{\rtf1\ansi \ftnbj\ftnrestart \sectd \linemod0\linex0\endnhere \pard\plain \ri1170 \fs20 {\pu6 Mead's landmark study has been amply annotated.\chftn {\footnote \pard\plain \s246 \fs20 {\up6\chftn } See Sahlins, Bateson, and Geertz for a complete bibliography.} It was her work in America during the Second World War, however, that forms the basis for the paper. As others have noted,\chftn {\footnote \pard\plain \s246 \fs20 {\up6\chftn} A complete bibliography will be found at the end of this chapter.} this period was a turning point for Margaret Mead.} \par}