{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Roff Copyright : Copyright (C) 2007-2020 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable Common functions for roff writers (man, ms). -} module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Roff ( WriterState(..) , defaultWriterState , MS , Note , EscapeMode(..) , escapeString , withFontFeature ) where import Data.Char (ord, isAscii) import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.String import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, catMaybes) import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad) import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.DocLayout import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.Pandoc.RoffChar (standardEscapes, characterCodes, combiningAccents) data WriterState = WriterState { stHasInlineMath :: Bool , stFirstPara :: Bool , stNotes :: [Note] , stSmallCaps :: Bool , stHighlighting :: Bool , stInHeader :: Bool , stFontFeatures :: Map.Map Char Bool , stHasTables :: Bool } defaultWriterState :: WriterState defaultWriterState = WriterState{ stHasInlineMath = False , stFirstPara = True , stNotes = [] , stSmallCaps = False , stHighlighting = False , stInHeader = False , stFontFeatures = Map.fromList [ ('I',False) , ('B',False) , ('C',False) ] , stHasTables = False } type Note = [Block] type MS = StateT WriterState data EscapeMode = AllowUTF8 -- ^ use preferred man escapes | AsciiOnly -- ^ escape everything deriving Show combiningAccentsMap :: Map.Map Char Text combiningAccentsMap = Map.fromList combiningAccents essentialEscapes :: Map.Map Char Text essentialEscapes = Map.fromList standardEscapes -- | Escape special characters for roff. escapeString :: EscapeMode -> Text -> Text escapeString e = Text.concat . escapeString' e . Text.unpack where escapeString' _ [] = [] escapeString' escapeMode ('\n':'.':xs) = "\n\\&." : escapeString' escapeMode xs escapeString' escapeMode (x:xs) = case Map.lookup x essentialEscapes of Just s -> s : escapeString' escapeMode xs Nothing | isAscii x -> Text.singleton x : escapeString' escapeMode xs | otherwise -> case escapeMode of AllowUTF8 -> Text.singleton x : escapeString' escapeMode xs AsciiOnly -> let accents = catMaybes $ takeWhile isJust (map (\c -> Map.lookup c combiningAccentsMap) xs) rest = drop (length accents) xs s = case Map.lookup x characterCodeMap of Just t -> "\\[" <> Text.unwords (t:accents) <> "]" Nothing -> "\\[" <> Text.unwords (Text.pack (printf "u%04X" (ord x)) : accents) <> "]" in s : escapeString' escapeMode rest characterCodeMap :: Map.Map Char Text characterCodeMap = Map.fromList characterCodes fontChange :: (HasChars a, IsString a, PandocMonad m) => MS m (Doc a) fontChange = do features <- gets stFontFeatures inHeader <- gets stInHeader let filling = ['C' | fromMaybe False $ Map.lookup 'C' features] ++ ['B' | inHeader || fromMaybe False (Map.lookup 'B' features)] ++ ['I' | fromMaybe False $ Map.lookup 'I' features] return $ if null filling then text "\\f[R]" else text $ "\\f[" ++ filling ++ "]" withFontFeature :: (HasChars a, IsString a, PandocMonad m) => Char -> MS m (Doc a) -> MS m (Doc a) withFontFeature c action = do modify $ \st -> st{ stFontFeatures = Map.adjust not c $ stFontFeatures st } begin <- fontChange d <- action modify $ \st -> st{ stFontFeatures = Map.adjust not c $ stFontFeatures st } end <- fontChange return $ begin <> d <> end