
+ \/ n
+ this quantity is negligible compared with the machine precision.
+ The routine may fail either because it has been called with
+ arguments outside the domain of definition, or with arguments so
+ extreme that there is an unavoidable danger of setting underflow
+ or overflow.
+ -3/2
+ Note: R (x,x,x)=x , so there exists a region of extreme
+ D
+ arguments for which the function value is not representable.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Carlson B C (1978) Computing Elliptic Integrals by
+ Duplication. (Preprint) Department of Physics, Iowa State
+ University.
+ [3] Carlson B C (1988) A Table of Elliptic Integrals of the
+ Third Kind. Math. Comput. 51 267--280.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the arguments x, y and z of the function.
+ Constraint: X, Y >= 0.0, Z > 0.0 and only one of X and Y may
+ be zero.
+ 4: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry either X or Y is negative, or both X and Y are
+ zero; the function is undefined.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ On entry Z <= 0.0; the function is undefined.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ On entry either Z is too close to zero or both X and Y are
+ too close to zero: there is a danger of setting overflow.
+ IFAIL= 4
+ On entry at least one of X, Y and Z is too large: there is a
+ danger of setting underflow.
+ On soft failure the routine returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ In principle the routine is capable of producing full machine
+ precision. However round-off errors in internal arithmetic will
+ result in slight loss of accuracy. This loss should never be
+ excessive as the algorithm does not involve any significant
+ amplification of round-off error. It is reasonable to assume that
+ the result is accurate to within a small multiple of the machine
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ Users should consult the Chapter Introduction which shows the
+ relationship of this function to the classical definitions of the
+ elliptic integrals.
+ 9. Example
+ This example program simply generates a small set of non-extreme
+ arguments which are used with the routine to produce the table of
+ low accuracy results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.
+\begin{page}{manpageXXs21bdf}{NAG On-line Documentation: s21bdf}
+ S21BDF(3NAG) Foundation Library (12/10/92) S21BDF(3NAG)
+ S21 -- Approximations of Special Functions S21BDF
+ S21BDF -- NAG Foundation Library Routine Document
+ Note: Before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for
+ your implementation to check implementation-dependent details.
+ The symbol (*) after a NAG routine name denotes a routine that is
+ not included in the Foundation Library.
+ 1. Purpose
+ S21BDF returns a value of the symmetrised elliptic integral of
+ the third kind, via the routine name.
+ 2. Specification
+ 3. Description
+ This routine calculates an approximation to the integral
+ infty
+ 3 / dt
+ R (x,y,z,(rho))= - | --------------------------
+ J 2 /
+ 0 (t+(rho))\/(t+x)(t+y)(t+z)
+ where x, y, z>=0, (rho)/=0 and at most one of x, y and z is zero.
+ If p<0, the result computed is the Cauchy principal value of the
+ integral.
+ The basic algorithm, which is due to Carlson [2] and [3], is to
+ reduce the arguments recursively towards their mean by the rule:
+ x = x
+ 0
+ y = y
+ 0
+ z = z
+ 0
+ (rho) = (rho)
+ 0
+ (mu) = (x +y +z +2(rho) )/5
+ n n n n n
+ X = (1-x )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ Y = (1-y )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ Z = (1-z )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ P = (1-(rho) )/(mu)
+ n n n
+ (lambda) = /x y + /y z + /z x
+ n\/ n n / n n / n n
+ x = (x +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ y = (y +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ z = (z +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ (rho) = ((rho) +(lambda) )/4
+ n+1 n n
+ 2
+ [ ]
+ (alpha) =[(rho) ( /x + /y + /z )+ /x y z ]
+ n [ n \/ n / n / n / n n n]
+ 2
+ (beta) = (rho) ((rho) +(lambda) )
+ n n n n
+ For n sufficiently large,
+ 1
+ (epsilon) =max(|X |,|Y |,|Z |,|P |)~ --
+ n n n n n n
+ 4
+ and the function may be approximated by a 5th order power series
+ n-1
+ -- -m
+ R (x,y,z,(rho))=3 > 4 R ((alpha) ,(beta) )
+ J -- C m m
+ m=0
+ -n
+ 4 [ 3 (2) 1 (3) 3 (2) 2 3 (4) 3 (2) (3) 3 (5)]
+ + ---------[1+ -S + -S + --(S ) + --S + --S S + --S ]
+ [ 7 n 3 n 22 n 11 n 13 n n 13 n ]
+ / 3
+ / (mu)
+ \/ n
+ (m) m m m m
+ where S = (X +Y +Z +2P )/2m.
+ n n n n n
+ The truncation error in this expansion is bounded by
+ 6 / 3
+ 3(epsilon) / / (1-(epsilon) ) and the recursion process is
+ n \/ n
+ terminated when this quantity is negligible compared with the
+ machine precision. The routine may fail either because it has
+ been called with arguments outside the domain of definition or
+ with arguments so extreme that there is an unavoidable danger of
+ setting underflow or overflow.
+ 3
+ - -
+ 2
+ Note: R (x,x,x,x)=x , so there exists a region of extreme
+ J
+ arguments for which the function value is not representable.
+ 4. References
+ [1] Abramowitz M and Stegun I A (1968) Handbook of Mathematical
+ Functions. Dover Publications.
+ [2] Carlson B C (1978) Computing Elliptic Integrals by
+ Duplication. (Preprint) Department of Physics, Iowa State
+ University.
+ [3] Carlson B C (1988) A Table of Elliptic Integrals of the
+ Third Kind. Math. Comput. 51 267--280.
+ 5. Parameters
+ On entry: the arguments x, y, z and (rho) of the function.
+ Constraint: X, Y, Z >= 0.0, R /= 0.0 and at most one of X, Y
+ and Z may be zero.
+ 5: IFAIL -- INTEGER Input/Output
+ On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1. For users not
+ familiar with this parameter (described in the Essential
+ Introduction) the recommended value is 0.
+ On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see
+ Section 6).
+ 6. Error Indicators and Warnings
+ Errors detected by the routine:
+ If on entry IFAIL = 0 or -1, explanatory error messages are
+ output on the current error message unit (as defined by X04AAF).
+ IFAIL= 1
+ On entry at least one of X, Y and Z is negative, or at least
+ two of them are zero; the function is undefined.
+ IFAIL= 2
+ On entry R = 0.0; the function is undefined.
+ IFAIL= 3
+ On entry either R is too close to zero, or any two of X, Y
+ and Z are too close to zero; there is a danger of setting
+ overflow.
+ IFAIL= 4
+ On entry at least one of X, Y, Z and R is too large; there
+ is a danger of setting underflow.
+ IFAIL= 5
+ An error has occurred in a call to S21BAF. Any such
+ occurrence should be reported to NAG.
+ On soft failure, the routine returns zero.
+ 7. Accuracy
+ In principle the routine is capable of producing full machine
+ precision. However round-off errors in internal arithmetic will
+ result in slight loss of accuracy. This loss should never be
+ excessive as the algorithm does not involve any significant
+ amplification of round-off error. It is reasonable to assume that
+ the result is accurate to within a small multiple of the machine
+ precision.
+ 8. Further Comments
+ Users should consult the Chapter Introduction which shows the
+ relationship of this function to the classical definitions of the
+ elliptic integrals.
+ If the argument R is equal to any of the other arguments, the
+ function reduces to the integral R , computed by S21BCF.
+ D
+ 9. Example
+ This example program simply generates a small set of non-extreme
+ arguments which are used with the routine to produce the table of
+ low accuracy results.
+ The example program is not reproduced here. The source code for
+ all example programs is distributed with the NAG Foundation
+ Library software and should be available on-line.