`\hspace` and `\vspace` should count as both block and inline. Here they need to be inline: ``` % pandoc -f markdown+raw_tex -t native \begin{figure} \includegraphics{lalune.jpg} \caption{lalune \hspace{2em} \vspace{1em} bloo} \end{figure} ^D [ RawBlock ( Format "tex" ) "\\begin{figure}\n\\includegraphics{lalune.jpg}\n\\caption{lalune \\hspace{2em} \\vspace{1em} bloo}\n\\end{figure}" ] ``` Here block: ``` % pandoc -f markdown+raw_tex -t native \begin{tabular}[t]{cc|c} \(P\) & \(Q\) & \(P\wedge Q\)\\ \hline T & T &\\ T & F &\\ F & T &\\ F & F &\\ \end{tabular} \hspace{1em} \begin{tabular}[t]{cc|c} \(P\) & \(Q\) & \(P\vee Q\)\\ \hline T & T &\\ T & F &\\ F & T &\\ F & F &\\ \end{tabular} ^D [ RawBlock ( Format "tex" ) "\\begin{tabular}[t]{cc|c}\n\\(P\\) & \\(Q\\) & \\(P\\wedge Q\\)\\\\\n\\hline\nT & T &\\\\\nT & F &\\\\\nF & T &\\\\\nF & F &\\\\\n\\end{tabular}\n\\hspace{1em}\n\\begin{tabular}[t]{cc|c}\n\\(P\\) & \\(Q\\) & \\(P\\vee Q\\)\\\\\n\\hline\nT & T &\\\\\nT & F &\\\\\nF & T &\\\\\nF & F &\\\\\n\\end{tabular}" ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f markdown+raw_tex -t native hi\hspace{1em}there ^D [ Para [ Str "hi", RawInline ( Format "tex" ) "\\hspace{1em}", Str "there" ] ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f markdown+raw_tex -t native hi \hspace{1em} there ^D [ Para [ Str "hi" ] , RawBlock ( Format "tex" ) "\\hspace{1em}" , Para [ Str "there" ] ] ```