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Tyger! burning bright\n In the forests of the night,\n What immortal hand or eye\n Could frame thy fearful symmetry?\n In what distant deeps or skies\n Burnt the fire of thine eyes?\n On what wings dare he aspire?\n What the hand dare sieze the fire?" , Header 3 ( "preformatted text with attributes", [], [] ) [ Str "preformatted" , Space , Str "text" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "attributes" ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [ ( "class", "python" ), ( "style", "color:blue" ) ] ) " for i in range(1, 5):\n print(i)" , Header 3 ( "preformatted text with nested syntax", [], [] ) [ Str "preformatted" , Space , Str "text" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "nested" , Space , Str "syntax" ] , CodeBlock ( "", [ "sql" ], [] ) "SELECT * FROM table" , Header 3 ( "empty preformatted text", [], [] ) [ Str "empty", Space, Str "preformatted", Space, Str "text" ] , CodeBlock ( "", [], [] ) "" , Header 2 ( "block quotes", [], [] ) [ Str "block", Space, Str "quotes" ] , BlockQuote [ Plain [ Str 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, Space , Str "width" , Space , Str "4)" , Space , Str "long" , Space , Str "piece" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "text" , Space , Str "from" , Space , Str "another" , Space , Str "source." , Space , Strikeout [ Str "blah", Space, Str "blah" ] , Space , Span ( "-blockquote", [], [] ) [ Str "" ] , Span ( "blockquote", [ "tag" ], [] ) [ Str "blockquote" ] ] ] , Header 2 ( "external links", [], [] ) [ Str "external", Space, Str "links" ] , Para [ Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Emph [ Str "Google" ] , Space , Str "search" , Space , Str "engine" ] ( "", "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "", "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "", "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "", "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "email", Space, Str "me" ] ( "", "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "", "" ) ] , Header 2 ( "internal links", [], [] ) [ Str "internal", Space, Str "links" ] , Para [ Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "This is a link" ] ( "This is a link", 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"stuff" ] ] ( "lalune.jpg", "" ) ] , Para [ Image ( "", [], [ ( "style", "font-color:red" ) ] ) [ Span ( "Non-existing", [], [] ) [] , Strong [ Str "Non-existing" ] , Space , Str "image" ] ( "nonexist.jpg", "" ) ] , Para [ Image ( "", [], [ ( "style", "width:150px;height:120px;" ) ] ) [ Emph [ Str "cool", Space, Str "stuff" ] ] ( "lalune.jpg", "" ) ] , Header 2 ( "lists", [], [] ) [ Str "lists" ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "ordered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1," , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "here" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "some" , Space , Str "math" , Space , Str "belonging" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] , Para [ Math DisplayMath "a^2 + b^2 = c^2" ] , Plain [ Str "and" , Space , Str "some" , Space , Str "preformatted" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "tables" , Space , Str "belonging" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" , Space , Str "as" , Space , Str "well" ] , CodeBlock ( "", [], [] ) "I'm part of item 1." , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "this", Space, Str "table" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "is" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "also", Space, Str "a", Space, Str "part" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "of", Space, Str "item", Space, Str "1" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Plain [ Str "and" , Space , Str "some" , 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Str "etc." , SoftBreak , Str "Continuation" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "Item" , Space , Str "2" , SoftBreak , Str "Next" , Space , Str "continuation" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "Item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] ] ] ] , Para [ Str "But" , Space , Str "this" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "new" , Space , Str "paragraph." ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "1" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Code ( "", [], [] ) "1.1" ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "2" ], BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "2.1" ] ] ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "3" ] ] ] , Header 3 ( "ordered lists with non-# identifiers", [], [] ) [ Str "ordered" , Space , Str "lists" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "non-#" , Space , Str "identifiers" ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Bulleted" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Bulleted" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "sub" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "more", Space, Str "..." ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "and", Space, Str "more", Space, Str "..." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "..." ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "sub" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "3" ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "sub" , Space , Str "sub" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Numbered" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "sub" , Space , Str "sub" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "2" ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "etc." ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str 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Space , Str "marker" , Space , Code ( "", [], [] ) "[ ]" ] , OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Span ( "", [ "done3" ], [] ) [] , Str "4" , SoftBreak , Str "5" ] ] , [ Plain [ Span ( "", [ "done4" ], [] ) [] ] , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "a" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "b" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Span ( "", [ "done4" ], [] ) [], Str "task", Space, Str "2" ] ] ] , Header 2 ( "math", [], [] ) [ Str "math" ] , Para [ Math InlineMath " \\sum_i a_i^2 = 1 " ] , Para [ Math DisplayMath "\\sum_i a_i^2\n=\n1" ] , Para [ Math DisplayMath "\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_i a_i^2 &= 1 + 1 \\\\\n&= 2.\n\\end{aligned}" ] , Para [ Str "edge" , Space , Str "case" , Space , Str "(the" , Space , Code ( "", [], [] ) "c^2 + " , Space , Str "after" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "multline" , Space , Str "tag" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "equation):" ] , Para [ Math DisplayMath "\\begin{gathered}\nc^2 + \na^2 + b^2\n\\end{gathered}" ] , Para [ Str "edge" , Space , Str "case" , Space , Str "(the" , Space , Str "tag" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Code ( "", [], [] ) "hello%bye" , Str ")" ] , Para [ Math DisplayMath "\\begin{hello%bye}\n\\int_a^b f(x) dx\n\\end{hello%bye}" ] , Para [ Str "Just" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "dollar" , Space , Str "signs:" , Space , Str "$$" ] , Para [ Str "[not" , Space , Str "math]" , Space , Str "You" , Space , Str "have" , Space , Str "$1" , SoftBreak , Str "and" , Space , Str "I" , Space , Str "have" , Space , Str "$1." ] , Header 2 ( "tags", [], [] ) [ Str "tags" ] , Para [ Span ( "-tag-one", [], [] ) [ Str "" ] , Span ( "tag-one", [ "tag" ], [] ) [ Str "tag-one" ] , Space , Span ( "-tag-two", [], [] ) [ Str "" ] , Span ( "tag-two", [ "tag" ], [] ) [ Str "tag-two" ] ] , Header 2 ( "tables", [], [] ) [ Str "tables" ] , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Year" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Temperature", Space, Str "(low)" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Temperature", Space, Str "(high)" ] ] ] ] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1900" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "-10" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "25" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1910" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "-15" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "30" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1920" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "-10" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "32" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1930" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Emph [ Str "N/A" ] ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Emph [ Str "N/A" ] ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1940" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "-2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "40" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Header 3 ( "centered headerless tables", [], [] ) [ Str "centered", Space, Str "headerless", Space, Str "tables" ] , Div ( "", [ "center" ], [] ) [ Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "a" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "b" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "c" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "d" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) ] , Header 2 ( "paragraphs", [], [] ) [ Str "paragraphs" ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "first" , Space , Str "paragraph" , SoftBreak , Str "with" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "lines." ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "second" , Space , Str "paragraph" , Space , Str "with" , SoftBreak , Str "two" , Space , Str "lines" , Space , Str "after" , Space , Str "many" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "lines." ] , Header 2 ( "definition list", [], [] ) [ Str "definition", Space, Str "list" ] , DefinitionList [ ( [ Str "Term", Space, Str "1" ] , [ [ Plain [ Str "Definition", Space, Str "1" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "Term", Space, Str "2" ] , [ [ Plain [ Str "Definition", Space, Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Definition", Space, Str "3" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "Term" , Space , Str "::" , Space , Span ( "separated", [], [] ) [] , Strong [ Str "separated" ] , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "::" , Space , Emph [ Str "double", Space, Str "colons" ] ] , [ [ Plain [ Str "Def1" ] ], [ Plain [ Str "Def2" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "Term" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "lots" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "trailing" , Space , Str "colons:::::::" ] , [ [ Plain [ Str "Definition" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "::" , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "::" , Space , Str "A" , Space , Str "term" , Space , Str "(rather" , Space , Str "than" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "definition)" ] , [ [ Plain [ Str "and" , Space , Str "this" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "definition" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "Term", Space, Str "Without", Space, Str "definitions" ] , [ [] ] ) , ( [ Str "Part" , Space , Str "::" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "::" , Space , Str "dt" ] , [ [ Plain [ Str "part", Space, Str "of", Space, Str "::dd" ] ] ] ) ] , DefinitionList [ ( [] , [ [ Plain [ Str "Definition" , Space , Str "1" , Space , Str "without" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "term" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Definition" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str "without" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "term" ] ] ] ) ] , DefinitionList [ ( [ Str "T1" ], [ [ Plain [ Str "D1" ] ] ] ) ] , Para [ Str "new", Space, Str "paragraph" ] , DefinitionList [ ( [ Str "T1" ], [ [ Plain [ Str "D1" ] ] ] ) ] , Para [ Str "Not::Definition" ] , Para [ Str "Not", Space, Str "::Definition" ] , Para [ Str "::Not", Space, Str "definition" ] , BlockQuote [ Plain [ Str "::", Space, Str "blockquote" ] ] , BlockQuote [ Plain [ Str "block", Space, Str "::", Space, Str "quote" ] ] , Header 2 ( "metadata placeholders", [], [] ) [ Str "metadata", Space, Str "placeholders" ] , Para [ Str "%this" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "placeholder" ] , Para [ Str "placeholders" , SoftBreak , Str "serves" , Space , Str "as" , Space , Str "space" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "softbreak" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "paragraphs" ] , Header 2 ( "sup, sub", [], [] ) [ Str "sup,", Space, Str "sub" ] , Para [ Str "super", Superscript [ Str "script" ] ] , Para [ Str "sub", Subscript [ Str "script" ] ] , Header 2 ( "the todo mark", [], [] ) [ Str "the", Space, Str "todo", Space, Str "mark" ] , Para [ Span ( "", [ "todo" ], [] ) [ Str "TODO:" ] ] , Header 1 ( "not implemented yet", [], [] ) [ Emph [ Span ( "not implemented yet", [], [] ) [] , Strong [ Str "not", Space, Str "implemented", Space, Str "yet" ] ] ] , Header 2 ( "tables with spans", [], [] ) [ Str "tables", Space, Str "with", Space, Str "spans" ] , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "a" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "b" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "c" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "d" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "\\/" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "e" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str ">" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "f" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "\\/" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "\\/" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str ">" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "g" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "h" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str ">" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str ">" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str ">" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Header 2 ( "tables with multiple lines of headers", [], [] ) [ Str "tables" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "multiple" , Space , Str "lines" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "headers" ] , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "a" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "b" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "c" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "d" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "---" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "---" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Header 2 ( "some other placeholders", [], [] ) [ Str "some", Space, Str "other", Space, Str "placeholders" ] , Para [ Code ( "", [], [] ) "template" , Space , Str "placeholder" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "ignored." ] , Para [ Code ( "", [], [] ) "nohtml" , Space , Str "placeholder" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "ignored." ] ]