{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Tests.Writers.RST (tests) where import Prelude import Test.Tasty import Tests.Helpers import Text.Pandoc import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary () import Text.Pandoc.Builder infix 4 =: (=:) :: (ToString a, ToPandoc a) => String -> (a, String) -> TestTree (=:) = test (purely (writeRST def . toPandoc)) tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testGroup "rubrics" [ "in list item" =: bulletList [header 2 (text "foo")] =?> "- .. rubric:: foo" , "in definition list item" =: definitionList [(text "foo", [header 2 (text "bar"), para $ text "baz"])] =?> unlines [ "foo" , " .. rubric:: bar" , "" , " baz"] , "in block quote" =: blockQuote (header 1 (text "bar")) =?> " .. rubric:: bar" , "with id" =: blockQuote (headerWith ("foo",[],[]) 1 (text "bar")) =?> unlines [ " .. rubric:: bar" , " :name: foo"] , "with id class" =: blockQuote (headerWith ("foo",["baz"],[]) 1 (text "bar")) =?> unlines [ " .. rubric:: bar" , " :name: foo" , " :class: baz"] ] , testGroup "ligatures" -- handling specific sequences of blocks [ "a list is closed by a comment before a quote" =: -- issue 4248 bulletList [plain "bulleted"] <> blockQuote (plain "quoted") =?> unlines [ "- bulleted" , "" , ".." , "" , " quoted"] ] , testGroup "inlines" [ "are removed when empty" =: -- #4434 plain (strong (str "")) =?> "" , "do not cause the introduction of extra spaces when removed" =: plain (strong (str "") <> emph (str "text")) =?> "*text*" , "spaces are stripped at beginning and end" =: -- pandoc issue 4327 "The text within inline markup may not -- begin or end with whitespace" -- http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#inline-markup strong (space <> str "text" <> space <> space) =?> "**text**" , "single space stripped" =: strong space =?> "" ] , testGroup "headings" [ "normal heading" =: header 1 (text "foo") =?> unlines [ "foo" , "==="] -- note: heading normalization is only done in standalone mode , test (purely (writeRST def{ writerTemplate = Just "$body$\n" }) . toPandoc) "heading levels" $ header 1 (text "Header 1") <> header 3 (text "Header 2") <> header 2 (text "Header 2") <> header 1 (text "Header 1") <> header 4 (text "Header 2") <> header 5 (text "Header 3") <> header 3 (text "Header 2") =?> unlines [ "Header 1" , "========" , "" , "Header 2" , "--------" , "" , "Header 2" , "--------" , "" , "Header 1" , "========" , "" , "Header 2" , "--------" , "" , "Header 3" , "~~~~~~~~" , "" , "Header 2" , "--------"] , test (purely (writeRST def{ writerTemplate = Just "$body$\n" }) . toPandoc) "minimal heading levels" $ header 2 (text "Header 1") <> header 3 (text "Header 2") <> header 2 (text "Header 1") <> header 4 (text "Header 2") <> header 5 (text "Header 3") <> header 3 (text "Header 2") =?> unlines [ "Header 1" , "========" , "" , "Header 2" , "--------" , "" , "Header 1" , "========" , "" , "Header 2" , "--------" , "" , "Header 3" , "~~~~~~~~" , "" , "Header 2" , "--------"] ] ]