{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Metadata Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2021 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable Parse YAML/JSON metadata to 'Pandoc' 'Meta'. -} module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Metadata ( yamlBsToMeta, yamlBsToRefs, yamlMap ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except (throwError) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.YAML as YAML import qualified Data.YAML.Event as YE import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad (..)) import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Error import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (tableWith) import Text.Pandoc.Shared yamlBsToMeta :: (PandocMonad m, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT Text st m (Future st MetaValue) -> BL.ByteString -> ParserT Text st m (Future st Meta) yamlBsToMeta pMetaValue bstr = do case YAML.decodeNode' YAML.failsafeSchemaResolver False False bstr of Right (YAML.Doc (YAML.Mapping _ _ o):_) -> fmap Meta <$> yamlMap pMetaValue o Right [] -> return . return $ mempty Right [YAML.Doc (YAML.Scalar _ YAML.SNull)] -> return . return $ mempty Right _ -> Prelude.fail "expected YAML object" Left (yamlpos, err') -> do pos <- getPosition setPosition $ incSourceLine (setSourceColumn pos (YE.posColumn yamlpos)) (YE.posLine yamlpos - 1) Prelude.fail err' fakePos :: YAML.Pos fakePos = YAML.Pos (-1) (-1) 1 0 lookupYAML :: Text -> YAML.Node YE.Pos -> Maybe (YAML.Node YE.Pos) lookupYAML t (YAML.Mapping _ _ m) = M.lookup (YAML.Scalar fakePos (YAML.SUnknown YE.untagged t)) m `mplus` M.lookup (YAML.Scalar fakePos (YAML.SStr t)) m lookupYAML _ _ = Nothing -- Returns filtered list of references. yamlBsToRefs :: (PandocMonad m, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT Text st m (Future st MetaValue) -> (Text -> Bool) -- ^ Filter for id -> BL.ByteString -> ParserT Text st m (Future st [MetaValue]) yamlBsToRefs pMetaValue idpred bstr = case YAML.decodeNode' YAML.failsafeSchemaResolver False False bstr of Right (YAML.Doc o@YAML.Mapping{}:_) -> case lookupYAML "references" o of Just (YAML.Sequence _ _ ns) -> do let g n = case lookupYAML "id" n of Just n' -> case nodeToKey n' of Nothing -> False Just t -> idpred t || case lookupYAML "other-ids" n of Just (YAML.Sequence _ _ ns') -> let ts' = mapMaybe nodeToKey ns' in any idpred ts' _ -> False Nothing -> False sequence <$> mapM (yamlToMetaValue pMetaValue) (filter g ns) Just _ -> Prelude.fail "expecting sequence in 'references' field" Nothing -> Prelude.fail "expecting 'references' field" Right [] -> return . return $ mempty Right [YAML.Doc (YAML.Scalar _ YAML.SNull)] -> return . return $ mempty Right _ -> Prelude.fail "expecting YAML object" Left (_pos, err') -> Prelude.fail err' nodeToKey :: YAML.Node YE.Pos -> Maybe Text nodeToKey (YAML.Scalar _ (YAML.SStr t)) = Just t nodeToKey (YAML.Scalar _ (YAML.SUnknown _ t)) = Just t nodeToKey _ = Nothing normalizeMetaValue :: (PandocMonad m, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT Text st m (Future st MetaValue) -> Text -> ParserT Text st m (Future st MetaValue) normalizeMetaValue pMetaValue x = -- Note: a standard quoted or unquoted YAML value will -- not end in a newline, but a "block" set off with -- `|` or `>` will. if "\n" `T.isSuffixOf` T.dropWhileEnd isSpaceChar x -- see #6823 then parseFromString' pMetaValue (x <> "\n") else parseFromString' asInlines x where asInlines = fmap b2i <$> pMetaValue b2i (MetaBlocks [Plain ils]) = MetaInlines ils b2i (MetaBlocks [Para ils]) = MetaInlines ils b2i bs = bs isSpaceChar ' ' = True isSpaceChar '\t' = True isSpaceChar _ = False checkBoolean :: Text -> Maybe Bool checkBoolean t | t == T.pack "true" || t == T.pack "True" || t == T.pack "TRUE" = Just True | t == T.pack "false" || t == T.pack "False" || t == T.pack "FALSE" = Just False | otherwise = Nothing yamlToMetaValue :: (PandocMonad m, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT Text st m (Future st MetaValue) -> YAML.Node YE.Pos -> ParserT Text st m (Future st MetaValue) yamlToMetaValue pMetaValue (YAML.Scalar _ x) = case x of YAML.SStr t -> normalizeMetaValue pMetaValue t YAML.SBool b -> return $ return $ MetaBool b YAML.SFloat d -> return $ return $ MetaString $ tshow d YAML.SInt i -> return $ return $ MetaString $ tshow i YAML.SUnknown _ t -> case checkBoolean t of Just b -> return $ return $ MetaBool b Nothing -> normalizeMetaValue pMetaValue t YAML.SNull -> return $ return $ MetaString "" yamlToMetaValue pMetaValue (YAML.Sequence _ _ xs) = fmap MetaList . sequence <$> mapM (yamlToMetaValue pMetaValue) xs yamlToMetaValue pMetaValue (YAML.Mapping _ _ o) = fmap MetaMap <$> yamlMap pMetaValue o yamlToMetaValue _ _ = return $ return $ MetaString "" yamlMap :: (PandocMonad m, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT Text st m (Future st MetaValue) -> M.Map (YAML.Node YE.Pos) (YAML.Node YE.Pos) -> ParserT Text st m (Future st (M.Map Text MetaValue)) yamlMap pMetaValue o = do kvs <- forM (M.toList o) $ \(key, v) -> do k <- maybe (throwError $ PandocParseError "Non-string key in YAML mapping") return $ nodeToKey key return (k, v) let kvs' = filter (not . ignorable . fst) kvs fmap M.fromList . sequence <$> mapM toMeta kvs' where ignorable t = "_" `T.isSuffixOf` t toMeta (k, v) = do fv <- yamlToMetaValue pMetaValue v return $ do v' <- fv return (k, v')