{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Tests.Shared Copyright : © 2006-2020 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley@edu> Stability : alpha Portability : portable Tests for functions used in many parts of the library. -} module Tests.Shared (tests) where import Prelude import System.FilePath.Posix (joinPath) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool, testCase, (@?=)) import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary () import Text.Pandoc.Builder import Text.Pandoc.Shared import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (toLegacyTable) tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testGroup "compactifyDL" [ testCase "compactifyDL with empty def" $ assertBool "compactifyDL" (let x = [(str "word", [para (str "def"), mempty])] in compactifyDL x == x) ] , testGroup "collapseFilePath" testCollapse , testGroup "toLegacyTable" testLegacyTable ] testCollapse :: [TestTree] testCollapse = map (testCase "collapse") [ collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ""]) @?= joinPath [ ""] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".","foo"]) @?= joinPath [ "foo"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".",".","..","foo"]) @?= joinPath [ joinPath ["..", "foo"]] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "..","foo"]) @?= joinPath [ "..","foo"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "","bar","..","baz"]) @?= joinPath [ "","baz"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "","..","baz"]) @?= joinPath [ "","..","baz"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".","foo","..",".","bar","..",".",".","baz"]) @?= joinPath [ "baz"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".",""]) @?= joinPath [ ""] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".",".",""]) @?= joinPath [ ""] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "..",""]) @?= joinPath [ ".."] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "..",".",""]) @?= joinPath [ ".."] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ ".","..",""]) @?= joinPath [ ".."] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "..","..",""]) @?= joinPath [ "..",".."] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "parent","foo","baz","..","bar"]) @?= joinPath [ "parent","foo","bar"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "parent","foo","baz","..","..","bar"]) @?= joinPath [ "parent","bar"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "parent","foo",".."]) @?= joinPath [ "parent"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "","parent","foo","..","..","bar"]) @?= joinPath [ "","bar"] , collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "",".","parent","foo"]) @?= joinPath [ "","parent","foo"]] testLegacyTable :: [TestTree] testLegacyTable = [ testCase "decomposes a table with head" $ gen1 @?= expect1 , testCase "decomposes a table without head" $ gen2 @?= expect2 ] where pln = toList . plain . str cl a h w = Cell ("", [], []) AlignDefault h w $ pln a rws = map $ Row nullAttr th = TableHead nullAttr . rws tb n x y = TableBody nullAttr n (rws x) (rws y) tf = TableFoot nullAttr . rws headRows1 = [[cl "a" 1 1, cl "b" 2 2] ,[cl "c" 1 1] ] body1 = tb 1 [[cl "e" 3 1,cl "f" 3 2] ,[] ,[] ] [[emptyCell,emptyCell,emptyCell] ,[cl "g" 1 1,emptyCell,emptyCell] ] footRows1 = [[cl "h" 1 2,cl "i" 2 1] ,[cl "j" 1 2]] caption1 = simpleCaption $ plain "caption" spec1 = replicate 2 (AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.5) ++ [(AlignRight, ColWidthDefault)] expect1 = ( [Str "caption"] , replicate 2 AlignDefault ++ [AlignRight] , replicate 2 0.5 ++ [0] , [pln "a", pln "b", mempty] , [[pln "c", mempty, mempty] ,[pln "e", pln "f", mempty] ,[mempty, mempty, mempty] ,[mempty, mempty, mempty] ,[mempty, mempty, mempty] ,[pln "g", mempty, mempty] ,[pln "h", mempty, pln "i"] ,[pln "j", mempty, mempty]] ) gen1 = toLegacyTable caption1 spec1 (th headRows1) [body1] (tf footRows1) expect2 = ( [] , replicate 2 AlignDefault ++ [AlignRight] , replicate 2 0.5 ++ [0] , [] , [[pln "e", pln "f", mempty] ,[mempty, mempty, mempty] ,[mempty, mempty, mempty] ,[mempty, mempty, mempty] ,[pln "g", mempty, mempty] ,[pln "h", mempty, pln "i"] ,[pln "j", mempty, mempty]] ) gen2 = toLegacyTable emptyCaption spec1 (th []) [body1] (tf footRows1)