{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.RTF Copyright : Copyright (C) 2021 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane () Stability : alpha Portability : portable Conversion of RTF documents 'Pandoc' document. We target version 1.5 of the RTF spec. -} module Text.Pandoc.Readers.RTF (readRTF) where import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except (throwError) import Data.List (find, foldl') import Data.Word (Word8, Word16) import Data.Default import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Blocks, Inlines) import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad (..), insertMedia) import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Options import Text.Pandoc.Parsing import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead, tshow) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, chr, digitToInt, isAscii, isLetter, isSpace) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe) import Safe (lastMay, initSafe, headDef) -- import Debug.Trace -- TODO: -- [ ] more complex table features -- -- | Read RTF from an input string and return a Pandoc document. readRTF :: (PandocMonad m, ToSources a) => ReaderOptions -> a -> m Pandoc readRTF opts s = do let sources = toSources s parsed <- readWithM parseRTF def{ sOptions = opts } sources case parsed of Left e -> throwError e Right d -> return d data CharSet = ANSI | Mac | Pc | Pca deriving (Show, Eq) -- first index is the list (or override) id, second is the list level type ListTable = IntMap.IntMap ListLevelTable type ListLevelTable = IntMap.IntMap ListType data RTFState = RTFState { sOptions :: ReaderOptions , sCharSet :: CharSet , sGroupStack :: [Properties] , sListStack :: [List] , sCurrentCell :: Blocks , sTableRows :: [TableRow] -- reverse order , sTextContent :: [(Properties, Text)] , sMetadata :: [(Text, Inlines)] , sFontTable :: FontTable , sStylesheet :: Stylesheet , sListTable :: ListTable , sListOverrideTable :: ListTable , sEatChars :: Int } deriving (Show) instance Default RTFState where def = RTFState { sOptions = def , sCharSet = ANSI , sGroupStack = [] , sListStack = [] , sCurrentCell = mempty , sTableRows = [] , sTextContent = [] , sMetadata = [] , sFontTable = mempty , sStylesheet = mempty , sListTable = mempty , sListOverrideTable = mempty , sEatChars = 0 } type FontTable = IntMap.IntMap FontFamily data FontFamily = Roman | Swiss | Modern | Script | Decor | Tech | Bidi deriving (Show, Eq) data StyleType = ParagraphStyle | SectionStyle | CharStyle | TableStyle deriving (Show, Eq) data Style = Style { styleNum :: Int , styleType :: StyleType , styleBasedOn :: Maybe Int , styleName :: Text , styleFormatting :: [Tok] } deriving (Show, Eq) type Stylesheet = IntMap.IntMap Style data PictType = Emfblip | Pngblip | Jpegblip deriving (Show, Eq) data Pict = Pict { picType :: Maybe PictType , picWidth :: Maybe Int , picHeight :: Maybe Int , picWidthGoal :: Maybe Int , picHeightGoal :: Maybe Int , picBinary :: Bool , picData :: Text , picName :: Text , picBytes :: BL.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Default Pict where def = Pict { picType = Nothing , picWidth = Nothing , picHeight = Nothing , picWidthGoal = Nothing , picHeightGoal = Nothing , picBinary = False , picData = mempty , picName = mempty , picBytes = mempty } data Properties = Properties { gBold :: Bool , gItalic :: Bool , gCaps :: Bool , gDeleted :: Bool , gSub :: Bool , gSuper :: Bool , gSmallCaps :: Bool , gUnderline :: Bool , gHyperlink :: Maybe Text , gAnchor :: Maybe Text , gImage :: Maybe Pict , gFontFamily :: Maybe FontFamily , gHidden :: Bool , gUC :: Int -- number of ansi chars to skip after unicode char , gFootnote :: Maybe Blocks , gOutlineLevel :: Maybe ListLevel , gListOverride :: Maybe Override , gListLevel :: Maybe Int , gInTable :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Default Properties where def = Properties { gBold = False , gItalic = False , gCaps = False , gDeleted = False , gSub = False , gSuper = False , gSmallCaps = False , gUnderline = False , gHyperlink = Nothing , gAnchor = Nothing , gImage = Nothing , gFontFamily = Nothing , gHidden = False , gUC = 1 , gFootnote = Nothing , gOutlineLevel = Nothing , gListOverride = Nothing , gListLevel = Nothing , gInTable = False } type RTFParser m = ParserT Sources RTFState m data ListType = Bullet | Ordered ListAttributes deriving (Show, Eq) type Override = Int type ListLevel = Int data List = List Override ListLevel ListType [Blocks] -- items in reverse order deriving (Show, Eq) newtype TableRow = TableRow [Blocks] -- cells in reverse order deriving (Show, Eq) parseRTF :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Pandoc parseRTF = do skipMany nl toks <- many tok -- return $! traceShowId toks bs <- (case toks of -- if we start with {\rtf1...}, parse that and ignore -- what follows (which in certain cases can be non-RTF content) tok@(Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "rtf" (Just 1)) : _))) : _ -> foldM processTok mempty [tok] _ -> foldM processTok mempty toks) >>= emitBlocks unclosed <- closeContainers let doc = B.doc $ bs <> unclosed kvs <- sMetadata <$> getState pure $ foldr (uncurry B.setMeta) doc kvs data Tok = Tok SourcePos TokContents deriving (Show, Eq) data TokContents = ControlWord Text (Maybe Int) | ControlSymbol Char | UnformattedText Text | HexVal Word8 | Grouped [Tok] deriving (Show, Eq) tok :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Tok tok = do pos <- getPosition Tok pos <$> ((controlThing <|> unformattedText <|> grouped) <* skipMany nl) where controlThing = do char '\\' *> ( (ControlWord <$> letterSequence <*> (parameter <* optional delimChar)) <|> (HexVal <$> hexVal) <|> (ControlSymbol <$> anyChar) ) parameter = do hyph <- string "-" <|> pure "" rest <- many digit let pstr = T.pack $ hyph <> rest return $ safeRead pstr hexVal = do char '\'' x <- hexDigit y <- hexDigit return $ hexToWord (T.pack [x,y]) letterSequence = T.pack <$> many1 (satisfy (\c -> isAscii c && isLetter c)) unformattedText = UnformattedText . T.pack . mconcat <$> many1 ( many1 (satisfy (not . isSpecial)) <|> ("" <$ nl)) grouped = Grouped <$> (char '{' *> skipMany nl *> manyTill tok (char '}')) nl :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m () nl = void (char '\n' <|> char '\r') isSpecial :: Char -> Bool isSpecial '{' = True isSpecial '}' = True isSpecial '\\' = True isSpecial '\n' = True isSpecial _ = False delimChar :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Char delimChar = satisfy (\c -> not (isAlphaNum c || isSpecial c)) modifyGroup :: PandocMonad m => (Properties -> Properties) -> RTFParser m () modifyGroup f = updateState $ \st -> st{ sGroupStack = case sGroupStack st of [] -> [] (x:xs) -> f x : xs } addFormatting :: (Properties, Text) -> Inlines addFormatting (_, "\n") = B.linebreak addFormatting (props, _) | gHidden props = mempty addFormatting (props, _) | Just bs <- gFootnote props = B.note bs addFormatting (props, txt) = (if gBold props then B.strong else id) . (if gItalic props then B.emph else id) . (if gDeleted props then B.strikeout else id) . (if gSub props then B.subscript else id) . (if gSuper props then B.superscript else id) . (if gSmallCaps props then B.smallcaps else id) . (if gUnderline props then B.underline else id) . (case gHyperlink props of Nothing -> id Just linkdest -> B.link linkdest mempty) . (case gAnchor props of Nothing -> id Just ident -> B.spanWith (ident,[],[])) . (case gFontFamily props of Just Modern -> B.code _ -> case gImage props of Just pict -> let attr = ("",[], (case picWidthGoal pict of Nothing -> [] Just w -> [("width", tshow (fromIntegral w / 1440 :: Double) <> "in")]) ++ (case picHeightGoal pict of Nothing -> [] Just h -> [("height", tshow (fromIntegral h / 1440 :: Double) <> "in")])) in B.imageWith attr (picName pict) "" . B.text Nothing -> B.text) . (if gCaps props then T.toUpper else id) $ txt addText :: PandocMonad m => Text -> RTFParser m () addText t = do gs <- sGroupStack <$> getState let props = case gs of (x:_) -> x _ -> def updateState (\s -> s{ sTextContent = (props, t) : sTextContent s }) inGroup :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m a -> RTFParser m a inGroup p = do updateState $ \st -> st{ sGroupStack = case sGroupStack st of [] -> [def] (x:xs) -> (x:x:xs) } -- inherit current group's properties result <- p updateState $ \st -> st{ sGroupStack = case sGroupStack st of [] -> [] -- should not happen (_:xs) -> xs } return result getStyleFormatting :: PandocMonad m => Int -> RTFParser m [Tok] getStyleFormatting stynum = do stylesheet <- sStylesheet <$> getState case IntMap.lookup stynum stylesheet of Nothing -> return [] Just sty -> case styleBasedOn sty of Just i -> (<> styleFormatting sty) <$> getStyleFormatting i Nothing -> return $ styleFormatting sty isMetadataField :: Text -> Bool isMetadataField "title" = True isMetadataField "subject" = True isMetadataField "author" = True isMetadataField "manager" = True isMetadataField "company" = True isMetadataField "operator" = True isMetadataField "category" = True isMetadataField "keywords" = True isMetadataField "comment" = True isMetadataField "doccomm" = True isMetadataField "hlinkbase" = True isMetadataField "generator" = True isMetadataField _ = False isHeaderFooter :: Text -> Bool isHeaderFooter "header" = True isHeaderFooter "headerl" = True isHeaderFooter "headerr" = True isHeaderFooter "headerf" = True isHeaderFooter "footer" = True isHeaderFooter "footerl" = True isHeaderFooter "footerr" = True isHeaderFooter "footerf" = True isHeaderFooter _ = False boolParam :: Maybe Int -> Bool boolParam (Just 0) = False boolParam _ = True isUnderline :: Text -> Bool isUnderline "ul" = True isUnderline "uld" = True isUnderline "uldash" = True isUnderline "uldashd" = True isUnderline "uldashdd" = True isUnderline "uldb" = True isUnderline "ulth" = True isUnderline "ulthd" = True isUnderline "ulthdash" = True isUnderline "ulw" = True isUnderline "ulwave" = True isUnderline _ = False processTok :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> Tok -> RTFParser m Blocks processTok bs (Tok pos tok') = do setPosition pos -- ignore \* at beginning of group: let tok'' = case tok' of Grouped (Tok _ (ControlSymbol '*') : toks) -> Grouped toks _ -> tok' case tok'' of HexVal{} -> return () UnformattedText{} -> return () _ -> updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = 0 } case tok'' of Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "fonttbl" _) : toks) -> inGroup $ do updateState $ \s -> s{ sFontTable = processFontTable toks } pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "field" _) : toks) -> inGroup $ handleField bs toks Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "pict" _) : toks) -> bs <$ inGroup (handlePict toks) Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "stylesheet" _) : toks) -> bs <$ inGroup (handleStylesheet toks) Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listtext" _) : _) -> do -- eject any previous list items...sometimes TextEdit -- doesn't put in a \par emitBlocks bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "pgdsc" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "colortbl" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listtable" _) : toks) -> bs <$ inGroup (handleListTable toks) Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listoverridetable" _) : toks) -> bs <$ inGroup (handleListOverrideTable toks) Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "wgrffmtfilter" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "themedata" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "colorschememapping" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "datastore" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "latentstyles" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "pntxta" _) : _) -> pure bs -- TODO Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "pntxtb" _) : _) -> pure bs -- TODO Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "xmlnstbl" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "filetbl" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "expandedcolortbl" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listtables" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "revtbl" _) : _) -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "bkmkstart" _) : Tok _ (UnformattedText t) : _) -> do -- TODO ideally we'd put the span around bkmkstart/end, but this -- is good for now: modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gAnchor = Just $ T.strip t }) addText "" modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gAnchor = Nothing }) pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "bkmkend" _) : _) -> pure bs -- TODO Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord f _) : _) | isHeaderFooter f -> pure bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "footnote" _) : toks) -> do noteBs <- inGroup $ processDestinationToks toks modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gFootnote = Just noteBs }) addText "*" modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gFootnote = Nothing }) return bs Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "info" _) : toks) -> bs <$ inGroup (processDestinationToks toks) Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord f _) : toks) | isMetadataField f -> inGroup $ do foldM_ processTok mempty toks annotatedToks <- reverse . sTextContent <$> getState updateState $ \s -> s{ sTextContent = [] } let ils = B.trimInlines . mconcat $ map addFormatting annotatedToks updateState $ \s -> s{ sMetadata = (f, ils) : sMetadata s } pure bs Grouped toks -> inGroup (foldM processTok bs toks) UnformattedText t -> bs <$ do -- return $! traceShowId $! (pos, t) eatChars <- sEatChars <$> getState case eatChars of 0 -> addText t n | n < T.length t -> do updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = 0 } addText (T.drop n t) | otherwise -> do updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = n - T.length t } HexVal n -> bs <$ do eatChars <- sEatChars <$> getState if eatChars == 0 then do charset <- sCharSet <$> getState case charset of ANSI -> addText (T.singleton $ ansiToChar n) Mac -> addText (T.singleton $ macToChar n) Pc -> addText (T.singleton $ pcToChar n) Pca -> addText (T.singleton $ pcaToChar n) else updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = eatChars - 1 } ControlWord "ansi" _ -> bs <$ updateState (\s -> s{ sCharSet = ANSI }) ControlWord "mac" _ -> bs <$ updateState (\s -> s{ sCharSet = Mac }) ControlWord "pc" _ -> bs <$ updateState (\s -> s{ sCharSet = Pc }) ControlWord "pca" _ -> bs <$ updateState (\s -> s{ sCharSet = Pca }) ControlWord "outlinelevel" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gOutlineLevel = mbp }) ControlWord "ls" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gListOverride = mbp }) ControlWord "ilvl" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gListLevel = mbp }) ControlSymbol '\\' -> bs <$ addText "\\" ControlSymbol '{' -> bs <$ addText "{" ControlSymbol '}' -> bs <$ addText "}" ControlSymbol '~' -> bs <$ addText "\x00a0" ControlSymbol '-' -> bs <$ addText "\x00ad" ControlSymbol '_' -> bs <$ addText "\x2011" ControlWord "trowd" _ -> bs <$ do -- add new row updateState $ \s -> s{ sTableRows = TableRow [] : sTableRows s , sCurrentCell = mempty } ControlWord "cell" _ -> bs <$ do new <- emitBlocks mempty curCell <- (<> new) . sCurrentCell <$> getState updateState $ \s -> s{ sTableRows = case sTableRows s of TableRow cs : rs -> TableRow (curCell : cs) : rs [] -> [TableRow [curCell]] -- shouldn't happen , sCurrentCell = mempty } ControlWord "intbl" _ -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gInTable = True }) ControlWord "plain" _ -> bs <$ modifyGroup (const def) ControlWord "lquote" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2018" ControlWord "rquote" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2019" ControlWord "ldblquote" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x201C" ControlWord "rdblquote" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x201D" ControlWord "emdash" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2014" ControlWord "emspace" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2003" ControlWord "enspace" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2002" ControlWord "endash" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2013" ControlWord "bullet" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2022" ControlWord "tab" _ -> bs <$ addText "\t" ControlWord "line" _ -> bs <$ addText "\n" ControlSymbol '\n' -> bs <$ addText "\n" ControlSymbol '\r' -> bs <$ addText "\n" ControlWord "uc" (Just i) -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gUC = i }) ControlWord "cs" (Just n) -> do getStyleFormatting n >>= foldM processTok bs ControlWord "s" (Just n) -> do getStyleFormatting n >>= foldM processTok bs ControlWord "ds" (Just n) -> do getStyleFormatting n >>= foldM processTok bs ControlWord "f" (Just i) -> bs <$ do fontTable <- sFontTable <$> getState modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gFontFamily = IntMap.lookup i fontTable }) ControlWord "u" (Just i) -> bs <$ do st <- getState let curgroup = case sGroupStack st of [] -> def (x:_) -> x updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = gUC curgroup } -- "RTF control words generally accept signed 16-bit numbers as -- arguments. For this reason, Unicode values greater than 32767 -- must be expressed as negative numbers." let codepoint :: Word16 codepoint = fromIntegral i addText (T.singleton (chr $ fromIntegral codepoint)) ControlWord "caps" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gCaps = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "deleted" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gDeleted = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "b" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gBold = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "i" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gItalic = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "sub" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gSub = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "super" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gSuper = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "up" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gSuper = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "strike" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gDeleted = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "strikedl" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gDeleted = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "striked" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gDeleted = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "scaps" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gSmallCaps = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "v" mbp -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gHidden = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord x mbp | isUnderline x -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gUnderline = boolParam mbp }) ControlWord "ulnone" _ -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gUnderline = False }) ControlWord "pard" _ -> bs <$ do modifyGroup (const def) getStyleFormatting 0 >>= foldM processTok bs ControlWord "par" _ -> emitBlocks bs _ -> pure bs processDestinationToks :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m Blocks processDestinationToks toks = do textContent <- sTextContent <$> getState liststack <- sListStack <$> getState updateState $ \s -> s{ sTextContent = mempty , sListStack = [] } result <- inGroup $ foldM processTok mempty toks >>= emitBlocks unclosed <- closeContainers updateState $ \s -> s{ sTextContent = textContent , sListStack = liststack } return $ result <> unclosed -- close lists >= level closeLists :: PandocMonad m => Int -> RTFParser m Blocks closeLists lvl = do lists <- sListStack <$> getState case lists of (List _ lvl' lt items : rest) | lvl' >= lvl -> do let newlist = (case lt of Bullet -> B.bulletList Ordered listAttr -> B.orderedListWith listAttr) (reverse items) updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = rest } case rest of [] -> do updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = rest } pure newlist (List lo lvl'' lt' [] : rest') -> do -- should not happen updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = List lo lvl'' lt' [newlist] : rest' } closeLists lvl (List lo lvl'' lt' (i:is) : rest') -> do updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = List lo lvl'' lt' (i <> newlist : is) : rest' } closeLists lvl _ -> pure mempty closeTable :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Blocks closeTable = do rawrows <- sTableRows <$> getState if null rawrows then return mempty else do let getCells (TableRow cs) = reverse cs let rows = map getCells . reverse $ rawrows updateState $ \s -> s{ sCurrentCell = mempty , sTableRows = [] } return $ B.simpleTable [] rows closeContainers :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Blocks closeContainers = do tbl <- closeTable lists <- closeLists 0 return $ tbl <> lists trimFinalLineBreak :: Inlines -> Inlines trimFinalLineBreak ils = case Seq.viewr (B.unMany ils) of rest Seq.:> LineBreak -> B.Many rest _ -> ils emitBlocks :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> RTFParser m Blocks emitBlocks bs = do annotatedToks <- reverse . sTextContent <$> getState updateState $ \s -> s{ sTextContent = [] } let justCode = def{ gFontFamily = Just Modern } let prop = case annotatedToks of [] -> def ((p,_):_) -> p tbl <- if gInTable prop || null annotatedToks then pure mempty else closeTable new <- case annotatedToks of [] -> pure mempty _ | Just lst <- gListOverride prop -> do let level = fromMaybe 0 $ gListLevel prop listOverrideTable <- sListOverrideTable <$> getState let listType = fromMaybe Bullet $ IntMap.lookup lst listOverrideTable >>= IntMap.lookup level lists <- sListStack <$> getState -- get para contents of list item let newbs = B.para . B.trimInlines . trimFinalLineBreak . mconcat $ map addFormatting annotatedToks case lists of (List lo parentlevel _lt items : cs) | lo == lst , parentlevel == level -- add another item to existing list -> do updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = List lo level listType (newbs:items) : cs } pure mempty | lo /= lst || level < parentlevel -- close parent list and add new list -> do new <- closeLists level -- close open lists > level updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = List lst level listType [newbs] : sListStack s } pure new _ -> do -- add new list (level > parentlevel) updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = List lst level listType [newbs] : sListStack s } pure mempty | Just lvl <- gOutlineLevel prop -> do lists <- closeLists 0 pure $ lists <> B.header (lvl + 1) (B.trimInlines . mconcat $ map addFormatting $ removeCommonFormatting annotatedToks) | all ((== justCode) . fst) annotatedToks -> do lists <- closeLists 0 pure $ lists <> B.codeBlock (mconcat $ map snd annotatedToks) | all (T.all isSpace . snd) annotatedToks -> closeLists 0 | otherwise -> do lists <- closeLists 0 pure $ lists <> B.para (B.trimInlines . trimFinalLineBreak . mconcat $ map addFormatting annotatedToks) if gInTable prop then do updateState $ \s -> s{ sCurrentCell = sCurrentCell s <> new } pure bs else do pure $ bs <> tbl <> new -- Headers often have a style applied. We usually want to remove -- this, because headers will have their own styling in the target -- format. removeCommonFormatting :: [(Properties, Text)] -> [(Properties, Text)] removeCommonFormatting = (\ts -> if all (gBold . fst) ts then map (\(p,t) -> (p{ gBold = False }, t)) ts else ts) . (\ts -> if all (gItalic . fst) ts then map (\(p,t) -> (p{ gItalic = False }, t)) ts else ts) -- {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://pandoc.org"}}{\fldrslt foo}} handleField :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> [Tok] -> RTFParser m Blocks handleField bs (Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlSymbol '*') :Tok _ (ControlWord "fldinst" Nothing) :Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (UnformattedText insttext):rest)) :_)) :linktoks) | Just linkdest <- getHyperlink insttext = do let linkdest' = case rest of (Tok _ (ControlSymbol '\\') : Tok _ (UnformattedText t) : _) | Just bkmrk <- T.stripPrefix "l" t -> "#" <> unquote bkmrk _ -> linkdest modifyGroup $ \g -> g{ gHyperlink = Just linkdest' } result <- foldM processTok bs linktoks modifyGroup $ \g -> g{ gHyperlink = Nothing } return result handleField bs _ = pure bs unquote :: Text -> Text unquote = T.dropWhile (=='"') . T.dropWhileEnd (=='"') . T.strip handleListTable :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m () handleListTable toks = do mapM_ handleList toks handleList :: PandocMonad m => Tok -> RTFParser m () handleList (Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "list" _) : toks))) = do let listid = headDef 0 [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "listid" (Just n)) <- toks] let levels = [ts | Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listlevel" _) : ts)) <- toks] tbl <- foldM handleListLevel mempty (zip [0..] levels) updateState $ \s -> s{ sListTable = IntMap.insert listid tbl $ sListTable s } handleList _ = return () handleListLevel :: PandocMonad m => ListLevelTable -> (Int, [Tok]) -> RTFParser m ListLevelTable handleListLevel levelTable (lvl, toks) = do let start = headDef 1 [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "levelstartat" (Just n)) <- toks] let mbNumberStyle = case [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "levelnfc" (Just n)) <- toks] of [] -> Nothing (0:_) -> Just Decimal (1:_) -> Just UpperRoman (2:_) -> Just LowerRoman (3:_) -> Just UpperAlpha (4:_) -> Just LowerAlpha (23:_) -> Nothing (255:_) -> Nothing _ -> Just DefaultStyle let listType = case mbNumberStyle of Nothing -> Bullet Just numStyle -> Ordered (start,numStyle,Period) return $ IntMap.insert lvl listType levelTable handleListOverrideTable :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m () handleListOverrideTable toks = mapM_ handleListOverride toks handleListOverride :: PandocMonad m => Tok -> RTFParser m () handleListOverride (Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listoverride" _) : toks))) = do let listid = headDef 0 [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "listid" (Just n)) <- toks] let lsn = headDef 0 [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "ls" (Just n)) <- toks] -- TODO override stuff, esp. start num -- for now we just handle indirection listTable <- sListTable <$> getState case IntMap.lookup listid listTable of Nothing -> return () Just tbl -> updateState $ \s -> s{ sListOverrideTable = IntMap.insert lsn tbl $ sListOverrideTable s } handleListOverride _ = return () handleStylesheet :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m () handleStylesheet toks = do let styles = mapMaybe parseStyle toks updateState $ \s -> s{ sStylesheet = IntMap.fromList $ zip (map styleNum styles) styles } parseStyle :: Tok -> Maybe Style parseStyle (Tok _ (Grouped toks)) = do let (styType, styNum, rest) = case toks of Tok _ (ControlWord "s" (Just n)) : ts -> (ParagraphStyle, n, ts) Tok _ (ControlWord "ds" (Just n)) : ts -> (SectionStyle, n, ts) Tok _ (ControlWord "cs" (Just n)) : ts -> (CharStyle, n, ts) Tok _ (ControlWord "ts" (Just n)) : ts -> (TableStyle, n, ts) _ -> (ParagraphStyle, 0, toks) let styName = case lastMay rest of Just (Tok _ (UnformattedText t)) -> T.dropWhileEnd (==';') t _ -> mempty let isBasedOn (Tok _ (ControlWord "sbasedon" (Just _))) = True isBasedOn _ = False let styBasedOn = case find isBasedOn toks of Just (Tok _ (ControlWord "sbasedon" (Just i))) -> Just i _ -> Nothing let isStyleControl (Tok _ (ControlWord x _)) = x `elem` ["cs", "s", "ds", "additive", "sbasedon", "snext", "sautoupd", "shidden", "keycode", "alt", "shift", "ctrl", "fn"] isStyleControl _ = False let styFormatting = filter (not . isStyleControl) (initSafe rest) return $ Style{ styleNum = styNum , styleType = styType , styleBasedOn = styBasedOn , styleName = styName , styleFormatting = styFormatting } parseStyle _ = Nothing hexToWord :: Text -> Word8 hexToWord t = case TR.hexadecimal t of Left _ -> 0 Right (x,_) -> x handlePict :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m () handlePict toks = do let pict = foldl' getPictData def toks let altText = "image" let binToWord = T.foldl' (\acc x -> acc * 2 + fromIntegral (digitToInt x)) 0 let isBinaryDigit '0' = True isBinaryDigit '1' = True isBinaryDigit _ = False let bytes = BL.pack $ if picBinary pict && T.all isBinaryDigit (picData pict) then map binToWord $ T.chunksOf 8 $ picData pict else map hexToWord $ T.chunksOf 2 $ picData pict let (mimetype, ext) = case picType pict of Just Emfblip -> (Just "image/x-emf", ".emf") Just Pngblip -> (Just "image/png", ".png") Just Jpegblip -> (Just "image/jpeg", ".jpg") Nothing -> (Nothing, "") case mimetype of Just mt -> do let pictname = showDigest (sha1 bytes) <> ext insertMedia pictname (Just mt) bytes modifyGroup $ \g -> g{ gImage = Just pict{ picName = T.pack pictname, picBytes = bytes } } addText altText modifyGroup $ \g -> g{ gImage = Nothing } _ -> return () where getPictData :: Pict -> Tok -> Pict getPictData pict (Tok _ tok') = case tok' of ControlWord "emfblip" _-> pict{ picType = Just Emfblip } ControlWord "pngblip" _-> pict{ picType = Just Pngblip } ControlWord "jpegblip" _-> pict{ picType = Just Jpegblip } ControlWord "picw" (Just w) -> pict{ picWidth = Just w } ControlWord "pich" (Just h) -> pict{ picHeight = Just h } ControlWord "picwgoal" (Just w) -> pict{ picWidthGoal = Just w } ControlWord "pichgoal" (Just h) -> pict{ picHeightGoal = Just h } ControlWord "bin" _ -> pict{ picBinary = True } UnformattedText t -> pict{ picData = t } _ -> pict getHyperlink :: Text -> Maybe Text getHyperlink t = case T.stripPrefix "HYPERLINK" (T.strip t) of Nothing -> Nothing Just rest -> Just $ unquote rest processFontTable :: [Tok] -> FontTable processFontTable = snd . foldl' go (0, mempty) where go (fontnum, tbl) (Tok _ tok') = case tok' of (ControlWord "f" (Just i)) -> (i, tbl) (ControlWord "fnil" _) -> (fontnum, tbl) (ControlWord "froman" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Roman tbl) (ControlWord "fswiss" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Swiss tbl) (ControlWord "fmodern" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Modern tbl) (ControlWord "fscript" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Script tbl) (ControlWord "fdecor" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Decor tbl) (ControlWord "ftech" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Tech tbl) (ControlWord "fbidi" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Bidi tbl) (Grouped ts) -> foldl' go (fontnum, tbl) ts _ -> (fontnum, tbl) ansiToChar :: Word8 -> Char ansiToChar i = chr $ case i of 128 -> 8364 130 -> 8218 131 -> 402 132 -> 8222 133 -> 8230 134 -> 8224 135 -> 8225 136 -> 710 137 -> 8240 138 -> 352 139 -> 8249 140 -> 338 142 -> 381 145 -> 8216 146 -> 8217 147 -> 8220 148 -> 8221 149 -> 8226 150 -> 8211 151 -> 8212 152 -> 732 153 -> 8482 154 -> 353 155 -> 8250 156 -> 339 158 -> 382 159 -> 376 173 -> 0xAD _ -> fromIntegral i macToChar :: Word8 -> Char macToChar i = chr $ case i of 0x80 -> 0xC4 0x81 -> 0xC5 0x82 -> 0xC7 0x83 -> 0xC9 0x84 -> 0xD1 0x85 -> 0xD6 0x86 -> 0xDC 0x87 -> 0xE1 0x88 -> 0xE0 0x89 -> 0xE2 0x8A -> 0xE4 0x8B -> 0xE3 0x8C -> 0xE5 0x8D -> 0xE7 0x8E -> 0xE9 0x8F -> 0xE8 0x90 -> 0xEA 0x91 -> 0xEB 0x92 -> 0xED 0x93 -> 0xEC 0x94 -> 0xEE 0x95 -> 0xEF 0x96 -> 0xF1 0x97 -> 0xF3 0x98 -> 0xF2 0x99 -> 0xF4 0x9A -> 0xF6 0x9B -> 0xF5 0x9C -> 0xFA 0x9D -> 0xF9 0x9E -> 0xFB 0x9F -> 0xFC 0xA0 -> 0xDD 0xA1 -> 0xB0 0xA2 -> 0xA2 0xA3 -> 0xA3 0xA4 -> 0xA7 0xA5 -> 0xD7 0xA6 -> 0xB6 0xA7 -> 0xDF 0xA8 -> 0xAE 0xA9 -> 0xA9 0xAA -> 0xB2 0xAB -> 0xB4 0xAC -> 0xA8 0xAD -> 0xB3 0xAE -> 0xC6 0xAF -> 0xD8 0xB0 -> 0xB9 0xB1 -> 0xB1 0xB2 -> 0xBC 0xB3 -> 0xBD 0xB4 -> 0xA5 0xB5 -> 0xB5 0xBA -> 0xBE 0xBB -> 0xAA 0xBC -> 0xBA 0xBE -> 0xE6 0xBF -> 0xF8 0xC0 -> 0xBF 0xC1 -> 0xA1 0xC2 -> 0xAC 0xC3 -> 0x0141 0xC4 -> 0x0192 0xC5 -> 0x02CB 0xC7 -> 0xAB 0xC8 -> 0xBB 0xC9 -> 0xA6 0xCA -> 0xA0 0xCB -> 0xC0 0xCC -> 0xC3 0xCD -> 0xD5 0xCE -> 0x0152 0xCF -> 0x0153 0xD0 -> 0xAD 0xD4 -> 0x0142 0xD6 -> 0xF7 0xD8 -> 0xFF 0xD9 -> 0x0178 0xDB -> 0xA4 0xDC -> 0xD0 0xDD -> 0xF0 0xDE -> 0xDE 0xDF -> 0xFE 0xE0 -> 0xFD 0xE1 -> 0xB7 0xE5 -> 0xC2 0xE6 -> 0xCA 0xE7 -> 0xC1 0xE8 -> 0xCB 0xE9 -> 0xC8 0xEA -> 0xCD 0xEB -> 0xCE 0xEC -> 0xCF 0xED -> 0xCC 0xEE -> 0xD3 0xEF -> 0xD4 0xF1 -> 0xD2 0xF2 -> 0xDA 0xF3 -> 0xDB 0xF4 -> 0xD9 0xF5 -> 0x0131 0xF6 -> 0x02C6 0xF7 -> 0x02DC 0xF8 -> 0xAF 0xF9 -> 0x02D8 0xFA -> 0x02D9 0xFB -> 0x02DA 0xFC -> 0xB8 0xFD -> 0x02DD 0xFE -> 0x02DB 0xFF -> 0x02C7 _ -> fromIntegral i pcToChar :: Word8 -> Char pcToChar i = chr $ case i of 0x80 -> 0xc7 0x81 -> 0xfc 0x82 -> 0xe9 0x83 -> 0xe2 0x84 -> 0xe4 0x85 -> 0xe0 0x86 -> 0xe5 0x87 -> 0xe7 0x88 -> 0xea 0x89 -> 0xeb 0x8a -> 0xe8 0x8b -> 0xef 0x8c -> 0xee 0x8d -> 0xec 0x8e -> 0xc4 0x8f -> 0xc5 0x90 -> 0xc9 0x91 -> 0xe6 0x92 -> 0xc6 0x93 -> 0xf4 0x94 -> 0xf6 0x95 -> 0xf2 0x96 -> 0xfb 0x97 -> 0xf9 0x98 -> 0xff 0x99 -> 0xd6 0x9a -> 0xdc 0x9b -> 0xa2 0x9c -> 0xa3 0x9d -> 0xa5 0x9e -> 0x20a7 0x9f -> 0x0192 0xa0 -> 0xe1 0xa1 -> 0xed 0xa2 -> 0xf3 0xa3 -> 0xfa 0xa4 -> 0xf1 0xa5 -> 0xd1 0xa6 -> 0xaa 0xa7 -> 0xba 0xa8 -> 0xbf 0xa9 -> 0x2310 0xaa -> 0xac 0xab -> 0xbd 0xac -> 0xbc 0xad -> 0xa1 0xae -> 0xab 0xaf -> 0xbb 0xb0 -> 0x2591 0xb1 -> 0x2592 0xb2 -> 0x2593 0xb3 -> 0x2502 0xb4 -> 0x2524 0xb5 -> 0x2561 0xb6 -> 0x2562 0xb7 -> 0x2556 0xb8 -> 0x2555 0xb9 -> 0x2563 0xba -> 0x2551 0xbb -> 0x2557 0xbc -> 0x255d 0xbd -> 0x255c 0xbe -> 0x255b 0xbf -> 0x2510 0xc0 -> 0x2514 0xc1 -> 0x2534 0xc2 -> 0x252c 0xc3 -> 0x251c 0xc4 -> 0x2500 0xc5 -> 0x253c 0xc6 -> 0x255e 0xc7 -> 0x255f 0xc8 -> 0x255a 0xc9 -> 0x2554 0xca -> 0x2569 0xcb -> 0x2566 0xcc -> 0x2560 0xcd -> 0x2550 0xce -> 0x256c 0xcf -> 0x2567 0xd0 -> 0x2568 0xd1 -> 0x2564 0xd2 -> 0x2565 0xd3 -> 0x2559 0xd4 -> 0x2558 0xd5 -> 0x2552 0xd6 -> 0x2553 0xd7 -> 0x256b 0xd8 -> 0x256a 0xd9 -> 0x2518 0xda -> 0x250c 0xdb -> 0x2588 0xdc -> 0x2584 0xdd -> 0x258c 0xde -> 0x2590 0xdf -> 0x2580 0xe0 -> 0x03b1 0xe1 -> 0xdf 0xe2 -> 0x0393 0xe3 -> 0x03c0 0xe4 -> 0x03a3 0xe5 -> 0x03c3 0xe6 -> 0xb5 0xe7 -> 0x03c4 0xe8 -> 0x03a6 0xe9 -> 0x0398 0xea -> 0x03a9 0xeb -> 0x03b4 0xec -> 0x221e 0xed -> 0x03c6 0xee -> 0x03b5 0xef -> 0x2229 0xf0 -> 0x2261 0xf1 -> 0xb1 0xf2 -> 0x2265 0xf3 -> 0x2264 0xf4 -> 0x2320 0xf5 -> 0x2321 0xf6 -> 0xf7 0xf7 -> 0x2248 0xf8 -> 0xb0 0xf9 -> 0x2219 0xfa -> 0xb7 0xfb -> 0x221a 0xfc -> 0x207f 0xfd -> 0xb2 0xfe -> 0x25a0 0xff -> 0xa0 _ -> fromIntegral i pcaToChar :: Word8 -> Char pcaToChar i = chr $ case i of 0x80 -> 0x00c7 0x81 -> 0x00fc 0x82 -> 0x00e9 0x83 -> 0x00e2 0x84 -> 0x00e4 0x85 -> 0x00e0 0x86 -> 0x00e5 0x87 -> 0x00e7 0x88 -> 0x00ea 0x89 -> 0x00eb 0x8a -> 0x00e8 0x8b -> 0x00ef 0x8c -> 0x00ee 0x8d -> 0x00ec 0x8e -> 0x00c4 0x8f -> 0x00c5 0x90 -> 0x00c9 0x91 -> 0x00e6 0x92 -> 0x00c6 0x93 -> 0x00f4 0x94 -> 0x00f6 0x95 -> 0x00f2 0x96 -> 0x00fb 0x97 -> 0x00f9 0x98 -> 0x00ff 0x99 -> 0x00d6 0x9a -> 0x00dc 0x9b -> 0x00f8 0x9c -> 0x00a3 0x9d -> 0x00d8 0x9e -> 0x00d7 0x9f -> 0x0192 0xa0 -> 0x00e1 0xa1 -> 0x00ed 0xa2 -> 0x00f3 0xa3 -> 0x00fa 0xa4 -> 0x00f1 0xa5 -> 0x00d1 0xa6 -> 0x00aa 0xa7 -> 0x00ba 0xa8 -> 0x00bf 0xa9 -> 0x00ae 0xaa -> 0x00ac 0xab -> 0x00bd 0xac -> 0x00bc 0xad -> 0x00a1 0xae -> 0x00ab 0xaf -> 0x00bb 0xb0 -> 0x2591 0xb1 -> 0x2592 0xb2 -> 0x2593 0xb3 -> 0x2502 0xb4 -> 0x2524 0xb5 -> 0x00c1 0xb6 -> 0x00c2 0xb7 -> 0x00c0 0xb8 -> 0x00a9 0xb9 -> 0x2563 0xba -> 0x2551 0xbb -> 0x2557 0xbc -> 0x255d 0xbd -> 0x00a2 0xbe -> 0x00a5 0xbf -> 0x2510 0xc0 -> 0x2514 0xc1 -> 0x2534 0xc2 -> 0x252c 0xc3 -> 0x251c 0xc4 -> 0x2500 0xc5 -> 0x253c 0xc6 -> 0x00e3 0xc7 -> 0x00c3 0xc8 -> 0x255a 0xc9 -> 0x2554 0xca -> 0x2569 0xcb -> 0x2566 0xcc -> 0x2560 0xcd -> 0x2550 0xce -> 0x256c 0xcf -> 0x00a4 0xd0 -> 0x00f0 0xd1 -> 0x00d0 0xd2 -> 0x00ca 0xd3 -> 0x00cb 0xd4 -> 0x00c8 0xd5 -> 0x0131 0xd6 -> 0x00cd 0xd7 -> 0x00ce 0xd8 -> 0x00cf 0xd9 -> 0x2518 0xda -> 0x250c 0xdb -> 0x2588 0xdc -> 0x2584 0xdd -> 0x00a6 0xde -> 0x00cc 0xdf -> 0x2580 0xe0 -> 0x00d3 0xe1 -> 0x00df 0xe2 -> 0x00d4 0xe3 -> 0x00d2 0xe4 -> 0x00f5 0xe5 -> 0x00d5 0xe6 -> 0x00b5 0xe7 -> 0x00fe 0xe8 -> 0x00de 0xe9 -> 0x00da 0xea -> 0x00db 0xeb -> 0x00d9 0xec -> 0x00fd 0xed -> 0x00dd 0xee -> 0x00af 0xef -> 0x00b4 0xf0 -> 0x00ad 0xf1 -> 0x00b1 0xf2 -> 0x2017 0xf3 -> 0x00be 0xf4 -> 0x00b6 0xf5 -> 0x00a7 0xf6 -> 0x00f7 0xf7 -> 0x00b8 0xf8 -> 0x00b0 0xf9 -> 0x00a8 0xfa -> 0x00b7 0xfb -> 0x00b9 0xfc -> 0x00b3 0xfd -> 0x00b2 0xfe -> 0x25a0 0xff -> 0x00a0 _ -> fromIntegral i