local tasty = require 'tasty' local types = require 'pandoc.types' local Version = types.Version local assert = tasty.assert local test = tasty.test_case local group = tasty.test_group return { group 'Version' { group 'constructor' { test('has type `userdata`', function () assert.are_same(type(Version {2}), 'userdata') end), test('accepts list of integers', function () assert.are_same(type(Version {2, 7, 3}), 'userdata') end), test('accepts a single integer', function () assert.are_same(Version(5), Version {5}) end), test('accepts version as string', function () assert.are_same( Version '4.45.1', Version {4, 45, 1} ) end), test('non-version string is rejected', function () assert.error_matches( function () Version '11friends' end, '11friends' ) end) }, group 'comparison' { test('smaller (equal) than', function () assert.is_truthy(Version {2, 58, 3} < Version {2, 58, 4}) assert.is_falsy(Version {2, 60, 1} < Version {2, 59, 2}) assert.is_truthy(Version {0, 14, 3} < Version {0, 14, 3, 1}) assert.is_truthy(Version {3, 58, 3} <= Version {4}) assert.is_truthy(Version {0, 14, 3} <= Version {0, 14, 3, 1}) end), test('larger (equal) than', function () assert.is_truthy(Version{2,58,3} > Version {2, 57, 4}) assert.is_truthy(Version{2,58,3} > Version {2, 58, 2}) assert.is_truthy(Version {0, 8} >= Version {0, 8}) assert.is_falsy(Version {0, 8} >= Version {0, 8, 2}) end), test('equality', function () assert.is_truthy(Version '8.8', Version {8, 8}) end), test('second argument can be a version string', function () assert.is_truthy(Version '8' < '9.1') assert.is_falsy(Version '8.8' < '8.7') end), }, group 'list-like behavior' { test('can access version component numbers', function () local version = Version '2.7.3' assert.is_nil(version[0]) assert.are_equal(version[1], 2) assert.are_equal(version[2], 7) assert.are_equal(version[3], 3) end), test('can be iterated over', function () local version_list = {2, 7, 3} local final_index = 0 for i, v in pairs(Version(version_list)) do assert.are_equal(v, version_list[i]) final_index = i end assert.are_equal(final_index, 3) end), test('length is the number of components', function () assert.are_equal(#(Version '0'), 1) assert.are_equal(#(Version '1.6'), 2) assert.are_equal(#(Version '8.7.5'), 3) assert.are_equal(#(Version ''), 4) end) }, group 'conversion to string' { test('converting from and to string is a noop', function () local version_string = '1.19.4' assert.are_equal(tostring(Version(version_string)), version_string) end) }, group 'convenience functions' { test('throws error if version is too old', function () local actual = Version {2, 8} local expected = Version {2, 9} assert.error_matches( function () actual:must_be_at_least(expected) end, 'version too old: expected version 2.9 or newer, got 2.8' ) end), test('does nothing if expected version is older than actual', function () local actual = Version '2.9' local expected = Version '2.8' actual:must_be_at_least(expected) end), test('does nothing if expected version equals to actual', function () local actual = Version '2.8' local expected = Version '2.8' actual:must_be_at_least(expected) end) } } }