# Commands of [glossaries package](ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/tex/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossaries-code.pdf)

% pandoc -f latex -t native
Many programming languages provide \glspl{API}. Each \gls{API} should provide a documentation.
[ Para
    [ Str "Many"
    , Space
    , Str "programming"
    , Space
    , Str "languages"
    , Space
    , Str "provide"
    , Space
    , Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "plural+short" )
        [ Str "APIs" ]
    , Str "."
    , Space
    , Str "Each"
    , Space
    , Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+short" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "should"
    , Space
    , Str "provide"
    , Space
    , Str "a"
    , Space
    , Str "documentation."

% pandoc -f latex -t native
\Glsdesc{API} XYZ ist not as performant as \glsdesc{API} ZXY.
[ Para
    [ Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+long" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "XYZ"
    , Space
    , Str "ist"
    , Space
    , Str "not"
    , Space
    , Str "as"
    , Space
    , Str "performant"
    , Space
    , Str "as"
    , Space
    , Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+long" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "ZXY."

% pandoc -f latex -t native
\Acrlong{API} XYZ ist not as performant as \acrlong{API} ZXY.
[ Para
    [ Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+long" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "XYZ"
    , Space
    , Str "ist"
    , Space
    , Str "not"
    , Space
    , Str "as"
    , Space
    , Str "performant"
    , Space
    , Str "as"
    , Space
    , Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+long" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "ZXY."

% pandoc -f latex -t native
\Acrfull{API} XYZ ist not as performant as \acrfull{API} ZXY.
[ Para
    [ Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+full" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "XYZ"
    , Space
    , Str "ist"
    , Space
    , Str "not"
    , Space
    , Str "as"
    , Space
    , Str "performant"
    , Space
    , Str "as"
    , Space
    , Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+full" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "ZXY."

% pandoc -f latex -t native
\Acrshort{API} XYZ ist not as performant as \acrshort{API} ZXY.
[ Para
    [ Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+abbrv" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "XYZ"
    , Space
    , Str "ist"
    , Space
    , Str "not"
    , Space
    , Str "as"
    , Space
    , Str "performant"
    , Space
    , Str "as"
    , Space
    , Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+abbrv" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "ZXY."

# Commands of [acronym package](ftp://ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de/pub/tex/mirror/ftp.dante.de/pub/tex/macros/latex/contrib/acronym/acronym.pdf)

% pandoc -f latex -t native
Many programming languages provide \acp{API}. Each \ac{API} should provide a documentation.
[ Para
    [ Str "Many"
    , Space
    , Str "programming"
    , Space
    , Str "languages"
    , Space
    , Str "provide"
    , Space
    , Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "plural+short" )
        [ Str "APIs" ]
    , Str "."
    , Space
    , Str "Each"
    , Space
    , Span
        ( ""
        , []
        , [ ( "acronym-label" , "API" )
          , ( "acronym-form" , "singular+short" )
        [ Str "API" ]
    , Space
    , Str "should"
    , Space
    , Str "provide"
    , Space
    , Str "a"
    , Space
    , Str "documentation."