{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns        #-}
{- |
   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST
   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2006-2020 John MacFarlane
   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above

   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
   Stability   : alpha
   Portability : portable

Conversion from reStructuredText to 'Pandoc' document.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST ( readRST ) where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (forM_, guard, liftM, mplus, mzero, when)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.Char (isHexDigit, isSpace, toUpper, isAlphaNum)
import Data.List (deleteFirstsBy, elemIndex, nub, sort, transpose)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList, isJust)
import Data.Sequence (ViewR (..), viewr)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Blocks, Inlines, fromList, setMeta, trimInlines)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad, fetchItem,
                                      readFileFromDirs, getCurrentTime)
import Text.Pandoc.CSV (CSVOptions (..), defaultCSVOptions, parseCSV)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize (lengthToDim, scaleDimension)
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Time.Format

-- TODO:
-- [ ] .. parsed-literal

-- | Parse reStructuredText string and return Pandoc document.
readRST :: PandocMonad m
        => ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
        -> Text          -- ^ Text to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings)
        -> m Pandoc
readRST opts s = do
  parsed <- readWithM parseRST def{ stateOptions = opts }
               (crFilter s <> "\n\n")
  case parsed of
    Right result -> return result
    Left e       -> throwError e

type RSTParser m = ParserT Text ParserState m

-- Constants and data structure definitions

bulletListMarkers :: [Char]
bulletListMarkers = "*+-•‣⁃"

underlineChars :: [Char]
underlineChars = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"

-- treat these as potentially non-text when parsing inline:
specialChars :: [Char]
specialChars = "\\`|*_<>$:/[]{}()-.\"'\8216\8217\8220\8221"

-- parsing documents

isHeader :: Int -> Block -> Bool
isHeader n (Header x _ _) = x == n
isHeader _ _              = False

-- | Promote all headers in a list of blocks.  (Part of
-- title transformation for RST.)
promoteHeaders :: Int -> [Block] -> [Block]
promoteHeaders num (Header level attr text:rest) =
    Header (level - num) attr text:promoteHeaders num rest
promoteHeaders num (other:rest) = other:promoteHeaders num rest
promoteHeaders _   [] = []

-- | If list of blocks starts with a header (or a header and subheader)
-- of level that are not found elsewhere, return it as a title and
-- promote all the other headers.  Also process a definition list right
-- after the title block as metadata.
titleTransform :: ([Block], Meta)  -- ^ list of blocks, metadata
               -> ([Block], Meta)  -- ^ modified list of blocks, metadata
titleTransform (bs, meta) =
  let (bs', meta') =
       case bs of
          (Header 1 _ head1:Header 2 _ head2:rest)
           | not (any (isHeader 1) rest || any (isHeader 2) rest) -> -- tit/sub
            (promoteHeaders 2 rest, setMeta "title" (fromList head1) $
              setMeta "subtitle" (fromList head2) meta)
          (Header 1 _ head1:rest)
           | not (any (isHeader 1) rest) -> -- title only
            (promoteHeaders 1 rest,
                setMeta "title" (fromList head1) meta)
          _ -> (bs, meta)
  in   case bs' of
          (DefinitionList ds : rest) ->
            (rest, metaFromDefList ds meta')
          _ -> (bs', meta')

metaFromDefList :: [([Inline], [[Block]])] -> Meta -> Meta
metaFromDefList ds meta = adjustAuthors $ foldr f meta ds
 where f (k,v) = setMeta (T.toLower $ stringify k) (mconcat $ map fromList v)
       adjustAuthors (Meta metamap) = Meta $ M.adjust splitAuthors "author"
                                           $ M.adjust toPlain "date"
                                           $ M.adjust toPlain "title"
                                           $ M.mapKeys (\k ->
                                                 if k == "authors"
                                                    then "author"
                                                    else k) metamap
       toPlain (MetaBlocks [Para xs]) = MetaInlines xs
       toPlain x                      = x
       splitAuthors (MetaBlocks [Para xs])
                                      = MetaList $ map MetaInlines
                                                 $ splitAuthors' xs
       splitAuthors x                 = x
       splitAuthors'                  = map normalizeSpaces .
                                         splitOnSemi . concatMap factorSemi
       normalizeSpaces                = reverse . dropWhile isSp . reverse .
                                         dropWhile isSp
       isSp Space     = True
       isSp SoftBreak = True
       isSp LineBreak = True
       isSp _         = False
       splitOnSemi                    = splitBy (==Str ";")
       factorSemi (Str "")            = []
       factorSemi (Str s)             = case T.break (==';') s of
                                          (xs,"") -> [Str xs]
                                          (xs,T.uncons -> Just (';',ys)) -> Str xs : Str ";" :
                                            factorSemi (Str ys)
                                          (xs,ys) -> Str xs :
                                            factorSemi (Str ys)
       factorSemi x                   = [x]

parseRST :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Pandoc
parseRST = do
  optional blanklines -- skip blank lines at beginning of file
  startPos <- getPosition
  -- go through once just to get list of reference keys and notes
  -- docMinusKeys is the raw document with blanks where the keys were...
  docMinusKeys <- T.concat <$>
                  manyTill (referenceKey <|> anchorDef <|>
                            noteBlock <|> citationBlock <|>
                            (snd <$> withRaw comment) <|>
                            headerBlock <|> lineClump) eof
  setInput docMinusKeys
  setPosition startPos
  st' <- getState
  let reversedNotes = stateNotes st'
  updateState $ \s -> s { stateNotes = reverse reversedNotes
                        , stateIdentifiers = mempty }
  -- now parse it for real...
  blocks <- B.toList <$> parseBlocks
  citations <- (sort . M.toList . stateCitations) <$> getState
  citationItems <- mapM parseCitation citations
  let refBlock = [Div ("citations",[],[]) $
                 B.toList $ B.definitionList citationItems | not (null citationItems)]
  standalone <- getOption readerStandalone
  state <- getState
  let meta = stateMeta state
  let (blocks', meta') = if standalone
                            then titleTransform (blocks, meta)
                            else (blocks, meta)
  return $ Pandoc meta' (blocks' ++ refBlock)

parseCitation :: PandocMonad m
              => (Text, Text) -> RSTParser m (Inlines, [Blocks])
parseCitation (ref, raw) = do
  contents <- parseFromString' parseBlocks raw
  return (B.spanWith (ref, ["citation-label"], []) (B.str ref),

-- parsing blocks

parseBlocks :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
parseBlocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block eof

block :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
block = choice [ codeBlock
               , blockQuote
               , fieldList
               , directive
               , anchor
               , comment
               , header
               , hrule
               , lineBlock     -- must go before definitionList
               , table
               , list
               , lhsCodeBlock
               , para
               , mempty <$ blanklines
               ] <?> "block"

-- field list

rawFieldListItem :: Monad m => Int -> RSTParser m (Text, Text)
rawFieldListItem minIndent = try $ do
  indent <- length <$> many (char ' ')
  guard $ indent >= minIndent
  char ':'
  name <- many1TillChar (noneOf "\n") (char ':')
  (() <$ lookAhead newline) <|> skipMany1 spaceChar
  first <- anyLine
  rest <- option "" $ try $ do lookAhead (count indent (char ' ') >> spaceChar)
  let raw = (if T.null first then "" else first <> "\n") <> rest <>
            (if T.null first && T.null rest then "" else "\n")
  return (name, raw)

fieldListItem :: PandocMonad m => Int -> RSTParser m (Inlines, [Blocks])
fieldListItem minIndent = try $ do
  (name, raw) <- rawFieldListItem minIndent
  term <- parseInlineFromText name
  contents <- parseFromString' parseBlocks raw
  optional blanklines
  return (term, [contents])

fieldList :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
fieldList = try $ do
  indent <- length <$> lookAhead (many spaceChar)
  items <- many1 $ fieldListItem indent
  case items of
     []     -> return mempty
     items' -> return $ B.definitionList items'

-- line block

lineBlock :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
lineBlock = try $ do
  lines' <- lineBlockLines
  lines'' <- mapM parseInlineFromText lines'
  return $ B.lineBlock lines''

lineBlockDirective :: PandocMonad m => Text -> RSTParser m Blocks
lineBlockDirective body = do
  lines' <- mapM parseInlineFromText $ T.lines $ stripTrailingNewlines body
  return $ B.lineBlock lines'

-- paragraph block

-- note: paragraph can end in a :: starting a code block
para :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
para = try $ do
  result <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline
  option (B.plain result) $ try $ do
    case viewr (B.unMany result) of
         ys :> Str xs | "::" `T.isSuffixOf` xs -> do
              raw <- option mempty codeBlockBody
              return $ B.para (B.Many ys <> B.str (T.take (T.length xs - 1) xs))
                         <> raw
         _ -> return (B.para result)

plain :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
plain = B.plain . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline

-- header blocks

header :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
header = doubleHeader <|> singleHeader <?> "header"

-- a header with lines on top and bottom
doubleHeader :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
doubleHeader = do
  (txt, c) <- doubleHeader'
  -- check to see if we've had this kind of header before.
  -- if so, get appropriate level.  if not, add to list.
  state <- getState
  let headerTable = stateHeaderTable state
  let (headerTable',level) = case elemIndex (DoubleHeader c) headerTable of
        Just ind -> (headerTable, ind + 1)
        Nothing  -> (headerTable ++ [DoubleHeader c], length headerTable + 1)
  setState (state { stateHeaderTable = headerTable' })
  attr <- registerHeader nullAttr txt
  return $ B.headerWith attr level txt

doubleHeader' :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m (Inlines, Char)
doubleHeader' = try $ do
  c <- oneOf underlineChars
  rest <- many (char c)  -- the top line
  let lenTop = length (c:rest)
  txt <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 (notFollowedBy blankline >> inline)
  pos <- getPosition
  let len = sourceColumn pos - 1
  when (len > lenTop) $ Prelude.fail "title longer than border"
  blankline              -- spaces and newline
  count lenTop (char c)  -- the bottom line
  return (txt, c)

-- a header with line on the bottom only
singleHeader :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
singleHeader = do
  (txt, c) <- singleHeader'
  state <- getState
  let headerTable = stateHeaderTable state
  let (headerTable',level) = case elemIndex (SingleHeader c) headerTable of
        Just ind -> (headerTable, ind + 1)
        Nothing  -> (headerTable ++ [SingleHeader c], length headerTable + 1)
  setState (state { stateHeaderTable = headerTable' })
  attr <- registerHeader nullAttr txt
  return $ B.headerWith attr level txt

singleHeader' :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m (Inlines, Char)
singleHeader' = try $ do
  notFollowedBy' whitespace
  lookAhead $ anyLine >> oneOf underlineChars
  txt <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 (notFollowedBy blankline >> inline)
  pos <- getPosition
  let len = sourceColumn pos - 1
  c <- oneOf underlineChars
  count (len - 1) (char c)
  many (char c)
  return (txt, c)

-- hrule block

hrule :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Blocks
hrule = try $ do
  chr <- oneOf underlineChars
  count 3 (char chr)
  skipMany (char chr)
  return B.horizontalRule

-- code blocks

-- read a line indented by a given string
indentedLine :: (HasReaderOptions st, Monad m)
             => Int -> ParserT Text st m Text
indentedLine indents = try $ do
  lookAhead spaceChar
  gobbleAtMostSpaces indents

-- one or more indented lines, possibly separated by blank lines.
-- any amount of indentation will work.
indentedBlock :: (HasReaderOptions st, Monad m)
              => ParserT Text st m Text
indentedBlock = try $ do
  indents <- length <$> lookAhead (many1 spaceChar)
  lns <- many1 $ try $ do b <- option "" blanklines
                          l <- indentedLine indents
                          return (b <> l)
  optional blanklines
  return $ T.unlines lns

quotedBlock :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text
quotedBlock = try $ do
    quote <- lookAhead $ oneOf "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
    lns <- many1 $ lookAhead (char quote) >> anyLine
    optional blanklines
    return $ T.unlines lns

codeBlockStart :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Char
codeBlockStart = string "::" >> blankline >> blankline

codeBlock :: Monad m => ParserT Text ParserState m Blocks
codeBlock = try $ codeBlockStart >> codeBlockBody

codeBlockBody :: Monad m => ParserT Text ParserState m Blocks
codeBlockBody = do
  lang <- stateRstHighlight <$> getState
  try $ B.codeBlockWith ("", maybeToList lang, []) . stripTrailingNewlines <$>
                (indentedBlock <|> quotedBlock)

lhsCodeBlock :: Monad m => RSTParser m Blocks
lhsCodeBlock = try $ do
  getPosition >>= guard . (==1) . sourceColumn
  guardEnabled Ext_literate_haskell
  optional codeBlockStart
  lns <- latexCodeBlock <|> birdCodeBlock
  return $ B.codeBlockWith ("", ["haskell","literate"], [])
         $ T.intercalate "\n" lns

latexCodeBlock :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m [Text]
latexCodeBlock = try $ do
  try (latexBlockLine "\\begin{code}")
  many1Till anyLine (try $ latexBlockLine "\\end{code}")
  latexBlockLine s = skipMany spaceChar >> string s >> blankline

birdCodeBlock :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m [Text]
birdCodeBlock = filterSpace <$> many1 birdTrackLine
  where filterSpace lns =
            -- if (as is normal) there is always a space after >, drop it
            if all (\ln -> T.null ln || T.take 1 ln == " ") lns
               then map (T.drop 1) lns
               else lns

birdTrackLine :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text
birdTrackLine = char '>' >> anyLine

-- block quotes

blockQuote :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
blockQuote = do
  raw <- indentedBlock
  -- parse the extracted block, which may contain various block elements:
  contents <- parseFromString' parseBlocks $ raw <> "\n\n"
  return $ B.blockQuote contents

Unsupported options for include:

includeDirective :: PandocMonad m
                 => Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text
                 -> RSTParser m Blocks
includeDirective top fields body = do
  let f = trim top
  guard $ not (T.null f)
  guard $ T.null (trim body)
  -- options
  let (startLine :: Maybe Int) = lookup "start-line" fields >>= safeRead
  let (endLine :: Maybe Int) = lookup "end-line" fields >>= safeRead
  oldPos <- getPosition
  oldInput <- getInput
  containers <- stateContainers <$> getState
  when (f `elem` containers) $
    throwError $ PandocParseError $ "Include file loop at " <> tshow oldPos
  updateState $ \s -> s{ stateContainers = f : stateContainers s }
  mbContents <- readFileFromDirs ["."] $ T.unpack f
  contentLines <- case mbContents of
                       Just s -> return $ T.lines s
                       Nothing -> do
                         logMessage $ CouldNotLoadIncludeFile f oldPos
                         return []
  let numLines = length contentLines
  let startLine' = case startLine of
                        Nothing            -> 1
                        Just x | x >= 0    -> x
                               | otherwise -> numLines + x -- negative from end
  let endLine' = case endLine of
                        Nothing            -> numLines + 1
                        Just x | x >= 0    -> x
                               | otherwise -> numLines + x -- negative from end
  let contentLines' =   drop (startLine' - 1)
                      $ take (endLine' - 1) contentLines
  let contentLines'' = (case trim <$> lookup "end-before" fields of
                             Just patt -> takeWhile (not . (patt `T.isInfixOf`))
                             Nothing   -> id) .
                       (case trim <$> lookup "start-after" fields of
                             Just patt -> drop 1 .
                                            dropWhile (not . (patt `T.isInfixOf`))
                             Nothing   -> id) $ contentLines'
  let contents' = T.unlines contentLines''
  case lookup "code" fields of
       Just lang -> do
         let classes =  maybe [] T.words (lookup "class" fields)
         let ident = maybe "" trimr $ lookup "name" fields
         codeblock ident classes fields (trimr lang) contents' False
       Nothing   -> case lookup "literal" fields of
                         Just _  -> return $ B.rawBlock "rst" contents'
                         Nothing -> do
                           setPosition $ newPos (T.unpack f) 1 1
                           setInput $ contents' <> "\n"
                           bs <- optional blanklines >>
                                  (mconcat <$> many block)
                           setInput oldInput
                           setPosition oldPos
                           updateState $ \s -> s{ stateContainers =
                                         tail $ stateContainers s }
                           return bs

-- list blocks

list :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
list = choice [ bulletList, orderedList, definitionList ] <?> "list"

definitionListItem :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m (Inlines, [Blocks])
definitionListItem = try $ do
  -- avoid capturing a directive or comment
  notFollowedBy (try $ char '.' >> char '.')
  term <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1Till inline endline
  raw <- indentedBlock
  -- parse the extracted block, which may contain various block elements:
  contents <- parseFromString' parseBlocks $ raw <> "\n"
  return (term, [contents])

definitionList :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
definitionList = B.definitionList <$> many1 definitionListItem

-- parses bullet list start and returns its length (inc. following whitespace)
bulletListStart :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Int
bulletListStart = try $ do
  notFollowedBy' hrule  -- because hrules start out just like lists
  marker <- oneOf bulletListMarkers
  white <- many1 spaceChar <|> "" <$ lookAhead (char '\n')
  return $ length (marker:white)

-- parses ordered list start and returns its length (inc following whitespace)
orderedListStart :: Monad m => ListNumberStyle
                 -> ListNumberDelim
                 -> RSTParser m Int
orderedListStart style delim = try $ do
  (_, markerLen) <- withHorizDisplacement (orderedListMarker style delim)
  white <- many1 spaceChar <|> "" <$ lookAhead (char '\n')
  return $ markerLen + length white

-- parse a line of a list item
listLine :: Monad m => Int -> RSTParser m Text
listLine markerLength = try $ do
  notFollowedBy blankline
  indentWith markerLength

-- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
rawListItem :: Monad m => RSTParser m Int
            -> RSTParser m (Int, Text)
rawListItem start = try $ do
  markerLength <- start
  firstLine <- anyLineNewline
  restLines <- many (listLine markerLength)
  return (markerLength, firstLine <> T.concat restLines)

-- continuation of a list item - indented and separated by blankline or
-- (in compact lists) endline.
-- Note: nested lists are parsed as continuations.
listContinuation :: Monad m => Int -> RSTParser m Text
listContinuation markerLength = try $ do
  blanks <- many1Char blankline
  result <- many1 (listLine markerLength)
  return $ blanks <> T.concat result

listItem :: PandocMonad m
         => RSTParser m Int
         -> RSTParser m Blocks
listItem start = try $ do
  (markerLength, first) <- rawListItem start
  rest <- many (listContinuation markerLength)
  skipMany1 blankline <|> () <$ lookAhead start
  -- parsing with ListItemState forces markers at beginning of lines to
  -- count as list item markers, even if not separated by blank space.
  -- see definition of "endline"
  state <- getState
  let oldContext = stateParserContext state
  setState $ state {stateParserContext = ListItemState}
  -- parse the extracted block, which may itself contain block elements
  parsed <- parseFromString' parseBlocks $ T.concat (first:rest) <> "\n"
  updateState (\st -> st {stateParserContext = oldContext})
  return $ case B.toList parsed of
                [Para xs] ->
                   B.singleton $ Plain xs
                [Para xs, BulletList ys] ->
                   B.fromList [Plain xs, BulletList ys]
                [Para xs, OrderedList s ys] ->
                   B.fromList [Plain xs, OrderedList s ys]
                [Para xs, DefinitionList ys] ->
                   B.fromList [Plain xs, DefinitionList ys]
                _         -> parsed

orderedList :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
orderedList = try $ do
  (start, style, delim) <- lookAhead (anyOrderedListMarker <* spaceChar)
  items <- many1 (listItem (orderedListStart style delim))
  let items' = compactify items
  return $ B.orderedListWith (start, style, delim) items'

bulletList :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
bulletList = B.bulletList . compactify <$> many1 (listItem bulletListStart)

-- directive (e.g. comment, container, compound-paragraph)

comment :: Monad m => RSTParser m Blocks
comment = try $ do
  string ".."
  skipMany1 spaceChar <|> (() <$ lookAhead newline)
  -- notFollowedBy' directiveLabel -- comment comes after directive so unnec.
  manyTill anyChar blanklines
  optional indentedBlock
  return mempty

directiveLabel :: Monad m => RSTParser m Text
directiveLabel = T.toLower
  <$> many1TillChar (letter <|> char '-') (try $ string "::")

directive :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
directive = try $ do
  string ".."

directive' :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
directive' = do
  skipMany1 spaceChar
  label <- directiveLabel
  skipMany spaceChar
  top <- manyChar $ satisfy (/='\n')
             <|> try (char '\n' <*
                      notFollowedBy' (rawFieldListItem 1) <*
                      many1 (char ' ') <*
                      notFollowedBy blankline)
  fields <- do
    fieldIndent <- length <$> lookAhead (many (char ' '))
    if fieldIndent == 0
       then return []
       else many $ rawFieldListItem fieldIndent
  body <- option "" $ try $ blanklines >> indentedBlock
  optional blanklines
  let body' = body <> "\n\n"
      name = trim $ fromMaybe "" (lookup "name" fields)
      classes = T.words $ maybe "" trim (lookup "class" fields)
      keyvals = [(k, trim v) | (k, v) <- fields, k /= "name", k /= "class"]
      imgAttr cl = (name, classes ++ alignClasses, widthAttr ++ heightAttr)
          alignClasses = T.words $ maybe "" trim (lookup cl fields) <>
                          maybe "" (\x -> "align-" <> trim x)
                          (lookup "align" fields)
          scale = case trim <$> lookup "scale" fields of
                    Just v -> case T.unsnoc v of
                      Just (vv, '%') -> case safeRead vv of
                                          Just (percent :: Double)
                                            -> percent / 100.0
                                          Nothing -> 1.0
                      _ -> case safeRead v of
                             Just (s :: Double) -> s
                             Nothing            -> 1.0
                    Nothing -> 1.0
          widthAttr = maybe [] (\x -> [("width",
                                        tshow $ scaleDimension scale x)])
                        $ lookup "width" fields >>=
                          (lengthToDim . T.filter (not . isSpace))
          heightAttr = maybe [] (\x -> [("height",
                                         tshow $ scaleDimension scale x)])
                        $ lookup "height" fields >>=
                          (lengthToDim . T.filter (not . isSpace))
  case label of
        "include" -> includeDirective top fields body'
        "table" -> tableDirective top fields body'
        "list-table" -> listTableDirective top fields body'
        "csv-table" -> csvTableDirective top fields body'
        "line-block" -> lineBlockDirective body'
        "raw" -> return $ B.rawBlock (trim top) (stripTrailingNewlines body)
        "role" -> addNewRole top $ map (second trim) fields
        "container" -> B.divWith
                         (name, "container" : T.words top ++ classes, []) <$>
                          parseFromString' parseBlocks body'
        "replace" -> B.para <$>  -- consumed by substKey
                   parseInlineFromText (trim top)
        "date" -> B.para <$> do  -- consumed by substKey
                     t <- getCurrentTime
                     let format = case T.unpack (T.strip top) of
                                    [] -> "%Y-%m-%d"
                                    x  -> x
                     return $ B.text $
                              T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale format t
        "unicode" -> B.para <$>  -- consumed by substKey
                   parseInlineFromText (trim $ unicodeTransform top)
        "compound" -> parseFromString' parseBlocks body'
        "pull-quote" -> B.blockQuote <$> parseFromString' parseBlocks body'
        "epigraph" -> B.blockQuote <$> parseFromString' parseBlocks body'
        "highlights" -> B.blockQuote <$> parseFromString' parseBlocks body'
        "rubric" -> B.para . B.strong <$> parseInlineFromText top
        _ | label `elem` ["attention","caution","danger","error","hint",
                          "important","note","tip","warning","admonition"] ->
           do bod <- parseFromString' parseBlocks $ top <> "\n\n" <> body'
              let lab = case label of
                          "admonition" -> mempty
                          (T.uncons -> Just (l, ls))
                            -> B.divWith ("",["title"],[])
                                          (B.para (B.str $ T.cons (toUpper l)  ls))
                          _ -> mempty
              return $ B.divWith (name,label:classes,keyvals) (lab <> bod)
        "sidebar" ->
           do let subtit = maybe "" trim $ lookup "subtitle" fields
              tit <- B.para . B.strong <$> parseInlineFromText
                          (trim top <> if T.null subtit
                                          then ""
                                          else ":  " <> subtit)
              bod <- parseFromString' parseBlocks body'
              return $ B.divWith (name,"sidebar":classes,keyvals) $ tit <> bod
        "topic" ->
           do tit <- B.para . B.strong <$> parseInlineFromText top
              bod <- parseFromString' parseBlocks body'
              return $ B.divWith (name,"topic":classes,keyvals) $ tit <> bod
        "default-role" -> mempty <$ updateState (\s ->
                              s { stateRstDefaultRole =
                                  case trim top of
                                     ""   -> stateRstDefaultRole def
                                     role -> role })
        "highlight" -> mempty <$ updateState (\s ->
                              s { stateRstHighlight =
                                  case trim top of
                                     ""   -> stateRstHighlight def
                                     lang -> Just lang })
        x | x == "code" || x == "code-block" || x == "sourcecode" ->
          codeblock name classes (map (second trimr) fields)
             (trim top) body True
        "aafig" -> do
          let attribs = (name, ["aafig"], map (second trimr) fields)
          return $ B.codeBlockWith attribs $ stripTrailingNewlines body
        "math" -> return $ B.para $ mconcat $ map B.displayMath
                         $ toChunks $ top <> "\n\n" <> body
        "figure" -> do
           (caption, legend) <- parseFromString' extractCaption body'
           let src = escapeURI $ trim top
           return $ B.para (B.imageWith (imgAttr "figclass") src "fig:"
                       caption) <> legend
        "image" -> do
           let src = escapeURI $ trim top
           let alt = B.str $ maybe "image" trim $ lookup "alt" fields
           let attr = imgAttr "class"
           return $ B.para
                  $ case lookup "target" fields of
                          Just t  -> B.link (escapeURI $ trim t) ""
                                     $ B.imageWith attr src "" alt
                          Nothing -> B.imageWith attr src "" alt
        "class" -> do
            let attrs = (name, T.words (trim top), map (second trimr) fields)
            --  directive content or the first immediately following element
            children <- case body of
                "" -> block
                _  -> parseFromString' parseBlocks  body'
            return $ B.divWith attrs children
        other     -> do
            pos <- getPosition
            logMessage $ SkippedContent (".. " <> other) pos
            bod <- parseFromString' parseBlocks $ top <> "\n\n" <> body'
            return $ B.divWith (name, other:classes, keyvals) bod

tableDirective :: PandocMonad m
               => Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text -> RSTParser m Blocks
tableDirective top fields body = do
  bs <- parseFromString' parseBlocks body
  case B.toList bs of
       [Table attr _ tspecs' thead@(TableHead _ thrs) tbody tfoot] -> do
         let (aligns', widths') = unzip tspecs'
         title <- parseFromString' (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline) top
         columns <- getOption readerColumns
         let numOfCols = case thrs of
               [] -> 0
               (r:_) -> rowLength r
         let normWidths ws =
                strictPos . (/ max 1.0 (fromIntegral (columns - numOfCols))) <$> ws
         let widths = case trim <$> lookup "widths" fields of
                           Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols ColWidthDefault
                           Just "grid" -> widths'
                           Just specs -> normWidths
                               $ map (fromMaybe (0 :: Double) . safeRead)
                               $ splitTextBy (`elem` (" ," :: String)) specs
                           Nothing -> widths'
         -- align is not applicable since we can't represent whole table align
         let tspecs = zip aligns' widths
         return $ B.singleton $ Table attr (B.caption Nothing (B.plain title))
                                  tspecs thead tbody tfoot
       _ -> return mempty
    -- only valid on the very first row of a table section
    rowLength (Row _ rb) = sum $ cellLength <$> rb
    cellLength (Cell _ _ _ (ColSpan w) _) = max 1 w
    strictPos w
      | w > 0     = ColWidth w
      | otherwise = ColWidthDefault

-- TODO: :stub-columns:.
-- Only the first row becomes the header even if header-rows: > 1,
-- since Pandoc doesn't support a table with multiple header rows.
-- We don't need to parse :align: as it represents the whole table align.
listTableDirective :: PandocMonad m
                   => Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text
                   -> RSTParser m Blocks
listTableDirective top fields body = do
  bs <- parseFromString' parseBlocks body
  title <- parseFromString' (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline) top
  let rows = takeRows $ B.toList bs
      headerRowsNum = fromMaybe (0 :: Int) $
         lookup "header-rows" fields >>= safeRead
      (headerRow,bodyRows,numOfCols) = case rows of
        x:xs -> if headerRowsNum > 0
                   then (x, xs, length x)
                   else ([], rows, length x)
        _ -> ([],[],0)
      widths = case trim <$> lookup "widths" fields of
        Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols ColWidthDefault
        Just specs -> normWidths $ map (fromMaybe (0 :: Double) . safeRead) $
                           splitTextBy (`elem` (" ," :: String)) specs
        _ -> replicate numOfCols ColWidthDefault
      toRow = Row nullAttr . map B.simpleCell
      toHeaderRow l = if null l then [] else [toRow l]
  return $ B.table (B.simpleCaption $ B.plain title)
             (zip (replicate numOfCols AlignDefault) widths)
             (TableHead nullAttr $ toHeaderRow headerRow)
             [TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow bodyRows]
             (TableFoot nullAttr [])
    where takeRows [BulletList rows] = map takeCells rows
          takeRows _                 = []
          takeCells [BulletList cells] = map B.fromList cells
          takeCells _                  = []
          normWidths ws = strictPos . (/ max 1 (sum ws)) <$> ws
          strictPos w
            | w > 0     = ColWidth w
            | otherwise = ColWidthDefault

csvTableDirective :: PandocMonad m
                   => Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text
                   -> RSTParser m Blocks
csvTableDirective top fields rawcsv = do
  let explicitHeader = trim <$> lookup "header" fields
  let opts = defaultCSVOptions{
                csvDelim = case trim <$> lookup "delim" fields of
                                Just "tab"   -> '\t'
                                Just "space" -> ' '
                                Just (T.unpack -> [c])
                                             -> c
                                _            -> ','
              , csvQuote = case trim <$> lookup "quote" fields of
                                Just (T.unpack -> [c])
                                  -> c
                                _ -> '"'
              , csvEscape = case trim <$> lookup "escape" fields of
                                Just (T.unpack -> [c])
                                  -> Just c
                                _ -> Nothing
              , csvKeepSpace = case trim <$> lookup "keepspace" fields of
                                       Just "true" -> True
                                       _           -> False
  let headerRowsNum = fromMaybe (case explicitHeader of
                                       Just _  -> 1 :: Int
                                       Nothing -> 0 :: Int) $
           lookup "header-rows" fields >>= safeRead
  rawcsv' <- case trim <$>
                    lookup "file" fields `mplus` lookup "url" fields of
                  Just u  -> do
                    (bs, _) <- fetchItem u
                    return $ UTF8.toText bs
                  Nothing -> return rawcsv
  let res = parseCSV opts (case explicitHeader of
                              Just h  -> h <> "\n" <> rawcsv'
                              Nothing -> rawcsv')
  case res of
       Left e  ->
         throwError $ PandocParsecError "csv table" e
       Right rawrows -> do
         let parseCell = parseFromString' (plain <|> return mempty)
         let parseRow = mapM parseCell
         rows <- mapM parseRow rawrows
         let (headerRow,bodyRows,numOfCols) =
              case rows of
                   x:xs -> if headerRowsNum > 0
                          then (x, xs, length x)
                          else ([], rows, length x)
                   _ -> ([],[],0)
         title <- parseFromString' (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline) top
         let strictPos w
               | w > 0     = ColWidth w
               | otherwise = ColWidthDefault
         let normWidths ws = strictPos . (/ max 1 (sum ws)) <$> ws
         let widths =
               case trim <$> lookup "widths" fields of
                 Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols ColWidthDefault
                 Just specs -> normWidths
                               $ map (fromMaybe (0 :: Double) . safeRead)
                               $ splitTextBy (`elem` (" ," :: String)) specs
                 _ -> replicate numOfCols ColWidthDefault
         let toRow = Row nullAttr . map B.simpleCell
             toHeaderRow l = if null l then [] else [toRow l]
         return $ B.table (B.simpleCaption $ B.plain title)
                          (zip (replicate numOfCols AlignDefault) widths)
                          (TableHead nullAttr $ toHeaderRow headerRow)
                          [TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow bodyRows]
                          (TableFoot nullAttr [])

-- TODO:
--  - Only supports :format: fields with a single format for :raw: roles,
--    change Text.Pandoc.Definition.Format to fix
addNewRole :: PandocMonad m
           => Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> RSTParser m Blocks
addNewRole roleText fields = do
    pos <- getPosition
    (role, parentRole) <- parseFromString' inheritedRole roleText
    customRoles <- stateRstCustomRoles <$> getState
    let getBaseRole (r, f, a) roles =
            case M.lookup r roles of
                 Just (r', f', a') -> getBaseRole (r', f', a') roles
                 Nothing           -> (r, f, a)
        (baseRole, baseFmt, baseAttr) =
               getBaseRole (parentRole, Nothing, nullAttr) customRoles
        fmt = if parentRole == "raw" then lookup "format" fields else baseFmt
        annotate :: [Text] -> [Text]
        annotate = maybe id (:) $
            if baseRole == "code"
               then lookup "language" fields
               else Nothing
        attr = let (ident, classes, keyValues) = baseAttr
        -- nub in case role name & language class are the same
               in (ident, nub . (role :) . annotate $ classes, keyValues)

    -- warn about syntax we ignore
    forM_ fields $ \(key, _) -> case key of
                 "language" -> when (baseRole /= "code") $ logMessage $
                     SkippedContent ":language: [because parent of role is not :code:]"
                 "format" -> when (baseRole /= "raw") $ logMessage $
                     SkippedContent ":format: [because parent of role is not :raw:]" pos
                 _ -> logMessage $ SkippedContent (":" <> key <> ":") pos
    when (parentRole == "raw" && countKeys "format" > 1) $
        logMessage $ SkippedContent
                  ":format: [after first in definition of role]"
    when (parentRole == "code" && countKeys "language" > 1) $
        logMessage $ SkippedContent
          ":language: [after first in definition of role]" pos

    updateState $ \s -> s {
        stateRstCustomRoles =
          M.insert role (baseRole, fmt, attr) customRoles

    return mempty
    countKeys k = length . filter (== k) . map fst $ fields
    inheritedRole =
        (,) <$> roleName <*> ((char '(' *> roleName <* char ')')
                            <|> pure "span")

-- Can contain character codes as decimal numbers or
-- hexadecimal numbers, prefixed by 0x, x, \x, U+, u, or \u
-- or as XML-style hexadecimal character entities, e.g. &#x1a2b;
-- or text, which is used as-is.  Comments start with ..
unicodeTransform :: Text -> Text
unicodeTransform t
  | Just xs <- T.stripPrefix ".." t  = unicodeTransform $ T.dropWhile (/= '\n') xs -- comment
  | Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "0x" t  = go "0x" xs
  | Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "x" t   = go "x" xs
  | Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "\\x" t = go "\\x" xs
  | Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "U+" t  = go "U+" xs
  | Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "u" t   = go "u" xs
  | Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "\\u" t = go "\\u" xs
  | Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "&#x" t = maybe ("&#x" <> unicodeTransform xs)
                                       -- drop semicolon
                                       (\(c,s) -> T.cons c $ unicodeTransform $ T.drop 1 s)
                                       $ extractUnicodeChar xs
  | Just (x, xs) <- T.uncons t       = T.cons x $ unicodeTransform xs
  | otherwise                        = ""
  where go pref zs = maybe (pref <> unicodeTransform zs)
                     (\(c,s) -> T.cons c $ unicodeTransform s)
                     $ extractUnicodeChar zs

extractUnicodeChar :: Text -> Maybe (Char, Text)
extractUnicodeChar s = fmap (\c -> (c,rest)) mbc
  where (ds,rest) = T.span isHexDigit s
        mbc = safeRead ("'\\x" <> ds <> "'")

extractCaption :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m (Inlines, Blocks)
extractCaption = do
  capt <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline
  legend <- optional blanklines >> (mconcat <$> many block)
  return (capt,legend)

-- divide string by blanklines, and surround with
-- \begin{aligned}...\end{aligned} if needed.
toChunks :: Text -> [Text]
toChunks = dropWhile T.null
           . map (addAligned . trim . T.unlines)
           . splitBy (T.all (`elem` (" \t" :: String))) . T.lines
  -- we put this in an aligned environment if it contains \\, see #4254
  where addAligned s = if "\\\\" `T.isInfixOf` s
                          then "\\begin{aligned}\n" <> s <> "\n\\end{aligned}"
                          else s

codeblock :: Text -> [Text] -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text -> Text -> Bool
          -> RSTParser m Blocks
codeblock ident classes fields lang body rmTrailingNewlines = do
  return $ B.codeBlockWith attribs $ stripTrailingNewlines' body
    where stripTrailingNewlines' = if rmTrailingNewlines
                                     then stripTrailingNewlines
                                     else id
          attribs = (ident, classes', kvs)
          classes' = lang
                    : ["numberLines" | isJust (lookup "number-lines" fields)]
                    ++ classes
          kvs = [(k,v) | (k,v) <- fields, k /= "number-lines", k /= "class",
                                          k /= "id", k /= "name"]
                ++ case lookup "number-lines" fields of
                     Just v | not (T.null v) -> [("startFrom", v)]
                     _ -> []

--- note block

noteBlock :: Monad m => RSTParser m Text
noteBlock = try $ do
  (ref, raw, replacement) <- noteBlock' noteMarker
  updateState $ \s -> s { stateNotes = (ref, raw) : stateNotes s }
  -- return blanks so line count isn't affected
  return replacement

citationBlock :: Monad m => RSTParser m Text
citationBlock = try $ do
  (ref, raw, replacement) <- noteBlock' citationMarker
  updateState $ \s ->
     s { stateCitations = M.insert ref raw (stateCitations s),
         stateKeys = M.insert (toKey ref) (("#" <> ref,""), ("",["citation"],[]))
                               (stateKeys s) }
  -- return blanks so line count isn't affected
  return replacement

noteBlock' :: Monad m
           => RSTParser m Text -> RSTParser m (Text, Text, Text)
noteBlock' marker = try $ do
  startPos <- getPosition
  string ".."
  spaceChar >> skipMany spaceChar
  ref <- marker
  first <- (spaceChar >> skipMany spaceChar >> anyLine)
        <|> (newline >> return "")
  blanks <- option "" blanklines
  rest <- option "" indentedBlock
  endPos <- getPosition
  let raw = first <> "\n" <> blanks <> rest <> "\n"
  let replacement = T.replicate (sourceLine endPos - sourceLine startPos) "\n"
  return (ref, raw, replacement)

citationMarker :: Monad m => RSTParser m Text
citationMarker = do
  char '['
  res <- simpleReferenceName
  char ']'
  return res

noteMarker :: Monad m => RSTParser m Text
noteMarker = do
  char '['
  res <- many1Char digit
                  try (char '#' >> liftM ("#" <>) simpleReferenceName)
      <|> countChar 1 (oneOf "#*")
  char ']'
  return res

-- reference key

quotedReferenceName :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
quotedReferenceName = try $ do
  char '`' >> notFollowedBy (char '`') -- `` means inline code!
  manyTillChar anyChar (char '`')

-- Simple reference names are single words consisting of alphanumerics
-- plus isolated (no two adjacent) internal hyphens, underscores,
-- periods, colons and plus signs; no whitespace or other characters
-- are allowed.
simpleReferenceName :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text
simpleReferenceName = do
  x <- alphaNum
  xs <- many $  alphaNum
            <|> try (oneOf "-_:+." <* lookAhead alphaNum)
  return $ T.pack (x:xs)

referenceName :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
referenceName = quotedReferenceName <|> simpleReferenceName

referenceKey :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
referenceKey = do
  startPos <- getPosition
  choice [substKey, anonymousKey, regularKey]
  optional blanklines
  endPos <- getPosition
  -- return enough blanks to replace key
  return $ T.replicate (sourceLine endPos - sourceLine startPos) "\n"

targetURI :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text
targetURI = do
  optional $ try $ newline >> notFollowedBy blankline
  contents <- trim <$>
     many1Char (satisfy (/='\n')
     <|> try (newline >> many1 spaceChar >> noneOf " \t\n"))
  return $ stripBackticks contents
    stripBackticks t
      | Just xs <- T.stripSuffix "`_" t = T.dropWhile (=='`') xs <> "_"
      | Just _  <- T.stripSuffix "_"  t = t
      | otherwise                       = escapeURI t

substKey :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m ()
substKey = try $ do
  string ".."
  skipMany1 spaceChar
  (alt,ref) <- withRaw $ trimInlines . mconcat
                      <$> enclosed (char '|') (char '|') inline
  res <- B.toList <$> directive'
  il <- case res of
             -- use alt unless :alt: attribute on image:
             [Para [Image attr [Str "image"] (src,tit)]] ->
                return $ B.imageWith attr src tit alt
             [Para [Link _ [Image attr [Str "image"] (src,tit)] (src',tit')]] ->
                return $ B.link src' tit' (B.imageWith attr src tit alt)
             [Para ils] -> return $ B.fromList ils
             _          -> mzero
  let key = toKey $ stripFirstAndLast ref
  updateState $ \s -> s{ stateSubstitutions =
                          M.insert key il $ stateSubstitutions s }

anonymousKey :: Monad m => RSTParser m ()
anonymousKey = try $ do
  oneOfStrings [".. __:", "__"]
  src <- targetURI
  pos <- getPosition
  let key = toKey $ "_" <> T.pack (printf "%09d" (sourceLine pos))
  updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key ((src,""), nullAttr) $
                          stateKeys s }

referenceNames :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m [Text]
referenceNames = do
  let rn = try $ do
             string ".. _"
             ref <- quotedReferenceName
                  <|> manyChar (  noneOf ":\n"
                              <|> try (char '\n' <*
                                       string "   " <*
                                       notFollowedBy blankline)
                              <|> try (char ':' <* lookAhead alphaNum)
             char ':'
             return ref
  first <- rn
  rest  <- many (try (blanklines *> rn))
  return (first:rest)

regularKey :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m ()
regularKey = try $ do
  -- we allow several references to the same URL, e.g.
  -- .. _hello:
  -- .. _goodbye: url.com
  refs <- referenceNames
  src <- targetURI
  guard $ not (T.null src)
  let keys = map toKey refs
  forM_ keys $ \key ->
    updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key ((src,""), nullAttr) $
                            stateKeys s }

anchorDef :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
anchorDef = try $ do
  (refs, raw) <- withRaw $ try (referenceNames <* blanklines)
  forM_ refs $ \rawkey ->
    updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys =
       M.insert (toKey rawkey) (("#" <> rawkey,""), nullAttr) $ stateKeys s }
  -- keep this for 2nd round of parsing, where we'll add the divs (anchor)
  return raw

anchor :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
anchor = try $ do
  refs <- referenceNames
  b <- block
  let addDiv ref = B.divWith (ref, [], [])
  let emptySpanWithId id' = Span (id',[],[]) []
  -- put identifier on next block:
  case B.toList b of
       [Header lev (_,classes,kvs) txt] ->
         case reverse refs of
              [] -> return b
              (r:rs) -> return $ B.singleton $
                           Header lev (r,classes,kvs)
                             (txt ++ map emptySpanWithId rs)
                -- we avoid generating divs for headers,
                -- because it hides them from promoteHeader, see #4240
       _ -> return $ foldr addDiv b refs

headerBlock :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
headerBlock = do
  ((txt, _), raw) <- withRaw (doubleHeader' <|> singleHeader')
  (ident,_,_) <- registerHeader nullAttr txt
  let key = toKey (stringify txt)
  updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key (("#" <> ident,""), nullAttr)
                          $ stateKeys s }
  return raw

-- tables

-- General tables TODO:
--  - figure out if leading spaces are acceptable and if so, add
--    support for them
-- Simple tables TODO:
--  - column spans
--  - multiline support
--  - ensure that rightmost column span does not need to reach end
--  - require at least 2 columns
-- Grid tables TODO:
--  - column spans

dashedLine :: Monad m => Char -> ParserT Text st m (Int, Int)
dashedLine ch = do
  dashes <- many1 (char ch)
  sp     <- many (char ' ')
  return (length dashes, length $ dashes ++ sp)

simpleDashedLines :: Monad m => Char -> ParserT Text st m [(Int,Int)]
simpleDashedLines ch = try $ many1 (dashedLine ch)

-- Parse a table row separator
simpleTableSep :: Monad m => Char -> RSTParser m Char
simpleTableSep ch = try $ simpleDashedLines ch >> newline

-- Parse a table footer
simpleTableFooter :: Monad m => RSTParser m Text
simpleTableFooter = try $ simpleTableSep '=' >> blanklines

-- Parse a raw line and split it into chunks by indices.
simpleTableRawLine :: Monad m => [Int] -> RSTParser m [Text]
simpleTableRawLine indices = simpleTableSplitLine indices <$> anyLine

simpleTableRawLineWithEmptyCell :: Monad m => [Int] -> RSTParser m [Text]
simpleTableRawLineWithEmptyCell indices = try $ do
  cs <- simpleTableRawLine indices
  let isEmptyCell = T.all (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t')
  guard $ any isEmptyCell cs
  return cs

-- Parse a table row and return a list of blocks (columns).
simpleTableRow :: PandocMonad m => [Int] -> RSTParser m [Blocks]
simpleTableRow indices = do
  notFollowedBy' simpleTableFooter
  firstLine <- simpleTableRawLine indices
  conLines  <- many $ simpleTableRawLineWithEmptyCell indices
  let cols = map T.unlines . transpose $ firstLine : conLines ++
                                  [replicate (length indices) ""
                                    | not (null conLines)]
  mapM (parseFromString' parseBlocks) cols

simpleTableSplitLine :: [Int] -> Text -> [Text]
simpleTableSplitLine indices line =
  map trimr
  $ tail $ splitTextByIndices (init indices) line

simpleTableHeader :: PandocMonad m
                  => Bool  -- ^ Headerless table
                  -> RSTParser m ([Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
simpleTableHeader headless = try $ do
  optional blanklines
  rawContent  <- if headless
                    then return ""
                    else simpleTableSep '=' >> anyLine
  dashes      <- if headless
                    then simpleDashedLines '='
                    else simpleDashedLines '=' <|> simpleDashedLines '-'
  let lines'   = map snd dashes
  let indices  = scanl (+) 0 lines'
  let aligns   = replicate (length lines') AlignDefault
  let rawHeads = if headless
                    then replicate (length dashes) ""
                    else simpleTableSplitLine indices rawContent
  heads <- mapM ( parseFromString' (mconcat <$> many plain) . trim) rawHeads
  return (heads, aligns, indices)

-- Parse a simple table.
simpleTable :: PandocMonad m
            => Bool  -- ^ Headerless table
            -> RSTParser m Blocks
simpleTable headless = do
  let wrapIdFst (a, b, c) = (Identity a, b, c)
      wrapId = fmap Identity
  tbl <- runIdentity <$> tableWith
           (wrapIdFst <$> simpleTableHeader headless)
           (wrapId <$> simpleTableRow)
           sep simpleTableFooter
  -- Simple tables get 0s for relative column widths (i.e., use default)
  case B.toList tbl of
       [Table attr cap spec th tb tf] -> return $ B.singleton $
                                         Table attr cap (rewidth spec) th tb tf
       _ ->
         throwError $ PandocShouldNeverHappenError
            "tableWith returned something unexpected"
  sep = return () -- optional (simpleTableSep '-')
  rewidth = fmap $ fmap $ const ColWidthDefault

gridTable :: PandocMonad m
          => Bool -- ^ Headerless table
          -> RSTParser m Blocks
gridTable headerless = runIdentity <$>
  gridTableWith (Identity <$> parseBlocks) headerless

table :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Blocks
table = gridTable False <|> simpleTable False <|>
        gridTable True  <|> simpleTable True <?> "table"

-- inline

inline :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
inline = choice [ note          -- can start with whitespace, so try before ws
                , link
                , strong
                , emph
                , code
                , subst
                , interpretedRole
                , inlineContent ] <?> "inline"

-- strings, spaces and other characters that can appear either by
-- themselves or within inline markup
inlineContent :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
inlineContent = choice [ whitespace
                       , str
                       , endline
                       , smart
                       , hyphens
                       , escapedChar
                       , symbol ] <?> "inline content"

parseInlineFromText :: PandocMonad m => Text -> RSTParser m Inlines
parseInlineFromText = parseFromString' (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline)

hyphens :: Monad m => RSTParser m Inlines
hyphens = do
  result <- many1Char (char '-')
  optional endline
  -- don't want to treat endline after hyphen or dash as a space
  return $ B.str result

escapedChar :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Inlines
escapedChar = do c <- escaped anyChar
                 return $ if c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'
                             -- '\ ' is null in RST
                             then mempty
                             else B.str $ T.singleton c

symbol :: Monad m => RSTParser m Inlines
symbol = do
  result <- oneOf specialChars
  return $ B.str $ T.singleton result

-- parses inline code, between codeStart and codeEnd
code :: Monad m => RSTParser m Inlines
code = try $ do
  string "``"
  result <- manyTillChar anyChar (try (string "``"))
  return $ B.code
         $ trim $ T.unwords $ T.lines result

-- succeeds only if we're not right after a str (ie. in middle of word)
atStart :: Monad m => RSTParser m a -> RSTParser m a
atStart p = do
  pos <- getPosition
  st <- getState
  -- single quote start can't be right after str
  guard $ stateLastStrPos st /= Just pos

emph :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
emph = B.emph . trimInlines . mconcat <$>
         enclosed (atStart $ char '*') (char '*') inlineContent

strong :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
strong = B.strong . trimInlines . mconcat <$>
          enclosed (atStart $ string "**") (try $ string "**") inlineContent

-- Note, this doesn't precisely implement the complex rule in
-- http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#inline-markup-recognition-rules
-- but it should be good enough for most purposes
-- TODO:
--  - Classes are silently discarded in addNewRole
--  - Allows direct use of the :raw: role, rST only allows inherited use.
interpretedRole :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
interpretedRole = try $ do
  (role, contents) <- roleBefore <|> roleAfter
  renderRole contents Nothing role nullAttr

renderRole :: PandocMonad m
           => Text -> Maybe Text -> Text -> Attr -> RSTParser m Inlines
renderRole contents fmt role attr = case role of
    "sup"  -> return $ B.superscript $ treatAsText contents
    "superscript" -> return $ B.superscript $ treatAsText contents
    "sub"  -> return $ B.subscript $ treatAsText contents
    "subscript"  -> return $ B.subscript $ treatAsText contents
    "emphasis" -> return $ B.emph $ treatAsText contents
    "strong" -> return $ B.strong $ treatAsText contents
    "rfc-reference" -> return $ rfcLink contents
    "RFC" -> return $ rfcLink contents
    "pep-reference" -> return $ pepLink contents
    "PEP" -> return $ pepLink contents
    "literal" -> return $ B.codeWith attr contents
    "math" -> return $ B.math contents
    "title-reference" -> titleRef contents
    "title" -> titleRef contents
    "t" -> titleRef contents
    "code" -> return $ B.codeWith attr contents
    "span" -> return $ B.spanWith attr $ treatAsText contents
    "raw" -> return $ B.rawInline (fromMaybe "" fmt) contents
    custom -> do
        customRoles <- stateRstCustomRoles <$> getState
        case M.lookup custom customRoles of
            Just (newRole, newFmt, newAttr) ->
                renderRole contents newFmt newRole newAttr
            Nothing -> -- undefined role
                return $ B.codeWith ("",["interpreted-text"],[("role",role)])
   titleRef ref = return $ B.spanWith ("",["title-ref"],[]) $ treatAsText ref
   rfcLink rfcNo = B.link rfcUrl ("RFC " <> rfcNo) $ B.str ("RFC " <> rfcNo)
     where rfcUrl = "http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc" <> rfcNo <> ".html"
   pepLink pepNo = B.link pepUrl ("PEP " <> pepNo) $ B.str ("PEP " <> pepNo)
     where padNo = T.replicate (4 - T.length pepNo) "0" <> pepNo
           pepUrl = "http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-" <> padNo <> "/"
   treatAsText = B.text . handleEscapes
   handleEscapes = T.concat . removeSpace . T.splitOn "\\"
     where headSpace t = fromMaybe t $ T.stripPrefix " " t
           removeSpace (x:xs) = x : map headSpace xs
           removeSpace []     = []

roleName :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
roleName = many1Char (letter <|> char '-')

roleMarker :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
roleMarker = char ':' *> roleName <* char ':'

roleBefore :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m (Text,Text)
roleBefore = try $ do
  role <- roleMarker
  contents <- unmarkedInterpretedText
  return (role,contents)

roleAfter :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m (Text,Text)
roleAfter = try $ do
  contents <- unmarkedInterpretedText
  role <- roleMarker <|> (stateRstDefaultRole <$> getState)
  return (role,contents)

unmarkedInterpretedText :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
unmarkedInterpretedText = try $ do
  atStart (char '`')
  contents <- mconcat <$> many1
       (  many1 (noneOf "`\\\n")
      <|> (char '\\' >> ((\c -> ['\\',c]) <$> noneOf "\n"))
      <|> (string "\n" <* notFollowedBy blankline)
      <|> try (string "`" <*
                notFollowedBy (() <$ roleMarker) <*
                lookAhead (satisfy isAlphaNum))
  char '`'
  return $ T.pack contents

whitespace :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
whitespace = B.space <$ skipMany1 spaceChar <?> "whitespace"

str :: Monad m => RSTParser m Inlines
str = do
  let strChar = noneOf ("\t\n " ++ specialChars)
  result <- many1Char strChar
  return $ B.str result

-- an endline character that can be treated as a space, not a structural break
endline :: Monad m => RSTParser m Inlines
endline = try $ do
  notFollowedBy blankline
  -- parse potential list-starts at beginning of line differently in a list:
  st <- getState
  when (stateParserContext st == ListItemState) $ notFollowedBy (anyOrderedListMarker >> spaceChar) >>
          notFollowedBy' bulletListStart
  return B.softbreak

-- links

link :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
link = choice [explicitLink, referenceLink, autoLink]  <?> "link"

explicitLink :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
explicitLink = try $ do
  char '`'
  notFollowedBy (char '`') -- `` marks start of inline code
  label' <- trimInlines . mconcat <$>
             manyTill (notFollowedBy (char '`') >> inlineContent) (char '<')
  src <- trim <$> manyTillChar (noneOf ">\n") (char '>')
  string "`_"
  optional $ char '_' -- anonymous form
  let label'' = if label' == mempty
                   then B.str src
                   else label'
  -- `link <google_>` is a reference link to _google!
  ((src',tit),attr) <-
    if isURI src
       then return ((src, ""), nullAttr)
         case T.unsnoc src of
           Just (xs, '_') -> lookupKey [] (toKey xs)
           _              -> return ((src, ""), nullAttr)
  return $ B.linkWith attr (escapeURI src') tit label''

citationName :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Text
citationName = do
  raw <- citationMarker
  return $ "[" <> raw <> "]"

referenceLink :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
referenceLink = try $ do
  ref <- (referenceName <|> citationName) <* char '_'
  let label' = B.text ref
  let isAnonKey (Key (T.uncons -> Just ('_',_))) = True
      isAnonKey _                                = False
  state <- getState
  let keyTable = stateKeys state
  key <- option (toKey ref) $
                do char '_'
                   let anonKeys = sort $ filter isAnonKey $ M.keys keyTable
                   case anonKeys of
                        []    -> mzero
                        (k:_) -> return k
  ((src,tit), attr) <- lookupKey [] key
  -- if anonymous link, remove key so it won't be used again
  when (isAnonKey key) $ updateState $ \s ->
                          s{ stateKeys = M.delete key keyTable }
  return $ B.linkWith attr src tit label'

-- We keep a list of oldkeys so we can detect lookup loops.
lookupKey :: PandocMonad m
          => [Key] -> Key -> RSTParser m ((Text, Text), Attr)
lookupKey oldkeys key = do
  pos <- getPosition
  state <- getState
  let keyTable = stateKeys state
  case M.lookup key keyTable of
       Nothing  -> do
         let Key key' = key
         logMessage $ ReferenceNotFound key' pos
         return (("",""),nullAttr)
       -- check for keys of the form link_, which need to be resolved:
       Just ((u, ""),_) | T.length u > 1, T.last u == '_', T.head u /= '#' -> do
         let rawkey = T.init u
         let newkey = toKey rawkey
         if newkey `elem` oldkeys
            then do
              logMessage $ CircularReference rawkey pos
              return (("",""),nullAttr)
            else lookupKey (key:oldkeys) newkey
       Just val -> return val

autoURI :: Monad m => RSTParser m Inlines
autoURI = do
  (orig, src) <- uri
  return $ B.link src "" $ B.str orig

autoEmail :: Monad m => RSTParser m Inlines
autoEmail = do
  (orig, src) <- emailAddress
  return $ B.link src "" $ B.str orig

autoLink :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
autoLink = autoURI <|> autoEmail

subst :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
subst = try $ do
  (_,ref) <- withRaw $ enclosed (char '|') (char '|') inline
  state <- getState
  let substTable = stateSubstitutions state
  let key = toKey $ stripFirstAndLast ref
  case M.lookup key substTable of
       Nothing     -> do
         pos <- getPosition
         logMessage $ ReferenceNotFound (tshow key) pos
         return mempty
       Just target -> return target

note :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
note = try $ do
  optional whitespace
  ref <- noteMarker
  char '_'
  state <- getState
  let notes = stateNotes state
  case lookup ref notes of
    Nothing   -> do
      pos <- getPosition
      logMessage $ ReferenceNotFound ref pos
      return mempty
    Just raw  -> do
      -- We temporarily empty the note list while parsing the note,
      -- so that we don't get infinite loops with notes inside notes...
      -- Note references inside other notes are allowed in reST, but
      -- not yet in this implementation.
      updateState $ \st -> st{ stateNotes = [] }
      contents <- parseFromString' parseBlocks raw
      let newnotes = if ref == "*" || ref == "#" -- auto-numbered
                        -- delete the note so the next auto-numbered note
                        -- doesn't get the same contents:
                        then deleteFirstsBy (==) notes [(ref,raw)]
                        else notes
      updateState $ \st -> st{ stateNotes = newnotes }
      return $ B.note contents

smart :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
smart = do
  guardEnabled Ext_smart
  doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted <|>
    choice [apostrophe, dash, ellipses]

singleQuoted :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
singleQuoted = try $ do
  withQuoteContext InSingleQuote $
    B.singleQuoted . trimInlines . mconcat <$>
      many1Till inline singleQuoteEnd

doubleQuoted :: PandocMonad m => RSTParser m Inlines
doubleQuoted = try $ do
  withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote $
    B.doubleQuoted . trimInlines . mconcat <$>
      many1Till inline doubleQuoteEnd