{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Tests.Writers.AnnotatedTable Copyright : 2020 Christian Despres License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Christian Despres <christian.j.j.despres@gmail.com> Stability : alpha Portability : portable Tests for the table helper functions. -} module Tests.Writers.AnnotatedTable ( tests ) where import Prelude import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( testCase , (@?=) ) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( QuickCheckTests(..) , Property , Testable , conjoin , forAll , testProperty , (===) , vectorOf , choose , arbitrary , elements ) import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ( ) import Text.Pandoc.Builder import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.AnnotatedTable as Ann tests :: [TestTree] tests = [testGroup "toTable" $ testAnnTable <> annTableProps] getSpec :: Ann.Cell -> [ColSpec] getSpec (Ann.Cell colspec _ _) = F.toList colspec catHeaderSpec :: Ann.HeaderRow -> [ColSpec] catHeaderSpec (Ann.HeaderRow _ _ x) = concatMap getSpec x catBodySpec :: Ann.BodyRow -> [ColSpec] catBodySpec (Ann.BodyRow _ _ x y) = concatMap getSpec x <> concatMap getSpec y -- Test if the first list can be obtained from the second by deleting -- elements from it. isSubsetOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool isSubsetOf (x : xs) (y : ys) | x == y = isSubsetOf xs ys | otherwise = isSubsetOf (x : xs) ys isSubsetOf [] _ = True isSubsetOf _ [] = False testAnnTable :: [TestTree] testAnnTable = [testCase "annotates a sample table properly" $ generated @?= expected] where spec1 = (AlignRight, ColWidthDefault) spec2 = (AlignLeft, ColWidthDefault) spec3 = (AlignCenter, ColWidthDefault) spec = [spec1, spec2, spec3] cl a h w = Cell (a, [], []) AlignDefault h w [] rws = map $ Row nullAttr th = TableHead nullAttr . rws tb n x y = TableBody nullAttr n (rws x) (rws y) tf = TableFoot nullAttr . rws initialHeads = [[cl "a" 1 1, cl "b" 3 2], [cl "c" 2 2, cl "d" 1 1]] initialTB1 = tb 1 [[], [cl "e" 5 1, cl "f" (-7) 0]] [[cl "g" 4 3, cl "h" 4 3], [], [emptyCell]] initialTB2 = tb 2 [] [[cl "i" 4 3, cl "j" 4 3]] generated = Ann.toTable nullAttr emptyCaption spec (th initialHeads) [initialTB1, initialTB2] (tf initialHeads) acl al n a h w = Ann.Cell (NonEmpty.fromList al) n $ Cell (a, [], []) AlignDefault h w [] emptyAnnCell al n = acl al n "" 1 1 ahrw = Ann.HeaderRow nullAttr abrw = Ann.BodyRow nullAttr ath = Ann.TableHead nullAttr atb = Ann.TableBody nullAttr atf = Ann.TableFoot nullAttr finalTH = ath [ ahrw 0 [acl [spec1] 0 "a" 1 1, acl [spec2, spec3] 1 "b" 2 2] , ahrw 1 [acl [spec1] 0 "c" 1 1] ] finalTB1 = atb 1 [ ahrw 2 [emptyAnnCell [spec1] 0, emptyAnnCell [spec2] 1, emptyAnnCell [spec3] 2] , ahrw 3 [acl [spec1] 0 "e" 1 1, acl [spec2] 1 "f" 1 1, emptyAnnCell [spec3] 2] ] [ abrw 4 [acl [spec1] 0 "g" 3 1] [acl [spec2, spec3] 1 "h" 3 2] , abrw 5 [] [] , abrw 6 [] [] ] finalTB2 = atb 2 [] [abrw 7 [acl [spec1, spec2] 0 "i" 1 2] [acl [spec3] 2 "j" 1 1]] finalTF = atf [ ahrw 8 [acl [spec1] 0 "a" 1 1, acl [spec2, spec3] 1 "b" 2 2] , ahrw 9 [acl [spec1] 0 "c" 1 1] ] expected = Ann.Table nullAttr emptyCaption spec finalTH [finalTB1, finalTB2] finalTF withColSpec :: Testable prop => ([ColSpec] -> prop) -> Property withColSpec = forAll arbColSpec where arbColSpec = do cs <- choose (1 :: Int, 6) vectorOf cs ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> elements [ColWidthDefault, ColWidth (1 / 3), ColWidth 0.25] ) annTableProps :: [TestTree] annTableProps = localOption (QuickCheckTests 50) <$> [ testProperty "normalizes like the table builder" propBuilderAnnTable , testProperty "has valid final cell columns" propColNumber , testProperty "has valid first row column data" propFirstRowCols , testProperty "has valid all row column data" propColSubsets , testProperty "has valid cell column data lengths" propCellColLengths ] -- The property that Ann.toTable will normalize a table identically to -- the table builder. This should mean that Ann.toTable is at least as -- rigorous as Builder.table in that respect without repeating those -- tests here (see the pandoc-types Table tests for examples). propBuilderAnnTable :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property propBuilderAnnTable th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs -> convertTable (table emptyCaption cs th tbs tf) === convertAnnTable (Ann.toTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf) where convertTable blks = case toList blks of [Table _ _ colspec a b c] -> Right (colspec, a, b, c) x -> Left x convertAnnTable x = case Ann.fromTable x of (_, _, colspec, a, b, c) -> Right (colspec, a, b, c) -- The property of Ann.toTable that if the last cell in the first row -- of a table section has ColSpan w and ColNumber n, then w + n is the -- width of the table. propColNumber :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property propColNumber th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs -> let twidth = length cs Ann.Table _ _ _ ath atbs atf = Ann.toTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf in conjoin $ [colNumTH twidth ath] <> (colNumTB twidth <$> atbs) <> [colNumTF twidth atf] where colNumTH n (Ann.TableHead _ rs) = firstly (isHeaderValid n) rs colNumTB n (Ann.TableBody _ _ rs ts) = firstly (isHeaderValid n) rs && firstly (isBodyValid n) ts colNumTF n (Ann.TableFoot _ rs) = firstly (isHeaderValid n) rs isHeaderValid n (Ann.HeaderRow _ _ x) = isSegmentValid n x isBodyValid n (Ann.BodyRow _ _ _ x) = isSegmentValid n x firstly f (x : _) = f x firstly _ [] = True lastly f [x ] = f x lastly f (_ : xs) = lastly f xs lastly _ [] = True isSegmentValid twidth cs = flip lastly cs $ \(Ann.Cell _ (Ann.ColNumber n) (Cell _ _ _ (ColSpan w) _)) -> n + w == twidth -- The property of an Ann.Table from Ann.toTable that if the NonEmpty -- ColSpec data of the cells in the first row of a table section are -- concatenated, the result should equal the [ColSpec] of the entire -- table. propFirstRowCols :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property propFirstRowCols th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs -> let Ann.Table _ _ _ ath atbs atf = Ann.toTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf in conjoin $ [firstRowTH cs ath] <> (firstRowTB cs <$> atbs) <> [firstRowTF cs atf] where firstly f (x : _) = f x firstly _ [] = True firstHeaderValid cs = firstly $ \r -> cs == catHeaderSpec r firstBodyValid cs = firstly $ \r -> cs == catBodySpec r firstRowTH cs (Ann.TableHead _ rs) = firstHeaderValid cs rs firstRowTB cs (Ann.TableBody _ _ rs ts) = firstHeaderValid cs rs && firstBodyValid cs ts firstRowTF cs (Ann.TableFoot _ rs) = firstHeaderValid cs rs -- The property that in any row in an Ann.Table from Ann.toTable, the -- NonEmpty ColSpec annotations on cells, when concatenated, form a -- subset (really sublist) of the [ColSpec] of the entire table. propColSubsets :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property propColSubsets th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs -> let Ann.Table _ _ _ ath atbs atf = Ann.toTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf in conjoin $ subsetTH cs ath <> concatMap (subsetTB cs) atbs <> subsetTF cs atf where subsetTH cs (Ann.TableHead _ rs) = map (subsetHeader cs) rs subsetTB cs (Ann.TableBody _ _ rs ts) = map (subsetHeader cs) rs <> map (subsetBody cs) ts subsetTF cs (Ann.TableFoot _ rs) = map (subsetHeader cs) rs subsetHeader cs r = catHeaderSpec r `isSubsetOf` cs subsetBody cs r = catBodySpec r `isSubsetOf` cs -- The property that in any cell in an Ann.Table from Ann.toTable, the -- NonEmpty ColSpec annotation on a cell is equal in length to its -- ColSpan. propCellColLengths :: TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Property propCellColLengths th tbs tf = withColSpec $ \cs -> let Ann.Table _ _ _ ath atbs atf = Ann.toTable nullAttr emptyCaption cs th tbs tf in conjoin $ cellColTH ath <> concatMap cellColTB atbs <> cellColTF atf where cellColTH (Ann.TableHead _ rs) = concatMap cellColHeader rs cellColTB (Ann.TableBody _ _ rs ts) = concatMap cellColHeader rs <> concatMap cellColBody ts cellColTF (Ann.TableFoot _ rs) = concatMap cellColHeader rs cellColHeader (Ann.HeaderRow _ _ x) = fmap validLength x cellColBody (Ann.BodyRow _ _ x y) = fmap validLength x <> fmap validLength y validLength (Ann.Cell colspec _ (Cell _ _ _ (ColSpan w) _)) = length colspec == w