``` % pandoc --citeproc -t markdown-citations --- csl: command/locators.csl references: - id: citekey title: Title type: 'article-journal' suppress-bibliography: true --- See <https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-citeproc/pull/362>. Standard page range[@citekey {35-89, 102}] Alphanumeric[@citekey {abcdefg1234}] Kitchen sink[@citekey, {123(4)a-8(\[a\]12.398{8})}] Empty braces inside[@citekey, {{}}] Label specified[@citekey {p. a}] Should it work outside? No. [@citekey, p. {(a)}] Empty locator [@citekey, {}] Empty locator to force suffix[@citekey {} 123-35 numbers are suffix] Suffix generally [@citekey {123-35} numbers not, but text is suffix] With preceding comma[@citekey, {p. VI}] No commas before label[@citekey, {, p. (p. is not recognised)}] Trim white space[@citekey, { p. 9 }] Without delimiters[@citekey, suffix] With rendering label[@citekey {ss IV div 4 s 128L(7)(a)(i)-(iv), 129(5), 130(b)}] The text is apparently NOT verbatim; it is lightly processed as page numbers. [@citekey {no comma, no label, no nothing}] AGLC-style page \[para\] [@citekey {584 \[78\]}] Unbalanced curly { breaks the parse[@citekey {p. suffix{suffix}suffix] Unbalanced curly } ends early[@citekey {green}suffix}suffix] ^D See <https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-citeproc/pull/362>. Standard page range[^1] Alphanumeric[^2] Kitchen sink[^3] Empty braces inside[^4] Label specified[^5] Should it work outside? No.[^6] Empty locator[^7] Empty locator to force suffix[^8] Suffix generally[^9] With preceding comma[^10] No commas before label[^11] Trim white space[^12] Without delimiters[^13] With rendering label[^14] The text is apparently NOT verbatim; it is lightly processed as page numbers.[^15] AGLC-style page \[para\][^16] Unbalanced curly { breaks the parse[^17] Unbalanced curly } ends early[^18] [^1]: Title {35--89, 102}. [^2]: Ibid-with-locator {abcdefg1234}. [^3]: Ibid-with-locator {123(4)a--8(\[a\]12.398{8})}. [^4]: Ibid-with-locator {{}}. [^5]: Ibid-with-locator {a}. [^6]: Subsequent, p. {(a)}. [^7]: Ibid-with-locator. [^8]: Ibid 123-35 numbers are suffix. [^9]: Ibid-with-locator {123--35} numbers not, but text is suffix. [^10]: Ibid-with-locator {VI}. [^11]: Ibid-with-locator {, p. (p. is not recognised)}. [^12]: Ibid-with-locator {9}. [^13]: Subsequent, suffix. [^14]: Ibid-with-locator ss {IV div 4 s 128L(7)(a)(i)--(iv), 129(5), 130(b)}. [^15]: Ibid-with-locator {no comma, no label, no nothing}. [^16]: Ibid-with-locator {584 \[78\]}. [^17]: Subsequent {p. suffix{suffix}suffix. [^18]: Ibid-with-locator {green}suffix}suffix. ```