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"problem" , SoftBreak , Str "about" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "mark." ] , Para [ Str "If" , Space , Str "you" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "new" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "txt2tags" , Space , Str "or" , Space , Str "just" , Space , Str "want" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "know" , Space , Str "which" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "the" , SoftBreak , Str "available" , Space , Str "marks," , Space , Str "please" , Space , Str "read" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "Markup", Space, Str "Demo" ] ( "MARKUPDEMO", "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "Note" , Space , Str "1:" , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "document" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "generated" , Space , Str "directly" , Space , Str "from" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "txt2tags" , SoftBreak , Str "test-suite." , Space , Str "All" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "rules" , Space , Str "mentioned" , Space , Str "here" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "100%" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "sync" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "the" , SoftBreak , Str "current" , Space , Str "program" , Space , Str "code." ] , Para [ Str "Note" , Space , Str "2:" , Space , Str "A" , Space , Str "good" , Space , Str "practice" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "consult" , Space , Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "the", Space, Str "sources" ] ( "rules.t2t", "" ) , Space , Str "when" , SoftBreak , Str "reading," , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "see" , Space , Str "how" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "texts" , Space , Str "were" , Space , Str "made." ] , Para [ Str "Table", Space, Str "of", Space, Str "Contents:" ] , HorizontalRule , Header 1 ( "paragraph", [], [] ) [ Str "Paragraph" ] , Para [ Str "A" , Space , Str "paragraph" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "composed" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "or" , Space , Str "more" , Space , Str "lines." , SoftBreak , Str "A" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "(or" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "table," , Space , Str "or" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list)" , Space , Str "ends" , Space , Str "the" , SoftBreak , Str "current" , Space , Str "paragraph." ] , Para [ Str "Leading" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "trailing" , Space , Str "spaces" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "ignored." ] , Para [ Str "A" , Space , Str "comment" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "placed" , Space , Str "inside" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "paragraph." , SoftBreak , Str "It" , Space , Str "will" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "affect" , Space , Str "it." ] , Para [ Str "The" , Space , Str "end" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "file" , Space , Str "(EOF)" , Space , Str "closes" , Space , Str "the" , SoftBreak , Str "currently" , Space , Str "open" , Space , Str "paragraph." ] , Header 1 ( "comment", [], [] ) [ Str "Comment" ] , Para [ Str "%" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "on" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "beginning" , Space , Str "(at" , Space , Str "column" , Space , Str "2)" ] , Para [ Str "some" , Space , Str "text" , Space , Str "%" , Space , Str "half" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "comments" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "allowed" ] , Header 1 ( "line", [], [] ) [ Str "Line" ] , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , HorizontalRule , Para [ Strikeout [ Str "-----" ] , SoftBreak , Strikeout [ Str "-------", Space, Str "--------" ] ] , Para [ Strikeout [ Str "-------+--------" ] ] , Para [ Str "(" , Space , Strikeout [ Str "----------------" ] , Space , Str ")" ] , Header 1 ( "inline", [], [] ) [ Str "Inline" ] , Para [ Str "i)" , Space , Strong [ Str "b" ] , Space , Emph [ Str "i" ] , Space , Underline [ Str "u" ] , Space , Strikeout [ Str "s" ] , Space , Code ( "", [], [] ) "m" , 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Str "it", Space, Str "/", Space, Str "al" ] , Space , Underline [ Str "un", Space, Str "_", Space, Str "dr" ] , Space , Strikeout [ Str "st", Space, Str "-", Space, Str "rk" ] , Space , Code ( "", [], [] ) "mo ` no" , Space , Str "r" , Space , Str "\"" , Space , Str "aw" , Space , RawInline ( Format "html" ) "tg ' gd" , SoftBreak , Str "i)" , Space , Strong [ Str "bo", Space, Str "**ld" ] , Space , Emph [ Str "it", Space, Str "//al" ] , Space , Underline [ Str "un", Space, Str "__dr" ] , Space , Strikeout [ Str "st", Space, Str "--rk" ] , Space , Code ( "", [], [] ) "mo ``no" , Space , Str "r" , Space , Str "\"\"aw" , Space , RawInline ( Format "html" ) "tg ''gd" , SoftBreak , Str "i)" , Space , Strong [ Str "bo", Space, Str "**", Space, Str "ld" ] , Space , Emph [ Str "it", Space, Str "//", Space, Str "al" ] , Space , Underline [ Str "un", Space, Str "__", Space, Str "dr" ] , Space , Strikeout [ Str "st", Space, Str "--", Space, Str "rk" ] , Space , Code ( "", [], [] ) "mo `` no" , 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, Str "by" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "TAB" , SoftBreak , Str "character." , Space , Str "All" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "lines" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "paragraph" , Space , Str "must" , SoftBreak , Str "begin" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "TAB." ] ] , Para [ Str "Any" , Space , Str "non-tabbed" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "closes" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "quote" , Space , Str "block." ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "The" , Space , Str "number" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "leading" , Space , Str "TABs" , Space , Str "identifies" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "quote" , SoftBreak , Str "block" , Space , Str "depth." , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "quote" , Space , Str "level" , Space , Str "1." ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "With" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "TABs," , Space , Str "we" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "on" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "quote" , SoftBreak , Str "level" , Space , Str "2." ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "The" , Space , Str "more" , Space , Str "TABs," , Space , Str "more" , Space , Str "deep" , Space , Str "is" , SoftBreak , Str "the" , Space , Str "quote" , Space , Str "level." ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "There" , Space , Str "isn't" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "limit." ] ] ] ] ] , BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "quote" , Space , Str "starts" , Space , Str "at" , SoftBreak , Str "level" , Space , Str "4." ] ] , Para [ Str "Then" , Space , Str "its" , Space , Str "depth" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "decreased." ] ] , Para [ Str "Counting" , Space , Str "down," , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "one." ] ] , Para [ Str "Until" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "level" , Space , Str "1." ] ] , BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "Unlike" , Space , Str "lists," , Space , Str "any" , Space , Str "quote" , Space , Str "block" , Space , Str "is" , SoftBreak , Str "independent," , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "part" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "tree." ] ] ] , Para [ Str "The" , Space , Str "TAB" , Space , Str "count" , Space , Str "don't" , Space , Str "need" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "incremental" , SoftBreak , Str "by" , Space , Str "one." ] , BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "The" , Space , Str "nesting" , Space , Str "don't" , Space , Str "need" , SoftBreak , Str "to" , Space , Str "follow" , Space , Str "any" , Space , Str "rule." ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Quotes" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "opened" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "closed" , SoftBreak , Str "in" , Space , Str "any" , Space , Str "way." ] , BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "You", Space, Str "choose." ] ] ] ] ] ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "Some" , Space , Str "targets" , Space , Str "(as" , Space , Str "sgml)" , Space , Str "don't" , Space , Str "support" , Space , Str "the" , SoftBreak , Str "nesting" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "quotes." , Space , Str "There" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "only" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "quote" , SoftBreak , Str "level." ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "In" , Space , Str "this" , Space , Str "case," , Space , Str "no" , Space , Str "matter" , Space , Str "how" , Space , Str "much" , SoftBreak , Str "TABs" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "used" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "define" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "quote" , SoftBreak , Str "block," , Space , Str "it" , Space , Str "always" , Space , Str "will" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "level" , Space , Str "1." ] ] ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "Spaces" , Space , Str "AFTER" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "TAB" , Space , Str "character" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "allowed." , SoftBreak , Str "But" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "careful," , Space , Str "it" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "confusing." ] ] , Para [ Str "Spaces" , Space , Str "BEFORE" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "TAB" , Space , Str "character" , SoftBreak , Str "invalidate" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "mark." , Space , Str "It's" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "quote." ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "Paragraph" , Space , Str "breaks" , Space , Str "inside" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "quote" , Space , Str "aren't" , SoftBreak , Str "possible." ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "sample" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "separated" , Space , Str "quoted" , SoftBreak , Str "paragraphs," , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "quote" , Space , Str "block" , Space , Str "with" , SoftBreak , Str "two" , Space , Str "paragraphs" , Space , Str "inside." ] ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "The" , Space , Str "end" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "file" , Space , Str "(EOF)" , Space , Str "closes" , Space , Str "the" , SoftBreak , Str "currently" , Space , Str "open" , Space , Str "quote" , Space , Str "block." ] ] , Header 1 ( "raw", [], [] ) [ Str "Raw" ] , Para [ Str "A raw line.\n" ] , Para [ Str " Another raw line, with leading spaces.\n" ] , Para [ Str "A raw area delimited\n by lines with marks.\n" ] , Para [ Str "Trailing spaces and TABs after the area marks\nare allowed, but not encouraged nor documented.\n" ] , Para [ Str "\"\"\"Not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "raw" , Space , Str "line," , Space , Str "need" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "space" , Space , Str "after" , Space , Str "mark." ] , Para [ Str "\"\"\"" , SoftBreak , Str "Not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "raw" , Space , Str "area." , SoftBreak , Str "The" , Space , Str "marks" , Space , Str "must" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "at" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "beginning," , SoftBreak , Str "no" , Space , Str "leading" , Space , Str "spaces." , SoftBreak , Str "\"\"\"" ] , Para [ Str "The end of the file (EOF) closes\nthe currently open raw area.\n" ] , Header 1 ( "verbatim", [], [] ) [ Str "Verbatim" ] , CodeBlock ( "", [], [] ) "A verbatim line.\n" , CodeBlock ( "", [], [] ) " Another verbatim line, with leading spaces.\n" , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "A verbatim area delimited\n by lines with marks.\n" , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "Trailing spaces and TABs after the area marks\nare allowed, but not encouraged nor documented.\n" , Para [ Str "```Not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "verbatim" , Space , Str "line," , Space , Str "need" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "space" , Space , Str "after" , Space , Str "mark." ] , Para [ Str "```" , SoftBreak , Str "Not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "verbatim" , Space , Str "area." , SoftBreak , Str "The" , Space , Str "marks" , Space , Str "must" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "at" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "beginning," , SoftBreak , Str "no" , Space , Str "leading" , Space , Str "spaces." , SoftBreak , Str "```" ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "The end of the file (EOF) closes\nthe currently open verbatim area.\n" , Header 1 ( "deflist", [], [] ) [ Str "Definition", Space, Str "List" ] , DefinitionList [ ( [ Str "Definition", Space, Str "list" ] , [ [ Plain [ Str "A" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "terms" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "Start" , Space , Str "term" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "colon" ] , [ [ Plain [ Str "And" , Space , Str "its" , Space , Str "definition" , Space , Str "follows" ] ] ] ) ] , Header 1 ( "numlist", [], [] ) [ Str "Numbered", Space, Str "List" ] , Para [ Str "See" , Space , Link ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "List" ] ( "#list", "" ) , Str "," , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "same" , Space , Str "rules" , Space , Str "apply." ] , Header 1 ( "list", [], [] ) [ Str "List" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Use" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "hyphen" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "prefix" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "items." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "There" , Space , Str "must" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "space" , Space , Str "after" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "hyphen." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "The" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "closed" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "consecutive" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "lines." ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "The" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "indented" , Space , Str "on" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "source" , Space , Str "document." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "You" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "use" , Space , Str "any" , Space , Str "number" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "spaces." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "The" , Space , Str "result" , Space , Str "will" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "same." ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Let" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "between" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "items." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "It" , Space , Str "will" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "maintained" , Space , Str "on" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "conversion." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Some" , Space , Str "targets" , Space , Str "don't" , Space , Str "support" , Space , Str "this" , Space , Str "behavior." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "was" , Space , Str "separated" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "blanks." , SoftBreak , Str "You" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "also" , Space , Str "put" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "inside" ] , Para [ Str "the" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "contents" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "it" , Space , Str "will" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "preserved." ] ] ] , Para [ Str "-This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "(no" , Space , Str "space)" ] , Para [ Str "-" , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "(more" , Space , Str "than" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "space)" ] , Para [ Str "-" , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "(a" , Space , Str "TAB" , Space , Str "instead" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "space)" ] , BulletList [ [ BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" ] ] ] ] , [ OrderedList ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim ) [ [ Plain [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" ] ] ] ] , [ DefinitionList [ ( [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" ] , [ [] ] ) ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "\"mother\"" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "first" , Space , Str "item." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Here" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "second," , Space , Str "but" , Space , Str "inside" , Space , Str "this" , Space , Str "item," ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "there" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "sublist," , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "its" , Space , Str "own" , Space , Str "items." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Note" , Space , Str "that" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "items" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "same" , Space , Str "sublist" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "must" , Space , Str "have" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "same" , Space , Str "indentation." ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "And" , Space , Str "this" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "go" , Space , Str "on," , Space , Str "opening" , Space , Str "sublists." ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Just" , Space , Str "add" , Space , Str "leading" , Space , Str "spaces" , Space , Str "before" , Space , Str "the" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "hyphen" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "sublists" , Space , Str "will" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "opened." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "The" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "lines" , Space , Str "closes" , Space , Str "them" , Space , Str "all." ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "When" , Space , Str "nesting" , Space , Str "lists," , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "additional" , Space , Str "spaces" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "free." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "You" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "add" , Space , Str "just" , Space , Str "one," ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "or", Space, Str "many." ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "What" , Space , Str "matters" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "put" , Space , Str "more" , Space , Str "than" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "previous." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "But" , Space , Str "remember" , Space , Str "that" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "other" , Space , Str "items" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "same" , Space , Str "list" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "must" , Space , Str "use" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "same" , Space , Str "indentation." ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "There" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "depth" , Space , Str "limit," ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "you" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "go" , Space , Str "deeper" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "deeper." ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "But" , Space , Str "some" , Space , Str "targets" , Space , Str "may" , Space , Str "have" , Space , Str "restrictions." ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "The" , Space , Str "LaTeX" , Space , Str "maximum" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "here," , Space , Str "4" , Space , Str "levels." ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Reverse" , Space , Str "nesting" , Space , Str "doesn't" , Space , Str "work." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Because" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "sublist" , Space , Str "*must*" , Space , Str "have" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "mother" , Space , Str "list." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "It's" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "concept," , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "txt2tags" , Space , Str "limitation." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "All" , Space , Str "this" , Space , Str "sublists" , Space , Str "will" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "bumped" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "mother" , Space , Str "lists." ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "At" , Space , Str "level" , Space , Str "1," , Space , Str "like" , Space , Str "this" , Space , Str "one." ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "1" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "2" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "4" ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "3" , Space , Str "--" , Space , Str "(closed" , Space , Str "Level" , Space , Str "4)" ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str "--" , Space , Str "(closed" , Space , Str "Level" , Space , Str "3)" ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "1" , Space , Str "--" , Space , Str "(closed" , Space , Str "Level" , Space , Str "2)" ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "1" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "2" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "4" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "1" , Space , Str "--" , Space , Str "(closed" , Space , Str "Level" , Space , Str "4," , Space , Str "Level" , Space , Str "3" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "Level" , Space , Str "2)" ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Level", Space, Str "1" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str "--" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "BEFORE" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "AFTER" , Space , Str "(in)" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "4" ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str "--" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "BEFORE" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "AFTER" , Space , Str "(out)" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Level", Space, Str "1" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str "--" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "BEFORE" , Space , Str "(spaces)" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "AFTER" , Space , Str "(TAB)" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "1" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "2" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "4" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3.5", Space, Str "???" ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "2.5", Space, Str "???" ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "2" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "1.5", Space, Str "???" ] ] ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "1" ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "This" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "closed" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "spaces" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "other" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "TABs" ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "This" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "NOT" , Space , Str "closed" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "comment" , Space , Str "lines" ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "This" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "closed" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "spaces" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "TAB," ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "then" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "comment" , Space , Str "line," , Space , Str "then" , Space , Str "an" , Space , Str "empty" , Space , Str "line." ] ] ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "1" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "2" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "3" ] ] ] , Plain [ Str "-", SoftBreak, Str "Level", Space, Str "2" ] ] ] , Plain [ Str "-", SoftBreak, Str "Level", Space, Str "1" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "-" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Empty" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "trailing" , Space , Str "spaces." ] ] ] , Para [ Str "-" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Empty" , Space , Str "item" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "trailing" , Space , Str "TAB." ] ] ] , Para [ Str "-" ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "If" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "end" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "file" , Space , Str "(EOF)" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "hit," ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "all" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "currently" , Space , Str "opened" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "closed," ] , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "just" , Space , Str "like" , Space , Str "when" , Space , Str "using" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "lines." ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , Header 1 ( "table", [], [] ) [ Str "Table" ] , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignRight, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "1" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignRight, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "3" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "3" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Para [ Str "||" , Space , Str "Cell" , Space , Str "1" , Space , Str "|" , Space , Str "Cell" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str "|" , Space , Str "Cell" , Space , Str "3" , Space , Str "|" ] , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Cell", Space, Str "3" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Heading" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Heading" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Heading" ] ] ] ] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "<-" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "--" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "->" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "--" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "--" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "--" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "->" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "--" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "<-" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "3+4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "3" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "4" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1+2+3" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2+3" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1+2+3+4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "0" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "5" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "7" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "8" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "A" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "B" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "D" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "E" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "F" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "3" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "3" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "3" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "5" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Jan" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Fev" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Mar" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "Apr" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "May" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "20%" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "40%" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "60%" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "80%" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "100%" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "/" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" , Space , Str "/" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "o" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "o" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "." ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "=", Space, Str "=", Space, Str "=", Space, Str "=" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "01" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "02" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "05" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "07" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "11" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "13" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "16" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "17" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "19" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "20" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "23" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "25" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "26" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "29" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "30" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "32" ] ] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "35" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "37" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "39" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "40" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) , ( 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AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "5" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "6" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "7" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "8" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "9" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "A" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "B" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "C" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "D" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "E" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "F" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "0" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "2" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "3" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "4" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "5" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "6" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "7" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "8" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "9" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "A" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "B" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "C" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "D" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "E" ] ] , Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [ Plain [ Str "F" ] ] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Table ( "", [], [] ) ( Caption Nothing [] ) [ ( AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault ) ] ( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] ) [ TableBody ( "", [], [] ) ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) [] [ Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] , Row ( "", [], [] ) [ Cell ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault ( RowSpan 1 ) ( ColSpan 1 ) [] ] ] ] ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] ) , Para [ Str "|this|is|not|a|table|" ] , Para [ Str "|this|" , Space , Str "is|" , Space , Str "not|" , Space , Str "a|" , Space , Str "table|" ] , Para [ Str "|this" , Space , Str "|is" , Space , Str "|not" , Space , Str "|a" , Space , Str "|table" , Space , Str "|" ] , Para [ Str "|" , Space , Str "this\t|" , Space , Str "is\t|" , Space , Str "not\t|" , Space , Str "a\t|" , Space , Str "table\t|" ] , HorizontalRule , Para [ Str "The", Space, Str "End." ] ]