``` % pandoc -f biblatex -t markdown -s @comment{ Adapted from biblatex-example.bib Formatted with pandoc and chicago-author-date.csl, 2013-10-23: (Worman 2002) Worman, Nancy. 2002. *The Cast of Character: Style in Greek Literature*. Austin: University of Texas Press. Formatted with pandoc and apa.csl, 2013-10-23: (Worman, 2002) Worman, N. (2002). *The cast of character: Style in Greek literature*. Austin: University of Texas Press. } @Book{worman, author = {Worman, Nancy}, title = {The Cast of Character}, date = 2002, publisher = {University of Texas Press}, location = {Austin}, hyphenation = {american}, sorttitle = {Cast of Character}, indextitle = {Cast of Character, The}, subtitle = {Style in {Greek} Literature}, shorttitle = {Cast of Character}, annotation = {A book entry. Note the sorttitle and indextitle fields}, } ^D --- nocite: "[@*]" references: - annote: A book entry. Note the sorttitle and indextitle fields author: - family: Worman given: Nancy id: worman issued: 2002 language: "en-US" publisher: University of Texas Press publisher-place: Austin title: "The cast of character: Style in Greek literature" title-short: Cast of character type: book --- ```