Pandoc Meta { unMeta = fromList [ ( "author" , MetaList [ MetaInlines [ Str "John" , SoftBreak , Str "MacFarlane" ] , MetaInlines [ Str "Anonymous" ] ] ) , ( "date" , MetaInlines [ Str "July" , Space , Str "17," , Space , Str "2006" ] ) , ( "title" , MetaInlines [ Str "Pandoc" , Space , Str "Test" , Space , Str "Suite" ] ) ] } [ Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "set" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "tests" , Space , Str "for" , Space , Str "pandoc." , Space , Str "Most" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "them" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "adapted" , Space , Str "from" , Space , Str "John" , SoftBreak , Str "Gruber\8217s" , Space , Str "markdown" , Space , Str "test" , Space , Str "suite." ] , Header 1 ( "headers" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Headers" ] , Header 2 ( "level-2-with-an-embedded-link" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "an" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "embedded" , Space , Str "link" ] ( "/url" , "" ) ] , Header 3 ( "level-3-with-emphasis" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "3" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Emph [ Str "emphasis" ] ] , Header 4 ( "level-4" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "4" ] , Header 5 ( "level-5" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "5" ] , Para [ Str "Hi." ] , Header 1 ( "level-1" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "1" ] , Header 2 ( "level-2-with-emphasis" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Emph [ Str "emphasis" ] ] , Header 3 ( "level-3" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "3" ] , Para [ Str "with" , Space , Str "no" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "line" ] , Header 4 ( "" , [ "unnumbered" ] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "4" ] , Para [ Str "An" , Space , Str "unnumbered" , Space , Str "section." ] , Header 2 ( "level-2" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "2" ] , Para [ Str "with" , Space , Str "no" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "line" ] , Header 1 ( "paragraphs" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Paragraphs" ] , Para [ Str "Here\8217s" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "regular" , Space , Str "paragraph." ] , Para [ Str "In" , Space , Str "Markdown" , Space , Str "1.0.0" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "earlier." , Space , Str "Version" , Space , Str "8." , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "turns" , Space , Str "into" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" , SoftBreak , Str "item." , Space , Str "Because" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "hard-wrapped" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "middle" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "paragraph" , Space , Str "looked" , Space , Str "like" , SoftBreak , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item." ] , Para [ Str "Here\8217s" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "bullet." , Space , Str "*" , Space , Str "criminey." ] , Header 1 ( "block-quotes" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Block" , Space , Str "Quotes" ] , Para [ Str "E-mail" , Space , Str "style:" ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "block" , Space , Str "quote." , Space , Str "It" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "pretty" , Space , Str "short." ] ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "Code" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "block" , Space , Str "quote:" ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "sub status {\n print \"working\";\n}" , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "% ls" , Para [ Str "A" , Space , Str "list:" ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "item" , Space , Str "one" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "item" , Space , Str "two" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Nested" , Space , Str "block" , Space , Str "quotes:" ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "nested" ] ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "nested" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "should" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "block" , Space , Str "quote:" , Space , Str "2" , Space , Str ">" , Space , Str "1." ] , Para [ Str "And" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "following" , Space , Str "paragraph." ] , Header 1 ( "code-blocks" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Code" , Space , Str "Blocks" ] , Para [ Str "Code:" ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "---- (should be four hyphens)\n\nsub status {\n print \"working\";\n}\n\nthis code block is indented by one tab" , Para [ Str "And:" ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) " this code block is indented by two tabs\n\nThese should not be escaped: \\$ \\\\ \\> \\[ \\{" , Header 1 ( "lists" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Lists" ] , Header 2 ( "unordered" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Unordered" ] , Para [ Str "Asterisks" , Space , Str "loose:" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "asterisk" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "asterisk" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "asterisk" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Pluses" , Space , Str "loose:" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Plus" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Plus" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Plus" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Minuses" , Space , Str "loose:" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Minus" , Space , Str "1" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Minus" , Space , Str "2" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Minus" , Space , Str "3" ] ] ] , Header 2 ( "ordered" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Ordered" ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "First" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Second" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Third" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "and" , Space , Str "using" , Space , Str "spaces:" ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "One" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Two" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Three" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Multiple" , Space , Str "paragraphs:" ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "Item" , Space , Str "1," , Space , Str "graf" , Space , Str "one." ] , Para [ Str "Item" , Space , Str "1." , Space , Str "graf" , Space , Str "two." , Space , Str "The" , Space , Str "quick" , Space , Str "brown" , Space , Str "fox" , Space , Str "jumped" , Space , Str "over" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "lazy" , Space , Str "dog\8217s" , SoftBreak , Str "back." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Item" , Space , Str "2." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Item" , Space , Str "3." ] ] ] , Header 2 ( "nested" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Nested" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Tab" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Tab" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Tab" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Here\8217s" , Space , Str "another:" ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "First" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Second:" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Fee" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Fie" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Foe" ] ] ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Third" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Same" , Space , Str "thing" , Space , Str "but" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "paragraphs:" ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "First" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Second:" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "Fee" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Fie" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Foe" ] ] ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Third" ] ] ] , Header 2 ( "tabs-and-spaces" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Tabs" , Space , Str "and" , 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, Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "paren" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Autonumbering:" ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "Autonumber." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "More." ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "Nested." ] ] ] ] ] , Para [ Str "Should" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "item:" ] , Para [ Str "M.A.\160\&2007" ] , Para [ Str "B." , Space , Str "Williams" ] , Header 2 ( "callout" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Callout" ] , Para [ Str "Simple." ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "A" , Space , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "__letrec" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "equivalent" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "normal" , SoftBreak , Str "Haskell" , Space , Str "LET." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "GHC" , Space , Str "compiled" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "body" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "our" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "comprehension" , Space , Str "into" , SoftBreak , Str "a" , Space , Str "loop" , Space , Str "named" , Space , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "go_s1YC" , Str "." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "If" , Space , Str "our" , Space , Str "CASE" , Space , Str "expression" , Space , Str "matches" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "empty" , Space , Str "list," , Space , Str "we" , SoftBreak , Str "return" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "empty" , Space , Str "list." , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "reassuringly" , SoftBreak , Str "familiar." ] ] ] , Header 1 ( "definition-lists" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Definition" , Space , Str "Lists" ] , DefinitionList [ ( [ Str "apple" ] , [ [ Para [ Str "red" , Space , Str "fruit" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "orange" ] , [ [ Para [ Str "orange" , Space , Str "fruit" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "banana" ] , [ [ Para [ Str "yellow" , Space , Str "fruit" ] ] ] ) ] , Para [ Str "Multiple" , Space , Str "blocks" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "italics:" ] , DefinitionList [ ( [ Emph [ Str "apple" ] ] , [ [ Para [ Str "red" , Space , Str "fruit" ] , Para [ Str "contains" , Space , Str "seeds," , Space , Str "crisp," , Space , Str "pleasant" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "taste" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Emph [ Str "orange" ] ] , [ [ Para [ Str "orange" , Space , Str "fruit" ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "{ orange code block }" , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "orange" , Space , Str "block" , Space , Str "quote" ] ] ] ] ) ] , Para [ Str "Multiple" , Space , Str "definitions," , Space , Str "loose:" ] , DefinitionList [ ( [ Str "apple" ] , [ [ Para [ Str "red" , Space , Str "fruit" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "computer" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "orange" ] , [ [ Para [ Str "orange" , Space , Str "fruit" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "bank" ] ] ] ) ] , Para [ Str "Blank" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "after" , Space , Str "term," , Space , Str "indented" , Space , Str "marker," , Space , Str "alternate" , Space , Str "markers:" ] , DefinitionList [ ( [ Str "apple" ] , [ [ Para [ Str "red" , Space , Str "fruit" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "computer" ] ] ] ) , ( [ Str "orange" ] , [ [ Para [ Str "orange" , Space , Str "fruit" ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "sublist" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "sublist" ] ] ] ] ] ) ] , Header 1 ( "inline-markup" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Inline" , Space , Str "Markup" ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Emph [ Str "emphasized" ] , Str "," , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "so" , Space , Emph [ Str "is" , SoftBreak , Str "this" ] , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Strong [ Str "strong" ] , Str "," , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "so" , SoftBreak , Strong [ Str "is" , Space , Str "this" ] , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "An" , Space , Emph [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "emphasized" , Space , Str "link" ] ( "/url" , "" ) ] , Str "." ] , Para [ Strong [ Emph [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "strong" , Space , Str "and" , SoftBreak , Str "em." ] ] ] , Para [ Str "So" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Strong [ Emph [ Str "this" ] ] , Space , Str "word." ] , Para [ Strong [ Emph [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "strong" , Space , Str "and" , SoftBreak , Str "em." ] ] ] , Para [ Str "So" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Strong [ Emph [ Str "this" ] ] , Space , Str "word." ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "code:" , Space , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) ">" , Str "," , Space , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "$" , Str "," , SoftBreak , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "\\" , Str "," , Space , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "\\$" , Str "," , SoftBreak , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "<html>" , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "More" , Space , Str "code:" , Space , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "Class" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "Type" ] , Para [ Str "Referencing" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "man" , Space , Str "page:" , Space , Code ( "" , [ "citerefentry" ] , [] ) "nix.conf(5)" ] , Para [ Strikeout [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , SoftBreak , Emph [ Str "strikeout" ] , Str "." ] ] , Para [ Str "Superscripts:" , Space , Str "a" , Superscript [ Str "bc" ] , Str "d" , SoftBreak , Str "a" , Superscript [ Emph [ Str "hello" ] ] , SoftBreak , Str "a" , Superscript [ Str "hello\160there" ] , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "Subscripts:" , Space , Str "H" , Subscript [ Str "2" ] , Str "O," , Space , Str "H" , Subscript [ Str "23" ] , Str "O," , SoftBreak , Str "H" , Subscript [ Str "many\160of\160them" ] , Str "O." ] , Para [ Str "These" , Space , Str "should" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "superscripts" , Space , Str "or" , Space , Str "subscripts," , Space , Str "because" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "unescaped" , SoftBreak , Str "spaces:" , Space , Str "a^b" , Space , Str "c^d," , Space , Str "a~b" , Space , Str "c~d." ] , Header 1 ( "smart-quotes-ellipses-dashes" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Smart" , Space , Str "quotes," , Space , Str "ellipses," , Space , Str "dashes" ] , Para [ Quoted DoubleQuote [ Str "Hello," ] , Space , Str "said" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "spider." , Space , Quoted DoubleQuote [ Quoted SingleQuote [ Str "Shelob" ] , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "my" , SoftBreak , Str "name." ] ] , Para [ Quoted DoubleQuote [ Str "A" ] , Str "," , Space , Quoted DoubleQuote [ Str "B" ] , Str "," , Space , Str "and" , Space , Quoted DoubleQuote [ Str "C" ] , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "letters." ] , Para [ Quoted DoubleQuote [ Str "He" , Space , Str "said," , Space , Quoted SingleQuote [ Str "I" , Space , Str "want" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "go." ] ] , Space , Str "Were" , Space , Str "you" , Space , Str "alive" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "the" , SoftBreak , Str "70\8217s?" ] , Para [ Str "Some" , Space , Str "dashes:" , Space , Str "one\8212two" , Space , Str "\8212" , Space , Str "three\8212four" , Space , Str "\8212" , Space , Str "five." ] , Para [ Str "Dashes" , Space , Str "between" , Space , Str "numbers:" , Space , Str "5\8211\&7," , Space , Str "255\8211\&66," , Space , Str "1987\8211\&1999." ] , Para [ Str "Ellipses\8230and\8230and\8230." ] , Header 1 ( "math" , [] , [] ) [] , Para [ Math DisplayMath "e = mc^{2}" , Math DisplayMath "1" , SoftBreak , Math InlineMath "e = mc^{2}" , SoftBreak , Math DisplayMath "e = mc^{2}" ] , Header 1 ( "special-characters" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Special" , Space , Str "Characters" ] , Para [ Str "Here" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "some" , Space , Str "unicode:" ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "I" , Space , Str "hat:" , Space , Str "\206" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "o" , Space , Str "umlaut:" , Space , Str "\246" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "section:" , Space , Str "\167" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "set" , Space , Str "membership:" , Space , Str "\8712" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "copyright:" , Space , Str "\169" ] ] ] , Para [ Str "AT&T" , Space , Str "has" , Space , Str "an" , Space , Str "ampersand" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "their" , Space , Str "name." ] , Para [ Str "AT&T" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "another" , Space , Str "way" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "write" , Space , Str "it." ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "&" , Space , Str "that." ] , Para [ Str "4" , Space , Str "<" , Space , Str "5." ] , Para [ Str "6" , Space , Str ">" , Space , Str "5." ] , Para [ Str "Backslash:" , Space , Str "\\" ] , Para [ Str "Backtick:" , Space , Str "`" ] , Para [ Str "Asterisk:" , Space , Str "*" ] , Para [ Str "Underscore:" , Space , Str "_" ] , Para [ Str "Left" , Space , Str "brace:" , Space , Str "{" ] , Para [ Str "Right" , Space , Str "brace:" , Space , Str "}" ] , Para [ Str "Left" , Space , Str "bracket:" , Space , Str "[" ] , Para [ Str "Right" , Space , Str "bracket:" , Space , Str "]" ] , Para [ Str "Left" , Space , Str "paren:" , Space , Str "(" ] , Para [ Str "Right" , Space , Str "paren:" , Space , Str ")" ] , Para [ Str "Greater-than:" , Space , Str ">" ] , Para [ Str "Hash:" , Space , Str "#" ] , Para [ Str "Period:" , Space , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "Bang:" , Space , Str "!" ] , Para [ Str "Plus:" , Space , Str "+" ] , Para [ Str "Minus:" , Space , Str "-" ] , Header 1 ( "links" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Links" ] , Header 2 ( "explicit" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Explicit" ] , Para [ Str "Just" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "URL" ] ( "/url/" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "URL" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "title" ] ( "/url/" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "URL" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "title" ] ( "/url/" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "URL" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "title" ] ( "/url/" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "URL" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "title" ] ( "/url/" , "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "URL" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "title" ] ( "/url/" , "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "with_underscore" ] ( "/url/with_underscore" , "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "" , "" ) ] , Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Empty" ] 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Space , Str "should" , Space , Str "[not][]" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "link." ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "[not]: /url" , Para [ Str "Foo" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "bar" ] ( "/url/" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "Foo" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "biz" ] ( "/url/" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Header 2 ( "with-ampersands" , [] , [] ) [ Str "With" , Space , Str "ampersands" ] , Para [ Str "Here\8217s" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "link" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "an" , SoftBreak , Str "ampersand" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "URL" ] ( "" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "Here\8217s" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "link" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "an" , Space , Str "amersand" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "link" , Space , Str "text:" , SoftBreak , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "AT&T" ] ( "" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "Here\8217s" , Space , Str "an" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "inline" , Space , Str "link" ] ( "/script?foo=1&bar=2" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Para [ Str "Here\8217s" , Space , Str "an" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "inline" , Space , Str "link" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "pointy" , SoftBreak , Str "braces" ] ( "/script?foo=1&bar=2" , "" ) , Str "." ] , Header 2 ( "autolinks" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Autolinks" ] , Para [ Str "With" , Space , Str "an" , Space , Str "ampersand:" , SoftBreak , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "" , "" ) ] , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "In" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "list?" ] ] , [ Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "" , "" ) ] ] , [ Para [ Str "It" , Space , Str "should." ] ] ] , Para [ Str "An" , Space , Str "e-mail" , Space , Str "address:" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "" , "" ) ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "Blockquoted:" , SoftBreak , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "" , "" ) ] ] , Para [ Str "Auto-links" , Space , Str "should" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "occur" , Space , Str "here:" , SoftBreak , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "<>" ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "or here: <>" , Header 1 ( "images" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Images" ] , Para [ Str "From" , Space , Quoted DoubleQuote [ Str "Voyage" , Space , Str "dans" , Space , Str "la" , Space , Str "Lune" ] , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "Georges" , Space , Str "Melies" , Space , Str "(1902):" ] , Para [ Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "lalune" , Space , Str "fig" , Space , Str "caption" ] ( "lalune.jpg" , "fig:" ) ] , Para [ Str "Here" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "movie" , Space , Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [] ( "movie.jpg" , "" ) , Space , Str "icon." , SoftBreak , Str "And" , Space , Str "here" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "second" , Space , Str "movie" , Space , Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "alt" , Space , Str "text" ] ( "movie.jpg" , "" ) , Space , Str "icon." , SoftBreak , Str "And" , Space , Str "here" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "third" , Space , Str "movie" , Space , Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "alt" , Space , Str "text" ] ( "movie.jpg" , "" ) , Space , Str "icon." ] , Para [ Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "lalune" , Space , Str "no" , Space , Str "figure" , Space , Str "alt" , Space , Str "text" ] ( "lalune.jpg" , "" ) ] , Header 1 ( "footnotes" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Footnotes" ] , Para [ Str "Here" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "footnote" , Space , Str "reference," , Note [ Para [ Str "Here" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "footnote." , Space , Str "It" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "go" , Space , Str "anywhere" , Space , Str "after" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "footnote" , Space , Str "reference." , SoftBreak , Str "It" , Space , Str "need" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "placed" , Space , Str "at" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "end" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "document." ] ] , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "another." , Note [ Para [ Str "Here\8217s" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "long" , Space , Str "note." , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "one" , Space , Str "contains" , Space , Str "multiple" , Space , Str "blocks." ] , Para [ Str "Subsequent" , Space , Str "blocks" , Space , Str "are" , Space , Str "indented" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "show" , Space , Str "that" , Space , Str "they" , Space , Str "belong" , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "the" , SoftBreak , Str "footnote" , Space , Str "(as" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "items)." ] , CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) " { <code> }" , Para [ Str "If" , Space , Str "you" , Space , Str "want," , Space , Str "you" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "indent" , Space , Str "every" , Space , Str "line," , Space , Str "but" , Space , Str "you" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "also" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "lazy" , Space , Str "and" , SoftBreak , Str "just" , Space , Str "indent" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "first" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "each" , Space , Str "block." ] ] , Space , Str "This" , Space , Str "should" , Space , Emph [ Str "not" ] , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "footnote" , Space , Str "reference," , SoftBreak , Str "because" , Space , Str "it" , Space , Str "contains" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "space.[^my" , Space , Str "note]" , Space , Str "Here" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "an" , Space , Str "inline" , Space , Str "note." , Note [ Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Emph [ Str "easier" ] , Space , Str "to" , Space , Str "type." , Space , Str "Inline" , Space , Str "notes" , Space , Str "may" , Space , Str "contain" , SoftBreak , Link ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "links" ] ( "" , "" ) , Space , Str "and" , Space , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "]" , SoftBreak , Str "verbatim" , Space , Str "characters," , Space , Str "as" , Space , Str "well" , Space , Str "as" , Space , Str "[bracketed" , Space , Str "text]." ] ] ] , BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "Notes" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "go" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "quotes." , Note [ Para [ Str "In" , Space , Str "quote." ] ] ] ] , OrderedList ( 1 , Decimal , DefaultDelim ) [ [ Para [ Str "And" , Space , Str "in" , Space , Str "list" , Space , Str "items." , Note [ Para [ Str "In" , Space , Str "list." ] ] ] ] ] , Para [ Str "This" , Space , Str "paragraph" , Space , Str "should" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "part" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "note," , Space , Str "as" , Space , Str "it" , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "not" , Space , Str "indented." ] , Header 1 ( "tables" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Tables" ] , Para [ Str "Simple" , Space , Str "table" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "caption:" ] , Table ( "" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing [ Plain [ Str "Demonstration" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "simple" , Space , Str "table" , Space , Str "syntax." ] ]) [ ( AlignRight , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidthDefault ) ] (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Right" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Left" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Center" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Default" ] ] ] ]) [ TableBody ( "" , [] , [] ) (RowHeadColumns 0) [] [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] ] ] ] (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) []) , Para [ Str "Simple" , Space , Str "table" , Space , Str "without" , Space , Str "caption:" ] , Table ( "" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing []) [ ( AlignRight , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidthDefault ) ] (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Right" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Left" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Center" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Default" ] ] ] ]) [ TableBody ( "" , [] , [] ) (RowHeadColumns 0) [] [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] ] ] ] (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) []) , Para [ Str "Simple" , Space , Str "table" , Space , Str "indented" , Space , Str "two" , Space , Str "spaces:" ] , Table ( "" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing [ Plain [ Str "Demonstration" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "simple" , Space , Str "table" , Space , Str "syntax." ] ]) [ ( AlignRight , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidthDefault ) ] (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Right" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Left" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Center" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Default" ] ] ] ]) [ TableBody ( "" , [] , [] ) (RowHeadColumns 0) [] [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] ] ] ] (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) []) , Para [ Str "Multiline" , Space , Str "table" , Space , Str "with" , Space , Str "caption:" ] , Table ( "" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing [ Plain [ Str "Here's" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "caption." , Space , Str "It" , Space , Str "may" , Space , Str "span" , Space , Str "multiple" , Space , Str "lines." ] ]) [ ( AlignCenter , ColWidth 0.2 ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidth 0.2 ) , ( AlignRight , ColWidth 0.3 ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidth 0.3 ) ] (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Centered" , Space , Str "Header" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Left" , Space , Str "Aligned" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Right" , Space , Str "Aligned" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Default" , Space , Str "aligned" ] ] ] ]) [ TableBody ( "" , [] , [] ) (RowHeadColumns 0) [] [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "First" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "row" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12.0" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Example" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "row" , Space , Str "that" , Space , Str "spans" , Space , Str "multiple" , Space , Str "lines." ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Second" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "row" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "5.0" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Here's" , Space , Str "another" , Space , Str "one." , Space , Str "Note" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "between" , Space , Str "rows." ] ] ] ] ] (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) []) , Para [ Str "Multiline" , Space , Str "table" , Space , Str "without" , Space , Str "caption:" ] , Table ( "" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing []) [ ( AlignCenter , ColWidth 0.1 ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidth 0.2 ) , ( AlignRight , ColWidth 0.3 ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidth 0.4 ) ] (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Centered" , Space , Str "Header" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Left" , Space , Str "Aligned" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Right" , Space , Str "Aligned" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Default" , Space , Str "aligned" ] ] ] ]) [ TableBody ( "" , [] , [] ) (RowHeadColumns 0) [] [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "First" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "row" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12.0" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Example" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "row" , Space , Str "that" , Space , Str "spans" , Space , Str "multiple" , Space , Str "lines." ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Second" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "row" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "5.0" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Here's" , Space , Str "another" , Space , Str "one." , Space , Str "Note" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "between" , Space , Str "rows." ] ] ] ] ] (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) []) , Para [ Str "Table" , Space , Str "without" , Space , Str "column" , Space , Str "headers:" ] , Table ( "" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing []) [ ( AlignRight , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignCenter , ColWidthDefault ) , ( AlignRight , ColWidthDefault ) ] (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) []) [ TableBody ( "" , [] , [] ) (RowHeadColumns 0) [] [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12" ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "123" ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "1" ] ] ] ] ] (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) []) , Para [ Str "Multiline" , Space , Str "table" , Space , Str "without" , Space , Str "column" , Space , Str "headers:" ] , Table ( "" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing []) [ ( AlignCenter , ColWidth 0.25 ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidth 0.25 ) , ( AlignRight , ColWidth 0.25 ) , ( AlignLeft , ColWidth 0.25 ) ] (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) []) [ TableBody ( "" , [] , [] ) (RowHeadColumns 0) [] [ Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "First" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "row" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "12.0" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Example" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "row" , Space , Str "that" , Space , Str "spans" , Space , Str "multiple" , Space , Str "lines." ] ] ] , Row ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Second" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "row" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "5.0" ] ] , Cell ( "" , [] , [] ) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) [ Plain [ Str "Here's" , Space , Str "another" , Space , Str "one." , Space , Str "Note" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "blank" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "between" , Space , Str "rows." ] ] ] ] ] (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) []) , BulletList [ [ Para [ Str "A" , Space , Str "Step" ] ] , [ Para [ Str "Another" , Space , Str "Step" ] , Para [ Str "Substeps" , Space , Str "can" , Space , Str "be" , Space , Str "nested" , Space , Str "indefinitely" , Space , Str "deep." ] ] , [ Para [ Str "A" , Space , Str "Final" , Space , Str "Step" ] ] ] ]