{- Copyright (C) 2006 John MacFarlane This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to reStructuredText. reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html -} module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST ( writeRST ) where import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Shared import List ( nubBy ) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding ( Str ) -- | Convert Pandoc to reStructuredText. writeRST :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String writeRST options (Pandoc meta blocks) = let (main, refs) = unzip $ map (blockToRST (writerTabStop options)) (reformatBlocks $ replaceReferenceLinks blocks) top = if (writerStandalone options) then (metaToRST meta) $$ text (writerHeader options) else empty in -- remove duplicate keys let refs' = nubBy (\x y -> (render x) == (render y)) refs in let body = text (writerIncludeBefore options) <> vcat main $$ text (writerIncludeAfter options) in render $ top <> body $$ vcat refs' $$ text "\n" -- | Escape special RST characters. escapeString :: String -> String escapeString = backslashEscape "`\\|*_" -- | Convert list of inline elements into one 'Doc' of wrapped text -- and another containing references. wrappedRST :: [Inline] -> (Doc, Doc) wrappedRST lst = let words = splitBySpace lst in ( fsep $ map (fcat . (map (fst . inlineToRST))) words, vcat (map (snd . inlineToRST) lst) ) -- | Remove reference keys, and make sure there are blanks before each list. reformatBlocks :: [Block] -> [Block] reformatBlocks [] = [] reformatBlocks ((Plain x):(OrderedList y):rest) = (Para x):(reformatBlocks ((OrderedList y):rest)) reformatBlocks ((Plain x):(BulletList y):rest) = (Para x):(reformatBlocks ((BulletList y):rest)) reformatBlocks ((OrderedList x):rest) = (OrderedList (map reformatBlocks x)):(reformatBlocks rest) reformatBlocks ((BulletList x):rest) = (BulletList (map reformatBlocks x)):(reformatBlocks rest) reformatBlocks ((BlockQuote x):rest) = (BlockQuote (reformatBlocks x)):(reformatBlocks rest) reformatBlocks ((Note ref x):rest) = (Note ref (reformatBlocks x)):(reformatBlocks rest) reformatBlocks ((Key x1 y1):rest) = reformatBlocks rest reformatBlocks (x:rest) = x:(reformatBlocks rest) -- | Convert bibliographic information to 'Doc'. metaToRST :: Meta -> Doc metaToRST (Meta title authors date) = (titleToRST title) <> (authorsToRST authors) <> (dateToRST date) -- | Convert title to 'Doc'. titleToRST :: [Inline] -> Doc titleToRST [] = empty titleToRST lst = let title = fst $ inlineListToRST lst in let titleLength = length $ render title in let border = text (replicate titleLength '=') in border <> char '\n' <> title <> char '\n' <> border <> text "\n\n" -- | Convert author list to 'Doc'. authorsToRST :: [String] -> Doc authorsToRST [] = empty authorsToRST (first:rest) = text ":Author: " <> text first <> char '\n' <> (authorsToRST rest) -- | Convert date to 'Doc'. dateToRST :: String -> Doc dateToRST [] = empty dateToRST str = text ":Date: " <> text (escapeString str) <> char '\n' -- | Convert Pandoc block element to a 'Doc' containing the main text and -- another one containing any references. blockToRST :: Int -- ^ tab stop -> Block -- ^ block element to convert -> (Doc, Doc) -- ^ first element is text, second is references for end of file blockToRST tabStop Blank = (text "\n", empty) blockToRST tabStop Null = (empty, empty) blockToRST tabStop (Plain lst) = wrappedRST lst blockToRST tabStop (Para [TeX str]) = -- raw latex block let str' = if (endsWith '\n' str) then (str ++ "\n") else (str ++ "\n\n") in (hang (text "\n.. raw:: latex\n") 3 (vcat $ map text (lines str')), empty) blockToRST tabStop (Para lst) = ( (fst $ wrappedRST lst) <> (text "\n"), snd $ wrappedRST lst ) blockToRST tabStop (BlockQuote lst) = let (main, refs) = unzip $ map (blockToRST tabStop) lst in ((nest tabStop $ vcat $ main) <> text "\n", vcat refs) blockToRST tabStop (Note ref blocks) = let (main, refs) = unzip $ map (blockToRST tabStop) blocks in ((hang (text ".. [" <> text (escapeString ref) <> text "] ") 3 (vcat main)), vcat refs) blockToRST tabStop (Key txt (Src src tit)) = (text "ERROR - KEY FOUND", empty) -- shouldn't have a key here blockToRST tabStop (CodeBlock str) = (hang (text "::\n") tabStop (vcat $ map text (lines ('\n':(str ++ "\n\n")))), empty) blockToRST tabStop (RawHtml str) = let str' = if (endsWith '\n' str) then (str ++ "\n") else (str ++ "\n\n") in (hang (text "\n.. raw:: html\n") 3 (vcat $ map text (lines str')), empty) blockToRST tabStop (BulletList lst) = let (main, refs) = unzip $ map (bulletListItemToRST tabStop) lst in (vcat main <> text "\n", vcat refs) blockToRST tabStop (OrderedList lst) = let (main, refs) = unzip $ zipWith (orderedListItemToRST tabStop) (enumFromTo 1 (length lst)) lst in (vcat main <> text "\n", vcat refs) blockToRST tabStop HorizontalRule = (text "--------------\n", empty) blockToRST tabStop (Header level lst) = let (headerText, refs) = inlineListToRST lst in let headerLength = length $ render headerText in let headerChar = if (level > 5) then ' ' else "=-~^'" !! (level - 1) in let border = text $ replicate headerLength headerChar in (headerText <> char '\n' <> border <> char '\n', refs) -- | Convert bullet list item (list of blocks) to reStructuredText. -- Returns a pair of 'Doc', the first the main text, the second references bulletListItemToRST :: Int -- ^ tab stop -> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks) -> (Doc, Doc) bulletListItemToRST tabStop list = let (main, refs) = unzip $ map (blockToRST tabStop) list in (hang (text "- ") tabStop (vcat main), (vcat refs)) -- | Convert an ordered list item (list of blocks) to reStructuredText. -- Returns a pair of 'Doc', the first the main text, the second references orderedListItemToRST :: Int -- ^ tab stop -> Int -- ^ ordinal number of list item -> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks) -> (Doc, Doc) orderedListItemToRST tabStop num list = let (main, refs) = unzip $ map (blockToRST tabStop) list spacer = if (length (show num) < 2) then " " else "" in (hang (text ((show num) ++ "." ++ spacer)) tabStop (vcat main), (vcat refs)) -- | Convert a list of inline elements to reStructuredText. -- Returns a pair of 'Doc', the first the main text, the second references. inlineListToRST :: [Inline] -> (Doc, Doc) inlineListToRST lst = let (main, refs) = unzip $ map inlineToRST lst in (hcat main, hcat refs) -- | Convert an inline element to reStructuredText. -- Returns a pair of 'Doc', the first the main text, the second references. inlineToRST :: Inline -> (Doc, Doc) -- second Doc is list of refs for end of file inlineToRST (Emph lst) = let (main, refs) = inlineListToRST lst in (text "*" <> main <> text "*", refs) inlineToRST (Strong lst) = let (main, refs) = inlineListToRST lst in (text "**" <> main <> text "**", refs) inlineToRST (Code str) = (text $ "``" ++ str ++ "``", empty) inlineToRST (Str str) = (text $ escapeString str, empty) inlineToRST (TeX str) = (text str, empty) inlineToRST (HtmlInline str) = (empty, empty) inlineToRST (LineBreak) = inlineToRST Space -- RST doesn't have line breaks inlineToRST Space = (char ' ', empty) -- -- Note: can assume reference links have been replaced where possible -- with explicit links. -- inlineToRST (Link txt (Src src tit)) = let (linktext, ref') = if (null txt) || (txt == [Str ""]) then (text "link", empty) else inlineListToRST $ normalizeSpaces txt in let link = char '`' <> linktext <> text "`_" linktext' = render linktext in let linktext'' = if (':' `elem` linktext') then "`" ++ linktext' ++ "`" else linktext' in let ref = text ".. _" <> text linktext'' <> text ": " <> text src in (link, ref' $$ ref) inlineToRST (Link txt (Ref [])) = let (linktext, refs) = inlineListToRST txt in (char '[' <> linktext <> char ']', refs) inlineToRST (Link txt (Ref ref)) = let (linktext, refs1) = inlineListToRST txt (reftext, refs2) = inlineListToRST ref in (char '[' <> linktext <> text "][" <> reftext <> char ']', refs1 $$ refs2) inlineToRST (Image alternate (Src source tit)) = let (alt, ref') = if (null alternate) || (alternate == [Str ""]) then (text "image", empty) else inlineListToRST $ normalizeSpaces alternate in let link = char '|' <> alt <> char '|' in let ref = text ".. " <> link <> text " image:: " <> text source in (link, ref' $$ ref) inlineToRST (Image alternate (Ref [])) = let (alttext, refs) = inlineListToRST alternate in (char '|' <> alttext <> char '|', refs) -- The following case won't normally occur... inlineToRST (Image alternate (Ref ref)) = let (alttext, refs1) = inlineListToRST alternate (reftext, refs2) = inlineListToRST ref in (char '|' <> alttext <> char '|', refs1 $$ refs2) inlineToRST (NoteRef ref) = (text " [" <> text (escapeString ref) <> char ']' <> char '_', empty)