path: root/src/Sproxy/Application.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Sproxy/Application.hs')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/src/Sproxy/Application.hs b/src/Sproxy/Application.hs
index c05844b..d2880ce 100644
--- a/src/Sproxy/Application.hs
+++ b/src/Sproxy/Application.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ module Sproxy.Application
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString (fromByteString)
import Control.Exception
- (Exception, Handler(..), SomeException, catches, displayException)
+ ( Exception
+ , Handler(..)
+ , SomeException
+ , catches
+ , displayException
+ )
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@@ -29,18 +34,36 @@ import Data.Word8 (_colon)
import Foreign.C.Types (CTime(..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as BE
import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit (bodyReaderSource)
-import Network.HTTP.Conduit
- (requestBodySourceChunkedIO, requestBodySourceIO)
+import Network.HTTP.Conduit (requestBodySourceChunkedIO, requestBodySourceIO)
import Network.HTTP.Types
- (RequestHeaders, ResponseHeaders, methodGet, methodPost)
+ ( RequestHeaders
+ , ResponseHeaders
+ , methodGet
+ , methodPost
+ )
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header
- (hConnection, hContentLength, hContentType, hCookie, hLocation,
- hTransferEncoding)
+ ( hConnection
+ , hContentLength
+ , hContentType
+ , hCookie
+ , hLocation
+ , hTransferEncoding
+ )
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
- (Status(..), badGateway502, badRequest400, forbidden403, found302,
- internalServerError500, methodNotAllowed405, movedPermanently301,
- networkAuthenticationRequired511, notFound404, ok200, seeOther303,
- temporaryRedirect307)
+ ( Status(..)
+ , badGateway502
+ , badRequest400
+ , forbidden403
+ , found302
+ , internalServerError500
+ , methodNotAllowed405
+ , movedPermanently301
+ , networkAuthenticationRequired511
+ , notFound404
+ , ok200
+ , seeOther303
+ , temporaryRedirect307
+ )
import Network.Socket (NameInfoFlag(NI_NUMERICHOST), getNameInfo)
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import Network.Wai.Conduit (responseSource, sourceRequestBody)
@@ -51,14 +74,20 @@ import Web.Cookie (Cookies, parseCookies, renderCookies)
import qualified Web.Cookie as WC
import Sproxy.Application.Cookie
- (AuthCookie(..), AuthUser, cookieDecode, cookieEncode, getEmail,
- getEmailUtf8, getFamilyNameUtf8, getGivenNameUtf8)
+ ( AuthCookie(..)
+ , AuthUser
+ , cookieDecode
+ , cookieEncode
+ , getEmail
+ , getEmailUtf8
+ , getFamilyNameUtf8
+ , getGivenNameUtf8
+ )
import Sproxy.Application.OAuth2.Common (OAuth2Client(..))
import qualified Sproxy.Application.State as State
import Sproxy.Config (BackendConf(..))
import qualified Sproxy.Logging as Log
-import Sproxy.Server.DB
- (Database, userAccess, userExists, userGroups)
+import Sproxy.Server.DB (Database, userAccess, userExists, userGroups)
redirect :: Word16 -> W.Application
redirect p req resp =
@@ -189,16 +218,16 @@ authenticate key be user url _req resp = do
authCookie = AuthCookie {acUser = user, acExpiry = expiry}
cookie =
- { WC.setCookieName = pack $ beCookieName be
- , WC.setCookieHttpOnly = True
- , WC.setCookiePath = Just "/"
- , WC.setCookieSameSite = Nothing
- , WC.setCookieSecure = True
- , WC.setCookieValue = cookieEncode key authCookie
- , WC.setCookieDomain = domain
- , WC.setCookieExpires =
- Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac $ expiry
- }
+ { WC.setCookieName = pack $ beCookieName be
+ , WC.setCookieHttpOnly = True
+ , WC.setCookiePath = Just "/"
+ , WC.setCookieSameSite = Nothing
+ , WC.setCookieSecure = True
+ , WC.setCookieValue = cookieEncode key authCookie
+ , WC.setCookieDomain = domain
+ , WC.setCookieExpires =
+ Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac $ expiry
+ }
resp $
@@ -227,17 +256,17 @@ authorize db (authCookie, otherCookies) req = do
getNameInfo [NI_NUMERICHOST] True False (W.remoteHost req)
return . Just $
- { W.requestHeaders =
- HM.toList $
- HM.insert "From" emailUtf8 $
- HM.insert "X-Groups" (BS.intercalate "," $ encodeUtf8 <$> grps) $
- HM.insert "X-Given-Name" givenUtf8 $
- HM.insert "X-Family-Name" familyUtf8 $
- HM.insert "X-Forwarded-Proto" "https" $
- HM.insertWith (flip combine) "X-Forwarded-For" ip $
- setCookies otherCookies $
- HM.fromListWith combine $ W.requestHeaders req
- }
+ { W.requestHeaders =
+ HM.toList $
+ HM.insert "From" emailUtf8 $
+ HM.insert "X-Groups" (BS.intercalate "," $ encodeUtf8 <$> grps) $
+ HM.insert "X-Given-Name" givenUtf8 $
+ HM.insert "X-Family-Name" familyUtf8 $
+ HM.insert "X-Forwarded-Proto" "https" $
+ HM.insertWith (flip combine) "X-Forwarded-For" ip $
+ setCookies otherCookies $
+ HM.fromListWith combine $ W.requestHeaders req
+ }
combine a b = a <> "," <> b
setCookies [] = HM.delete hCookie
@@ -267,19 +296,19 @@ forward :: BE.Manager -> W.Application
forward mgr req resp = do
let beReq =
- { BE.method = W.requestMethod req
- , BE.path = W.rawPathInfo req
- , BE.queryString = W.rawQueryString req
- , BE.requestHeaders = modifyRequestHeaders $ W.requestHeaders req
- , BE.redirectCount = 0
- , BE.decompress = const False
- , BE.requestBody =
- case W.requestBodyLength req of
- W.ChunkedBody ->
- requestBodySourceChunkedIO (sourceRequestBody req)
- W.KnownLength l ->
- requestBodySourceIO (fromIntegral l) (sourceRequestBody req)
- }
+ { BE.method = W.requestMethod req
+ , BE.path = W.rawPathInfo req
+ , BE.queryString = W.rawQueryString req
+ , BE.requestHeaders = modifyRequestHeaders $ W.requestHeaders req
+ , BE.redirectCount = 0
+ , BE.decompress = const False
+ , BE.requestBody =
+ case W.requestBodyLength req of
+ W.ChunkedBody ->
+ requestBodySourceChunkedIO (sourceRequestBody req)
+ W.KnownLength l ->
+ requestBodySourceIO (fromIntegral l) (sourceRequestBody req)
+ }
msg =
unpack (BE.method beReq <> " " <> BE.path beReq <> BE.queryString beReq)
Log.debug $ "BACKEND <<< " ++ msg ++ " " ++ show (BE.requestHeaders beReq)
@@ -339,7 +368,7 @@ authenticationRequired key oa2 req resp = do
authLink provider oa2c html =
let u = oauth2AuthorizeURL oa2c state (redirectURL req provider)
d = pack $ oauth2Description oa2c
- in [qc|{html}<p><a href="{u}">Authenticate with {d}</a></p>|]
+ in [qc|{html}<p><a href="{u}">Authenticate with {d}</a></p>|]
authHtml = HM.foldrWithKey authLink "" oa2
page =
@@ -414,16 +443,16 @@ logout key cookieName cookieDomain req resp = do
Just _ -> do
let cookie =
- { WC.setCookieName = cookieName
- , WC.setCookieHttpOnly = True
- , WC.setCookiePath = Just "/"
- , WC.setCookieSameSite = Just WC.sameSiteStrict
- , WC.setCookieSecure = True
- , WC.setCookieValue = "goodbye"
- , WC.setCookieDomain = cookieDomain
- , WC.setCookieExpires =
- Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac $ CTime 0
- }
+ { WC.setCookieName = cookieName
+ , WC.setCookieHttpOnly = True
+ , WC.setCookiePath = Just "/"
+ , WC.setCookieSameSite = Just WC.sameSiteStrict
+ , WC.setCookieSecure = True
+ , WC.setCookieValue = "goodbye"
+ , WC.setCookieDomain = cookieDomain
+ , WC.setCookieExpires =
+ Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac $ CTime 0
+ }
resp $