{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{- |
   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.ParserState
   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Albert Krewinkel
   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above

   Maintainer  : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb+pandoc@moltkeplatz.de>

Define the Org-mode parser state.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.ParserState
  ( OrgParserState (..)
  , defaultOrgParserState
  , OrgParserLocal (..)
  , OrgNoteRecord
  , Tag(..)
  , HasReaderOptions (..)
  , HasQuoteContext (..)
  , HasMacros (..)
  , TodoMarker (..)
  , TodoSequence
  , TodoState (..)
  , activeTodoMarkers
  , registerTodoSequence
  , MacroExpander
  , lookupMacro
  , registerMacro
  , F
  , askF
  , asksF
  , trimInlinesF
  , runF
  , returnF
  , ExportSettings (..)
  , ArchivedTreesOption (..)
  , TeXExport (..)
  , optionsToParserState
  ) where

import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, asks, local)

import Data.Default (Default (..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)

import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Blocks)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Meta (..), nullMeta)
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing (Future, HasIdentifierList (..),
                            HasIncludeFiles (..), HasLastStrPosition (..),
                            HasLogMessages (..), HasMacros (..),
                            HasQuoteContext (..), HasReaderOptions (..),
                            ParserContext (..), QuoteContext (..), SourcePos,
                            askF, asksF, returnF, runF, trimInlinesF)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types (Macro)

-- | This is used to delay evaluation until all relevant information has been
-- parsed and made available in the parser state.
type F = Future OrgParserState

-- | An inline note / footnote containing the note key and its (inline) value.
type OrgNoteRecord = (Text, F Blocks)
-- | Table of footnotes
type OrgNoteTable = [OrgNoteRecord]
-- | Map of functions for link transformations.  The map key is refers to the
-- link-type, the corresponding function transforms the given link string.
type OrgLinkFormatters = M.Map Text (Text -> Text)
-- | Macro expander function
type MacroExpander = [Text] -> Text
-- | Tag
newtype Tag = Tag { fromTag :: Text }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | The states in which a todo item can be
data TodoState = Todo | Done
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A ToDo keyword like @TODO@ or @DONE@.
data TodoMarker = TodoMarker
  { todoMarkerState :: TodoState
  , todoMarkerName  :: Text
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Collection of todo markers in the order in which items should progress
type TodoSequence = [TodoMarker]

-- | Org-mode parser state
data OrgParserState = OrgParserState
  { orgStateAnchorIds            :: [Text]
  , orgStateEmphasisCharStack    :: [Char]
  , orgStateEmphasisPreChars     :: [Char] -- ^ Chars allowed to occur before
                                           -- emphasis; spaces and newlines are
                                           -- always ok in addition to what is
                                           -- specified here.
  , orgStateEmphasisPostChars    :: [Char] -- ^ Chars allowed at after emphasis
  , orgStateEmphasisNewlines     :: Maybe Int
  , orgStateExcludeTags          :: Set.Set Tag
  , orgStateExcludeTagsChanged   :: Bool
  , orgStateExportSettings       :: ExportSettings
  , orgStateIdentifiers          :: Set.Set Text
  , orgStateIncludeFiles         :: [Text]
  , orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos :: Maybe SourcePos
  , orgStateLastPreCharPos       :: Maybe SourcePos
  , orgStateLastStrPos           :: Maybe SourcePos
  , orgStateLinkFormatters       :: OrgLinkFormatters
  , orgStateMacros               :: M.Map Text MacroExpander
  , orgStateMacroDepth           :: Int
  , orgStateMeta                 :: F Meta
  , orgStateNotes'               :: OrgNoteTable
  , orgStateOptions              :: ReaderOptions
  , orgStateParserContext        :: ParserContext
  , orgStateSelectTags           :: Set.Set Tag
  , orgStateSelectTagsChanged    :: Bool
  , orgStateTodoSequences        :: [TodoSequence]
  , orgStateTrimLeadBlkIndent    :: Bool
  , orgLogMessages               :: [LogMessage]
  , orgMacros                    :: M.Map Text Macro

newtype OrgParserLocal = OrgParserLocal
  { orgLocalQuoteContext :: QuoteContext

instance Default OrgParserLocal where
  def = OrgParserLocal NoQuote

instance HasReaderOptions OrgParserState where
  extractReaderOptions = orgStateOptions

instance HasLastStrPosition OrgParserState where
  getLastStrPos = orgStateLastStrPos
  setLastStrPos pos st = st{ orgStateLastStrPos = pos }

instance Monad m => HasQuoteContext st (ReaderT OrgParserLocal m) where
  getQuoteContext = asks orgLocalQuoteContext
  withQuoteContext q = local (\s -> s{orgLocalQuoteContext = q})

instance HasIdentifierList OrgParserState where
  extractIdentifierList = orgStateIdentifiers
  updateIdentifierList f s = s{ orgStateIdentifiers = f (orgStateIdentifiers s) }

instance HasLogMessages OrgParserState where
  addLogMessage msg st = st{ orgLogMessages = msg : orgLogMessages st }
  getLogMessages st = reverse $ orgLogMessages st

instance HasMacros OrgParserState where
  extractMacros st = orgMacros st
  updateMacros f st = st{ orgMacros = f (orgMacros st) }

instance HasIncludeFiles OrgParserState where
  getIncludeFiles = orgStateIncludeFiles
  addIncludeFile f st = st { orgStateIncludeFiles = f : orgStateIncludeFiles st }
  dropLatestIncludeFile st =
    st { orgStateIncludeFiles = drop 1 $ orgStateIncludeFiles st }

instance Default OrgParserState where
  def = defaultOrgParserState

defaultOrgParserState :: OrgParserState
defaultOrgParserState = OrgParserState
  { orgStateAnchorIds = []
  , orgStateEmphasisPreChars = "-\t ('\"{"
  , orgStateEmphasisPostChars  = "-\t\n .,:!?;'\")}["
  , orgStateEmphasisCharStack = []
  , orgStateEmphasisNewlines = Nothing
  , orgStateExportSettings = def
  , orgStateExcludeTags = Set.singleton $ Tag "noexport"
  , orgStateExcludeTagsChanged = False
  , orgStateIdentifiers = Set.empty
  , orgStateIncludeFiles = []
  , orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos = Nothing
  , orgStateLastPreCharPos = Nothing
  , orgStateLastStrPos = Nothing
  , orgStateLinkFormatters = M.empty
  , orgStateMacros = M.empty
  , orgStateMacroDepth = 0
  , orgStateMeta = return nullMeta
  , orgStateNotes' = []
  , orgStateOptions = def
  , orgStateParserContext = NullState
  , orgStateSelectTags = Set.singleton $ Tag "export"
  , orgStateSelectTagsChanged = False
  , orgStateTrimLeadBlkIndent = True
  , orgStateTodoSequences = []
  , orgLogMessages = []
  , orgMacros = M.empty

optionsToParserState :: ReaderOptions -> OrgParserState
optionsToParserState opts =
  def { orgStateOptions = opts }

registerTodoSequence :: TodoSequence -> OrgParserState -> OrgParserState
registerTodoSequence todoSeq st =
  let curSeqs = orgStateTodoSequences st
  in st{ orgStateTodoSequences = todoSeq : curSeqs }

-- | Get the current todo/done sequences. If no custom todo sequences have been
-- defined, return a list containing just the default todo/done sequence.
activeTodoSequences :: OrgParserState -> [TodoSequence]
activeTodoSequences st =
  let curSeqs = orgStateTodoSequences st
  in if null curSeqs
     then [[ TodoMarker Todo "TODO" , TodoMarker Done "DONE" ]]
     else curSeqs

activeTodoMarkers :: OrgParserState -> TodoSequence
activeTodoMarkers = concat . activeTodoSequences

lookupMacro :: Text -> OrgParserState -> Maybe MacroExpander
lookupMacro macroName = M.lookup macroName . orgStateMacros

registerMacro :: (Text, MacroExpander) -> OrgParserState -> OrgParserState
registerMacro (name, expander) st =
  let curMacros = orgStateMacros st
  in st{ orgStateMacros = M.insert name expander curMacros }

-- Export Settings

-- | Options for the way archived trees are handled.
data ArchivedTreesOption =
    ArchivedTreesExport       -- ^ Export the complete tree
  | ArchivedTreesNoExport     -- ^ Exclude archived trees from exporting
  | ArchivedTreesHeadlineOnly -- ^ Export only the headline, discard the contents

-- | Options for the handling of LaTeX environments and fragments.
-- Represents allowed values of Emacs variable @org-export-with-latex@.
data TeXExport
  = TeXExport                 -- ^ Include raw TeX in the output
  | TeXIgnore                 -- ^ Ignore raw TeX
  | TeXVerbatim               -- ^ Keep everything in verbatim

-- | Export settings <http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-settings.html>
-- These settings can be changed via OPTIONS statements.
data ExportSettings = ExportSettings
  { exportArchivedTrees    :: ArchivedTreesOption -- ^ How to treat archived trees
  , exportDrawers          :: Either [Text] [Text]
  -- ^ Specify drawer names which should be exported.  @Left@ names are
  -- explicitly excluded from the resulting output while @Right@ means that
  -- only the listed drawer names should be included.
  , exportEmphasizedText   :: Bool -- ^ Parse emphasized text
  , exportHeadlineLevels   :: Int
  -- ^ Maximum depth of headlines, deeper headlines are convert to list
  , exportPreserveBreaks   :: Bool -- ^ Whether to preserve linebreaks
  , exportSmartQuotes      :: Bool -- ^ Parse quotes smartly
  , exportSpecialStrings   :: Bool -- ^ Parse ellipses and dashes smartly
  , exportSubSuperscripts  :: Bool -- ^ TeX-like syntax for sub- and superscripts
  , exportWithAuthor       :: Bool -- ^ Include author in final meta-data
  , exportWithCreator      :: Bool -- ^ Include creator in final meta-data
  , exportWithEmail        :: Bool -- ^ Include email in final meta-data
  , exportWithEntities     :: Bool -- ^ Include MathML-like entities
  , exportWithFootnotes    :: Bool -- ^ Include footnotes
  , exportWithLatex        :: TeXExport -- ^ Handling of raw TeX commands
  , exportWithPlanning     :: Bool -- ^ Keep planning info after headlines
  , exportWithTags         :: Bool -- ^ Keep tags as part of headlines
  , exportWithTables       :: Bool -- ^ Include tables
  , exportWithTodoKeywords :: Bool -- ^ Keep TODO keywords in headers

instance Default ExportSettings where
  def = defaultExportSettings

defaultExportSettings :: ExportSettings
defaultExportSettings = ExportSettings
  { exportArchivedTrees = ArchivedTreesHeadlineOnly
  , exportDrawers = Left ["LOGBOOK"]
  , exportEmphasizedText = True
  , exportHeadlineLevels = 3
  , exportPreserveBreaks = False
  , exportSmartQuotes = False
  , exportSpecialStrings = True
  , exportSubSuperscripts = True
  , exportWithAuthor = True
  , exportWithCreator = True
  , exportWithEmail = True
  , exportWithEntities = True
  , exportWithFootnotes = True
  , exportWithLatex = TeXExport
  , exportWithPlanning = False
  , exportWithTags = True
  , exportWithTables = True
  , exportWithTodoKeywords = True