{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
   Module      : Tests.Readers.Man
   Copyright   : © 2018-2019 Yan Pas <yanp.bugz@gmail.com>,
                   2018-2020 John MacFarlane
   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above

   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
   Stability   : alpha
   Portability : portable

Tests for the Man reader.
module Tests.Readers.Man (tests) where

import Prelude
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Tasty
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Man

man :: Text -> Pandoc
man = purely $ readMan def

infix 4 =:
(=:) :: ToString c
     => String -> (Text, c) -> TestTree
(=:) = test man

toRow :: [Blocks] -> Row
toRow = Row nullAttr . map simpleCell

tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [
  -- .SH "HEllo bbb" "aaa"" as"
  testGroup "Macros" [
      "Bold" =:
      ".B foo"
      =?> para (strong "foo")
    , "Italic" =:
      ".I bar\n"
      =?> para (emph "bar")
    , "BoldItalic" =:
      ".BI foo bar"
      =?> para (strong (str "foo") <> emph (str "bar"))
    , "H1" =:
      ".SH The header\n"
      =?> header 1 (text "The header")
    , "H2" =:
      ".SS \"The header 2\""
      =?> header 2 (text "The header 2")
    , "Macro args" =:
      ".B \"single arg with \"\"Q\"\"\""
      =?>para (strong $ text "single arg with \"Q\"")
    , "Argument from next line" =:
      ".B\nsingle arg with \"Q\""
      =?>para (strong $ text "single arg with \"Q\"")
    , "comment" =:
      =?>para (str "aaa")
    , "link" =:
      ".BR aa (1)"
      =?> para (strong (str "aa") <> str "(1)")
  testGroup "Escapes" [
      "fonts" =:
      =?>para (str "aa" <> emph (str "bb") <> str "cc")
    , "nested fonts" =:
      "\\f[BI]hi\\f[I] there\\f[R]"
      =?> para (emph (strong (text "hi") <> text " there"))
    , "nested fonts 2" =:
      "\\f[R]hi \\f[I]there \\f[BI]bold\\f[R] ok"
      =?> para (text "hi " <> emph (text "there " <> strong (text "bold")) <>
                                   text " ok")
    , "skip" =:
      =?>para (str "ab\8199")
    , "replace" =:
      "\\-\\ \\\\\\[lq]\\[rq]\\[em]\\[en]\\*(lq\\*(rq"
      =?>para (text "- \\“”—–“”")
    , "replace2" =:
      "\\t\\e\\`\\^\\|\\'" =?>para (text "\\`\8202\8198'")
    , "comment  with \\\"" =:
      "Foo \\\" bar\n" =?>para (text "Foo")
    , "comment with \\#" =:
      "Foo\\#\nbar\n" =?>para (text "Foobar")
    , "two letter escapes" =:
      "\\(oA\\(~O" =?>para (text "ÅÕ")
    , "bracketed escapes" =:
      "\\[oA]\\[~O]\\[Do]\\[Ye]\\[product]\\[ul]" =?>para (text "ÅÕ$¥∏_")
    , "unicode escapes" =:
      "\\[u2020]" =?>para (text "†")
    , "unicode escapes (combined)" =:
      "\\[u0075_u0301]" =?>para (text "\250")
    , "unknown escape (#5034)" =:
       "\\9" =?>para (text "9")
  testGroup "Lists" [
      "bullet" =:
      ".IP \"\\[bu]\"\nfirst\n.IP \"\\[bu]\"\nsecond"
      =?> bulletList [para $ str "first", para $ str "second"]
    , "ordered" =:
      ".IP 2 a\nfirst\n.IP 3 a\nsecond"
      =?> orderedListWith (2,Decimal,DefaultDelim) [para $ str "first", para $ str "second"]
    , "upper" =:
      ".IP A) a\nfirst\n.IP B) a\nsecond"
      =?> orderedListWith (1,UpperAlpha,OneParen) [para $ str "first", para $ str "second"]
    , "nested" =:
      ".IP \"\\[bu]\"\nfirst\n.RS\n.IP \"\\[bu]\"\n1a\n.IP \"\\[bu]\"\n1b\n.RE"
      =?> bulletList [para (str "first") <> bulletList [para $ str "1a", para $ str "1b"]]
    , "change in list style" =:
      ".IP \\[bu]\nfirst\n.IP 1\nsecond"
      =?> bulletList [para (str "first")] <>
            orderedListWith (1,Decimal,DefaultDelim) [para (str "second")]
  testGroup "CodeBlocks" [
      =?> codeBlock "aa\n\tbb"
  testGroup "Tables" [
      "t1" =:
      ".TS\nallbox;\nl l l.\na\tb\tc\nd\te\tf\n.TE"
      =?> table
            (replicate 3 (AlignLeft, ColWidthDefault))
            (TableHead nullAttr [])
            [TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow
              [map (plain . str ) ["a", "b", "c"],
               map (plain . str ) ["d", "e", "f"]]]
            (TableFoot nullAttr []),
      "longcell" =:
      ".TS\n;\nr.\nT{\na\nb\nc d\nT}\nf\n.TE"
      =?> table
            [(AlignRight, ColWidthDefault)]
            (TableHead nullAttr [])
            [TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow [[plain $ text "a b c d"], [plain $ str "f"]]]
            (TableFoot nullAttr [])