-- | Converts LaTeX to 'Pandoc' document. module Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX ( readLaTeX, rawLaTeXInline, rawLaTeXEnvironment ) where import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Pandoc import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Shared import Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Char ( chr ) -- | Parse LaTeX from string and return 'Pandoc' document. readLaTeX :: ParserState -- ^ Parser state, including options for parser -> String -- ^ String to parse -> Pandoc readLaTeX = readWith parseLaTeX -- for testing testString = testStringWith parseLaTeX -- characters with special meaning specialChars = "\\$%&^&_~#{}\n \t|<>" -- -- utility functions -- -- | Change quotation marks in a string back to "basic" quotes. normalizeQuotes :: String -> String normalizeQuotes = gsub "''" "\"" . gsub "`" "'" -- | Change LaTeX En dashes between digits to hyphens. normalizeDashes :: String -> String normalizeDashes = gsub "([0-9])--([0-9])" "\\1-\\2" normalizePunctuation :: String -> String normalizePunctuation = normalizeDashes . normalizeQuotes -- | Returns text between brackets and its matching pair. bracketedText openB closeB = try (do char openB result <- many (choice [ oneOfStrings [ ['\\', openB], ['\\', closeB] ], count 1 (noneOf [openB, closeB]), bracketedText openB closeB ]) char closeB return ([openB] ++ (concat result) ++ [closeB])) -- | Returns an option or argument of a LaTeX command optOrArg = choice [ (bracketedText '{' '}'), (bracketedText '[' ']') ] -- | True if the string begins with '{' isArg ('{':rest) = True isArg other = False -- | Returns list of options and arguments of a LaTeX command commandArgs = many optOrArg -- | Parses LaTeX command, returns (name, star, list of options/arguments). command = try (do char '\\' name <- many1 alphaNum star <- option "" (string "*") -- some commands have starred versions args <- commandArgs return (name, star, args)) begin name = try (do string "\\begin{" string name char '}' option [] commandArgs spaces return name) end name = try (do string "\\end{" string name char '}' spaces return name) -- | Returns a list of block elements containing the contents of an environment. environment name = try (do begin name spaces contents <- manyTill block (end name) return contents) anyEnvironment = try (do string "\\begin{" name <- many alphaNum star <- option "" (string "*") -- some environments have starred variants char '}' option [] commandArgs spaces contents <- manyTill block (end (name ++ star)) return (BlockQuote contents)) -- -- parsing documents -- -- | Process LaTeX preamble, extracting metadata processLaTeXPreamble = do manyTill (choice [bibliographic, comment, unknownCommand, nullBlock]) (try (string "\\begin{document}")) spaces -- | Parse LaTeX and return 'Pandoc'. parseLaTeX = do option () processLaTeXPreamble -- preamble might not be present, if a fragment blocks <- parseBlocks spaces option "" (string "\\end{document}") -- if parsing a fragment, this might not be present spaces eof state <- getState let keyBlocks = stateKeyBlocks state let noteBlocks = stateNoteBlocks state let blocks' = filter (/= Null) blocks let title' = stateTitle state let authors' = stateAuthors state let date' = stateDate state return (Pandoc (Meta title' authors' date') (blocks' ++ (reverse noteBlocks) ++ (reverse keyBlocks))) -- -- parsing blocks -- parseBlocks = do spaces result <- many block return result block = choice [ hrule, codeBlock, header, list, blockQuote, mathBlock, comment, bibliographic, para, specialEnvironment, itemBlock, unknownEnvironment, unknownCommand ] "block" -- -- header blocks -- header = choice (map headerLevel (enumFromTo 1 5)) "header" headerLevel n = try (do let subs = concat $ replicate (n - 1) "sub" string ("\\" ++ subs ++ "section") option ' ' (char '*') char '{' title <- manyTill inline (char '}') spaces return (Header n (normalizeSpaces title))) -- -- hrule block -- hrule = try (do oneOfStrings [ "\\begin{center}\\rule{3in}{0.4pt}\\end{center}\n\n", "\\newpage" ] spaces return HorizontalRule) -- -- code blocks -- codeBlock = try (do string "\\begin{verbatim}" -- don't use begin function because it gobbles whitespace option "" blanklines -- we want to gobble blank lines, but not leading space contents <- manyTill anyChar (try (string "\\end{verbatim}")) spaces return (CodeBlock (stripTrailingNewlines contents))) -- -- block quotes -- blockQuote = choice [ blockQuote1, blockQuote2 ] "blockquote" blockQuote1 = try (do blocks <- environment "quote" spaces return (BlockQuote blocks)) blockQuote2 = try (do blocks <- environment "quotation" spaces return (BlockQuote blocks)) -- -- math block -- mathBlock = mathBlockWith (begin "equation") (end "equation") <|> mathBlockWith (begin "displaymath") (end "displaymath") <|> mathBlockWith (string "\\[") (string "\\]") "math block" mathBlockWith start end = try (do start spaces result <- manyTill anyChar end spaces return (BlockQuote [Para [TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$")]])) -- -- list blocks -- list = bulletList <|> orderedList "list" listItem = try (do ("item", _, _) <- command spaces state <- getState let oldParserContext = stateParserContext state updateState (\state -> state {stateParserContext = ListItemState}) blocks <- many block updateState (\state -> state {stateParserContext = oldParserContext}) return blocks) orderedList = try (do begin "enumerate" spaces items <- many listItem end "enumerate" spaces return (OrderedList items)) bulletList = try (do begin "itemize" spaces items <- many listItem end "itemize" spaces return (BulletList items)) -- -- paragraph block -- para = try (do result <- many1 inline spaces return (Para (normalizeSpaces result))) -- -- title authors date -- bibliographic = choice [ maketitle, title, authors, date ] maketitle = try (do string "\\maketitle" spaces return Null) title = try (do string "\\title{" tit <- manyTill inline (char '}') spaces updateState (\state -> state { stateTitle = tit }) return Null) authors = try (do string "\\author{" authors <- manyTill anyChar (char '}') spaces let authors' = map removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ lines $ gsub "\\\\\\\\" "\n" authors updateState (\state -> state { stateAuthors = authors' }) return Null) date = try (do string "\\date{" date' <- manyTill anyChar (char '}') spaces updateState (\state -> state { stateDate = date' }) return Null) -- -- item block -- for use in unknown environments that aren't being parsed as raw latex -- -- this forces items to be parsed in different blocks itemBlock = try (do ("item", _, args) <- command state <- getState if (stateParserContext state == ListItemState) then fail "item should be handled by list block" else if null args then return Null else return (Plain [Str (stripFirstAndLast (head args))])) -- -- raw LaTeX -- specialEnvironment = do -- these are always parsed as raw followedBy' (choice (map (\name -> begin name) ["tabular", "figure", "tabbing", "eqnarry", "picture", "table", "verse", "theorem"])) rawLaTeXEnvironment -- | Parse any LaTeX environment and return a Para block containing -- the whole literal environment as raw TeX. rawLaTeXEnvironment :: GenParser Char st Block rawLaTeXEnvironment = try (do string "\\begin" char '{' name <- many1 alphaNum star <- option "" (string "*") -- for starred variants let name' = name ++ star char '}' args <- option [] commandArgs let argStr = concat args contents <- manyTill (choice [(many1 (noneOf "\\")), (do{ (Para [TeX str]) <- rawLaTeXEnvironment; return str }), string "\\"]) (end name') spaces return (Para [TeX ("\\begin{" ++ name' ++ "}" ++ argStr ++ (concat contents) ++ "\\end{" ++ name' ++ "}")])) unknownEnvironment = try (do state <- getState result <- if stateParseRaw state then -- check to see whether we should include raw TeX rawLaTeXEnvironment -- if so, get the whole raw environment else anyEnvironment -- otherwise just the contents return result) unknownCommand = try (do notFollowedBy' (string "\\end{itemize}") notFollowedBy' (string "\\end{enumerate}") notFollowedBy' (string "\\end{document}") (name, star, args) <- command spaces let argStr = concat args state <- getState if (name == "item") && ((stateParserContext state) == ListItemState) then fail "should not be parsed as raw" else string "" if stateParseRaw state then return (Plain [TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ argStr)]) else return (Plain [Str (joinWithSep " " args)])) -- latex comment comment = try (do char '%' result <- manyTill anyChar newline spaces return Null) -- -- inline -- inline = choice [ strong, emph, ref, lab, code, linebreak, math, ldots, accentedChar, specialChar, specialInline, escapedChar, unescapedChar, str, endline, whitespace ] "inline" specialInline = choice [ link, image, footnote, rawLaTeXInline ] "link, raw TeX, note, or image" ldots = try (do string "\\ldots" return (Str "...")) accentedChar = normalAccentedChar <|> specialAccentedChar normalAccentedChar = try (do char '\\' accent <- oneOf "'`^\"~" character <- choice [ between (char '{') (char '}') anyChar, anyChar ] let table = fromMaybe [] $ lookup character accentTable let result = case lookup accent table of Just num -> chr num Nothing -> '?' return (Str [result])) -- an association list of letters and association list of accents -- and decimal character numbers. accentTable = [ ('A', [('`', 192), ('\'', 193), ('^', 194), ('~', 195), ('"', 196)]), ('E', [('`', 200), ('\'', 201), ('^', 202), ('"', 203)]), ('I', [('`', 204), ('\'', 205), ('^', 206), ('"', 207)]), ('N', [('~', 209)]), ('O', [('`', 210), ('\'', 211), ('^', 212), ('~', 213), ('"', 214)]), ('U', [('`', 217), ('\'', 218), ('^', 219), ('"', 220)]), ('a', [('`', 224), ('\'', 225), ('^', 227), ('"', 228)]), ('e', [('`', 232), ('\'', 233), ('^', 234), ('"', 235)]), ('i', [('`', 236), ('\'', 237), ('^', 238), ('"', 239)]), ('n', [('~', 241)]), ('o', [('`', 242), ('\'', 243), ('^', 244), ('~', 245), ('"', 246)]), ('u', [('`', 249), ('\'', 250), ('^', 251), ('"', 252)]) ] specialAccentedChar = choice [ ccedil, aring, iuml, szlig, aelig, oslash, pound, euro, copyright, sect ] ccedil = try (do char '\\' letter <- choice [try (string "cc"), try (string "cC")] let num = if letter == "cc" then 231 else 199 return (Str [chr num])) aring = try (do char '\\' letter <- choice [try (string "aa"), try (string "AA")] let num = if letter == "aa" then 229 else 197 return (Str [chr num])) iuml = try (do string "\\\"" choice [try (string "\\i"), try (string "{\\i}")] return (Str [chr 239])) icirc = try (do string "\\^" choice [try (string "\\i"), try (string "{\\i}")] return (Str [chr 238])) szlig = try (do string "\\ss" return (Str [chr 223])) oslash = try (do char '\\' letter <- choice [char 'o', char 'O'] let num = if letter == 'o' then 248 else 216 return (Str [chr num])) aelig = try (do char '\\' letter <- choice [try (string "ae"), try (string "AE")] let num = if letter == "ae" then 230 else 198 return (Str [chr num])) pound = try (do string "\\pounds" return (Str [chr 163])) euro = try (do string "\\euro" return (Str [chr 8364])) copyright = try (do string "\\copyright" return (Str [chr 169])) sect = try (do string "\\S" return (Str [chr 167])) escapedChar = do result <- escaped (oneOf " $%^&_#{}\n") return (if result == Str "\n" then Str " " else result) unescapedChar = do -- ignore standalone, nonescaped special characters oneOf "$^&_#{}|<>" return (Str "") specialChar = choice [ backslash, bar, lt, gt ] backslash = try (do string "\\textbackslash" return (Str "\\")) bar = try (do string "\\textbar" return (Str "\\")) lt = try (do string "\\textless" return (Str "<")) gt = try (do string "\\textgreater" return (Str ">")) code = try (do string "\\verb" marker <- anyChar result <- manyTill anyChar (char marker) let result' = removeLeadingTrailingSpace result return (Code result')) emph = try (do oneOfStrings [ "\\emph{", "\\textit{" ] result <- manyTill inline (char '}') return (Emph result)) lab = try (do string "\\label{" result <- manyTill anyChar (char '}') return (Str ("(" ++ result ++ ")"))) ref = try (do string "\\ref{" result <- manyTill anyChar (char '}') return (Str (result))) strong = try (do string "\\textbf{" result <- manyTill inline (char '}') return (Strong result)) whitespace = do many1 (oneOf "~ \t") return Space -- hard line break linebreak = try (do string "\\\\" return LineBreak) str = do result <- many1 (noneOf specialChars) return (Str (normalizePunctuation result)) -- endline internal to paragraph endline = try (do newline notFollowedBy blankline return Space) -- math math = math1 <|> math2 "math" math1 = try (do char '$' result <- many (noneOf "$") char '$' return (TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$"))) math2 = try (do string "\\(" result <- many (noneOf "$") string "\\)" return (TeX ("$" ++ result ++ "$"))) -- -- links and images -- link = try (do string "\\href{" url <- manyTill anyChar (char '}') char '{' label <- manyTill inline (char '}') ref <- generateReference url "" return (Link (normalizeSpaces label) ref)) image = try (do ("includegraphics", _, args) <- command let args' = filter isArg args -- filter out options let src = if null args' then Src "" "" else Src (stripFirstAndLast (head args')) "" return (Image [Str "image"] src)) footnote = try (do (name, _, (contents:[])) <- command if ((name == "footnote") || (name == "thanks")) then string "" else fail "not a footnote or thanks command" let contents' = stripFirstAndLast contents let blocks = case runParser parseBlocks defaultParserState "footnote" contents of Left err -> error $ "Input:\n" ++ show contents' ++ "\nError:\n" ++ show err Right result -> result state <- getState let notes = stateNoteBlocks state let nextRef = case notes of [] -> "1" (Note ref body):rest -> (show ((read ref) + 1)) setState (state { stateNoteBlocks = (Note nextRef blocks):notes }) return (NoteRef nextRef)) -- | Parse any LaTeX command and return it in a raw TeX inline element. rawLaTeXInline :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline rawLaTeXInline = try (do (name, star, args) <- command let argStr = concat args state <- getState if ((name == "begin") || (name == "end") || (name == "item")) then fail "not an inline command" else string "" return (TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ argStr)))