module Tests.Writers.Docx (tests) where import Text.Pandoc import Test.Tasty import Tests.Writers.OOXML import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Data.List (isPrefixOf) -- we add an extra check to make sure that we're not writing in the -- toplevel docx directory. We don't want to accidentally overwrite an -- Word-generated docx file used to test the reader. docxTest :: String -> WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree docxTest testName opts nativeFP goldenFP = if "docx/golden/" `isPrefixOf` goldenFP then ooxmlTest writeDocx testName opts nativeFP goldenFP else testCase testName $ assertFailure $ goldenFP ++ " is not in `test/docx/golden`" tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testGroup "inlines" [ docxTest "font formatting" def "docx/inline_formatting.native" "docx/golden/inline_formatting.docx" , docxTest "hyperlinks" def "docx/links.native" "docx/golden/links.docx" , docxTest "inline image" def "docx/image_writer_test.native" "docx/golden/image.docx" , docxTest "inline images" def "docx/inline_images_writer_test.native" "docx/golden/inline_images.docx" , docxTest "handling unicode input" def "docx/unicode.native" "docx/golden/unicode.docx" , docxTest "inline code" def "docx/inline_code.native" "docx/golden/inline_code.docx" , docxTest "inline code in subscript and superscript" def "docx/verbatim_subsuper.native" "docx/golden/verbatim_subsuper.docx" ] , testGroup "blocks" [ docxTest "headers" def "docx/headers.native" "docx/golden/headers.docx" , docxTest "nested anchor spans in header" def "docx/nested_anchors_in_header.native" "docx/golden/nested_anchors_in_header.docx" , docxTest "lists" def "docx/lists.native" "docx/golden/lists.docx" , docxTest "lists continuing after interruption" def "docx/lists_continuing.native" "docx/golden/lists_continuing.docx" , docxTest "lists restarting after interruption" def "docx/lists_restarting.native" "docx/golden/lists_restarting.docx" , docxTest "definition lists" def "docx/definition_list.native" "docx/golden/definition_list.docx" , docxTest "footnotes and endnotes" def "docx/notes.native" "docx/golden/notes.docx" , docxTest "links in footnotes and endnotes" def "docx/link_in_notes.native" "docx/golden/link_in_notes.docx" , docxTest "blockquotes" def "docx/block_quotes_parse_indent.native" "docx/golden/block_quotes.docx" , docxTest "tables" def "docx/tables.native" "docx/golden/tables.docx" , docxTest "tables with lists in cells" def "docx/table_with_list_cell.native" "docx/golden/table_with_list_cell.docx" , docxTest "tables with one row" def "docx/table_one_row.native" "docx/golden/table_one_row.docx" , docxTest "code block" def "docx/codeblock.native" "docx/golden/codeblock.docx" ] , testGroup "track changes" [ docxTest "insertion" def "docx/track_changes_insertion_all.native" "docx/golden/track_changes_insertion.docx" , docxTest "deletion" def "docx/track_changes_deletion_all.native" "docx/golden/track_changes_deletion.docx" , docxTest "move text" def "docx/track_changes_move_all.native" "docx/golden/track_changes_move.docx" , docxTest "comments" def "docx/comments.native" "docx/golden/comments.docx" ] , testGroup "custom styles" [ docxTest "custom styles without reference.docx" def "docx/custom_style.native" "docx/golden/custom_style_no_reference.docx" , docxTest "custom styles without reference.docx" def{writerReferenceDoc = Just "docx/custom-style-reference.docx"} "docx/custom_style.native" "docx/golden/custom_style_reference.docx" ] ]