{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS Copyright : Copyright (C) 2017-2019 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to JATS XML. Reference: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library -} module Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS ( writeJATS ) where import Prelude import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT) import Data.List (partition, isPrefixOf) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Time (toGregorian, Day, parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, report) import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (languages, languagesByExtension) import Text.Pandoc.Logging import Text.Pandoc.MIME (getMimeType) import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk) import Text.Pandoc.Options import Text.DocLayout import Text.Pandoc.Shared import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate) import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..), TemplateTarget(..)) import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared import Text.Pandoc.XML import Text.TeXMath import qualified Text.XML.Light as Xml data JATSVersion = JATS1_1 deriving (Eq, Show) data JATSState = JATSState { jatsNotes :: [(Int, Doc Text)] } type JATS a = StateT JATSState (ReaderT JATSVersion a) writeJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text writeJATS opts d = runReaderT (evalStateT (docToJATS opts d) (JATSState{ jatsNotes = [] })) JATS1_1 -- | Convert Pandoc document to string in JATS format. docToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> JATS m Text docToJATS opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do let isBackBlock (Div ("refs",_,_) _) = True isBackBlock _ = False let (backblocks, bodyblocks) = partition isBackBlock blocks let elements = hierarchicalize bodyblocks let backElements = hierarchicalize $ backblocks let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto then Just $ writerColumns opts else Nothing -- The numbering here follows LaTeX's internal numbering let startLvl = case writerTopLevelDivision opts of TopLevelPart -> -1 TopLevelChapter -> 0 TopLevelSection -> 1 TopLevelDefault -> 1 metadata <- metaToContext opts (fmap vcat . mapM (elementToJATS opts startLvl) . hierarchicalize) (fmap chomp . inlinesToJATS opts) meta main <- vcat <$> mapM (elementToJATS opts startLvl) elements notes <- reverse . map snd <$> gets jatsNotes backs <- mapM (elementToJATS opts startLvl) backElements let fns = if null notes then mempty else inTagsIndented "fn-group" $ vcat notes let back = vcat backs $$ fns let date = case getField "date" metadata of Nothing -> NullVal Just (SimpleVal (x :: Doc Text)) -> case parseDate (T.unpack $ toText x) of Nothing -> NullVal Just day -> let (y,m,d) = toGregorian day in MapVal $ Context $ M.insert ("year" :: Text) (SimpleVal $ text $ show y) $ M.insert "month" (SimpleVal $ text $ show m) $ M.insert "day" (SimpleVal $ text $ show d) $ M.insert "iso-8601" (SimpleVal $ text $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" day) $ mempty Just x -> x let context = defField "body" main $ defField "back" back $ resetField "date" date $ defField "mathml" (case writerHTMLMathMethod opts of MathML -> True _ -> False) metadata return $ render colwidth $ (if writerPreferAscii opts then fmap toEntities else id) $ case writerTemplate opts of Nothing -> main Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context -- | Convert an Element to JATS. elementToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Int -> Element -> JATS m (Doc Text) elementToJATS opts _ (Blk block) = blockToJATS opts block elementToJATS opts lvl (Sec _ _num (id',_,kvs) title elements) = do let idAttr = [("id", writerIdentifierPrefix opts ++ id') | not (null id')] let otherAttrs = ["sec-type", "specific-use"] let attribs = idAttr ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` otherAttrs] contents <- mapM (elementToJATS opts (lvl + 1)) elements title' <- inlinesToJATS opts title return $ inTags True "sec" attribs $ inTagsSimple "title" title' $$ vcat contents -- | Convert a list of Pandoc blocks to JATS. blocksToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> JATS m (Doc Text) blocksToJATS = wrappedBlocksToJATS (const False) wrappedBlocksToJATS :: PandocMonad m => (Block -> Bool) -> WriterOptions -> [Block] -> JATS m (Doc Text) wrappedBlocksToJATS needsWrap opts = fmap vcat . mapM wrappedBlockToJATS where wrappedBlockToJATS b = do inner <- blockToJATS opts b return $ if needsWrap b then inTags True "p" [("specific-use","wrapper")] inner else inner -- | Auxiliary function to convert Plain block to Para. plainToPara :: Block -> Block plainToPara (Plain x) = Para x plainToPara x = x -- | Convert a list of pairs of terms and definitions into a list of -- JATS varlistentrys. deflistItemsToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [([Inline],[[Block]])] -> JATS m (Doc Text) deflistItemsToJATS opts items = vcat <$> mapM (uncurry (deflistItemToJATS opts)) items -- | Convert a term and a list of blocks into a JATS varlistentry. deflistItemToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> [[Block]] -> JATS m (Doc Text) deflistItemToJATS opts term defs = do term' <- inlinesToJATS opts term def' <- wrappedBlocksToJATS (not . isPara) opts $ concatMap (walk demoteHeaderAndRefs . map plainToPara) defs return $ inTagsIndented "def-item" $ inTagsSimple "term" term' $$ inTagsIndented "def" def' -- | Convert a list of lists of blocks to a list of JATS list items. listItemsToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Maybe [String] -> [[Block]] -> JATS m (Doc Text) listItemsToJATS opts markers items = case markers of Nothing -> vcat <$> mapM (listItemToJATS opts Nothing) items Just ms -> vcat <$> zipWithM (listItemToJATS opts) (map Just ms) items -- | Convert a list of blocks into a JATS list item. listItemToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Maybe String -> [Block] -> JATS m (Doc Text) listItemToJATS opts mbmarker item = do contents <- wrappedBlocksToJATS (not . isParaOrList) opts (walk demoteHeaderAndRefs item) return $ inTagsIndented "list-item" $ maybe empty (\lbl -> inTagsSimple "label" (text lbl)) mbmarker $$ contents imageMimeType :: String -> [(String, String)] -> (String, String) imageMimeType src kvs = let mbMT = getMimeType src maintype = fromMaybe "image" $ lookup "mimetype" kvs `mplus` (takeWhile (/='/') <$> mbMT) subtype = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "mime-subtype" kvs `mplus` ((drop 1 . dropWhile (/='/')) <$> mbMT) in (maintype, subtype) languageFor :: [String] -> String languageFor classes = case langs of (l:_) -> escapeStringForXML l [] -> "" where isLang l = map toLower l `elem` map (map toLower) languages langsFrom s = if isLang s then [s] else languagesByExtension . map toLower $ s langs = concatMap langsFrom classes codeAttr :: Attr -> (String, [(String, String)]) codeAttr (ident,classes,kvs) = (lang, attr) where attr = [("id",ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [("language",lang) | not (null lang)] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` ["code-type", "code-version", "executable", "language-version", "orientation", "platforms", "position", "specific-use"]] lang = languageFor classes -- | Convert a Pandoc block element to JATS. blockToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Block -> JATS m (Doc Text) blockToJATS _ Null = return empty -- Bibliography reference: blockToJATS opts (Div ('r':'e':'f':'-':_,_,_) [Para lst]) = inlinesToJATS opts lst blockToJATS opts (Div ("refs",_,_) xs) = do contents <- blocksToJATS opts xs return $ inTagsIndented "ref-list" contents blockToJATS opts (Div (ident,[cls],kvs) bs) | cls `elem` ["fig", "caption", "table-wrap"] = do contents <- blocksToJATS opts bs let attr = [("id", ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [("xml:lang",l) | ("lang",l) <- kvs] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` ["specific-use", "content-type", "orientation", "position"]] return $ inTags True cls attr contents blockToJATS opts (Div (ident,_,kvs) bs) = do contents <- blocksToJATS opts bs let attr = [("id", ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [("xml:lang",l) | ("lang",l) <- kvs] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` ["specific-use", "content-type", "orientation", "position"]] return $ inTags True "boxed-text" attr contents blockToJATS opts (Header _ _ title) = do title' <- inlinesToJATS opts title return $ inTagsSimple "title" title' -- No Plain, everything needs to be in a block-level tag blockToJATS opts (Plain lst) = blockToJATS opts (Para lst) -- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure blockToJATS opts (Para [Image (ident,_,kvs) txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do alt <- inlinesToJATS opts txt let (maintype, subtype) = imageMimeType src kvs let capt = if null txt then empty else inTagsSimple "caption" $ inTagsSimple "p" alt let attr = [("id", ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` ["fig-type", "orientation", "position", "specific-use"]] let graphicattr = [("mimetype",maintype), ("mime-subtype",subtype), ("xlink:href",src), -- do we need to URL escape this? ("xlink:title",tit)] return $ inTags True "fig" attr $ capt $$ selfClosingTag "graphic" graphicattr blockToJATS _ (Para [Image (ident,_,kvs) _ (src, tit)]) = do let (maintype, subtype) = imageMimeType src kvs let attr = [("id", ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [("mimetype", maintype), ("mime-subtype", subtype), ("xlink:href", src)] ++ [("xlink:title", tit) | not (null tit)] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` ["baseline-shift", "content-type", "specific-use", "xlink:actuate", "xlink:href", "xlink:role", "xlink:show", "xlink:type"]] return $ selfClosingTag "graphic" attr blockToJATS opts (Para lst) = inTagsSimple "p" <$> inlinesToJATS opts lst blockToJATS opts (LineBlock lns) = blockToJATS opts $ linesToPara lns blockToJATS opts (BlockQuote blocks) = inTagsIndented "disp-quote" <$> blocksToJATS opts blocks blockToJATS _ (CodeBlock a str) = return $ inTags False tag attr (flush (text (escapeStringForXML str))) where (lang, attr) = codeAttr a tag = if null lang then "preformat" else "code" blockToJATS _ (BulletList []) = return empty blockToJATS opts (BulletList lst) = inTags True "list" [("list-type", "bullet")] <$> listItemsToJATS opts Nothing lst blockToJATS _ (OrderedList _ []) = return empty blockToJATS opts (OrderedList (start, numstyle, delimstyle) items) = do let listType = case numstyle of DefaultStyle -> "order" Decimal -> "order" Example -> "order" UpperAlpha -> "alpha-upper" LowerAlpha -> "alpha-lower" UpperRoman -> "roman-upper" LowerRoman -> "roman-lower" let simpleList = start == 1 && (delimstyle == DefaultDelim || delimstyle == Period) let markers = if simpleList then Nothing else Just $ orderedListMarkers (start, numstyle, delimstyle) inTags True "list" [("list-type", listType)] <$> listItemsToJATS opts markers items blockToJATS opts (DefinitionList lst) = inTags True "def-list" [] <$> deflistItemsToJATS opts lst blockToJATS _ b@(RawBlock f str) | f == "jats" = return $ text str -- raw XML block | otherwise = do report $ BlockNotRendered b return empty blockToJATS _ HorizontalRule = return empty -- not semantic blockToJATS opts (Table [] aligns widths headers rows) = do let percent w = show (truncate (100*w) :: Integer) ++ "*" let coltags = vcat $ zipWith (\w al -> selfClosingTag "col" ([("width", percent w) | w > 0] ++ [("align", alignmentToString al)])) widths aligns thead <- if all null headers then return empty else inTagsIndented "thead" <$> tableRowToJATS opts True headers tbody <- (inTagsIndented "tbody" . vcat) <$> mapM (tableRowToJATS opts False) rows return $ inTags True "table" [] $ coltags $$ thead $$ tbody blockToJATS opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do captionDoc <- inTagsIndented "caption" <$> blockToJATS opts (Para caption) tbl <- blockToJATS opts (Table [] aligns widths headers rows) return $ inTags True "table-wrap" [] $ captionDoc $$ tbl alignmentToString :: Alignment -> [Char] alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of AlignLeft -> "left" AlignRight -> "right" AlignCenter -> "center" AlignDefault -> "left" tableRowToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Bool -> [[Block]] -> JATS m (Doc Text) tableRowToJATS opts isHeader cols = (inTagsIndented "tr" . vcat) <$> mapM (tableItemToJATS opts isHeader) cols tableItemToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Bool -> [Block] -> JATS m (Doc Text) tableItemToJATS opts isHeader [Plain item] = inTags False (if isHeader then "th" else "td") [] <$> inlinesToJATS opts item tableItemToJATS opts isHeader item = (inTags False (if isHeader then "th" else "td") [] . vcat) <$> mapM (blockToJATS opts) item -- | Convert a list of inline elements to JATS. inlinesToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> JATS m (Doc Text) inlinesToJATS opts lst = hcat <$> mapM (inlineToJATS opts) (fixCitations lst) where fixCitations [] = [] fixCitations (x:xs) | needsFixing x = x : Str (stringify ys) : fixCitations zs where needsFixing (RawInline (Format "jats") z) = " inlinesToJATS opts lst inlineToJATS opts (Strong lst) = inTagsSimple "bold" <$> inlinesToJATS opts lst inlineToJATS opts (Strikeout lst) = inTagsSimple "strike" <$> inlinesToJATS opts lst inlineToJATS opts (Superscript lst) = inTagsSimple "sup" <$> inlinesToJATS opts lst inlineToJATS opts (Subscript lst) = inTagsSimple "sub" <$> inlinesToJATS opts lst inlineToJATS opts (SmallCaps lst) = inTagsSimple "sc" <$> inlinesToJATS opts lst inlineToJATS opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do contents <- inlinesToJATS opts lst return $ char '‘' <> contents <> char '’' inlineToJATS opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do contents <- inlinesToJATS opts lst return $ char '“' <> contents <> char '”' inlineToJATS _ (Code a str) = return $ inTags False tag attr $ text (escapeStringForXML str) where (lang, attr) = codeAttr a tag = if null lang then "monospace" else "code" inlineToJATS _ il@(RawInline f x) | f == "jats" = return $ text x | otherwise = do report $ InlineNotRendered il return empty inlineToJATS _ LineBreak = return cr -- not allowed as child of p -- see https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/break.html inlineToJATS _ Space = return space inlineToJATS opts SoftBreak | writerWrapText opts == WrapPreserve = return cr | otherwise = return space inlineToJATS opts (Note contents) = do notes <- gets jatsNotes let notenum = case notes of (n, _):_ -> n + 1 [] -> 1 thenote <- inTags True "fn" [("id","fn" ++ show notenum)] <$> wrappedBlocksToJATS (not . isPara) opts (walk demoteHeaderAndRefs contents) modify $ \st -> st{ jatsNotes = (notenum, thenote) : notes } return $ inTags False "xref" [("ref-type", "fn"), ("rid", "fn" ++ show notenum)] $ text (show notenum) inlineToJATS opts (Cite _ lst) = -- TODO revisit this after examining the jats.csl pipeline inlinesToJATS opts lst inlineToJATS opts (Span ("",_,[]) ils) = inlinesToJATS opts ils inlineToJATS opts (Span (ident,_,kvs) ils) = do contents <- inlinesToJATS opts ils let attr = [("id",ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [("xml:lang",l) | ("lang",l) <- kvs] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs , k `elem` ["content-type", "rationale", "rid", "specific-use"]] return $ selfClosingTag "milestone-start" attr <> contents <> selfClosingTag "milestone-end" [] inlineToJATS _ (Math t str) = do let addPref (Xml.Attr q v) | Xml.qName q == "xmlns" = Xml.Attr q{ Xml.qName = "xmlns:mml" } v | otherwise = Xml.Attr q v let fixNS' e = e{ Xml.elName = (Xml.elName e){ Xml.qPrefix = Just "mml" } } let fixNS = everywhere (mkT fixNS') . (\e -> e{ Xml.elAttribs = map addPref (Xml.elAttribs e) }) let conf = Xml.useShortEmptyTags (const False) Xml.defaultConfigPP res <- convertMath writeMathML t str let tagtype = case t of DisplayMath -> "disp-formula" InlineMath -> "inline-formula" let rawtex = inTagsSimple "tex-math" $ text " text str <> text "]]>" return $ inTagsSimple tagtype $ case res of Right r -> inTagsSimple "alternatives" $ cr <> rawtex $$ text (Xml.ppcElement conf $ fixNS r) Left _ -> rawtex inlineToJATS _ (Link _attr [Str t] ('m':'a':'i':'l':'t':'o':':':email, _)) | escapeURI t == email = return $ inTagsSimple "email" $ text (escapeStringForXML email) inlineToJATS opts (Link (ident,_,kvs) txt ('#':src, _)) = do let attr = [("id", ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [("alt", stringify txt) | not (null txt)] ++ [("rid", src)] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` ["ref-type", "specific-use"]] if null txt then return $ selfClosingTag "xref" attr else do contents <- inlinesToJATS opts txt return $ inTags False "xref" attr contents inlineToJATS opts (Link (ident,_,kvs) txt (src, tit)) = do let attr = [("id", ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [("ext-link-type", "uri"), ("xlink:href", src)] ++ [("xlink:title", tit) | not (null tit)] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` ["assigning-authority", "specific-use", "xlink:actuate", "xlink:role", "xlink:show", "xlink:type"]] contents <- inlinesToJATS opts txt return $ inTags False "ext-link" attr contents inlineToJATS _ (Image (ident,_,kvs) _ (src, tit)) = do let mbMT = getMimeType src let maintype = fromMaybe "image" $ lookup "mimetype" kvs `mplus` (takeWhile (/='/') <$> mbMT) let subtype = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "mime-subtype" kvs `mplus` ((drop 1 . dropWhile (/='/')) <$> mbMT) let attr = [("id", ident) | not (null ident)] ++ [("mimetype", maintype), ("mime-subtype", subtype), ("xlink:href", src)] ++ [("xlink:title", tit) | not (null tit)] ++ [(k,v) | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` ["baseline-shift", "content-type", "specific-use", "xlink:actuate", "xlink:href", "xlink:role", "xlink:show", "xlink:type"]] return $ selfClosingTag "inline-graphic" attr isParaOrList :: Block -> Bool isParaOrList Para{} = True isParaOrList Plain{} = True isParaOrList BulletList{} = True isParaOrList OrderedList{} = True isParaOrList DefinitionList{} = True isParaOrList _ = False isPara :: Block -> Bool isPara Para{} = True isPara Plain{} = True isPara _ = False demoteHeaderAndRefs :: Block -> Block demoteHeaderAndRefs (Header _ _ ils) = Para ils demoteHeaderAndRefs (Div ("refs",cls,kvs) bs) = Div ("",cls,kvs) bs demoteHeaderAndRefs x = x parseDate :: String -> Maybe Day parseDate s = msum (map (\fs -> parsetimeWith fs s) formats) :: Maybe Day where parsetimeWith = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale formats = ["%x","%m/%d/%Y", "%D","%F", "%d %b %Y", "%e %B %Y", "%b. %e, %Y", "%B %e, %Y", "%Y%m%d", "%Y%m", "%Y"]