{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Fallible Copyright : Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Linnemann License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Martin Linnemann <theCodingMarlin@googlemail.com> Stability : alpha Portability : portable Data types and utilities representing failure. Most of it is based on the "Either" type in its usual configuration (left represents failure). In most cases, the failure type is implied or required to be a "Monoid". The choice of "Either" instead of a custom type makes it easier to write compatible instances of "ArrowChoice". -} -- We export everything module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Fallible where import Prelude -- | Default for now. Will probably become a class at some point. type Failure = () type Fallible a = Either Failure a -- maybeToEither :: Maybe a -> Fallible a maybeToEither (Just a) = Right a maybeToEither Nothing = Left () -- eitherToMaybe :: Either _l a -> Maybe a eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing eitherToMaybe (Right a) = Just a -- | > fromLeft f === either f id fromLeft :: (a -> b) -> Either a b -> b fromLeft f (Left a) = f a fromLeft _ (Right b) = b -- | > recover a === fromLeft (const a) === either (const a) id recover :: a -> Either _f a -> a recover a (Left _) = a recover _ (Right a) = a -- | I would love to use 'fail'. Alas, 'Monad.fail'... failWith :: failure -> Either failure _x failWith f = Left f -- failEmpty :: (Monoid failure) => Either failure _x failEmpty = failWith mempty -- succeedWith :: a -> Either _x a succeedWith = Right -- collapseEither :: Either failure (Either failure x) -> Either failure x collapseEither (Left f ) = Left f collapseEither (Right (Left f)) = Left f collapseEither (Right (Right x)) = Right x -- | If either of the values represents a non-error, the result is a -- (possibly combined) non-error. If both values represent an error, an error -- is returned. chooseMax :: (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b chooseMax = chooseMaxWith mappend -- | If either of the values represents a non-error, the result is a -- (possibly combined) non-error. If both values represent an error, an error -- is returned. chooseMaxWith :: (Monoid a) => (b -> b -> b) -> Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b chooseMaxWith (><) (Right a) (Right b) = Right $ a >< b chooseMaxWith _ (Left a) (Left b) = Left $ a `mappend` b chooseMaxWith _ (Right a) _ = Right a chooseMaxWith _ _ (Right b) = Right b -- | Class of containers that can escalate contained 'Either's. -- The word "Vector" is meant in the sense of a disease transmitter. class ChoiceVector v where spreadChoice :: v (Either f a) -> Either f (v a) instance ChoiceVector ((,) a) where spreadChoice (_, Left f) = Left f spreadChoice (x, Right y) = Right (x,y) -- Wasn't there a newtype somewhere with the elements flipped? -- | Wrapper for a list. While the normal list instance of 'ChoiceVector' -- fails whenever it can, this type will never fail. newtype SuccessList a = SuccessList { collectNonFailing :: [a] } deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show ) instance ChoiceVector SuccessList where spreadChoice = Right . SuccessList . foldr unTagRight [] . collectNonFailing where unTagRight (Right x) = (x:) unTagRight _ = id