module Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Types ( LW , WriterState (..) , startingState ) where import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT) import Data.Text (Text) import Text.DocLayout (Doc) import Text.Pandoc.Options ( WriterOptions (writerIncremental, writerTopLevelDivision) , TopLevelDivision (..) ) -- | LaTeX writer type. The type constructor @m@ will typically be an -- instance of PandocMonad. type LW m = StateT WriterState m data WriterState = WriterState { stInNote :: Bool -- ^ true if we're in a note , stInQuote :: Bool -- ^ true if in a blockquote , stExternalNotes :: Bool -- ^ true if in context where -- we need to store footnotes , stInMinipage :: Bool -- ^ true if in minipage , stInHeading :: Bool -- ^ true if in a section heading , stInItem :: Bool -- ^ true if in \item[..] , stNotes :: [Doc Text] -- ^ notes in a minipage , stOLLevel :: Int -- ^ level of ordered list nesting , stOptions :: WriterOptions -- ^ writer options, so they don't have to -- be parameter , stVerbInNote :: Bool -- ^ true if document has verbatim text in note , stTable :: Bool -- ^ true if document has a table , stStrikeout :: Bool -- ^ true if document has strikeout , stUrl :: Bool -- ^ true if document has visible URL link , stGraphics :: Bool -- ^ true if document contains images , stLHS :: Bool -- ^ true if document has literate haskell code , stHasChapters :: Bool -- ^ true if document has chapters , stCsquotes :: Bool -- ^ true if document uses csquotes , stHighlighting :: Bool -- ^ true if document has highlighted code , stIncremental :: Bool -- ^ true if beamer lists should be -- displayed bit by bit , stInternalLinks :: [Text] -- ^ list of internal link targets , stBeamer :: Bool -- ^ produce beamer , stEmptyLine :: Bool -- ^ true if no content on line , stHasCslRefs :: Bool -- ^ has a Div with class refs , stIsFirstInDefinition :: Bool -- ^ first block in a defn list } startingState :: WriterOptions -> WriterState startingState options = WriterState { stInNote = False , stInQuote = False , stExternalNotes = False , stInHeading = False , stInMinipage = False , stInItem = False , stNotes = [] , stOLLevel = 1 , stOptions = options , stVerbInNote = False , stTable = False , stStrikeout = False , stUrl = False , stGraphics = False , stLHS = False , stHasChapters = case writerTopLevelDivision options of TopLevelPart -> True TopLevelChapter -> True _ -> False , stCsquotes = False , stHighlighting = False , stIncremental = writerIncremental options , stInternalLinks = [] , stBeamer = False , stEmptyLine = True , stHasCslRefs = False , stIsFirstInDefinition = False }