{- Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Paul Rivier | tr '*#' '.@' 2010-2017 John MacFarlane This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Textile Copyright : Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Paul Rivier 2010-2017 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Paul Rivier Stability : alpha Portability : portable Conversion from Textile to 'Pandoc' document, based on the spec available at http://redcloth.org/textile. Implemented and parsed: - Paragraphs - Code blocks - Lists - blockquote - Inlines : strong, emph, cite, code, deleted, superscript, subscript, links - footnotes - HTML-specific and CSS-specific attributes on headers Left to be implemented: - dimension sign - all caps - continued blocks (ex bq..) TODO : refactor common patterns across readers : - more ... -} module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Textile ( readTextile) where import Control.Monad (guard, liftM) import Control.Monad.Except (throwError) import Data.Char (digitToInt, isUpper) import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse, transpose) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Text.HTML.TagSoup (Tag (..), fromAttrib) import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Blocks, Inlines, trimInlines) import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, report) import Text.Pandoc.CSS import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Logging import Text.Pandoc.Options import Text.Pandoc.Parsing import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML (htmlTag, isBlockTag, isInlineTag) import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX (rawLaTeXBlock, rawLaTeXInline) import Text.Pandoc.Shared (trim) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T -- | Parse a Textile text and return a Pandoc document. readTextile :: PandocMonad m => ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options -> Text -- ^ String to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings) -> m Pandoc readTextile opts s = do parsed <- readWithM parseTextile def{ stateOptions = opts } (T.unpack s ++ "\n\n") case parsed of Right result -> return result Left e -> throwError e -- | Generate a Pandoc ADT from a textile document parseTextile :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Pandoc parseTextile = do many blankline startPos <- getPosition -- go through once just to get list of reference keys and notes -- docMinusKeys is the raw document with blanks where the keys/notes were... let firstPassParser = noteBlock <|> lineClump manyTill firstPassParser eof >>= setInput . concat setPosition startPos st' <- getState let reversedNotes = stateNotes st' updateState $ \s -> s { stateNotes = reverse reversedNotes } -- now parse it for real... blocks <- parseBlocks return $ Pandoc nullMeta (B.toList blocks) -- FIXME noteMarker :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m [Char] noteMarker = skipMany spaceChar >> string "fn" >> manyTill digit (char '.') noteBlock :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m [Char] noteBlock = try $ do startPos <- getPosition ref <- noteMarker optional blankline contents <- liftM unlines $ many1Till anyLine (blanklines <|> noteBlock) endPos <- getPosition let newnote = (ref, contents ++ "\n") st <- getState let oldnotes = stateNotes st updateState $ \s -> s { stateNotes = newnote : oldnotes } -- return blanks so line count isn't affected return $ replicate (sourceLine endPos - sourceLine startPos) '\n' -- | Parse document blocks parseBlocks :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks parseBlocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block eof -- | Block parsers list tried in definition order blockParsers :: PandocMonad m => [ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks] blockParsers = [ codeBlock , header , blockQuote , hrule , commentBlock , anyList , rawHtmlBlock , rawLaTeXBlock' , table , maybeExplicitBlock "p" para , mempty <$ blanklines ] -- | Any block in the order of definition of blockParsers block :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks block = do res <- choice blockParsers "block" pos <- getPosition report $ ParsingTrace (take 60 $ show $ B.toList res) pos return res commentBlock :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks commentBlock = try $ do string "###." manyTill anyLine blanklines return mempty codeBlock :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks codeBlock = codeBlockBc <|> codeBlockPre codeBlockBc :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks codeBlockBc = try $ do string "bc." extended <- option False (True <$ char '.') char ' ' let starts = ["p", "table", "bq", "bc", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "pre", "###", "notextile"] let ender = choice $ map explicitBlockStart starts contents <- if extended then do f <- anyLine rest <- many (notFollowedBy ender *> anyLine) return (f:rest) else manyTill anyLine blanklines return $ B.codeBlock (trimTrailingNewlines (unlines contents)) trimTrailingNewlines :: String -> String trimTrailingNewlines = reverse . dropWhile (=='\n') . reverse -- | Code Blocks in Textile are between
codeBlockPre :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks codeBlockPre = try $ do (t@(TagOpen _ attrs),_) <- htmlTag (tagOpen (=="pre") (const True)) result' <- manyTill anyChar (htmlTag (tagClose (=="pre"))) optional blanklines -- drop leading newline if any let result'' = case result' of '\n':xs -> xs _ -> result' -- drop trailing newline if any let result''' = case reverse result'' of '\n':_ -> init result'' _ -> result'' let classes = words $ fromAttrib "class" t let ident = fromAttrib "id" t let kvs = [(k,v) | (k,v) <- attrs, k /= "id" && k /= "class"] return $ B.codeBlockWith (ident,classes,kvs) result''' -- | Header of the form "hN. content" with N in 1..6 header :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks header = try $ do char 'h' level <- digitToInt <$> oneOf "123456" attr <- attributes char '.' lookAhead whitespace name <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline attr' <- registerHeader attr name return $ B.headerWith attr' level name -- | Blockquote of the form "bq. content" blockQuote :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks blockQuote = try $ do string "bq" >> attributes >> char '.' >> whitespace B.blockQuote <$> para -- Horizontal rule hrule :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] st m Blocks hrule = try $ do skipSpaces start <- oneOf "-*" count 2 (skipSpaces >> char start) skipMany (spaceChar <|> char start) newline optional blanklines return B.horizontalRule -- Lists handling -- | Can be a bullet list or an ordered list. This implementation is -- strict in the nesting, sublist must start at exactly "parent depth -- plus one" anyList :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks anyList = try $ anyListAtDepth 1 <* blanklines -- | This allow one type of list to be nested into an other type, -- provided correct nesting anyListAtDepth :: PandocMonad m => Int -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks anyListAtDepth depth = choice [ bulletListAtDepth depth, orderedListAtDepth depth, definitionList ] -- | Bullet List of given depth, depth being the number of leading '*' bulletListAtDepth :: PandocMonad m => Int -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks bulletListAtDepth depth = try $ B.bulletList <$> many1 (bulletListItemAtDepth depth) -- | Bullet List Item of given depth, depth being the number of -- leading '*' bulletListItemAtDepth :: PandocMonad m => Int -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks bulletListItemAtDepth = genericListItemAtDepth '*' -- | Ordered List of given depth, depth being the number of -- leading '#' orderedListAtDepth :: PandocMonad m => Int -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks orderedListAtDepth depth = try $ do items <- many1 (orderedListItemAtDepth depth) return $ B.orderedList items -- | Ordered List Item of given depth, depth being the number of -- leading '#' orderedListItemAtDepth :: PandocMonad m => Int -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks orderedListItemAtDepth = genericListItemAtDepth '#' -- | Common implementation of list items genericListItemAtDepth :: PandocMonad m => Char -> Int -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks genericListItemAtDepth c depth = try $ do count depth (char c) >> attributes >> whitespace p <- mconcat <$> many listInline newline sublist <- option mempty (anyListAtDepth (depth + 1)) return $ (B.plain p) <> sublist -- | A definition list is a set of consecutive definition items definitionList :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks definitionList = try $ B.definitionList <$> many1 definitionListItem -- | List start character. listStart :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m () listStart = genericListStart '*' <|> () <$ genericListStart '#' <|> () <$ definitionListStart genericListStart :: PandocMonad m => Char -> ParserT [Char] st m () genericListStart c = () <$ try (many1 (char c) >> whitespace) basicDLStart :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m () basicDLStart = do char '-' whitespace notFollowedBy newline definitionListStart :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines definitionListStart = try $ do basicDLStart trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1Till inline ( try (newline *> lookAhead basicDLStart) <|> try (lookAhead (() <$ string ":=")) ) listInline :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines listInline = try (notFollowedBy newline >> inline) <|> try (endline <* notFollowedBy listStart) -- | A definition list item in textile begins with '- ', followed by -- the term defined, then spaces and ":=". The definition follows, on -- the same single line, or spaned on multiple line, after a line -- break. definitionListItem :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m (Inlines, [Blocks]) definitionListItem = try $ do term <- (mconcat . intersperse B.linebreak) <$> many1 definitionListStart def' <- string ":=" *> optional whitespace *> (multilineDef <|> inlineDef) return (term, def') where inlineDef :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m [Blocks] inlineDef = liftM (\d -> [B.plain d]) $ optional whitespace >> (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many listInline) <* newline multilineDef :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m [Blocks] multilineDef = try $ do optional whitespace >> newline s <- many1Till anyChar (try (string "=:" >> newline)) -- this ++ "\n\n" does not look very good ds <- parseFromString' parseBlocks (s ++ "\n\n") return [ds] -- raw content -- | A raw Html Block, optionally followed by blanklines rawHtmlBlock :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks rawHtmlBlock = try $ do skipMany spaceChar (_,b) <- htmlTag isBlockTag optional blanklines return $ B.rawBlock "html" b -- | Raw block of LaTeX content rawLaTeXBlock' :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks rawLaTeXBlock' = do guardEnabled Ext_raw_tex B.rawBlock "latex" <$> (rawLaTeXBlock <* spaces) -- | In textile, paragraphs are separated by blank lines. para :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks para = B.para . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline -- Tables toAlignment :: Char -> Alignment toAlignment '<' = AlignLeft toAlignment '>' = AlignRight toAlignment '=' = AlignCenter toAlignment _ = AlignDefault cellAttributes :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m (Bool, Alignment) cellAttributes = try $ do isHeader <- option False (True <$ char '_') -- we just ignore colspan and rowspan markers: optional $ try $ oneOf "/\\" >> many1 digit -- we pay attention to alignments: alignment <- option AlignDefault $ toAlignment <$> oneOf "<>=" -- ignore other attributes for now: _ <- attributes char '.' return (isHeader, alignment) -- | A table cell spans until a pipe | tableCell :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m ((Bool, Alignment), Blocks) tableCell = try $ do char '|' (isHeader, alignment) <- option (False, AlignDefault) $ cellAttributes notFollowedBy blankline raw <- trim <$> many (noneOf "|\n" <|> try (char '\n' <* notFollowedBy blankline)) content <- mconcat <$> parseFromString' (many inline) raw return ((isHeader, alignment), B.plain content) -- | A table row is made of many table cells tableRow :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m [((Bool, Alignment), Blocks)] tableRow = try $ do -- skip optional row attributes optional $ try $ do _ <- attributes char '.' many1 spaceChar many1 tableCell <* char '|' <* blankline -- | A table with an optional header. table :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks table = try $ do -- ignore table attributes caption <- option mempty $ try $ do string "table" _ <- attributes char '.' rawcapt <- trim <$> anyLine parseFromString' (mconcat <$> many inline) rawcapt rawrows <- many1 $ (skipMany ignorableRow) >> tableRow skipMany ignorableRow blanklines let (headers, rows) = case rawrows of (toprow:rest) | any (fst . fst) toprow -> (toprow, rest) _ -> (mempty, rawrows) let nbOfCols = max (length headers) (length $ head rows) let aligns = map minimum $ transpose $ map (map (snd . fst)) (headers:rows) return $ B.table caption (zip aligns (replicate nbOfCols 0.0)) (map snd headers) (map (map snd) rows) -- | Ignore markers for cols, thead, tfoot. ignorableRow :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m () ignorableRow = try $ do char '|' oneOf ":^-~" _ <- attributes char '.' _ <- anyLine return () explicitBlockStart :: PandocMonad m => String -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m () explicitBlockStart name = try $ do string name attributes char '.' optional whitespace optional endline -- | Blocks like 'p' and 'table' do not need explicit block tag. -- However, they can be used to set HTML/CSS attributes when needed. maybeExplicitBlock :: PandocMonad m => String -- ^ block tag name -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks -- ^ implicit block -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Blocks maybeExplicitBlock name blk = try $ do optional $ explicitBlockStart name blk ---------- -- Inlines ---------- -- | Any inline element inline :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines inline = do choice inlineParsers "inline" -- | Inline parsers tried in order inlineParsers :: PandocMonad m => [ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines] inlineParsers = [ str , whitespace , endline , code , escapedInline , inlineMarkup , groupedInlineMarkup , rawHtmlInline , rawLaTeXInline' , note , link , image , mark , (B.str . (:[])) <$> characterReference , smartPunctuation inline , symbol ] -- | Inline markups inlineMarkup :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines inlineMarkup = choice [ simpleInline (string "??") (B.cite []) , simpleInline (string "**") B.strong , simpleInline (string "__") B.emph , simpleInline (char '*') B.strong , simpleInline (char '_') B.emph , simpleInline (char '+') B.emph -- approximates underline , simpleInline (char '-' <* notFollowedBy (char '-')) B.strikeout , simpleInline (char '^') B.superscript , simpleInline (char '~') B.subscript , simpleInline (char '%') id ] -- | Trademark, registered, copyright mark :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] st m Inlines mark = try $ char '(' >> (try tm <|> try reg <|> copy) reg :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] st m Inlines reg = do oneOf "Rr" char ')' return $ B.str "\174" tm :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] st m Inlines tm = do oneOf "Tt" oneOf "Mm" char ')' return $ B.str "\8482" copy :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] st m Inlines copy = do oneOf "Cc" char ')' return $ B.str "\169" note :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines note = try $ do ref <- (char '[' *> many1 digit <* char ']') notes <- stateNotes <$> getState case lookup ref notes of Nothing -> fail "note not found" Just raw -> B.note <$> parseFromString' parseBlocks raw -- | Special chars markupChars :: [Char] markupChars = "\\*#_@~-+^|%=[]&" -- | Break strings on following chars. Space tab and newline break for -- inlines breaking. Open paren breaks for mark. Quote, dash and dot -- break for smart punctuation. Punctuation breaks for regular -- punctuation. Double quote breaks for named links. > and < break -- for inline html. stringBreakers :: [Char] stringBreakers = " \t\n\r.,\"'?!;:<>«»„“”‚‘’()[]" wordBoundaries :: [Char] wordBoundaries = markupChars ++ stringBreakers -- | Parse a hyphened sequence of words hyphenedWords :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m String hyphenedWords = do x <- wordChunk xs <- many (try $ char '-' >> wordChunk) return $ intercalate "-" (x:xs) wordChunk :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m String wordChunk = try $ do hd <- noneOf wordBoundaries tl <- many ( (noneOf wordBoundaries) <|> try (notFollowedBy' note *> oneOf markupChars <* lookAhead (noneOf wordBoundaries) ) ) return $ hd:tl -- | Any string str :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines str = do baseStr <- hyphenedWords -- RedCloth compliance : if parsed word is uppercase and immediatly -- followed by parens, parens content is unconditionally word acronym fullStr <- option baseStr $ try $ do guard $ all isUpper baseStr acro <- enclosed (char '(') (char ')') anyChar' return $ concat [baseStr, " (", acro, ")"] updateLastStrPos return $ B.str fullStr -- | Some number of space chars whitespace :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] st m Inlines whitespace = many1 spaceChar >> return B.space "whitespace" -- | In Textile, an isolated endline character is a line break endline :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines endline = try $ do newline notFollowedBy blankline notFollowedBy listStart notFollowedBy rawHtmlBlock return B.linebreak rawHtmlInline :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines rawHtmlInline = B.rawInline "html" . snd <$> htmlTag isInlineTag -- | Raw LaTeX Inline rawLaTeXInline' :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines rawLaTeXInline' = try $ do guardEnabled Ext_raw_tex B.singleton <$> rawLaTeXInline -- | Textile standard link syntax is "label":target. But we -- can also have ["label":target]. link :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines link = try $ do bracketed <- (True <$ char '[') <|> return False char '"' *> notFollowedBy (oneOf " \t\n\r") attr <- attributes name <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote (many1Till inline (char '"')) char ':' let stop = if bracketed then char ']' else lookAhead $ space <|> eof' <|> try (oneOf "!.,;:" *> (space <|> newline <|> eof')) url <- many1Till nonspaceChar stop let name' = if B.toList name == [Str "$"] then B.str url else name return $ if attr == nullAttr then B.link url "" name' else B.spanWith attr $ B.link url "" name' -- | image embedding image :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines image = try $ do char '!' >> notFollowedBy space (ident, cls, kvs) <- attributes let attr = case lookup "style" kvs of Just stls -> (ident, cls, pickStylesToKVs ["width", "height"] stls) Nothing -> (ident, cls, kvs) src <- many1 (noneOf " \t\n\r!(") alt <- option "" $ try $ char '(' *> manyTill anyChar (char ')') char '!' return $ B.imageWith attr src alt (B.str alt) escapedInline :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines escapedInline = escapedEqs <|> escapedTag escapedEqs :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines escapedEqs = B.str <$> (try $ string "==" *> manyTill anyChar' (try $ string "==")) -- | literal text escaped btw tags escapedTag :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines escapedTag = B.str <$> (try $ string "" *> manyTill anyChar' (try $ string "")) -- | Any special symbol defined in wordBoundaries symbol :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines symbol = B.str . singleton <$> (notFollowedBy newline *> notFollowedBy rawHtmlBlock *> oneOf wordBoundaries) -- | Inline code code :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines code = code1 <|> code2 -- any character except a newline before a blank line anyChar' :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Char anyChar' = satisfy (/='\n') <|> (try $ char '\n' <* notFollowedBy blankline) code1 :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines code1 = B.code <$> surrounded (char '@') anyChar' code2 :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines code2 = do htmlTag (tagOpen (=="tt") null) B.code <$> manyTill anyChar' (try $ htmlTag $ tagClose (=="tt")) -- | Html / CSS attributes attributes :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Attr attributes = (foldl (flip ($)) ("",[],[])) <$> try (do special <- option id specialAttribute attrs <- many attribute return (special : attrs)) specialAttribute :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m (Attr -> Attr) specialAttribute = do alignStr <- ("center" <$ char '=') <|> ("justify" <$ try (string "<>")) <|> ("right" <$ char '>') <|> ("left" <$ char '<') notFollowedBy spaceChar return $ addStyle ("text-align:" ++ alignStr) attribute :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m (Attr -> Attr) attribute = try $ (classIdAttr <|> styleAttr <|> langAttr) <* notFollowedBy spaceChar classIdAttr :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m (Attr -> Attr) classIdAttr = try $ do -- (class class #id) char '(' ws <- words `fmap` manyTill anyChar' (char ')') case reverse ws of [] -> return $ \(_,_,keyvals) -> ("",[],keyvals) (('#':ident'):classes') -> return $ \(_,_,keyvals) -> (ident',classes',keyvals) classes' -> return $ \(_,_,keyvals) -> ("",classes',keyvals) styleAttr :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m (Attr -> Attr) styleAttr = do style <- try $ enclosed (char '{') (char '}') anyChar' return $ addStyle style addStyle :: String -> Attr -> Attr addStyle style (id',classes,keyvals) = (id',classes,keyvals') where keyvals' = ("style", style') : [(k,v) | (k,v) <- keyvals, k /= "style"] style' = style ++ ";" ++ concat [v | ("style",v) <- keyvals] langAttr :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m (Attr -> Attr) langAttr = do lang <- try $ enclosed (char '[') (char ']') alphaNum return $ \(id',classes,keyvals) -> (id',classes,("lang",lang):keyvals) -- | Parses material surrounded by a parser. surrounded :: (PandocMonad m, Show t) => ParserT [Char] st m t -- ^ surrounding parser -> ParserT [Char] st m a -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly) -> ParserT [Char] st m [a] surrounded border = enclosed (border *> notFollowedBy (oneOf " \t\n\r")) (try border) simpleInline :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m t -- ^ surrounding parser -> (Inlines -> Inlines) -- ^ Inline constructor -> ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly) simpleInline border construct = try $ do notAfterString border *> notFollowedBy (oneOf " \t\n\r") attr <- attributes body <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> withQuoteContext InSingleQuote (manyTill (notFollowedBy newline >> inline) (try border <* notFollowedBy alphaNum)) return $ construct $ if attr == nullAttr then body else B.spanWith attr body groupedInlineMarkup :: PandocMonad m => ParserT [Char] ParserState m Inlines groupedInlineMarkup = try $ do char '[' sp1 <- option mempty $ B.space <$ whitespace result <- withQuoteContext InSingleQuote inlineMarkup sp2 <- option mempty $ B.space <$ whitespace char ']' return $ sp1 <> result <> sp2 -- | Create a singleton list singleton :: a -> [a] singleton x = [x] eof' :: Monad m => ParserT [Char] s m Char eof' = '\n' <$ eof