local tasty = require 'tasty' local utils = require 'pandoc.utils' local assert = tasty.assert local test = tasty.test_case local group = tasty.test_group return { group 'blocks_to_inlines' { test('default separator', function () local blocks = { pandoc.Para { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1' }, pandoc.Para { pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph2' } } } local expected = { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'ΒΆ', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph2' } } assert.are_same( expected, utils.blocks_to_inlines(blocks) ) end), test('custom separator', function () local blocks = { pandoc.Para{ pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1' }, pandoc.Para{ pandoc.Emph 'Paragraph2' } } local expected = { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1', pandoc.LineBreak(), pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph2' } } assert.are_same( expected, utils.blocks_to_inlines(blocks, { pandoc.LineBreak() }) ) end) }, group 'equals' { test('compares Pandoc elements', function () assert.is_truthy( utils.equals(pandoc.Pandoc{'foo'}, pandoc.Pandoc{'foo'}) ) end), test('compares Block elements', function () assert.is_truthy( utils.equals(pandoc.Plain{'foo'}, pandoc.Plain{'foo'}) ) assert.is_falsy( utils.equals(pandoc.Para{'foo'}, pandoc.Plain{'foo'}) ) end), test('compares Inline elements', function () assert.is_truthy( utils.equals(pandoc.Emph{'foo'}, pandoc.Emph{'foo'}) ) assert.is_falsy( utils.equals(pandoc.Emph{'foo'}, pandoc.Strong{'foo'}) ) end), test('compares Inline with Block elements', function () assert.is_falsy( utils.equals(pandoc.Emph{'foo'}, pandoc.Plain{'foo'}) ) assert.is_falsy( utils.equals(pandoc.Para{'foo'}, pandoc.Strong{'foo'}) ) end), test('compares Pandoc with Block elements', function () assert.is_falsy( utils.equals(pandoc.Pandoc{'foo'}, pandoc.Plain{'foo'}) ) assert.is_falsy( utils.equals(pandoc.Para{'foo'}, pandoc.Pandoc{'foo'}) ) end), }, group 'make_sections' { test('sanity check', function () local blks = { pandoc.Header(1, {pandoc.Str 'First'}), pandoc.Header(2, {pandoc.Str 'Second'}), pandoc.Header(2, {pandoc.Str 'Third'}), } local hblks = utils.make_sections(true, 1, blks) assert.are_equal('Div', hblks[1].t) assert.are_equal('Header', hblks[1].content[1].t) assert.are_equal('1', hblks[1].content[1].attributes['number']) end) }, group 'normalize_date' { test('09 Nov 1989', function () assert.are_equal('1989-11-09', utils.normalize_date '09 Nov 1989') end), test('12/31/2017', function () assert.are_equal('2017-12-31', utils.normalize_date '12/31/2017') end), }, group 'references' { test('gets references from doc', function () local ref = { ['author'] = { {given = 'Max', family = 'Mustermann'} }, ['container-title'] = pandoc.Inlines('JOSS'), ['id'] = 'test', ['issued'] = {['date-parts'] = {{2021}}}, ['title'] = pandoc.Inlines{ pandoc.Quoted('DoubleQuote', 'Interesting'), pandoc.Space(), 'work' }, ['type'] = 'article-journal', } local nocite = pandoc.Cite( '@test', {pandoc.Citation('test', 'NormalCitation')} ) local doc = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {nocite = nocite, references = {ref}}) assert.are_same({ref}, pandoc.utils.references(doc)) end) }, group 'sha1' { test('hashing', function () local ref_hash = '0a0a9f2a6772942557ab5355d76af442f8f65e01' assert.are_equal(ref_hash, utils.sha1 'Hello, World!') end) }, group 'stringify' { test('inlines', function () local inline = pandoc.Emph{ pandoc.Str 'Cogito', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'ergo', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'sum.', } assert.are_equal('Cogito ergo sum.', utils.stringify(inline)) end) }, group 'to_roman_numeral' { test('convertes number', function () assert.are_equal('MDCCCLXXXVIII', utils.to_roman_numeral(1888)) end), test('fails on non-convertible argument', function () assert.is_falsy(pcall(utils.to_roman_numeral, 'not a number')) end) }, group 'type' { test('nil', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(nil), 'nil') end), test('boolean', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(true), 'boolean') assert.are_equal(utils.type(false), 'boolean') end), test('number', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(5), 'number') assert.are_equal(utils.type(-3.02), 'number') end), test('string', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(''), 'string') assert.are_equal(utils.type('asdf'), 'string') end), test('plain table', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type({}), 'table') end), test('List', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.List{}), 'List') end), test('Inline', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.Str 'a'), 'Inline') assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.Emph 'emphasized'), 'Inline') end), test('Inlines', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.Inlines{pandoc.Str 'a'}), 'Inlines') assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.Inlines{pandoc.Emph 'b'}), 'Inlines') end), test('Blocks', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.Para 'a'), 'Block') assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.CodeBlock 'true'), 'Block') end), test('Inlines', function () assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.Blocks{'a'}), 'Blocks') assert.are_equal(utils.type(pandoc.Blocks{pandoc.CodeBlock 'b'}), 'Blocks') end), }, group 'to_simple_table' { test('convertes Table', function () function simple_cell (blocks) return { attr = pandoc.Attr(), alignment = "AlignDefault", contents = blocks, col_span = 1, row_span = 1, } end local tbl = pandoc.Table( {long = {pandoc.Plain { pandoc.Str "the", pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str "caption"}}}, {{pandoc.AlignDefault, nil}}, pandoc.TableHead{pandoc.Row{simple_cell{pandoc.Plain "head1"}}}, {{ attr = pandoc.Attr(), body = {pandoc.Row{simple_cell{pandoc.Plain "cell1"}}}, head = {}, row_head_columns = 0 }}, pandoc.TableFoot(), pandoc.Attr() ) local stbl = utils.to_simple_table(tbl) assert.are_equal('SimpleTable', stbl.t) assert.are_equal('head1', utils.stringify(stbl.headers[1])) assert.are_equal('cell1', utils.stringify(stbl.rows[1][1])) assert.are_equal('the caption', utils.stringify(pandoc.Span(stbl.caption))) end), test('fails on para', function () assert.is_falsy(pcall(utils.to_simple_table, pandoc.Para "nope")) end), }, group 'from_simple_table' { test('converts SimpleTable to Table', function () local caption = {pandoc.Str "Overview"} local aligns = {pandoc.AlignDefault, pandoc.AlignDefault} local widths = {0, 0} -- let pandoc determine col widths local headers = { {pandoc.Plain "Language"}, {pandoc.Plain "Typing"} } local rows = { {{pandoc.Plain "Haskell"}, {pandoc.Plain "static"}}, {{pandoc.Plain "Lua"}, {pandoc.Plain "Dynamic"}}, } local simple_table = pandoc.SimpleTable( caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows ) local tbl = utils.from_simple_table(simple_table) assert.are_equal("Table", tbl.t) assert.are_same( {pandoc.Plain(caption)}, tbl.caption.long ) -- reversible assert.are_same(simple_table, utils.to_simple_table(tbl)) end), } }