-- update README.md based on MANUAL.txt -- assumes that the README.md has a div with id 'description'. -- this gets replaced by the contents of the 'description' section -- of the manual. function Div(elem) if elem.classes[1] and elem.classes[1] == 'description' then local f = assert(io.open("MANUAL.txt", "r")) local manual = f:read("*all") f:close() local description = {} local i = 1 local include = false local mdoc = pandoc.read(manual, "markdown") local blocks = mdoc.blocks while blocks[i] do if include then table.insert(description, pandoc.walk_block(blocks[i], -- remove internal links { Link = function(el) if el.target:match("^#") then return el.content end end })) end if blocks[i].t == 'Header' then if blocks[i].identifier == 'description' then include = true elseif include then include = false end end i = i + 1 end return pandoc.Div(description, pandoc.Attr("description",{},{})) end end