---+ header

---++ header level two

---+++ header level 3

---++++ header _level_ four

---+++++ header level 5

---++++++ header level 6

---+++++++ not a header

 --++ not a header

---+ emph and strong

_emph_ *strong*

__strong and emph__

*<i>emph inside</i> strong*

*strong with <i>emph</i>*

_<b>strong inside</b> emph_

---+ horizontal rule



---+ nop

<nop>_not emph_

---+ entities

hi & low

hi &amp; low



---+ comments

inline <!-- secret --> comment

<!-- secret -->

between blocks

 <!-- secret -->

---+ linebreaks



---+ inline code

<code>*→*</code> =typed= <code class="haskell">>>=</code>

---+ code blocks

case xs of
     (_:_) -> reverse xs
     []    -> ['*']

<verbatim class="haskell">
case xs of
     (_:_) -> reverse xs
     []    -> ['*']

---+ block quotes

Regular paragraph
This is a block quote.

With two paragraphs.
Nother paragraph.

---+ external links

[[http://google.com][<i>Google</i> search engine]]


[[http://google.com]] [[http://yahoo.com]]

[[mailto:info@example.org][email me]]







---+ lists

   * Start each line
   * with an asterisk (*).
      * More asterisks gives deeper
         * and deeper levels.
   * Line breaks%BR%don't break levels.
   * Continuations
     are also possible
      * and do not break the list flow
   * Level one
Any other start ends the list.

   1. Start each line
   1. with a number (1.).
      1. More number signs gives deeper
         1. and deeper
         1. levels.
   1. Line breaks%BR%don't break levels.
   1. Blank lines

   1. end the list and start another.
Any other start also
ends the list.

   $ item 1: definition 1
   $ item 2: definition 2-1
      definition 2-2
   $ item _3_: definition _3_

   1. one
   1. two
      * two point one
      * two point two
   1. three
      $ three item one: three def one
   1. four
      $ four def one: this
         is a continuation
   1. five
      1. five sub 1
         1. five sub 1 sub 1
      1. five sub 2

   1. other
      I. list
      I. styles
   1. are
      i. also
      i. possible
   1. all
      a. the
      a. different
      a. styles
   1. are
      A. implemented
      A. and
      A. supported

---+ tables

|Butter|Ice cream|

|*Butter*|Ice cream|

|Bread%BR%%BR%and cheese|Pie%BR%%BR%*apple* and <i>carrot</i>|

| Orange | Apple     | more     |
| Bread  | Pie       | more     |
| Butter | Ice cream | and more |

---+ macros



%TEST{content with spaces}%

%TEST{"content with spaces"}%

%TEST{"content with spaces" ARG1="test"}%

%TEST{content with spaces ARG1=test}%

%TEST{ARG1=test content with spaces}%

%TEST{ARG1=test ARG2=test2}%

%TEST{ARG1="test" ARG2="test2"}%

does also work}%