{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0 \fswiss Helvetica;}{\f1 Courier;}} {\colortbl;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;} \widowctrl\hyphauto {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc \b \fs36 Pandoc Test Suite\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc John MacFarlane\Anonymous\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc July 17, 2006\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John Gruber's markdown test suite.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc \emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs36 Headers\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs32 Level 2 with an {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "/url"}}{\fldrslt{\ul embedded link }}} \par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs28 Level 3 with {\i emphasis} \par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs24 Level 4\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs20 Level 5\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs36 Level 1\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs32 Level 2 with {\i emphasis} \par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs28 Level 3\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 with no blank line\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs32 Level 2\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 with no blank line\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc \emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs36 Paragraphs\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Here's a regular paragraph.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a list item.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Here's one with a bullet. * criminey.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 There should be a hard line break\line here.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc \emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs36 Block Quotes\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 E-mail style:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 This is a block quote. It is pretty short.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 Code in a block quote:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 \f1 sub status \{\line print "working";\line \}\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 A list:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li1080 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab item one\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li1080 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab item two\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 Nested block quotes:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li1440 \fi0 nested\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li1440 \fi0 nested\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 This should not be a block quote: 2 > 1.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Box-style:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 Example:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 \f1 sub status \{\line print "working";\line \}\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li1080 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab do laundry\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li1080 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab take out the trash\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Here's a nested one:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 Joe said:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li1440 \fi0 Don't quote me.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 And a following paragraph.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc \emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs36 Code Blocks\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Code:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \f1 ---- (should be four hyphens)\line \line sub status \{\line print "working";\line \}\line \line this code block is indented by one tab\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 And:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \f1 this code block is indented by two tabs\line \line These should not be escaped: \\$ \\\\ \\> \\[ \\\{\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc \emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs36 Lists\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs32 Unordered\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Asterisks tight:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab asterisk 1\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab asterisk 2\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab asterisk 3\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Asterisks loose:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab asterisk 1\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab asterisk 2\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab asterisk 3\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Pluses tight:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Plus 1\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Plus 2\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Plus 3\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Pluses loose:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Plus 1\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Plus 2\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Plus 3\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Minuses tight:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Minus 1\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Minus 2\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Minus 3\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Minuses loose:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Minus 1\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Minus 2\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Minus 3\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs32 Ordered\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Tight:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab First\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab Second\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 3.\tx360\tab Third\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 and:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab One\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab Two\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 3.\tx360\tab Three\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Loose using tabs:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab First\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab Second\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 3.\tx360\tab Third\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 and using spaces:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab One\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab Two\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 3.\tx360\tab Three\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Multiple paragraphs:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab Item 1, graf one.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi0 Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab Item 2.\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 3.\tx360\tab Item 3.\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs32 Nested\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Tab\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab Tab\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li1080 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab Tab\sa180\sa180\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Here's another:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab First\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab Second:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab Fee\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab Fie\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab Foe\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 3.\tx360\tab Third\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Same thing but with paragraphs:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab First\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 2.\tx360\tab Second:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab Fee\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab Fie\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab Foe\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 3.\tx360\tab Third\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs32 Tabs and spaces\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab this is a list item indented with tabs\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li360 \fi-360 \bullet \tx360\tab this is a list item indented with spaces\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab this is an example list item indented with tabs\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi-360 \endash \tx360\tab this is an example list item indented with spaces\sa180\sa180\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \qc \emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\emdash\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \b \fs36 HTML Blocks\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Simple block on one line:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li0 \fi0 foo\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 And nested without indentation:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li0 \fi0 foo\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li0 \fi0 bar\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Interpreted markdown in a table:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li0 \fi0 This is {\i emphasized} \par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li0 \fi0 And this is {\b strong} \par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 Here's a simple block:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa0 \li0 \fi0 foo\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 This should be a code block, though:\par} {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 \f1
{\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and just indent the first line of each block.\par}
} This should {\i not} be a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline note.{\super\chftn}{\*\footnote\chftn\~\plain\pard {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 This is {\i easier} to type. Inline notes may contain {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://google.com"}}{\fldrslt{\ul
and {\f1 ]} verbatim characters.\par}
{\pard \f0 \sa180 \li720 \fi0 Notes can go in quotes.{\super\chftn}{\*\footnote\chftn\~\plain\pard {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 In quote.\par}
{\pard \f0 \sa0 \li360 \fi-360 1.\tx360\tab And in list items.{\super\chftn}{\*\footnote\chftn\~\plain\pard {\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 In list.\par}
{\pard \f0 \sa180 \li0 \fi0 This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.\par}