path: root/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
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authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2017-06-19 11:57:23 +0200
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2017-06-19 11:57:23 +0200
commit67ecff7ad383640bc73d64edc2506c7cc648a134 (patch)
tree6d328e43c3ab86c29a2d775fabaa23618c16fb51 /lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
parent2df3209bafa08e6b77ee4a8598fc503269513527 (diff)
Move src/ to lib/, put Init.hs in src/
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6c7994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+ ( ContextField (..)
+ , Context (..)
+ , field
+ , boolField
+ , constField
+ , listField
+ , listFieldWith
+ , functionField
+ , mapContext
+ , defaultContext
+ , bodyField
+ , metadataField
+ , urlField
+ , pathField
+ , titleField
+ , snippetField
+ , dateField
+ , dateFieldWith
+ , getItemUTC
+ , getItemModificationTime
+ , modificationTimeField
+ , modificationTimeFieldWith
+ , teaserField
+ , teaserFieldWithSeparator
+ , missingField
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
+import Control.Monad (msum)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..))
+import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
+import qualified Data.Time.Format as TF
+import Data.Time.Locale.Compat (TimeLocale, defaultTimeLocale)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.String (needlePrefix, splitAll)
+import Hakyll.Web.Html
+import System.FilePath (splitDirectories, takeBaseName)
+-- | Mostly for internal usage
+data ContextField
+ = StringField String
+ | forall a. ListField (Context a) [Item a]
+-- | The 'Context' monoid. Please note that the order in which you
+-- compose the items is important. For example in
+-- > field "A" f1 <> field "A" f2
+-- the first context will overwrite the second. This is especially
+-- important when something is being composed with
+-- 'metadataField' (or 'defaultContext'). If you want your context to be
+-- overwritten by the metadata fields, compose it from the right:
+-- @
+-- 'metadataField' \<\> field \"date\" fDate
+-- @
+newtype Context a = Context
+ { unContext :: String -> [String] -> Item a -> Compiler ContextField
+ }
+instance Monoid (Context a) where
+ mempty = missingField
+ mappend (Context f) (Context g) = Context $ \k a i -> f k a i <|> g k a i
+field' :: String -> (Item a -> Compiler ContextField) -> Context a
+field' key value = Context $ \k _ i -> if k == key then value i else empty
+-- | Constructs a new field in the 'Context.'
+ :: String -- ^ Key
+ -> (Item a -> Compiler String) -- ^ Function that constructs a value based
+ -- on the item
+ -> Context a
+field key value = field' key (fmap StringField . value)
+-- | Creates a 'field' to use with the @$if()$@ template macro.
+ :: String
+ -> (Item a -> Bool)
+ -> Context a
+boolField name f = field name (\i -> if f i
+ then pure (error $ unwords ["no string value for bool field:",name])
+ else empty)
+-- | Creates a 'field' that does not depend on the 'Item'
+constField :: String -> String -> Context a
+constField key = field key . const . return
+listField :: String -> Context a -> Compiler [Item a] -> Context b
+listField key c xs = listFieldWith key c (const xs)
+ :: String -> Context a -> (Item b -> Compiler [Item a]) -> Context b
+listFieldWith key c f = field' key $ fmap (ListField c) . f
+functionField :: String -> ([String] -> Item a -> Compiler String) -> Context a
+functionField name value = Context $ \k args i ->
+ if k == name
+ then StringField <$> value args i
+ else empty
+mapContext :: (String -> String) -> Context a -> Context a
+mapContext f (Context c) = Context $ \k a i -> do
+ fld <- c k a i
+ case fld of
+ StringField str -> return $ StringField (f str)
+ ListField _ _ -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.mapContext: " ++
+ "can't map over a ListField!"
+-- | A context that allows snippet inclusion. In processed file, use as:
+-- > ...
+-- > $snippet("path/to/snippet/")$
+-- > ...
+-- The contents of the included file will not be interpolated.
+snippetField :: Context String
+snippetField = functionField "snippet" f
+ where
+ f [contentsPath] _ = loadBody (fromFilePath contentsPath)
+ f _ i = error $
+ "Too many arguments to function 'snippet()' in item " ++
+ show (itemIdentifier i)
+-- | A context that contains (in that order)
+-- 1. A @$body$@ field
+-- 2. Metadata fields
+-- 3. A @$url$@ 'urlField'
+-- 4. A @$path$@ 'pathField'
+-- 5. A @$title$@ 'titleField'
+defaultContext :: Context String
+defaultContext =
+ bodyField "body" `mappend`
+ metadataField `mappend`
+ urlField "url" `mappend`
+ pathField "path" `mappend`
+ titleField "title" `mappend`
+ missingField
+teaserSeparator :: String
+teaserSeparator = "<!--more-->"
+-- | Constructs a 'field' that contains the body of the item.
+bodyField :: String -> Context String
+bodyField key = field key $ return . itemBody
+-- | Map any field to its metadata value, if present
+metadataField :: Context a
+metadataField = Context $ \k _ i -> do
+ value <- getMetadataField (itemIdentifier i) k
+ maybe empty (return . StringField) value
+-- | Absolute url to the resulting item
+urlField :: String -> Context a
+urlField key = field key $
+ fmap (maybe empty toUrl) . getRoute . itemIdentifier
+-- | Filepath of the underlying file of the item
+pathField :: String -> Context a
+pathField key = field key $ return . toFilePath . itemIdentifier
+-- | This title 'field' takes the basename of the underlying file by default
+titleField :: String -> Context a
+titleField = mapContext takeBaseName . pathField
+-- | When the metadata has a field called @published@ in one of the
+-- following formats then this function can render the date.
+-- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 +0000@
+-- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 UTC@
+-- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00@
+-- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00+0000@
+-- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00Z@
+-- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00@
+-- * @2010-09-06 00:01:00+0000@
+-- * @2010-09-06 00:01:00@
+-- * @September 06, 2010 00:01 AM@
+-- Following date-only formats are supported too (@00:00:00@ for time is
+-- assumed)
+-- * @2010-09-06@
+-- * @September 06, 2010@
+-- Alternatively, when the metadata has a field called @path@ in a
+-- @folder/yyyy-mm-dd-title.extension@ format (the convention for pages)
+-- and no @published@ metadata field set, this function can render
+-- the date. This pattern matches the file name or directory names
+-- that begins with @yyyy-mm-dd@ . For example:
+-- @folder//yyyy-mm-dd-title//dist//main.extension@ .
+-- In case of multiple matches, the rightmost one is used.
+dateField :: String -- ^ Key in which the rendered date should be placed
+ -> String -- ^ Format to use on the date
+ -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context
+dateField = dateFieldWith defaultTimeLocale
+-- | This is an extended version of 'dateField' that allows you to
+-- specify a time locale that is used for outputting the date. For more
+-- details, see 'dateField'.
+dateFieldWith :: TimeLocale -- ^ Output time locale
+ -> String -- ^ Destination key
+ -> String -- ^ Format to use on the date
+ -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context
+dateFieldWith locale key format = field key $ \i -> do
+ time <- getItemUTC locale $ itemIdentifier i
+ return $ formatTime locale format time
+-- | Parser to try to extract and parse the time from the @published@
+-- field or from the filename. See 'dateField' for more information.
+-- Exported for user convenience.
+getItemUTC :: MonadMetadata m
+ => TimeLocale -- ^ Output time locale
+ -> Identifier -- ^ Input page
+ -> m UTCTime -- ^ Parsed UTCTime
+getItemUTC locale id' = do
+ metadata <- getMetadata id'
+ let tryField k fmt = lookupString k metadata >>= parseTime' fmt
+ paths = splitDirectories $ toFilePath id'
+ maybe empty' return $ msum $
+ [tryField "published" fmt | fmt <- formats] ++
+ [tryField "date" fmt | fmt <- formats] ++
+ [parseTime' "%Y-%m-%d" $ intercalate "-" $ take 3 $ splitAll "-" fnCand | fnCand <- reverse paths]
+ where
+ empty' = fail $ "Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.getItemUTC: " ++
+ "could not parse time for " ++ show id'
+ parseTime' = parseTimeM True locale
+ formats =
+ [ "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
+ , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z"
+ , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Z"
+ , "%Y-%m-%d"
+ , "%B %e, %Y %l:%M %p"
+ , "%B %e, %Y"
+ , "%b %d, %Y"
+ ]
+-- | Get the time on which the actual file was last modified. This only works if
+-- there actually is an underlying file, of couse.
+ :: Identifier
+ -> Compiler UTCTime
+getItemModificationTime identifier = do
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ return $ resourceModificationTime provider identifier
+modificationTimeField :: String -- ^ Key
+ -> String -- ^ Format
+ -> Context a -- ^ Resuting context
+modificationTimeField = modificationTimeFieldWith defaultTimeLocale
+modificationTimeFieldWith :: TimeLocale -- ^ Time output locale
+ -> String -- ^ Key
+ -> String -- ^ Format
+ -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context
+modificationTimeFieldWith locale key fmt = field key $ \i -> do
+ mtime <- getItemModificationTime $ itemIdentifier i
+ return $ formatTime locale fmt mtime
+-- | A context with "teaser" key which contain a teaser of the item.
+-- The item is loaded from the given snapshot (which should be saved
+-- in the user code before any templates are applied).
+teaserField :: String -- ^ Key to use
+ -> Snapshot -- ^ Snapshot to load
+ -> Context String -- ^ Resulting context
+teaserField = teaserFieldWithSeparator teaserSeparator
+-- | A context with "teaser" key which contain a teaser of the item, defined as
+-- the snapshot content before the teaser separator. The item is loaded from the
+-- given snapshot (which should be saved in the user code before any templates
+-- are applied).
+teaserFieldWithSeparator :: String -- ^ Separator to use
+ -> String -- ^ Key to use
+ -> Snapshot -- ^ Snapshot to load
+ -> Context String -- ^ Resulting context
+teaserFieldWithSeparator separator key snapshot = field key $ \item -> do
+ body <- itemBody <$> loadSnapshot (itemIdentifier item) snapshot
+ case needlePrefix separator body of
+ Nothing -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Template.Context: no teaser defined for " ++
+ show (itemIdentifier item)
+ Just t -> return t
+missingField :: Context a
+missingField = Context $ \k _ i -> fail $
+ "Missing field $" ++ k ++ "$ in context for item " ++
+ show (itemIdentifier i)
+parseTimeM :: Bool -> TimeLocale -> String -> String -> Maybe UTCTime
+#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
+parseTimeM = TF.parseTimeM
+parseTimeM _ = TF.parseTime