{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
Copyright (C) 2014 Albert Krewinkel <tarleb@moltkeplatz.de>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

{- |
   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org
   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2014 Albert Krewinkel
   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above

   Maintainer  : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb@moltkeplatz.de>

Conversion of org-mode formatted plain text to 'Pandoc' document.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org ( readOrg ) where

import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import           Text.Pandoc.Builder ( Inlines, Blocks, HasMeta(..), (<>)
                                     , trimInlines )
import           Text.Pandoc.Definition
import           Text.Pandoc.Options
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Parsing as P
import           Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ( newline, orderedListMarker
                                            , parseFromString, blanklines
import           Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX (inlineCommand, rawLaTeXInline)
import           Text.Pandoc.Shared (compactify', compactify'DL)
import           Text.TeXMath (readTeX, writePandoc, DisplayType(..))
import qualified Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.EntityMap as MathMLEntityMap

import           Control.Applicative ( pure
                                     , (<$>), (<$), (<*>), (<*), (*>) )
import           Control.Arrow (first)
import           Control.Monad (guard, mplus, mzero, when)
import           Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, asks, local)
import           Data.Char (isAlphaNum, toLower)
import           Data.Default
import           Data.List (intersperse, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import           Data.Monoid (mconcat, mempty, mappend)
import           Network.HTTP (urlEncode)

import           Text.Pandoc.Error

-- | Parse org-mode string and return a Pandoc document.
readOrg :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
        -> String        -- ^ String to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings)
        -> Either PandocError Pandoc
readOrg opts s = runOrg opts s parseOrg

data OrgParserLocal = OrgParserLocal { orgLocalQuoteContext :: QuoteContext
                                     , finalState :: OrgParserState }

type OrgParser = ParserT [Char] OrgParserState (Reader OrgParserLocal)

runOrg :: ReaderOptions -> String -> OrgParser a -> Either PandocError a
runOrg opts inp p = fst <$> res
    imd = readWithM (returnState p) def{ orgStateOptions = opts } (inp ++ "\n\n")
    res = runReader imd def { finalState = s }
    s :: OrgParserState
    s   = either def snd res

parseOrg :: OrgParser Pandoc
parseOrg = do
  blocks' <- parseBlocks
  st <- getState
  let meta = orgStateMeta st
  let removeUnwantedBlocks = dropCommentTrees . filter (/= Null)
  return $ Pandoc meta $ removeUnwantedBlocks (B.toList $ blocks')

-- | Drop COMMENT headers and the document tree below those headers.
dropCommentTrees :: [Block] -> [Block]
dropCommentTrees [] = []
dropCommentTrees blks@(b:bs) =
  maybe blks (flip dropUntilHeaderAboveLevel bs) $ commentHeaderLevel b

-- | Return the level of a header starting a comment tree and Nothing
-- otherwise.
commentHeaderLevel :: Block -> Maybe Int
commentHeaderLevel blk =
   case blk of
     (Header level _ ((Str "COMMENT"):_)) -> Just level
     _                                    -> Nothing

-- | Drop blocks until a header on or above the given level is seen
dropUntilHeaderAboveLevel :: Int -> [Block] -> [Block]
dropUntilHeaderAboveLevel n = dropWhile (not . isHeaderLevelLowerEq n)

isHeaderLevelLowerEq :: Int -> Block -> Bool
isHeaderLevelLowerEq n blk =
  case blk of
    (Header level _ _) -> n >= level
    _                  -> False

-- Parser State for Org

type OrgNoteRecord = (String, Blocks)
type OrgNoteTable = [OrgNoteRecord]

type OrgBlockAttributes = M.Map String String

type OrgLinkFormatters = M.Map String (String -> String)

-- | Org-mode parser state
data OrgParserState = OrgParserState
                      { orgStateOptions              :: ReaderOptions
                      , orgStateAnchorIds            :: [String]
                      , orgStateBlockAttributes      :: OrgBlockAttributes
                      , orgStateEmphasisCharStack    :: [Char]
                      , orgStateEmphasisNewlines     :: Maybe Int
                      , orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos :: Maybe SourcePos
                      , orgStateLastPreCharPos       :: Maybe SourcePos
                      , orgStateLastStrPos           :: Maybe SourcePos
                      , orgStateLinkFormatters       :: OrgLinkFormatters
                      , orgStateMeta                 :: Meta
                      , orgStateNotes'               :: OrgNoteTable

instance Default OrgParserLocal where
  def = OrgParserLocal NoQuote def

instance HasReaderOptions OrgParserState where
  extractReaderOptions = orgStateOptions

instance HasMeta OrgParserState where
  setMeta field val st =
    st{ orgStateMeta = setMeta field val $ orgStateMeta st }
  deleteMeta field st =
    st{ orgStateMeta = deleteMeta field $ orgStateMeta st }

instance HasLastStrPosition OrgParserState where
  getLastStrPos = orgStateLastStrPos
  setLastStrPos pos st = st{ orgStateLastStrPos = Just pos }

instance HasQuoteContext st (Reader OrgParserLocal) where
  getQuoteContext = asks orgLocalQuoteContext
  withQuoteContext q = local (\s -> s{orgLocalQuoteContext = q})

instance Default OrgParserState where
  def = defaultOrgParserState

defaultOrgParserState :: OrgParserState
defaultOrgParserState = OrgParserState
                        { orgStateOptions = def
                        , orgStateAnchorIds = []
                        , orgStateBlockAttributes = M.empty
                        , orgStateEmphasisCharStack = []
                        , orgStateEmphasisNewlines = Nothing
                        , orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos = Nothing
                        , orgStateLastPreCharPos = Nothing
                        , orgStateLastStrPos = Nothing
                        , orgStateLinkFormatters = M.empty
                        , orgStateMeta = nullMeta
                        , orgStateNotes' = []

recordAnchorId :: String -> OrgParser ()
recordAnchorId i = updateState $ \s ->
  let as = orgStateAnchorIds s in
  s{ orgStateAnchorIds = i : as }

addBlockAttribute :: String -> String -> OrgParser ()
addBlockAttribute key val = updateState $ \s ->
  let attrs = orgStateBlockAttributes s
  in s{ orgStateBlockAttributes = M.insert key val attrs }

lookupBlockAttribute :: String -> OrgParser (Maybe String)
lookupBlockAttribute key =
  M.lookup key . orgStateBlockAttributes <$> getState

resetBlockAttributes :: OrgParser ()
resetBlockAttributes = updateState $ \s ->
  s{ orgStateBlockAttributes = orgStateBlockAttributes def }

updateLastForbiddenCharPos :: OrgParser ()
updateLastForbiddenCharPos = getPosition >>= \p ->
  updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos = Just p}

updateLastPreCharPos :: OrgParser ()
updateLastPreCharPos = getPosition >>= \p ->
  updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastPreCharPos = Just p}

pushToInlineCharStack :: Char -> OrgParser ()
pushToInlineCharStack c = updateState $ \s ->
  s{ orgStateEmphasisCharStack = c:orgStateEmphasisCharStack s }

popInlineCharStack :: OrgParser ()
popInlineCharStack = updateState $ \s ->
  s{ orgStateEmphasisCharStack = drop 1 . orgStateEmphasisCharStack $ s }

surroundingEmphasisChar :: OrgParser [Char]
surroundingEmphasisChar =
  take 1 . drop 1 . orgStateEmphasisCharStack <$> getState

startEmphasisNewlinesCounting :: Int -> OrgParser ()
startEmphasisNewlinesCounting maxNewlines = updateState $ \s ->
  s{ orgStateEmphasisNewlines = Just maxNewlines }

decEmphasisNewlinesCount :: OrgParser ()
decEmphasisNewlinesCount = updateState $ \s ->
  s{ orgStateEmphasisNewlines = (\n -> n - 1) <$> orgStateEmphasisNewlines s }

newlinesCountWithinLimits :: OrgParser Bool
newlinesCountWithinLimits = do
  st <- getState
  return $ ((< 0) <$> orgStateEmphasisNewlines st) /= Just True

resetEmphasisNewlines :: OrgParser ()
resetEmphasisNewlines = updateState $ \s ->
  s{ orgStateEmphasisNewlines = Nothing }

addLinkFormat :: String
              -> (String -> String)
              -> OrgParser ()
addLinkFormat key formatter = updateState $ \s ->
  let fs = orgStateLinkFormatters s
  in s{ orgStateLinkFormatters = M.insert key formatter fs }

addToNotesTable :: OrgNoteRecord -> OrgParser ()
addToNotesTable note = do
  oldnotes <- orgStateNotes' <$> getState
  updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateNotes' = note:oldnotes }

-- The version Text.Pandoc.Parsing cannot be used, as we need additional parts
-- of the state saved and restored.
parseFromString :: OrgParser a -> String -> OrgParser a
parseFromString parser str' = do
  oldLastPreCharPos <- orgStateLastPreCharPos <$> getState
  updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastPreCharPos = Nothing }
  result <- P.parseFromString parser str'
  updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastPreCharPos = oldLastPreCharPos }
  return result

-- Adaptions and specializations of parsing utilities

-- | Like @Text.Parsec.Char.newline@, but causes additional state changes.
newline :: OrgParser Char
newline =
       <* updateLastPreCharPos
       <* updateLastForbiddenCharPos

-- | Like @Text.Parsec.Char.blanklines@, but causes additional state changes.
blanklines :: OrgParser [Char]
blanklines =
       <* updateLastPreCharPos
       <* updateLastForbiddenCharPos

-- parsing blocks

parseBlocks :: OrgParser Blocks
parseBlocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block eof

block :: OrgParser Blocks
block = choice [ mempty <$ blanklines
               , optionalAttributes $ choice
                 [ orgBlock
                 , figure
                 , table
               , example
               , drawer
               , specialLine
               , header
               , hline
               , list
               , latexFragment
               , noteBlock
               , paraOrPlain
               ] <?> "block"

optionalAttributes :: OrgParser Blocks -> OrgParser Blocks
optionalAttributes parser = try $
  resetBlockAttributes *> parseBlockAttributes *> parser

parseBlockAttributes :: OrgParser ()
parseBlockAttributes = do
  attrs <- many attribute
  mapM_ (uncurry parseAndAddAttribute) attrs
   attribute :: OrgParser (String, String)
   attribute = try $ do
         key <- metaLineStart *> many1Till nonspaceChar (char ':')
         val <- skipSpaces *> anyLine
         return (map toLower key, val)

parseAndAddAttribute :: String -> String -> OrgParser ()
parseAndAddAttribute key value = do
  let key' = map toLower key
  () <$ addBlockAttribute key' value

lookupInlinesAttr :: String -> OrgParser (Maybe Inlines)
lookupInlinesAttr attr = try $ do
  val <- lookupBlockAttribute attr
  maybe (return Nothing)
        (fmap Just . parseFromString parseInlines)

-- Org Blocks (#+BEGIN_... / #+END_...)

type BlockProperties = (Int, String)  -- (Indentation, Block-Type)

orgBlock :: OrgParser Blocks
orgBlock = try $ do
  blockProp@(_, blkType) <- blockHeaderStart
  ($ blockProp) $
    case blkType of
      "comment" -> withRaw'   (const mempty)
      "html"    -> withRaw'   (B.rawBlock blkType)
      "latex"   -> withRaw'   (B.rawBlock blkType)
      "ascii"   -> withRaw'   (B.rawBlock blkType)
      "example" -> withRaw'   exampleCode
      "quote"   -> withParsed B.blockQuote
      "verse"   -> verseBlock
      "src"     -> codeBlock
      _         -> withParsed (divWithClass blkType)

blockHeaderStart :: OrgParser (Int, String)
blockHeaderStart = try $ (,) <$> indent <*> blockType
  indent    = length      <$> many spaceChar
  blockType = map toLower <$> (stringAnyCase "#+begin_" *> orgArgWord)

withRaw'   :: (String   -> Blocks) -> BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
withRaw'   f blockProp = (ignHeaders *> (f <$> rawBlockContent blockProp))

withParsed :: (Blocks -> Blocks) -> BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
withParsed f blockProp = (ignHeaders *> (f <$> parsedBlockContent blockProp))

ignHeaders :: OrgParser ()
ignHeaders = (() <$ newline) <|> (() <$ anyLine)

divWithClass :: String -> Blocks -> Blocks
divWithClass cls = B.divWith ("", [cls], [])

verseBlock :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
verseBlock blkProp = try $ do
  content <- rawBlockContent blkProp
  B.para . mconcat . intersperse B.linebreak
    <$> mapM (parseFromString parseInlines) (lines content)

exportsCode :: [(String, String)] -> Bool
exportsCode attrs = not (("rundoc-exports", "none") `elem` attrs
                         || ("rundoc-exports", "results") `elem` attrs)

exportsResults :: [(String, String)] -> Bool
exportsResults attrs = ("rundoc-exports", "results") `elem` attrs
                       || ("rundoc-exports", "both") `elem` attrs

followingResultsBlock :: OrgParser (Maybe String)
followingResultsBlock =
       optionMaybe (try $ blanklines *> stringAnyCase "#+RESULTS:"
                                     *> blankline
                                     *> (unlines <$> many1 exampleLine))

codeBlock :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
codeBlock blkProp = do
  (classes, kv)     <- codeHeaderArgs <|> (mempty <$ ignHeaders)
  id'               <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupBlockAttribute "name"
  content           <- rawBlockContent blkProp
  resultsContent    <- followingResultsBlock
  let includeCode    = exportsCode kv
  let includeResults = exportsResults kv
  let codeBlck       = B.codeBlockWith ( id', classes, kv ) content
  labelledBlck     <- maybe codeBlck (labelDiv codeBlck)
                             <$> lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
  let resultBlck     = maybe mempty exampleCode resultsContent
  return $ (if includeCode then labelledBlck else mempty)
           <> (if includeResults then resultBlck else mempty)
   labelDiv blk value =
       B.divWith nullAttr (labelledBlock value <> blk)
   labelledBlock =  B.plain . B.spanWith ("", ["label"], [])

rawBlockContent :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser String
rawBlockContent (indent, blockType) = try $
  unlines . map commaEscaped <$> manyTill indentedLine blockEnder
   indentedLine = try $ ("" <$ blankline) <|> (indentWith indent *> anyLine)
   blockEnder = try $ indentWith indent *> stringAnyCase ("#+end_" <> blockType)

parsedBlockContent :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
parsedBlockContent blkProps = try $ do
  raw <- rawBlockContent blkProps
  parseFromString parseBlocks (raw ++ "\n")

-- indent by specified number of spaces (or equiv. tabs)
indentWith :: Int -> OrgParser String
indentWith num = do
  tabStop <- getOption readerTabStop
  if num < tabStop
     then count num (char ' ')
     else choice [ try (count num (char ' '))
                 , try (char '\t' >> count (num - tabStop) (char ' ')) ]

type SwitchOption = (Char, Maybe String)

orgArgWord :: OrgParser String
orgArgWord = many1 orgArgWordChar

-- | Parse code block arguments
-- TODO: We currently don't handle switches.
codeHeaderArgs :: OrgParser ([String], [(String, String)])
codeHeaderArgs = try $ do
  language   <- skipSpaces *> orgArgWord
  _          <- skipSpaces *> (try $ switch `sepBy` (many1 spaceChar))
  parameters <- manyTill blockOption newline
  let pandocLang = translateLang language
  return $
    if hasRundocParameters parameters
    then ( [ pandocLang, rundocBlockClass ]
         , map toRundocAttrib (("language", language) : parameters)
    else ([ pandocLang ], parameters)
 where hasRundocParameters = not . null

switch :: OrgParser SwitchOption
switch = try $ simpleSwitch <|> lineNumbersSwitch
   simpleSwitch = (\c -> (c, Nothing)) <$> (oneOf "-+" *> letter)
   lineNumbersSwitch = (\ls -> ('l', Just ls)) <$>
                       (string "-l \"" *> many1Till nonspaceChar (char '"'))

translateLang :: String -> String
translateLang "C"          = "c"
translateLang "C++"        = "cpp"
translateLang "emacs-lisp" = "commonlisp" -- emacs lisp is not supported
translateLang "js"         = "javascript"
translateLang "lisp"       = "commonlisp"
translateLang "R"          = "r"
translateLang "sh"         = "bash"
translateLang "sqlite"     = "sql"
translateLang cs = cs

-- | Prefix used for Rundoc classes and arguments.
rundocPrefix :: String
rundocPrefix = "rundoc-"

-- | The class-name used to mark rundoc blocks.
rundocBlockClass :: String
rundocBlockClass = rundocPrefix ++ "block"

blockOption :: OrgParser (String, String)
blockOption = try $ (,) <$> orgArgKey <*> orgParamValue

inlineBlockOption :: OrgParser (String, String)
inlineBlockOption = try $ (,) <$> orgArgKey <*> orgInlineParamValue

orgArgKey :: OrgParser String
orgArgKey = try $
  skipSpaces *> char ':'
             *> many1 orgArgWordChar

orgParamValue :: OrgParser String
orgParamValue = try $
  skipSpaces *> many1 (noneOf "\t\n\r ") <* skipSpaces

orgInlineParamValue :: OrgParser String
orgInlineParamValue = try $
  skipSpaces *> many1 (noneOf "\t\n\r ]") <* skipSpaces

orgArgWordChar :: OrgParser Char
orgArgWordChar = alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_"

toRundocAttrib :: (String, String) -> (String, String)
toRundocAttrib = first ("rundoc-" ++)

commaEscaped :: String -> String
commaEscaped (',':cs@('*':_))     = cs
commaEscaped (',':cs@('#':'+':_)) = cs
commaEscaped cs                   = cs

example :: OrgParser Blocks
example = try $ do
  return . exampleCode =<< unlines <$> many1 exampleLine

exampleCode :: String -> Blocks
exampleCode = B.codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], [])

exampleLine :: OrgParser String
exampleLine = try $ skipSpaces *> string ": " *> anyLine

-- Drawers for properties or a logbook
drawer :: OrgParser Blocks
drawer = try $ do
  manyTill drawerLine (try drawerEnd)
  return mempty

drawerStart :: OrgParser String
drawerStart = try $
  skipSpaces *> drawerName <* skipSpaces <* P.newline
 where drawerName = try $  char ':' *> validDrawerName <* char ':'
       validDrawerName =  stringAnyCase "PROPERTIES"
                          <|> stringAnyCase "LOGBOOK"

drawerLine :: OrgParser String
drawerLine = try anyLine

drawerEnd :: OrgParser String
drawerEnd = try $
  skipSpaces *> stringAnyCase ":END:" <* skipSpaces <* P.newline

-- Figures

-- Figures (Image on a line by itself, preceded by name and/or caption)
figure :: OrgParser Blocks
figure = try $ do
  (cap, nam) <- nameAndCaption
  src <- skipSpaces *> selfTarget <* skipSpaces <* P.newline
  guard (isImageFilename src)
  return $ B.para $ B.image src nam cap
   nameAndCaption =
         maybeCap <- lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
         maybeNam <- lookupBlockAttribute "name"
         guard $ isJust maybeCap || isJust maybeNam
         return ( fromMaybe mempty maybeCap
                , maybe mempty withFigPrefix maybeNam )
   withFigPrefix cs =
       if "fig:" `isPrefixOf` cs
       then cs
       else "fig:" ++ cs

-- Comments, Options and Metadata
specialLine :: OrgParser Blocks
specialLine =  try $ metaLine <|> commentLine

metaLine :: OrgParser Blocks
metaLine = try $ mempty
              <$ (metaLineStart *> (optionLine <|> declarationLine))

commentLine :: OrgParser Blocks
commentLine = try $ commentLineStart *> anyLine *> pure mempty

-- The order, in which blocks are tried, makes sure that we're not looking at
-- the beginning of a block, so we don't need to check for it
metaLineStart :: OrgParser String
metaLineStart = try $ mappend <$> many spaceChar <*> string "#+"

commentLineStart :: OrgParser String
commentLineStart = try $ mappend <$> many spaceChar <*> string "# "

declarationLine :: OrgParser ()
declarationLine = try $ do
  key <- metaKey
  inlines <- metaInlines
  updateState $ \st ->
    let meta' = B.setMeta key inlines nullMeta
    in st { orgStateMeta = orgStateMeta st <> meta' }
  return ()

metaInlines :: OrgParser MetaValue
metaInlines =  (MetaInlines . B.toList) <$> inlinesTillNewline

metaKey :: OrgParser String
metaKey = map toLower <$> many1 (noneOf ": \n\r")
                      <*  char ':'
                      <*  skipSpaces

optionLine :: OrgParser ()
optionLine = try $ do
  key <- metaKey
  case key of
    "link" -> parseLinkFormat >>= uncurry addLinkFormat
    _      -> mzero

parseLinkFormat :: OrgParser ((String, String -> String))
parseLinkFormat = try $ do
  linkType <- (:) <$> letter <*> many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_") <* skipSpaces
  linkSubst <- parseFormat
  return (linkType, linkSubst)

-- | An ad-hoc, single-argument-only implementation of a printf-style format
-- parser.
parseFormat :: OrgParser (String -> String)
parseFormat = try $ do
  replacePlain <|> replaceUrl <|> justAppend
   -- inefficient, but who cares
   replacePlain = try $ (\x -> concat . flip intersperse x)
                     <$> sequence [tillSpecifier 's', rest]
   replaceUrl   = try $ (\x -> concat . flip intersperse x . urlEncode)
                     <$> sequence [tillSpecifier 'h', rest]
   justAppend   = try $ (++) <$> rest

   rest            = manyTill anyChar         (eof <|> () <$ oneOf "\n\r")
   tillSpecifier c = manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") (try $ string ('%':c:""))

-- Headers

-- | Headers
header :: OrgParser Blocks
header = try $ do
  level <- headerStart
  title <- inlinesTillNewline
  return $ B.header level title

headerStart :: OrgParser Int
headerStart = try $
  (length <$> many1 (char '*')) <* many1 (char ' ')

-- Don't use (or need) the reader wrapper here, we want hline to be
-- @show@able.  Otherwise we can't use it with @notFollowedBy'@.

-- | Horizontal Line (five -- dashes or more)
hline :: OrgParser Blocks
hline = try $ do
  string "-----"
  many (char '-')
  return B.horizontalRule

-- Tables

data OrgTableRow = OrgContentRow [Blocks]
                 | OrgAlignRow [Alignment]
                 | OrgHlineRow

data OrgTable = OrgTable
  { orgTableColumns    :: Int
  , orgTableAlignments :: [Alignment]
  , orgTableHeader     :: [Blocks]
  , orgTableRows       :: [[Blocks]]

table :: OrgParser Blocks
table = try $ do
  lookAhead tableStart
    rows <- tableRows
    (cptn :: Inlines) <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
    return $ ($ cptn) . orgToPandocTable . normalizeTable . rowsToTable $ rows

orgToPandocTable :: OrgTable
                 -> Inlines
                 -> Blocks
orgToPandocTable (OrgTable _ aligns heads lns) caption =
  B.table caption (zip aligns $ repeat 0) heads lns

tableStart :: OrgParser Char
tableStart = try $ skipSpaces *> char '|'

tableRows :: OrgParser [OrgTableRow]
tableRows = try $ many (tableAlignRow <|> tableHline <|> tableContentRow)

tableContentRow :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
tableContentRow = try $
  OrgContentRow  <$> (tableStart *> manyTill tableContentCell newline)

tableContentCell :: OrgParser Blocks
tableContentCell = try $
  B.plain . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1Till inline endOfCell

endOfCell :: OrgParser Char
endOfCell = try $ char '|' <|> lookAhead newline

tableAlignRow :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
tableAlignRow = try $
  OrgAlignRow <$> (tableStart *> manyTill tableAlignCell newline)

tableAlignCell :: OrgParser Alignment
tableAlignCell =
  choice [ try $ emptyCell *> return AlignDefault
         , try $ skipSpaces
                   *> char '<'
                   *> tableAlignFromChar
                   <* many digit
                   <* char '>'
                   <* emptyCell
         ] <?> "alignment info"
    where emptyCell = try $ skipSpaces *> endOfCell

tableAlignFromChar :: OrgParser Alignment
tableAlignFromChar = try $ choice [ char 'l' *> return AlignLeft
                                  , char 'c' *> return AlignCenter
                                  , char 'r' *> return AlignRight

tableHline :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
tableHline = try $
  OrgHlineRow <$ (tableStart *> char '-' *> anyLine)

rowsToTable :: [OrgTableRow]
            -> OrgTable
rowsToTable = foldl' (flip rowToContent) zeroTable
  where zeroTable = OrgTable 0 mempty mempty mempty

normalizeTable :: OrgTable
               -> OrgTable
normalizeTable (OrgTable cols aligns heads lns) =
  let aligns' = fillColumns aligns AlignDefault
      heads'  = if heads == mempty
                then mempty
                else fillColumns heads (B.plain mempty)
      lns'    = map (`fillColumns` B.plain mempty) lns
      fillColumns base padding = take cols $ base ++ repeat padding
  in OrgTable cols aligns' heads' lns'

-- One or more horizontal rules after the first content line mark the previous
-- line as a header.  All other horizontal lines are discarded.
rowToContent :: OrgTableRow
             -> OrgTable
             -> OrgTable
rowToContent OrgHlineRow        t = maybeBodyToHeader t
rowToContent (OrgAlignRow as)   t = setLongestRow as . setAligns as $ t
rowToContent (OrgContentRow rf) t = setLongestRow rf .  appendToBody rf $ t

setLongestRow :: [a]
              -> OrgTable
              -> OrgTable
setLongestRow rs t =
  t{ orgTableColumns = max (length rs) (orgTableColumns t) }

maybeBodyToHeader :: OrgTable
                  -> OrgTable
maybeBodyToHeader t = case t of
  OrgTable{ orgTableHeader = [], orgTableRows = b:[] } ->
         t{ orgTableHeader = b , orgTableRows = [] }
  _   -> t

appendToBody :: [Blocks]
             -> OrgTable
             -> OrgTable
appendToBody r t = t{ orgTableRows = orgTableRows t ++ [r] }

setAligns :: [Alignment]
          -> OrgTable
          -> OrgTable
setAligns aligns t = t{ orgTableAlignments = aligns }

-- LaTeX fragments
latexFragment :: OrgParser Blocks
latexFragment = try $ do
  envName <- latexEnvStart
  content <- mconcat <$> manyTill anyLineNewline (latexEnd envName)
  return $ B.rawBlock "latex" (content `inLatexEnv` envName)
   c `inLatexEnv` e = mconcat [ "\\begin{", e, "}\n"
                              , c
                              , "\\end{", e, "}\n"

latexEnvStart :: OrgParser String
latexEnvStart = try $ do
  skipSpaces *> string "\\begin{"
             *> latexEnvName
             <* string "}"
             <* blankline

latexEnd :: String -> OrgParser ()
latexEnd envName = try $
  () <$ skipSpaces
     <* string ("\\end{" ++ envName ++ "}")
     <* blankline

-- | Parses a LaTeX environment name.
latexEnvName :: OrgParser String
latexEnvName = try $ do
  mappend <$> many1 alphaNum
          <*> option "" (string "*")

-- Footnote defintions
noteBlock :: OrgParser Blocks
noteBlock = try $ do
  ref <- noteMarker <* skipSpaces
  content <- mconcat <$> blocksTillHeaderOrNote
  addToNotesTable (ref, content)
  return mempty
   blocksTillHeaderOrNote =
     many1Till block (eof <|> () <$ lookAhead noteMarker
                          <|> () <$ lookAhead headerStart)

-- Paragraphs or Plain text
paraOrPlain :: OrgParser Blocks
paraOrPlain = try $ do
  ils <- parseInlines
  nl <- option False (newline >> return True)
  try (guard nl >> notFollowedBy (orderedListStart <|> bulletListStart) >>
         (return $ B.para ils))
    <|>  (return $ B.plain ils)

inlinesTillNewline :: OrgParser Inlines
inlinesTillNewline = trimInlines . mconcat <$> manyTill inline newline

-- list blocks

list :: OrgParser Blocks
list = choice [ definitionList, bulletList, orderedList ] <?> "list"

definitionList :: OrgParser Blocks
definitionList = try $ do n <- lookAhead (bulletListStart' Nothing)
                          B.definitionList . compactify'DL
                            <$> many1 (definitionListItem $ bulletListStart' (Just n))

bulletList :: OrgParser Blocks
bulletList = try $ do n <- lookAhead (bulletListStart' Nothing)
                      B.bulletList . compactify'
                        <$> many1 (listItem (bulletListStart' $ Just n))

orderedList :: OrgParser Blocks
orderedList =  B.orderedList . compactify'
              <$> many1 (listItem orderedListStart)

genericListStart :: OrgParser String
                 -> OrgParser Int
genericListStart listMarker = try $
  (+) <$> (length <$> many spaceChar)
      <*> (length <$> listMarker <* many1 spaceChar)

-- parses bullet list marker. maybe we know the indent level
bulletListStart :: OrgParser Int
bulletListStart = bulletListStart' Nothing

bulletListStart' :: Maybe Int -> OrgParser Int
-- returns length of bulletList prefix, inclusive of marker
bulletListStart' Nothing  = do ind <- length <$> many spaceChar
                               when (ind == 0) $ notFollowedBy (char '*')
                               oneOf bullets
                               many1 spaceChar
                               return (ind + 1)
 -- Unindented lists are legal, but they can't use '*' bullets
 -- We return n to maintain compatibility with the generic listItem
bulletListStart' (Just n) = do count (n-1) spaceChar
                               when (n == 1) $ notFollowedBy (char '*')
                               oneOf bullets
                               many1 spaceChar
                               return n

bullets :: String
bullets = "*+-"

orderedListStart :: OrgParser Int
orderedListStart = genericListStart orderedListMarker
  -- Ordered list markers allowed in org-mode
  where orderedListMarker = mappend <$> many1 digit <*> (pure <$> oneOf ".)")

definitionListItem :: OrgParser Int
                   -> OrgParser (Inlines, [Blocks])
definitionListItem parseMarkerGetLength = try $ do
  markerLength <- parseMarkerGetLength
  term <- manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") (try $ string "::")
  line1 <- anyLineNewline
  blank <- option "" ("\n" <$ blankline)
  cont <- concat <$> many (listContinuation markerLength)
  term' <- parseFromString parseInlines term
  contents' <- parseFromString parseBlocks $ line1 ++ blank ++ cont
  return (term', [contents'])

-- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
listItem :: OrgParser Int
         -> OrgParser Blocks
listItem start = try $ do
  markerLength <- try start
  firstLine <- anyLineNewline
  blank <- option "" ("\n" <$ blankline)
  rest <- concat <$> many (listContinuation markerLength)
  parseFromString parseBlocks $ firstLine ++ blank ++ rest

-- continuation of a list item - indented and separated by blankline or endline.
-- Note: nested lists are parsed as continuations.
listContinuation :: Int
                 -> OrgParser String
listContinuation markerLength = try $
  notFollowedBy' blankline
  *> (mappend <$> (concat <$> many1 listLine)
              <*> many blankline)
 where listLine = try $ indentWith markerLength *> anyLineNewline

anyLineNewline :: OrgParser String
anyLineNewline = (++ "\n") <$> anyLine

-- inline

inline :: OrgParser Inlines
inline =
  choice [ whitespace
         , linebreak
         , cite
         , footnote
         , linkOrImage
         , anchor
         , inlineCodeBlock
         , str
         , endline
         , emph
         , strong
         , strikeout
         , underline
         , code
         , math
         , displayMath
         , verbatim
         , subscript
         , superscript
         , inlineLaTeX
         , smart
         , symbol
         ] <* (guard =<< newlinesCountWithinLimits)
  <?> "inline"

parseInlines :: OrgParser Inlines
parseInlines = trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline

-- treat these as potentially non-text when parsing inline:
specialChars :: [Char]
specialChars = "\"$'()*+-,./:<=>[\\]^_{|}~"

whitespace :: OrgParser Inlines
whitespace = B.space <$ skipMany1 spaceChar
                          <* updateLastPreCharPos
                          <* updateLastForbiddenCharPos
             <?> "whitespace"

linebreak :: OrgParser Inlines
linebreak = try $ B.linebreak <$ string "\\\\" <* skipSpaces <* newline

str :: OrgParser Inlines
str = B.str <$> many1 (noneOf $ specialChars ++ "\n\r ")
      <* updateLastStrPos

-- | An endline character that can be treated as a space, not a structural
-- break.  This should reflect the values of the Emacs variable
-- @org-element-pagaraph-separate@.
endline :: OrgParser Inlines
endline = try $ do
  notFollowedBy blankline
  notFollowedBy' exampleLine
  notFollowedBy' hline
  notFollowedBy' noteMarker
  notFollowedBy' tableStart
  notFollowedBy' drawerStart
  notFollowedBy' headerStart
  notFollowedBy' metaLineStart
  notFollowedBy' latexEnvStart
  notFollowedBy' commentLineStart
  notFollowedBy' bulletListStart
  notFollowedBy' orderedListStart
  guard =<< newlinesCountWithinLimits
  return $ B.space

cite :: OrgParser Inlines
cite = try $ do
  guardEnabled Ext_citations
  (cs, raw) <- withRaw normalCite
  return $ flip B.cite (B.text raw) cs

normalCite :: OrgParser [Citation]
normalCite = try $  char '['
                 *> skipSpaces
                 *> citeList
                 <* skipSpaces
                 <* char ']'

citeList :: OrgParser [Citation]
citeList = sepBy1 citation (try $ char ';' *> skipSpaces)

citation :: OrgParser Citation
citation = try $ do
  pref <- prefix
  (suppress_author, key) <- citeKey
  suff <- suffix
  return $ Citation{ citationId      = key
                   , citationPrefix  = B.toList pref
                   , citationSuffix  = B.toList suff
                   , citationMode    = if suppress_author
                                          then SuppressAuthor
                                          else NormalCitation
                   , citationNoteNum = 0
                   , citationHash    = 0
   prefix = trimInlines . mconcat <$>
            manyTill inline (char ']' <|> (']' <$ lookAhead citeKey))
   suffix = try $ do
     hasSpace <- option False (notFollowedBy nonspaceChar >> return True)
     rest <- trimInlines . mconcat <$>
             many (notFollowedBy (oneOf ";]") *> inline)
     return $
      if hasSpace
        then B.space <> rest
        else rest

footnote :: OrgParser Inlines
footnote = try $ inlineNote <|> referencedNote

inlineNote :: OrgParser Inlines
inlineNote = try $ do
  string "[fn:"
  ref <- many alphaNum
  char ':'
  note <- B.para . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1Till inline (char ']')
  when (not $ null ref) $
       addToNotesTable ("fn:" ++ ref, note)
  return $ B.note note

referencedNote :: OrgParser Inlines
referencedNote = try $ do
  ref <- noteMarker
  notes <- asks (orgStateNotes' . finalState)
  return $
    case lookup ref notes of
      Just contents  -> B.note contents
      Nothing   -> B.str $ "[" ++ ref ++ "]"

noteMarker :: OrgParser String
noteMarker = try $ do
  char '['
  choice [ many1Till digit (char ']')
         , (++) <$> string "fn:"
                <*> many1Till (noneOf "\n\r\t ") (char ']')

linkOrImage :: OrgParser Inlines
linkOrImage = explicitOrImageLink
              <|> selflinkOrImage
              <|> angleLink
              <|> plainLink
              <?> "link or image"

explicitOrImageLink :: OrgParser Inlines
explicitOrImageLink = try $ do
  char '['
  src   <- applyCustomLinkFormat =<< possiblyEmptyLinkTarget
  title  <- enclosedRaw (char '[') (char ']')
  title' <- parseFromString (mconcat <$> many inline) title
  char ']'
  alt <- internalLink src title'
  return $
    (if isImageFilename src && isImageFilename title
      then B.link src "" $ B.image title mempty mempty
      else fromMaybe alt (linkToInlines src title'))

selflinkOrImage :: OrgParser Inlines
selflinkOrImage = try $ do
  src <- char '[' *> linkTarget <* char ']'
  return $ fromMaybe "" (linkToInlines src (B.str src))

plainLink :: OrgParser Inlines
plainLink = try $ do
  (orig, src) <- uri
  return $ B.link src "" (B.str orig)

angleLink :: OrgParser Inlines
angleLink = try $ do
  char '<'
  link <- plainLink
  char '>'
  return link

selfTarget :: OrgParser String
selfTarget = try $ char '[' *> linkTarget <* char ']'

linkTarget :: OrgParser String
linkTarget = enclosedByPair '[' ']' (noneOf "\n\r[]")

possiblyEmptyLinkTarget :: OrgParser String
possiblyEmptyLinkTarget = try linkTarget <|> ("" <$ string "[]")

applyCustomLinkFormat :: String -> OrgParser String
applyCustomLinkFormat link = do
  let (linkType, rest) = break (== ':') link
  fmts <- asks finalState
  return $
    case M.lookup linkType (orgStateLinkFormatters fmts) of
         Just v    -> (v (drop 1 rest))
         Nothing   -> link

-- TODO: might be a lot smarter/cleaner to use parsec and ADTs for this kind
-- of parsing.
linkToInlines :: String -> Inlines -> Maybe Inlines
linkToInlines = \s ->
  case s of
    _ | null s    -> Just . B.link "" ""
    _ | isAnchor s  -> Just . B.link s ""
    _ | isImageFilename s     -> const . Just $ B.image s "" ""
    _ | isFileLink s          -> Just . B.link (dropLinkType s) ""
    _ | isUri s               -> Just . B.link s ""
    _ | isAbsoluteFilePath s  -> Just . B.link ("file://" ++ s) ""
    _ | isRelativeFilePath s  -> Just . B.link s ""
    _                         -> const Nothing

isAnchor :: String -> Bool
isAnchor s = "#" `isPrefixOf` s

isFileLink :: String -> Bool
isFileLink s = ("file:" `isPrefixOf` s) && not ("file://" `isPrefixOf` s)

dropLinkType :: String -> String
dropLinkType = tail . snd . break (== ':')

isRelativeFilePath :: String -> Bool
isRelativeFilePath s = (("./" `isPrefixOf` s) || ("../" `isPrefixOf` s)) &&
                       (':' `notElem` s)

isUri :: String -> Bool
isUri s = let (scheme, path) = break (== ':') s
          in all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` (".-" :: String)) scheme
             && not (null path)

isAbsoluteFilePath :: String -> Bool
isAbsoluteFilePath = ('/' ==) . head

isImageFilename :: String -> Bool
isImageFilename filename =
  any (\x -> ('.':x)  `isSuffixOf` filename) imageExtensions &&
  (any (\x -> (x++":") `isPrefixOf` filename) protocols ||
   ':' `notElem` filename)
   imageExtensions = [ "jpeg" , "jpg" , "png" , "gif" , "svg" ]
   protocols = [ "file", "http", "https" ]

internalLink :: String -> Inlines -> OrgParser Inlines
internalLink link title = do
  anchorB <- asks finalState
  return  $
    if link `elem` (orgStateAnchorIds anchorB)
      then B.link ('#':link) "" title
      else B.emph title

-- | Parse an anchor like @<<anchor-id>>@ and return an empty span with
-- @anchor-id@ set as id.  Legal anchors in org-mode are defined through
-- @org-target-regexp@, which is fairly liberal.  Since no link is created if
-- @anchor-id@ contains spaces, we are more restrictive in what is accepted as
-- an anchor.

anchor :: OrgParser Inlines
anchor =  try $ do
  anchorId <- parseAnchor
  recordAnchorId anchorId
  return $ B.spanWith (solidify anchorId, [], []) mempty
       parseAnchor = string "<<"
                     *> many1 (noneOf "\t\n\r<>\"' ")
                     <* string ">>"
                     <* skipSpaces

-- | Replace every char but [a-zA-Z0-9_.-:] with a hypen '-'.  This mirrors
-- the org function @org-export-solidify-link-text@.

solidify :: String -> String
solidify = map replaceSpecialChar
 where replaceSpecialChar c
           | isAlphaNum c    = c
           | c `elem` ("_.-:" :: String) = c
           | otherwise       = '-'

-- | Parses an inline code block and marks it as an babel block.
inlineCodeBlock :: OrgParser Inlines
inlineCodeBlock = try $ do
  string "src_"
  lang <- many1 orgArgWordChar
  opts <- option [] $ enclosedByPair '[' ']' inlineBlockOption
  inlineCode <- enclosedByPair '{' '}' (noneOf "\n\r")
  let attrClasses = [translateLang lang, rundocBlockClass]
  let attrKeyVal  = map toRundocAttrib (("language", lang) : opts)
  return $ B.codeWith ("", attrClasses, attrKeyVal) inlineCode

enclosedByPair :: Char          -- ^ opening char
               -> Char          -- ^ closing char
               -> OrgParser a   -- ^ parser
               -> OrgParser [a]
enclosedByPair s e p = char s *> many1Till p (char e)

emph      :: OrgParser Inlines
emph      =  B.emph         <$> emphasisBetween '/'

strong    :: OrgParser Inlines
strong    =  B.strong       <$> emphasisBetween '*'

strikeout :: OrgParser Inlines
strikeout =  B.strikeout    <$> emphasisBetween '+'

-- There is no underline, so we use strong instead.
underline :: OrgParser Inlines
underline =  B.strong       <$> emphasisBetween '_'

verbatim  :: OrgParser Inlines
verbatim  = B.code     <$> verbatimBetween '='

code      :: OrgParser Inlines
code      = B.code     <$> verbatimBetween '~'

subscript   :: OrgParser Inlines
subscript   =  B.subscript   <$> try (char '_' *> subOrSuperExpr)

superscript :: OrgParser Inlines
superscript =  B.superscript <$> try (char '^' *> subOrSuperExpr)

math      :: OrgParser Inlines
math      = B.math      <$> choice [ math1CharBetween '$'
                                            , mathStringBetween '$'
                                            , rawMathBetween "\\(" "\\)"

displayMath :: OrgParser Inlines
displayMath = B.displayMath <$> choice [ rawMathBetween "\\[" "\\]"
                                       , rawMathBetween "$$"  "$$"

symbol :: OrgParser Inlines
symbol = B.str . (: "") <$> (oneOf specialChars >>= updatePositions)
 where updatePositions c = do
         when (c `elem` emphasisPreChars) updateLastPreCharPos
         when (c `elem` emphasisForbiddenBorderChars) updateLastForbiddenCharPos
         return c

emphasisBetween :: Char
                -> OrgParser Inlines
emphasisBetween c = try $ do
  startEmphasisNewlinesCounting emphasisAllowedNewlines
  res <- enclosedInlines (emphasisStart c) (emphasisEnd c)
  isTopLevelEmphasis <- null . orgStateEmphasisCharStack <$> getState
  when isTopLevelEmphasis
  return res

verbatimBetween :: Char
                -> OrgParser String
verbatimBetween c = try $
  emphasisStart c *>
  many1TillNOrLessNewlines 1 (noneOf "\n\r") (emphasisEnd c)

-- | Parses a raw string delimited by @c@ using Org's math rules
mathStringBetween :: Char
                  -> OrgParser String
mathStringBetween c = try $ do
  mathStart c
  body <- many1TillNOrLessNewlines mathAllowedNewlines
                                   (noneOf (c:"\n\r"))
                                   (lookAhead $ mathEnd c)
  final <- mathEnd c
  return $ body ++ [final]

-- | Parse a single character between @c@ using math rules
math1CharBetween :: Char
                -> OrgParser String
math1CharBetween c = try $ do
  char c
  res <- noneOf $ c:mathForbiddenBorderChars
  char c
  eof <|> () <$ lookAhead (oneOf mathPostChars)
  return [res]

rawMathBetween :: String
               -> String
               -> OrgParser String
rawMathBetween s e = try $ string s *> manyTill anyChar (try $ string e)

-- | Parses the start (opening character) of emphasis
emphasisStart :: Char -> OrgParser Char
emphasisStart c = try $ do
  guard =<< afterEmphasisPreChar
  guard =<< notAfterString
  char c
  lookAhead (noneOf emphasisForbiddenBorderChars)
  pushToInlineCharStack c
  return c

-- | Parses the closing character of emphasis
emphasisEnd :: Char -> OrgParser Char
emphasisEnd c = try $ do
  guard =<< notAfterForbiddenBorderChar
  char c
  eof <|> () <$ lookAhead acceptablePostChars
  return c
 where acceptablePostChars =
           surroundingEmphasisChar >>= \x -> oneOf (x ++ emphasisPostChars)

mathStart :: Char -> OrgParser Char
mathStart c = try $
  char c <* notFollowedBy' (oneOf (c:mathForbiddenBorderChars))

mathEnd :: Char -> OrgParser Char
mathEnd c = try $ do
  res <- noneOf (c:mathForbiddenBorderChars)
  char c
  eof <|> () <$ lookAhead (oneOf mathPostChars)
  return res

enclosedInlines :: OrgParser a
                -> OrgParser b
                -> OrgParser Inlines
enclosedInlines start end = try $
  trimInlines . mconcat <$> enclosed start end inline

enclosedRaw :: OrgParser a
            -> OrgParser b
            -> OrgParser String
enclosedRaw start end = try $
  start *> (onSingleLine <|> spanningTwoLines)
 where onSingleLine = try $ many1Till (noneOf "\n\r") end
       spanningTwoLines = try $
         anyLine >>= \f -> mappend (f <> " ") <$> onSingleLine

-- | Like many1Till, but parses at most @n+1@ lines.  @p@ must not consume
--   newlines.
many1TillNOrLessNewlines :: Int
                         -> OrgParser Char
                         -> OrgParser a
                         -> OrgParser String
many1TillNOrLessNewlines n p end = try $
  nMoreLines (Just n) mempty >>= oneOrMore
   nMoreLines Nothing  cs = return cs
   nMoreLines (Just 0) cs = try $ (cs ++) <$> finalLine
   nMoreLines k        cs = try $ (final k cs <|> rest k cs)
                                  >>= uncurry nMoreLines
   final _ cs = (\x -> (Nothing,      cs ++ x)) <$> try finalLine
   rest  m cs = (\x -> (minus1 <$> m, cs ++ x ++ "\n")) <$> try (manyTill p P.newline)
   finalLine = try $ manyTill p end
   minus1 k = k - 1
   oneOrMore cs = guard (not $ null cs) *> return cs

-- Org allows customization of the way it reads emphasis.  We use the defaults
-- here (see, e.g., the Emacs Lisp variable `org-emphasis-regexp-components`
-- for details).

-- | Chars allowed to occur before emphasis (spaces and newlines are ok, too)
emphasisPreChars :: [Char]
emphasisPreChars = "\t \"'({"

-- | Chars allowed at after emphasis
emphasisPostChars :: [Char]
emphasisPostChars = "\t\n !\"'),-.:;?\\}"

-- | Chars not allowed at the (inner) border of emphasis
emphasisForbiddenBorderChars :: [Char]
emphasisForbiddenBorderChars = "\t\n\r \"',"

-- | The maximum number of newlines within
emphasisAllowedNewlines :: Int
emphasisAllowedNewlines = 1

-- LaTeX-style math: see `org-latex-regexps` for details

-- | Chars allowed after an inline ($...$) math statement
mathPostChars :: [Char]
mathPostChars = "\t\n \"'),-.:;?"

-- | Chars not allowed at the (inner) border of math
mathForbiddenBorderChars :: [Char]
mathForbiddenBorderChars = "\t\n\r ,;.$"

-- | Maximum number of newlines in an inline math statement
mathAllowedNewlines :: Int
mathAllowedNewlines = 2

-- | Whether we are right behind a char allowed before emphasis
afterEmphasisPreChar :: OrgParser Bool
afterEmphasisPreChar = do
  pos <- getPosition
  lastPrePos <- orgStateLastPreCharPos <$> getState
  return . fromMaybe True $ (== pos) <$> lastPrePos

-- | Whether the parser is right after a forbidden border char
notAfterForbiddenBorderChar :: OrgParser Bool
notAfterForbiddenBorderChar = do
  pos <- getPosition
  lastFBCPos <- orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos <$> getState
  return $ lastFBCPos /= Just pos

-- | Read a sub- or superscript expression
subOrSuperExpr :: OrgParser Inlines
subOrSuperExpr = try $
  choice [ id                   <$> charsInBalanced '{' '}' (noneOf "\n\r")
         , enclosing ('(', ')') <$> charsInBalanced '(' ')' (noneOf "\n\r")
         , simpleSubOrSuperString
         ] >>= parseFromString (mconcat <$> many inline)
 where enclosing (left, right) s = left : s ++ [right]

simpleSubOrSuperString :: OrgParser String
simpleSubOrSuperString = try $
  choice [ string "*"
         , mappend <$> option [] ((:[]) <$> oneOf "+-")
                   <*> many1 alphaNum

inlineLaTeX :: OrgParser Inlines
inlineLaTeX = try $ do
  cmd <- inlineLaTeXCommand
  maybe mzero return $
     parseAsMath cmd `mplus` parseAsMathMLSym cmd `mplus` parseAsInlineLaTeX cmd
   parseAsMath :: String -> Maybe Inlines
   parseAsMath cs = B.fromList <$> texMathToPandoc cs

   parseAsInlineLaTeX :: String -> Maybe Inlines
   parseAsInlineLaTeX cs = maybeRight $ runParser inlineCommand state "" cs

   parseAsMathMLSym :: String -> Maybe Inlines
   parseAsMathMLSym cs = B.str <$> MathMLEntityMap.getUnicode (clean cs)
    -- dropWhileEnd would be nice here, but it's not available before base 4.5
    where clean = reverse . dropWhile (`elem` ("{}" :: String)) . reverse . drop 1

   state :: ParserState
   state = def{ stateOptions = def{ readerParseRaw = True }}

   texMathToPandoc inp = (maybeRight $ readTeX inp) >>=
                         writePandoc DisplayInline

maybeRight :: Either a b -> Maybe b
maybeRight = either (const Nothing) Just

inlineLaTeXCommand :: OrgParser String
inlineLaTeXCommand = try $ do
  rest <- getInput
  case runParser rawLaTeXInline def "source" rest of
    Right (RawInline _ cs) -> do
      let len = length cs
      count len anyChar
      return cs
    _ -> mzero

smart :: OrgParser Inlines
smart = do
  getOption readerSmart >>= guard
  doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted <|>
    choice [orgApostrophe, dash, ellipses]
  where orgApostrophe =
          (char '\'' <|> char '\8217') <* updateLastPreCharPos
                                       <* updateLastForbiddenCharPos
                                       *> return (B.str "\x2019")

singleQuoted :: OrgParser Inlines
singleQuoted = try $ do
  withQuoteContext InSingleQuote $
    B.singleQuoted . trimInlines . mconcat <$>
      many1Till inline singleQuoteEnd

-- doubleQuoted will handle regular double-quoted sections, as well
-- as dialogues with an open double-quote without a close double-quote
-- in the same paragraph.
doubleQuoted :: OrgParser Inlines
doubleQuoted = try $ do
  contents <- mconcat <$> many (try $ notFollowedBy doubleQuoteEnd >> inline)
  (withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote $ (doubleQuoteEnd <* updateLastForbiddenCharPos) >> return
       (B.doubleQuoted . trimInlines $ contents))
   <|> (return $ (B.str "\8220") <> contents)