local tasty = require 'tasty' local test = tasty.test_case local group = tasty.test_group local assert = tasty.assert function os_is_windows () return package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\' end return { group 'Attr' { group 'Constructor' { test('pandoc.Attr is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Attr), 'function') end), test('returns null-Attr if no arguments are given', function () local attr = pandoc.Attr() assert.are_equal(attr.identifier, '') assert.are_same(attr.classes, {}) assert.are_same(#attr.attributes, 0) end), test( 'accepts string-indexed table or list of pairs as attributes', function () local attributes_list = {{'one', '1'}, {'two', '2'}} local attr_from_list = pandoc.Attr('', {}, attributes_list) assert.are_equal(attr_from_list.attributes.one, '1') assert.are_equal(attr_from_list.attributes.two, '2') local attributes_table = {one = '1', two = '2'} local attr_from_table = pandoc.Attr('', {}, attributes_table) assert.are_equal( attr_from_table.attributes, pandoc.AttributeList(attributes_table) ) assert.are_equal(attr_from_table.attributes.one, '1') assert.are_equal(attr_from_table.attributes.two, '2') end ) }, group 'Properties' { test('has t and tag property', function () local attr = pandoc.Attr('') assert.are_equal(attr.t, 'Attr') assert.are_equal(attr.tag, 'Attr') end) }, group 'AttributeList' { test('allows access via fields', function () local attributes = pandoc.Attr('', {}, {{'a', '1'}, {'b', '2'}}).attributes assert.are_equal(attributes.a, '1') assert.are_equal(attributes.b, '2') end), test('allows access to pairs via numerical indexing', function () local attributes = pandoc.Attr('', {}, {{'a', '1'}, {'b', '2'}}).attributes assert.are_same(attributes[1], {'a', '1'}) assert.are_same(attributes[2], {'b', '2'}) end), test('allows replacing a pair', function () local attributes = pandoc.AttributeList{{'a', '1'}, {'b', '2'}} attributes[1] = {'t','five'} assert.are_same(attributes[1], {'t', 'five'}) assert.are_same(attributes[2], {'b', '2'}) end), test('allows to remove a pair', function () local attributes = pandoc.AttributeList{{'a', '1'}, {'b', '2'}} attributes[1] = nil assert.are_equal(#attributes, 1) end), test('adds entries by field name', function () local attributes = pandoc.Attr('',{}, {{'c', '1'}, {'d', '2'}}).attributes attributes.e = '3' assert.are_same( attributes, -- checking the full AttributeList would "duplicate" entries pandoc.AttributeList{{'c', '1'}, {'d', '2'}, {'e', '3'}} ) end), test('deletes entries by field name', function () local attributes = pandoc.Attr('',{}, {a = '1', b = '2'}).attributes attributes.a = nil assert.is_nil(attributes.a) assert.are_same(attributes, pandoc.AttributeList{{'b', '2'}}) end), test('remains unchanged if deleted key did not exist', function () local assoc_list = pandoc.List:new {{'alpha', 'x'}, {'beta', 'y'}} local attributes = pandoc.Attr('', {}, assoc_list).attributes attributes.a = nil local new_assoc_list = pandoc.List() for k, v in pairs(attributes) do new_assoc_list:insert({k, v}) end assert.are_same(new_assoc_list, assoc_list) end), test('gives key-value pairs when iterated-over', function () local attributes = {width = '11', height = '22', name = 'test'} local attr = pandoc.Attr('', {}, attributes) local count = 0 for k, v in pairs(attr.attributes) do assert.are_equal(attributes[k], v) count = count + 1 end assert.are_equal(count, 3) end) }, group 'HTML-like attribute tables' { test('in element constructor', function () local html_attributes = { id = 'the-id', class = 'class1 class2', width = '11', height = '12' } local attr = pandoc.Span('test', html_attributes).attr assert.are_equal(attr.identifier, 'the-id') assert.are_equal(attr.classes[1], 'class1') assert.are_equal(attr.classes[2], 'class2') assert.are_equal(attr.attributes.width, '11') assert.are_equal(attr.attributes.height, '12') end), test('element attr setter', function () local html_attributes = { id = 'the-id', class = 'class1 class2', width = "11", height = "12" } local span = pandoc.Span 'test' span.attr = html_attributes span = span:clone() -- normalize assert.are_equal(span.attr.identifier, 'the-id') assert.are_equal(span.attr.classes[1], 'class1') assert.are_equal(span.attr.classes[2], 'class2') assert.are_equal(span.attr.attributes.width, '11') assert.are_equal(span.attr.attributes.height, '12') end), test('element attrbutes setter', function () local attributes = { width = "11", height = "12" } local span = pandoc.Span 'test' span.attributes = attributes assert.are_equal(span.attr.attributes.width, '11') assert.are_equal(span.attr.attributes.height, '12') end) } }, group "Block elements" { group "BulletList" { test('access items via property `content`', function () local para = pandoc.Para 'one' local blist = pandoc.BulletList{{para}} assert.are_same({{para}}, blist.content) end), test('property `content` uses fuzzy marshalling', function () local old = pandoc.Plain 'old' local new = pandoc.Plain 'new' local blist = pandoc.BulletList{{old}} blist.content = {{new}} assert.are_same({{new}}, blist:clone().content) blist.content = new assert.are_same({{new}}, blist:clone().content) end), }, group "OrderedList" { test('access items via property `content`', function () local para = pandoc.Plain 'one' local olist = pandoc.OrderedList{{para}} assert.are_same({{para}}, olist.content) end), test('forgiving constructor', function () local plain = pandoc.Plain 'old' local olist = pandoc.OrderedList({plain}, {3, 'Example', 'Period'}) local listAttribs = pandoc.ListAttributes(3, 'Example', 'Period') assert.are_same(olist.listAttributes, listAttribs) end), test('has list attribute aliases', function () local olist = pandoc.OrderedList({}, {4, 'Decimal', 'OneParen'}) assert.are_equal(olist.start, 4) assert.are_equal(olist.style, 'Decimal') assert.are_equal(olist.delimiter, 'OneParen') end) }, group 'DefinitionList' { test('access items via property `content`', function () local deflist = pandoc.DefinitionList{ {'apple', {{pandoc.Plain 'fruit'}, {pandoc.Plain 'company'}}}, {pandoc.Str 'coffee', 'Best when hot.'} } assert.are_equal(#deflist.content, 2) assert.are_same(deflist.content[1][1], {pandoc.Str 'apple'}) assert.are_same(deflist.content[1][2][2], {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'company'}}) assert.are_same(deflist.content[2][2], {{pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'Best when hot.'}}}) end), test('modify items via property `content`', function () local deflist = pandoc.DefinitionList{ {'apple', {{{'fruit'}}, {{'company'}}}} } deflist.content[1][1] = pandoc.Str 'orange' deflist.content[1][2][1] = {pandoc.Plain 'tasty fruit'} local newlist = pandoc.DefinitionList{ { {pandoc.Str 'orange'}, {{pandoc.Plain 'tasty fruit'}, {pandoc.Plain 'company'}} } } assert.are_equal(deflist, newlist) end), }, group 'Para' { test('access inline via property `content`', function () local para = pandoc.Para{'Moin, ', pandoc.Space(), 'Sylt!'} assert.are_same( para.content, {pandoc.Str 'Moin, ', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'Sylt!'} ) end), test('modifying `content` changes the element', function () local para = pandoc.Para{'Moin, ', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'Sylt!'} para.content[3] = 'Hamburg!' assert.are_same( para:clone().content, {pandoc.Str 'Moin, ', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'Hamburg!'} ) para.content = 'Huh' assert.are_same( para:clone().content, {pandoc.Str 'Huh'} ) end), }, group 'LineBlock' { test('access lines via property `content`', function () local spc = pandoc.Space() local lineblock = pandoc.LineBlock{ {'200', spc, 'Main', spc, 'St.'}, {'Berkeley', spc, 'CA', spc, '94718'} } assert.are_equal(#lineblock.content, 2) -- has two lines assert.are_same(lineblock.content[2][1], pandoc.Str 'Berkeley') end), test('modifying `content` alter the element', function () local spc = pandoc.Space() local lineblock = pandoc.LineBlock{ {'200', spc, 'Main', spc, 'St.'}, {'Berkeley', spc, 'CA', spc, '94718'} } lineblock.content[1][1] = '404' assert.are_same( lineblock:clone().content[1], {pandoc.Str '404', spc, pandoc.Str 'Main', spc, pandoc.Str 'St.'} ) lineblock.content = {{'line1'}, {'line2'}} assert.are_same( lineblock:clone(), pandoc.LineBlock{ {pandoc.Str 'line1'}, {pandoc.Str 'line2'} } ) end) }, }, group 'Other types' { group 'SimpleTable' { test('can access properties', function () local spc = pandoc.Space() local caption = {pandoc.Str 'Languages', spc, pandoc.Str 'overview.'} local aligns = {pandoc.AlignDefault, pandoc.AlignDefault} local widths = {0, 0} -- let pandoc determine col widths local headers = {{pandoc.Plain({pandoc.Str "Language"})}, {pandoc.Plain({pandoc.Str "Typing"})}} local rows = { {{pandoc.Plain "Haskell"}, {pandoc.Plain "static"}}, {{pandoc.Plain "Lua"}, {pandoc.Plain "Dynamic"}}, } local simple_table = pandoc.SimpleTable( caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows ) assert.are_same(simple_table.caption, caption) assert.are_same(simple_table.aligns, aligns) assert.are_same(simple_table.widths, widths) assert.are_same(simple_table.headers, headers) assert.are_same(simple_table.rows, rows) end), test('can modify properties', function () local new_table = pandoc.SimpleTable( {'Languages'}, {pandoc.AlignDefault, pandoc.AlignDefault}, {0.5, 0.5}, {{pandoc.Plain({pandoc.Str "Language"})}, {pandoc.Plain({pandoc.Str "Typing"})}}, { {{pandoc.Plain "Haskell"}, {pandoc.Plain "static"}}, {{pandoc.Plain "Lua"}, {pandoc.Plain "Dynamic"}}, } ) new_table.caption = {pandoc.Str 'Good', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'languages'} new_table.aligns[1] = pandoc.AlignLeft new_table.widths = {0, 0} new_table.headers[2] = {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'compiled/interpreted'}} new_table.rows[1][2] = {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'both'}} new_table.rows[2][2] = {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'interpreted'}} local expected_table = pandoc.SimpleTable( {pandoc.Str 'Good', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'languages'}, {pandoc.AlignLeft, pandoc.AlignDefault}, {0, 0}, {{pandoc.Plain 'Language'}, {pandoc.Plain 'compiled/interpreted'}}, { {{pandoc.Plain 'Haskell'}, {pandoc.Plain 'both'}}, {{pandoc.Plain 'Lua'}, {pandoc.Plain 'interpreted'}} } ) assert.are_same(expected_table, new_table) end) } }, group 'clone' { test('clones Attr', function () local attr = pandoc.Attr('test', {'my-class'}, {foo = 'bar'}) local cloned = attr:clone() attr.identifier = '' attr.classes = {} attr.attributes = {} assert.are_same(cloned.identifier, 'test') assert.are_same(cloned.classes, {'my-class'}) assert.are_same(cloned.attributes.foo, 'bar') end), test('clones ListAttributes', function () local la = pandoc.ListAttributes(2, pandoc.DefaultStyle, pandoc.Period) local cloned = la:clone() la.start = 9 assert.are_same(cloned.start, 2) end), test('clones Para', function () local para = pandoc.Para {pandoc.Str 'Hello'} local cloned = para:clone() para.content[1].text = 'bye' assert.are_same(cloned, pandoc.Para {pandoc.Str 'Hello'}) end), test('clones Str', function () local str = pandoc.Str 'Hello' local cloned = str:clone() str.text = 'bye' assert.are_same(cloned.text, 'Hello') end), test('clones Citation', function () local cite = pandoc.Citation('leibniz', pandoc.AuthorInText) local cloned = cite:clone() cite.id = 'newton' assert.are_same(cloned.id, 'leibniz') assert.are_same(cite.id, 'newton') assert.are_same(cite.mode, cloned.mode) end), }, group 'pipe' { test('external string processing', function () if os_is_windows() then local pipe_result = pandoc.pipe('find', {'hi'}, 'hi') assert.are_equal('hi', pipe_result:match '%a+') else local pipe_result = pandoc.pipe('tr', {'a', 'b'}, 'abc') assert.are_equal('bbc', pipe_result:match '%a+') end end), test('failing pipe', function () if os_is_windows() then local success, err = pcall(pandoc.pipe, 'find', {'/a'}, 'hi') assert.is_falsy(success) assert.are_equal('find', err.command) assert.is_truthy(err.error_code ~= 0) else local success, err = pcall(pandoc.pipe, 'false', {}, 'abc') assert.is_falsy(success) assert.are_equal('false', err.command) assert.are_equal(1, err.error_code) assert.are_equal('', err.output) end end) }, group 'read' { test('Markdown', function () local valid_markdown = '*Hello*, World!\n' local expected = pandoc.Pandoc({ pandoc.Para { pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Hello' }, pandoc.Str ',', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'World!' } }) assert.are_same(expected, pandoc.read(valid_markdown)) end), test('unsupported extension', function () assert.error_matches( function () pandoc.read('foo', 'gfm+empty_paragraphs') end, 'Extension empty_paragraphs not supported for gfm' ) end), test('failing read', function () assert.error_matches( function () pandoc.read('foo', 'nosuchreader') end, 'Unknown reader: nosuchreader' ) end) }, group 'walk_block' { test('block walking order', function () local acc = {} local nested_nums = pandoc.Div { pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str'1'}, pandoc.Div{ pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str'2'}, pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str'3'} }, pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str'4'} } pandoc.walk_block( nested_nums, {Para = function (p) table.insert(acc, p.content[1].text) end} ) assert.are_equal('1234', table.concat(acc)) end) }, group 'walk_inline' { test('inline walking order', function () local acc = {} local nested_nums = pandoc.Span { pandoc.Str'1', pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str'2', pandoc.Str'3' }, pandoc.Str'4' } pandoc.walk_inline( nested_nums, {Str = function (s) table.insert(acc, s.text) end} ) assert.are_equal('1234', table.concat(acc)) end) } }