-- | Functions for converting Unicode strings to UTF-8 and vice versa. -- -- Taken from . -- (c) 2003, OGI School of Science & Engineering, Oregon Health and -- Science University. -- -- Modified by Martin Norbaeck to pass illegal UTF-8 sequences through unchanged. module Text.Pandoc.UTF8 ( decodeUTF8, encodeUTF8 ) where -- From the Char module supplied with HBC. -- | Take a UTF-8 string and decode it into a Unicode string. decodeUTF8 :: String -> String decodeUTF8 "" = "" decodeUTF8 (c:c':cs) | '\xc0' <= c && c <= '\xdf' && '\x80' <= c' && c' <= '\xbf' = toEnum ((fromEnum c `mod` 0x20) * 0x40 + fromEnum c' `mod` 0x40) : decodeUTF8 cs decodeUTF8 (c:c':c'':cs) | '\xe0' <= c && c <= '\xef' && '\x80' <= c' && c' <= '\xbf' && '\x80' <= c'' && c'' <= '\xbf' = toEnum ((fromEnum c `mod` 0x10 * 0x1000) + (fromEnum c' `mod` 0x40) * 0x40 + fromEnum c'' `mod` 0x40) : decodeUTF8 cs decodeUTF8 (c:cs) = c : decodeUTF8 cs -- | Take a Unicode string and encode it as a UTF-8 string. encodeUTF8 :: String -> String encodeUTF8 "" = "" encodeUTF8 (c:cs) = if c > '\x0000' && c < '\x0080' then c : encodeUTF8 cs else if c < toEnum 0x0800 then let i = fromEnum c in toEnum (0xc0 + i `div` 0x40) : toEnum (0x80 + i `mod` 0x40) : encodeUTF8 cs else let i = fromEnum c in toEnum (0xe0 + i `div` 0x1000) : toEnum (0x80 + (i `mod` 0x1000) `div` 0x40) : toEnum (0x80 + i `mod` 0x40) : encodeUTF8 cs